The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1864 Invincible Loneliness

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Immediately Erha remembered the savage he saw at the door of the cell holding a human hand and gnawing his mouth. Compared with this corpse, his horror is probably not much, right?

Therefore, the evil god is no longer as simple as adding wings to a tiger, and no one can stop him.

"Want to know how I did it?" General Skull smiled.

"I think." Erha nodded honestly.

"Oh, kneel down and lick my leather shoes clean, and I'll tell you." The skull-headed general had a playful face, he didn't want to miss any chance to humiliate this bastard openly.

Without any hesitation, Erha simply knelt down, bowed his head and stuck out his tongue, licking General Skull's leather shoes.

General Skull pointed at Erha and laughed like a madman. He shook his head and said, "Oh, dear Ox-nosed Taoist priest, are you still the number one Taoist in the world I knew back then? You really make me... Oh, disappointed."

"I'm not the best in the world, I'm a dog raised by the owner." Erha said very respectfully while licking his leather shoes.

General Skull looked at this groveling guy with an inexplicable glint in his eyes, and said, "Now you know that this world is completely different from the world a thousand years ago, especially in the past two hundred years. It's developing at an unimaginable speed."

General Skull Head said: "So if you want to have absolute strength and develop the potential of the human body to the extreme, you don't have to rely on those cultivation techniques, you don't have to cultivate the invisible aura of heaven and earth, and you don't need talents. You don’t need to be favored by God, and you can rely on high technology.”

"High-tech?" Words like this are extremely unfamiliar to Erha.

General Skull also knew that Erha didn't understand the meaning of these three words, so he simply explained: "Just treat it as some kind of magic medicine, that kind of magic medicine can turn a corpse into a super expert! Such a Even if a master decides to be injured, he will not feel any pain. His strength is endless and he can fight forever. What's more, he only obeys his master's orders and is absolutely loyal, no matter what chips you place Before him he will not betray."

"Thank you master for clarifying the confusion." Erha said, continuing to lick the other leather shoe of General Skull.

"However, it seems that you are not so convinced, right?" General Skull smiled, "In that case, then go ahead and use all your means to defeat the Cerberus,

I hope you win. You know, my heart is for you, the barking of the hellhound is too disturbing. "



When the night was about to fall, Li Zedao drove the off-road vehicle to the small forest that seemed so quiet not far from the Moku Prison.

Li Zedao came to this grove once before, and just like last time, he planned to hide his car here, and then entered the prison of the devil's cave without anyone noticing, and then entered the forest of the devil's cave.

This place is far away from the urban area, and it is desolate. In addition, the surrounding area is known as the most terrifying prison in China. There are troops stationed inside, so few people come to this place. Occasionally, those who come here are basically the racers. Besides, this forest It was so quiet, it looked gloomy and deserted, as if there was some danger hidden, and the timid ones didn't dare to come in at all.

So park your car here and don't worry about being stolen or anything.

Li Zedao didn't sneak into the Devil's Cave Prison immediately. After all, it's not completely dark yet, so it's inconvenient to act. You must know that Director Yang has already asked many FC elites to guard around here. If they act rashly, they will inevitably find out.

Li Zedao didn't want Director Yang to know that he had entered the Devil's Cave Forest again. After all, he didn't have any trust or affection for fc at all.

Of course, for Yang Qinglian's sake, Li Zedao changed his opinion of Director Yang a little bit. He felt that this old man was quite respectable. He dared to try to blow up his subordinate's ass in front of so many people...

After Li Zedao lit a cigarette, he opened the trunk and saw Wu Ming's dead face with his stiff eyes still wide open.

"Do you want to die? Do you think you died unjustly?" Li Zedao reached out with a somewhat contemptuous hand and lifted the corpse out on the ground. Then he took a backpack from inside and put it on his back, and then he put the backpack Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, which was only wrapped in newspaper, was taken out.

When holding the sword, Li Zedao immediately felt heroic.

With a sword in hand, the world has me! With this sword, Li Zedao doesn't need to worry about encountering the so-called perfect genetic superman, one can chop one, two can chop a pair, and a group can be chopped. No matter how hard your body is, you can be dealt with with a single sword strike.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a sense of loneliness that was too cold at a high place!

"Invincible, it's really lonely." Li Zedao sighed, at this moment he can deeply understand what kind of loneliness it was in the past when Dugu was seeking defeat.

After closing the trunk, Li Zedao leaned back on the car body, looked up at the gradually darkening sky, exhaled a puff of smoke heavily, reached into his arms, and finally took out the white safety buckle .

If there is no accident, the master's soul is trapped in this safety button.

Fortunately, when I went to the island country, I kept this safe at home, otherwise I am afraid it will be lost.

Looking at this safety buckle, Li Zedao felt inexplicably sad and remembered the scene when he met Master for the first time.

At that time, he was walking on the school path leading to the playground lined with coconut trees, when the master suddenly appeared and stopped him.

When he turned to the left, the master also followed to the left; when he turned to the right, the master also followed to the right.

At that time, Li Zedao thought that this handsome young man who made him feel jealous was a homosexual, a pervert, and when he saw that he was not bad-looking, he started to flirt with him... So he simply looked at his face He punched in the past but was stopped by him lightly.

Li Zedao thought about it, and with his current strength, his master would definitely not be able to resist the punch. After all, his strength has just touched the realm of returning to nature, and he is a true master of returning to nature.

When he learned of Master's real age later, he almost dropped his jaw in fright.

Then the master taught him by precept and deed, and taught him many things, such as what is the highest level of pretense, and what is the highest level of shamelessness...

Li Zedao felt that Master's achievements in the world of pretense were like a high mountain, even higher than Mount Everest. Future generations can only kneel down to worship and look up, and there is no possibility of surpassing the past at all.

"Master, I don't know if I can succeed, but... I really, really hope to succeed." Li Zedao muttered to himself, his face full of melancholy, "I really hope to sit face to face with you again You are making tea and pretending to be over there."

Yes, the reason why Li Zedao intends to enter the Devil's Cave Forest again is to see if there is really an entrance to the nameless cave as General Skull said, and on the other hand to try to see if he can Resurrection of his master Wang Zi.

The way to revive Master Li Zedao learned about it from a certain animal skin stored in the library in the tomb of the Demon Grotto Forest. It is an extremely ancient method, similar to the ancient so-called witchcraft or sorcery. , according to the above records, this method comes from a people called ghost control tribe in ancient times.

As for the authenticity, there is no way to study it, after all, now you have no way to get relevant information about this nation from any materials.

According to the above records, if a person wants to be reborn, he must first find a place that will not be disturbed by others and set up a so-called soul-calling array. The function of this array is to guide the person's soul into the body in this array.

But to set up such a formation naturally needs to prepare a lot of weird things, such as black dog blood, cinnabar bronze mirror scarecrow, and a few so-called requiem talismans... These things Li Zedao went to fc to develop ghost pills a long time ago Director Yang had already prepared everything for the base.

At that time, Director Yang wondered why Li Zedao needed these things, but he didn't ask any further questions, and happily asked people to prepare everything for Li Zedao to take away.

Furthermore, it needs a fresh body!

So Li Zedao directly turned Wu Ming into a corpse, which is why he didn't beat Wu Ming hard. He was worried that a heavy hand would break the body. More importantly, If he succeeds, Wu Ming will be his master. If he hits his master, it will be struck by lightning.

The chosen location is of course the Devil's Cave Forest, where there is basically no need to worry about being disturbed, but there are no absolutes, who knows if the perfect genetic superman will break in during this period? So Li Zedao took Xuanyuan Xia Yujian with him, and if he really encountered it, there would be no ink marks, and he would directly strike with the sword.

Another point is that there is the world's most poisonous plant Naihe grass planted in this forest. The poisonous mist released by this grass is enough to poison any living thing. Therefore, as soon as Li Zedao arrived in Yanjing, he immediately asked Director Yang for the yellow stone, intending to put it into the mouth of Wu Ming's corpse. It can be integrated into his tongue immediately, and he will not be poisoned and die immediately.

The most troublesome thing about Buna's so-called soul-calling array is preparing the body and other things. The most troublesome thing is how to get the master's soul out of the white safety button.

The only way to do it is to let the Ping An button completely lose its heaven-defying power, so that the master's soul can come out.

As for how to make it lose that heaven-defying power, it is not impossible.

Li Zedao learned from a certain animal skin in the library pavilion inside the tomb that it only needs to soak the multicolored stone with the most filthy and filthy thing for thirty-six hours, that is, three days and three nights, to eliminate its adverse effects. Divine power.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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