The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1858 VIP Client

⑧ろ⺗裞蛧Modern salary is the most expensive→ωωω.ろⅢχs.てoм is worth collecting online novel reading network

Sure enough, the self-reported name, many people's eyes lit up, pointing and muttering in a low voice, not a word of envy or admiration, which made the arrogance on Wu Ming's face even stronger. What's more, for a while, I was a little swayed, feeling that I was being too awesome.

"Oh, I don't know." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and stomped heavily on the man's stomach on the ground. The pain caused him to wail again, and even the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"You..." Wu Ming's face was even more ugly, and he was about to explode. He only felt that his cheeks were hot, as if he had been slapped several times by an invisible big hand.

Looking back at Wei Yaoming's bodyguard, he immediately changed his face: "Brother Li, I will trouble you next time. What Wei Shao means is that such an arrogant person should smack his mouth. His hands and feet were also broken."

The bodyguard, who seemed to have a cold face, nodded and said nothing, and then his legs were the first to push hard, and the whole body was like a hungry tiger rushing for food, and rushed towards Li Zedao directly.

This guy is really too arrogant, and he is quite uncomfortable with it.


He appeared in Li Zedao's...palm very quickly!

Yes, Li Zedao simply grabbed his neck, as if he rushed over and delivered his neck to someone else's palm.

Wu Ming almost fell down, and couldn't believe that this scene was real.

The bodyguard was even more dumbfounded, staring at Li Zedao with wide eyes, full of horror and disbelief.

This kid obviously had his back turned to him, and he planned to immediately appear behind this extremely arrogant kid, and then kicked his knee hard. The sound of his bones shattering will be followed closely. For the rest of his life, this kid will only be able to sit in a wheelchair.

But how could he turn around so quickly? Forget it, why did you grab yourself by the neck all of a sudden?

"Surprised?" Li Zedao looked at the bodyguard and grinned.

The bodyguard didn't answer, isn't this nonsense? Besides, his neck was tightly strangled and he couldn't speak at all, and at the same time, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

next second,

Li Zedao pressed his hand down violently, and the face of the bodyguard caught in his hand hit the ground hard, making a scalp-numbing muffled sound, and then his body snapped. He was motionless, as if he was dead, and even more blood flowed out, which looked so shocking.

His fate was almost exactly the same as that of the potbellied man. He underwent plastic surgery and could rely on his face for the rest of his life.

Wu Ming stared blankly at the unknown bodyguard on the ground, as if he was not even breathing, but his heart was extremely restless, as if there were millions of Cao Nima trampling crazily there.

This is Wei Shao's bodyguard. It is said that they are all from the special forces. It's like playing with dozens of hooligans alone. How could they be beaten all at once?

Seeing that kid's eyes that looked so malicious fell on him, Wu Ming's body trembled a few times involuntarily, and panic appeared in his eyes.

He is scared!

He is an extremely shrewd businessman, he can turn a fake into a real one, and he can turn a real thing into a fake, he can fool a smart person into a fool, he can fool a healthy person into a cripple, and he is also very good at appreciating those antiques The eyes of cultural relics are quite venomous, and the authenticity can be determined with a few glances. In addition, they are also very experienced in the industry of antique counterfeiting.

But he is not good at dealing with people. Wu Ming was really worried that his handsome face would come into close contact with the cold ground,

At that time, the concussion will be fine, but it will be really bad if it is disfigured.

"Boss Wu Mingwu from Baibaozhai?" Li Zedao grinned.

"You... what do you think? Someone has already called the police, and the police will arrive soon. If you dare to continue messing around, you will only be in more trouble then." Wu Ming was startled decisively, and stepped back. With big strides, fear and vigilance on his face. This kid obviously has a sunny, bright and harmless smile, but he gives people a gloomy feeling, as if a ghost is grinning at you.

"I didn't think about it. I just wanted to buy a jade bracelet, so I thought of picking one from Boss Wu's store. Boss Wu wouldn't welcome it, right?" Li Zedao laughed.


Wu Ming didn't want his handsome face to come into close contact with the ground, so he had to bite the bullet and lead Li Zedao to the Baibaozhai antique shop he ran. As for the few people lying on the ground, Wu Ming intentionally forgot about them. He didn't send people to rush to the hospital, but asked people to watch and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Wu Ming wished to kill someone, so that this kid couldn't eat and walk around.

Of course, I felt a little uneasy in my heart, not only because the kid's methods were so vicious, and he was still so calm after beating someone up, but also because someone had already called the police, but there was no sign of any policeman, so First of all, the origin of this violent maniac may not be that simple.

It was even more because this damned bastard offered to come to Baibaozhai, Wu Ming was really worried that he would plan to blackmail himself severely, or deliberately loudly said that the store sold all fakes to make himself bad Will the reputation of the store even be smashed?

But no matter what, this beam is completely settled, Wu Ming secretly vowed in his heart that he must find a chance to make this bastard look good.

"Sir, this is Baibaozhai." Wu Ming said, "Please come inside."

"The decoration is nice." Li Zedao smiled and walked in with big strides.

The area inside Baibaozhai is not small, and the decoration is also very antique. There are glass display cabinets, which are full of all kinds of antiques, as large as a porcelain vase as tall as a person, and as small as a soybean-sized jade bead. , There are ancient or modern celebrity calligraphy and paintings hanging on the surrounding walls, and the types are extremely complete.

At the same time, there were a few customers in the store. The handsome guy in a robe or the beautiful waiter in a cheongsam was working hard to introduce those customers, saying that it was hype.

What is the Tang Sancai from the Tang Dynasty? It is the authentic work of Su Shi, a great writer in the Song Dynasty. It is a painting given to sister Qiuxiang by Tang Bohu...

Li Zedao glanced at it a few times, then shook his head slightly. From his point of view, the genuine product here is probably only three grades at most, which is not bad. Of course, even if it is fake, it is more thoughtful than the rubbish outside. Some of them are enough to confuse the real ones. If you don't have rich experience and a pair of shrewd eyes, you may be deceived.

And even if it was genuine, there was nothing too valuable, such as the painting that Tang Bohu gave to sister Qiuxiang. This made Li Zedao almost choke to death on his own saliva.

Return to Baibaozhai? Li Zedao felt that the name "Fake Shop" or "Blowing Bull House" was more suitable for this store.

"Sir, the jade bracelet you need is on the counter over there. I'll take you there right away." Wu Ming made an inviting gesture.

"Do you think there are any good things in that cabinet?" Li Zedao asked with a cold smile.

"This... small shop is not big after all, so there may not be what you want, sir." The smile on Wu Ming's face froze instantly, and he said with difficulty.

"This answer...does it mean to tell me to hurry up?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

" misunderstood, you really misunderstood." Wu Ming quickly said with a smile on his face. I thought that's what your uncle's father meant.

Li Zedao pointed to the antique and pure wooden staircase leading to the second floor and said with a smile: "I heard that the second floor of Baibaozhai is full of rare boutiques. I want to go up and have a look. Is it okay?"

"This... sir, the second floor of our Baibaozhai is only open to VIP customers in the store." The muscles on Wu Ming's face twitched, and he said with some difficulty. There was a rather bad feeling in my heart. Is this bastard planning to smash the second floor, or is he planning to take all the things on the second floor away?

Indeed, valuables are hidden on the second floor.

Wu Ming is a very typical profiteer, so he uses fake products to fool those who don't understand the goods every day.

But there are some people that he would never dare to lie to, such as those who have a strong background but are wealthy and socialites. When doing business with such people, he always behaves well, even There is also a discount, and sometimes things worth tens of millions are even given away directly as favors.

The second floor is dedicated to receiving these people.

"Am I not a VIP customer?" Li Zedao asked back with a smile, even twisted his neck slightly, and rolled up his sleeves.

"..." Wu Ming smiled awkwardly but politely, his lungs were about to explode. This is a threat, a naked threat! Who do you think you are, a fart VIP customer? But unfortunately, he still has to bear it, and he has to temporarily offer him as an ancestor, otherwise he will lose a lot when he makes a big noise when he is unhappy.

"Then, please wait a moment, I'll go up first." Wu Ming had to say.

Wei Yaoming and those young masters and young ladies are on the second floor right now, so I have to talk to them first, especially to Wei Shao, his bodyguard was beaten to the ground, otherwise there will be a verbal conflict If you accidentally hurt someone, it's not good.

Of course, in Wu Ming's heart, he really hoped that this bastard could beat Wei Shao or some young master severely. In this way, this bastard would be like stabbing a hornet's nest. not him.

But before that, I have to go over and talk to them, so that when the group of young masters get beaten up, they will point the finger at me and say that I brought this violent madman over on purpose.

"Why do you have to go up first before I can go up? Could it be that Boss Wu wants to hide the good things first?" Li Zedao smiled and walked towards the wooden stairs with big strides.

"Sir..." Wu Ming couldn't stop him, so he could only cry and scold his mother in his heart to follow.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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