The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1870 Arrogant Woman

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Even if the dog bites someone, they will think it is the other party's fault, why don't you just look at my dog ​​more? What are you doing to tease our dog? If you don't bite you, who will you bite? deserve it!

In addition, Li Zedao also discovered a rather strange phenomenon.

The owner of the dog often praises how well-behaved his dog is outside, never messing with others, very obedient, very cute and smart, even if he makes a lot of noise at home and bites the furniture, he still has to praise it in front of outsiders It is a very well-bred dog carefully groomed by myself.

But when it comes to raising children, many parents like to say in front of others how stupid their children are, how mischievous and mischievous they are, they are not as good as other children, if they want to be as good as other children , you don't have to worry about it. The fact is that children have worked hard to do well, but in the eyes of their parents, they can always find faults.

If the puppy barks a few times like "Mom", they will be happy for a long time and say that the dog is too smart; if the children bark "Mom" a few times, they will be very impatient and talk about it. Today's homework is written. Yet? do not bother me……

"Almost? That means you missed it, right? If you missed it, why should you kick our briquettes?" The fat woman glared at Li Zedao, as if she wanted to cross him.

"You mean... I have to wait for your dog to bite someone before I can kick him away?" Li Zedao was stunned, there are still such unreasonable people in this world.

Your dog can bite anyone, but I have to be bitten to fight back?

"Is that what I mean? Really?" The fat woman was pissed off by Li Zedao's distorted meaning, "I tell you, even if our coal ball bites you, you can't touch a hair of it! No, that's it. Take a few bites? I just need to lose money. Is 10,000 enough? Not a hundred thousand! But do you know how much our briquettes are worth? No, our briquettes can’t be measured by money! It’s like mine son, you know?"

Li Zedao is still willing to believe this. Look, their faces look like... even more so when they bared their teeth.

"Aunt, you are being unreasonable." Li Zedao said helplessly. He finally understood why the dog dared to be so arrogant and would bite anyone when it saw it. With such a powerful and arrogant mother protecting it, it naturally floated, almost walking sideways.

What made Li Zedao even more puzzled was that there was already a commotion here, and some people had come to watch, but no one came to quickly take away the little boy he was holding.

Li Zedao already had a bad feeling in his heart,

His generals wouldn't abandon him in this neighborhood, would they?

You must know that although this neighborhood is not high-end, it is not bad. In addition, it is close to the city center, so the price of houses here is naturally ridiculously high. Even if it is rented, the high rent is not affordable for ordinary families.

Judging from the little boy's clothes, Li Zedao didn't think the child's family had such financial capability.

"Aunt? Who is your aunt? You are the aunt, and your whole family is an aunt!" The fat woman was stabbed by the word "aunt", and her face was distorted with anger. If it weren't for the good quality of the layer of * applied on the face, it would have fallen off by now.

who? Are you blind? I am twenty-eight young, you call me aunt? You are the uncle! Your uncle!

"Boy, let me tell you, I'm going to send our briquettes to the hospital as soon as possible. If it can be cured, you will almost pay a hundred and eighty thousand yuan. If it can't be cured, I will kill you!" The fat woman Pointing at Li Zedao's arrogant face, he roared in a sharp voice.

"It seems that you don't intend to reason." Li Zedao was very helpless. I am kind, but the reality forces me to become a prostitute. He planned to convince others with virtue and reasoned well, but he didn't expect that he could only do it in the end.

"Reasonable? My old lady's words are reasonable!" The fat woman snorted coldly, becoming more and more arrogant.

At the same time, the surrounding residents also started pointing.

"It's this ugly and mischievous woman again."

"Isn't it? Except for her, who has always relied on this big dog to show off its power. Two days ago, that dog bit Old Man Yang in Building No. 3. Instead, Old Man Yang threatened him, saying that he was too ugly to be scared." When it comes to the dog, the dog will bite people because it thinks it has seen a ghost... Isn’t that unreasonable? In the end, I can only pay some compensation.”

"I don't even piss and take pictures of myself. How dare she call others ugly just because she looks like that? Like a pig, no, pigs are cuter than her."

"Shh, keep your voice down, this woman has a big background. Her father seems to be the director of the bureau. The property manager in our community sees her as if seeing his own mother. Seeing that dog is like seeing her." As for my brother, if he was someone else's dog who dared to bite people like this in the community, he would have been culled by the security guards long ago."

"I'm afraid this young man is going to be in bad luck..."

"Isn't it? It's estimated that a loss of one hundred and eighty thousand would be light. Seeing that woman's virtue, she didn't want to let him go."


"Bastard, don't even think about running away, go to the hospital with my mother right now." The fat woman pointed at Li Zedao and shouted. The awe-inspiring eyes of the onlookers made her even more elated. She thinks that she is too awesome, and she will trample you to death if she wants to step on you, without any discussion at all.

Before Li Zedao could say anything, a girl's voice suddenly came: "Oh, you damn fat woman is ugly, you dare to point at my dear boss's nose and scold him, you really deserve to die!"

Li Zedao smiled, he had already seen Cong Miya's hot and sexy figure.

"Who? Which bitch is it? Stand up for my old lady." The fat woman roared sharply, her face was distorted again due to excessive anger, and her nose was simply crooked.

Originally, her beloved Hei Qiu was kicked by this bastard who deserved to kill a thousand knives for no reason, which already made her very angry, but then this bastard actually called her aunt, which was like adding fuel to the fire. Now there is a bitch who dares to call her a fat woman and ugly in front of so many people... This time the volcano just erupted!

She wants to find out this damn bitch, and then show off her terrifying energy in front of her. She wants the other party to know deeply how tragic it will be if she provokes her!

So, Mia, who was wearing a close-fitting sportswear that showed off her hot body well, came out.

The moment Mia walked out, the eyes of those onlookers lit up. This is not only a beautiful and sexy woman, but also a beautiful and sexy foreign woman who speaks standard Mandarin!

And when she saw this beautiful foreign woman, the fat woman's face was even more distorted, and there was extremely strong jealousy in her eyes.

This bitch, it doesn't matter if she has a good figure, but her face is so pretty and her skin is so good, I really want to grab her face.

"Oh, dear boss, just leave it to me." Mia smiled at Li Zedao with an ambiguous expression, and looked curiously at the little boy who was hugged by him and knew how to giggle. Curious because she felt that the little boy's expression seemed a little abnormal. Of course, she didn't think about it for a while and said that this little boy has congenital mental retardation.

Mia probably knows exactly what happened. Just now when she went to the balcony to see if the boss came back, she happened to see the scene where the boss picked up the little boy with one hand and kicked the dog away. .

Afterwards, this damn fat woman appeared on the stage, pointing at Li Zedao and scolding Li Zedao with bad words as soon as she appeared on the stage, Mia felt that she was very angry and hurried downstairs to help the boss find the place again. After all, her boss is such a kind and noble gentleman, letting him fight such a shrew in front of so many people is really degrading his status.

She's going to make this damn fat woman pay dearly.

Li Zedao glanced at the fat woman with pity, and said with a smile: "Then leave it to you, just don't make any appointments."

"Oh, dear boss, don't worry, I'm sensible." Mia smiled charmingly. Li Zedao caught a hint of danger from her charming eyes.

Seeing that this foreign woman didn't even look at her, instead she was only eyeing that bastard, the fat woman was so angry that the flesh on her face trembled wildly.

"Stinky bitch, looking at your sultry face, I guess you have to change a man every day, right?" She cursed sharply and viciously at the same time, she took two steps forward, and raised her fat hand violently. When I got up, I wanted to slap Mia on that face!

Smelly bitch, my old lady has smashed your face, let's see if you dare to be so arrogant in the future!

But she seriously underestimated Mia's strength. She thought this woman was that kind of coquettish big-breasted and brainless slut, but she didn't know that she was an extremely terrifying killer. She could kill a tough woman like her Ten dead.

She overestimated herself even more. She thought she was so arrogant that she never dared to provoke her, let alone fight back.

Therefore, she was decisively tragic!

Only a crisp sound of "啪!" was heard, and the fat woman's face was slapped squarely by Mia, who arrived first, and the fat body turned around in a circle, and then slammed heavily. Sitting on the ground with her buttocks, the dog that was hugged by her with one arm also fell heavily to the side, barking "oooo..." in pain, but couldn't stand up.

Li Zedao's kick just now directly dislocated the bones of this dog's body. Before it received treatment, it would not even think about standing up and biting people.

Those onlookers were dumbfounded, their expressions were as if they saw pigs flying in the sky, they never thought that this foreign woman not only dared to make a move, but she even made such a move so viciously that she slapped the The arrogant and domineering woman who weighed two hundred catties was slapped and fell to the ground.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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