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"Oh, it looks more pleasing to the eye now." Skull General smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, you can take care of the wound on your face, and then enjoy the French dinner I prepared for you."

"Yes, master, thank you for your reward." Erha said very respectfully.

The corner of the skull general's mouth grinned, and he suddenly smiled, laughing heartily, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. The beads are about to flow out.

After trying very hard to stop his smile, he pointed to Erha and said, "Oh, dear Mr. Niubi, you probably didn't expect that, did you? The one who used to be arrogant but extremely hypocritical, the guardian of the nameless cave and The inheritor of the world's number one universe Taoist would want to be a dog so impatiently, tsk tsk... Come on, bark twice for me."

"Wangwang..." Erha lowered his head even lower, allowing the blood on his face to drip drop by drop onto the precious carpet on the floor.

"Haha..." General Skull let out a ferocious and sharp laughter again, which echoed non-stop in this huge space, making people's skin tingle when they heard it.

After laughing, he looked up at the sexy and charming woman, and said, "Dear Miss Hannah, please teach Erha some manners when he eats later, and then introduce him to this brand new world. I have already There is a dog that has no rules except eating and sleeping, I hope Erha is a dog with profound knowledge and rules."

"Okay, dear sir." The woman nodded with a charming smile.

At this moment, a short old man walked quickly in front of General Skull, nodded and said: "Dear Sir, Hill from the Scientific Genetics Department requested to see you, he said that the most perfect genetic superman has been successfully researched Out."

When General Skull heard it, he laughed arrogantly: "Oh, today is a very good day."


Before Li Zedao waited too long, a black BMW off-road vehicle slowly drove out of the Purple Bamboo Garden, and then merged into the traffic flow.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly for an inexplicable amount, and at the same time he kicked the accelerator and followed him as if away.

Twenty minutes later, the BMW stopped at the parking space on the side of the road, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and a rather innocent-looking girl got out of the car respectively.

The man was Li Zedao's target, Wu Ming.

As for that woman, it was naturally one of his mistresses. According to the information, this Wu Ming has a special liking for female students at school, and they all like those with long legs, thin waist and big breasts. It has to be said that men basically see women in the same way.

What's even more weird is that once the girl he fostered graduated from school, Wu Ming simply kicked her, so some girls choose to fail a class or repeat a grade or go to graduate school in order not to be kicked.

So that girl should also be a student at some school.

After getting out of the car, the girl immediately hugged Wu Ming's arm tightly and said something coquettishly. Wu Ming's big hand simply placed on the woman's buttocks that were tightly wrapped by the hip-wrapping skirt. When he pressed hard, his face was full of smug smiles, and the woman gave Wu Ming a flamboyant look. And then sent a kiss.

After that, the two of them walked towards the famous antique street not far away with an extremely affectionate look.

At the same time, Li Zedao also stopped the car, looked through the car window at the two figures turning into the antique street in front of him, opened the door and got out of the car with the corners of his mouth slightly raised in an inexplicable way. He took out the sunglasses and put them on flirtatiously, and walked towards the antique street with a slightly lazy expression.

There are many similar antique streets in Yanjing, of course, the reputation of this antique street is the biggest among them.

Both sides of the antique street are lined with one after another antique shops that look old. Of course, some people simply put some broken pots and bowls with mud on the copper coins on the side of the road. As for whether these things are antiques, the specifics How much it is worth, I am afraid that except for them and those experts with vicious eyes and rich experience, everyone else will probably think it is quite valuable.

To put it bluntly, these seemingly valuable things are not worth much at all. Even if there are occasionally good things mixed in, it's not because the stall owners don't want to deceive people, but because they don't know that things are valuable.

In addition, some people brought the so-called family heirlooms here for identification, or sold them to merchants here, and some even stopped passers-by and said with a mysterious face that he went to rob the tomb a few days ago. A treasure was taken out of the tomb. Are you interested in finding out.

As soon as Li Zedao entered, many stall owners enthusiastically recruited him.

At a young age, the one who looks so flamboyant should be a rich second generation. Fat sheep, if you don't slaughter it for nothing, even if it costs tens of thousands of yuan, that's good.

"Brother, take a look, I have something good here..."

Li Zedao glanced at it, his face was full of contempt, it was all rubbish.

"Handsome guy, look, this was unearthed in a tomb in the Song Dynasty. Look, there is still soil..."

Li Zedao glanced at it, "Damn it, don't think I can't see that you smeared the soil on it, look, the soil is not dry yet."

"Young man, do you know who wrote this? Calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi knows it? I won't tell you ordinary people, but this is Wang Xizhi's authentic work. It's guaranteed to be fake..."

Li Zedao wanted to hit someone with his hands. If Wang Xizhi wrote this copybook, you bastard would have died on the street long ago. Besides, your Wang Xizhi's handwriting is so ugly? Look at those characters... I rubbed it, but I couldn't find a single traditional character.

While getting rid of the entanglement of one stall owner after another, Li Zedao saw from a distance that Wu Ming entered an antique shop called "Baibaozhai" with his arms around the woman's slender waist. Baibaozhai was run by Wu Ming. The antique shop that says there are no fakes but actually has more fakes than genuine ones.

Li Zedao did not follow into the Baibaozhai, but wandered around the antique street. In his opinion, the mysterious old thief was probably an old monster who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Such an old monster Maybe it will appear here. After all, these antiques here can make him nostalgic. In addition, the people who come here are basically rich, and there are many profiteers. It is really a very good place to "rob the rich and help the poor".

That's why Li Zedao didn't attack Wu Ming immediately to force him to do him a favor, but followed him to this antique street.

Of course, whether he can meet that old thief again depends on luck, and Li Zedao doesn't have much hope.

Just when Li Zedao set his eyes on the stalls selling fake goods and the antique-looking shops on both sides with great interest, a begging voice sounded behind him, and then the clothes on his back became more It was pulled gently.

"Sir, can I do you a favor?"

Li Zedao turned around and saw a plainly dressed middle-aged woman looking at him eagerly. The middle-aged woman seemed to have not had a good rest for a long time, so her complexion was sallow, her eyes were bloodshot, and her whole body The person looks haggard, and even speaking is weak.

"Sir, can you help me?" the haggard woman said again.

"Help you for what?" Li Zedao asked with a slight nod.

Seeing that she seemed to be helping, a trace of surprise appeared on the woman's haggard face, and she hurriedly said like a drowning person catching a straw: "Sir, it's like this. My husband has a serious illness. Now In the hospital for emergency treatment, an operation is needed next, but the cost of the operation is simply sky-high for a family like ours. One-third was missing, so I had no choice but to sell a jade hairpin handed down from my family..."

Speaking of which, the woman carefully took out the jade hairpin that was carefully wrapped in cloth and put it in front of Li Zedao, then looked at Li Zedao eagerly and said: "Sir, you see this is it, it is from my ancestors, when I died My mother-in-law said it was a thing from the Song Dynasty, more than a thousand years ago, and said it was consecrated by an eminent monk, and I will pass it on to my daughter-in-law in the future, and pass it down from generation to generation, so that our family can be safe ..."

Li Zedao glanced at the jade hairpin in her hand, nodded and asked, "How much do you plan to sell it for?"

Before the woman could say anything, a middle-aged man with a pot belly quickly approached, looked at Li Zedao and said, "Young man, don't be fooled by her, this woman is a liar, deliberately saying that her husband is sick and has no money for medical treatment It's good to win people's sympathy, there are too many such people, and you can meet a few every day. The jade hairpin in her hand is a fake at all, and it's worth a hundred yuan at most."

"Hey, I said you are a dead liar. I told you that your thing is worth a hundred yuan at most. I would give you two hundred yuan. It would be good, but you still continue to deceive people. It's really disgusting." The middle-aged man pointed at the woman and yelled loudly, as if she had done something wicked.

"I... I'm not a liar. My husband is really waiting for life-saving money in the hospital. This hairpin is indeed my family heirloom. I have had someone identify it before. The price is around 100,000 yuan, and it may be more High." The woman was so anxious that she was about to cry, she looked at Li Zedao with helpless eyes, "Sir, please believe me, I am not a liar, I only buy 70,000, I only need 70,000 is enough..."

"Seventy thousand? I said, why are you not afraid of flashing your tongue? How dare you sell something worth a hundred yuan at most for seventy thousand?" The middle-aged man sneered, looked back at Li Zedao, and immediately changed another enthusiastic face , "Young man, if you like jade hairpins, go to my booth. There are many styles, and there are all kinds of materials from all ages. If you want pure gold, I also have them there. The price is also satisfactory to you. Let's ignore this dead liar."

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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