The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1872 Taiyin and Shaoyang

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So many people downstairs saw me holding this little boy and walking into this unit, so the helper called by the fat woman rushed over to make trouble, or if the little boy's family came back to look for the child, someone would definitely tell them of.

At this time, the fat woman was still making a sound like killing a pig and scratching her body frantically. Naturally, she had no time to call someone to come over. Besides, if the person who vented her anger came to the door, knock on the door The sound was not like this at all, it was soft and nervous, as if worried about disturbing the people in the room, but would simply smash the door open?

Besides, Li Zedao could already clearly hear a person outside, and that person's breathing was short and anxious, so he was basically sure.

At that moment, Li Zedao reached out and picked up the little boy with a smirk on his face all the time, walked to the door that was knocked lightly again, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

"Hi, may I ask... Bao'er? Bao'er...My Bao'er, you scared my mother to death..." When the woman in plain clothes standing outside the door saw the little boy in Li Zedao's hand, Now his face was full of excitement and relief.

The boy still had an abnormal smile on his face, but he also spoke, calling out in an indistinct tone: "Mom...Mom..." Then he stretched out his little hand to the woman.

"He...he is my son..." The woman looked at Li Zedao timidly but gratefully.

"I know." Li Zedao nodded and handed the child over. Let alone her reaction at this time, and the child has already called "Mom", she is undoubtedly the mother of the child.

The woman quickly reached out to take it, hugged her tightly, and kissed the little boy hard on the face a few times, her voice choked up: "Bao'er, you scared mom to death, it's all mom's fault, mom shouldn't You are left there alone..."

Li Zedao opened his mouth, but he didn't ask why she left the child there alone, or if she was planning to abandon the child but couldn't bear it, so she went back to look for it.

Happy people are all the same, but unfortunate people have their own misfortunes, so such inquiries are equivalent to sprinkling salt on other people's wounds.

"Sir, I have already heard what happened from an old man downstairs. He said that you rescued my Bao'er from the big black dog's mouth and had a conflict with the dog's owner. After that, I hurried in In this unit, I searched from the first floor to the first floor, and knocked on the door one by one... Thank you, thank you very much." The woman saw Li Zedao's voice choked up and simply described, and the moment her legs became weak, she was about to kneel in front of Li Zedao .

for women,

She had no more resources to repay the favor she had received, so she could only say thank you over and over again, and planned to kneel down and knock her head on the floor.

"You don't need to do this, as long as the child is fine." Li Zedao quickly reached out to support her, preventing her from kneeling down. He really couldn't bear this kind of thank you.

Besides, to him, he just did an extremely insignificant little thing, and he won't lose anything because of it, and he doesn't expect to gain anything, including the mother's gratitude.

"Thank you...then Bao'er and I will go first." The woman bowed to Li Zedao gratefully again, then turned and walked to the stairs, and went downstairs from there.

It seems that she didn't intend to take the elevator down and leave. As for why she chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, Li Zedao didn't know very well, and didn't think too much about it.

Rescuing the little boy was nothing more than an insignificant episode in his life to him. This incident will soon disappear from his mind, and he probably won't be able to remember it in the future.

When Li Zedao withdrew his gaze and closed the door, Mia and An Keke, who looked at him with admiration, hugged his arms from left to right.

"Oh, dear boss, seeing that mother thanking you with gratitude, and even planning to kneel down, I feel weird in my heart." Mia said, "But it's very comfortable."

"This is the joy of doing good." An Keke said with a smile. Every time she makes a donation, she imagines the gratitude on the faces of those in need and the thanks again and again, and she will feel this way.

"Oh, so, in the future, I will be like the boss and help others often." Mia looked at Li Zedao with fiery eyes.

Li Zedao was very relieved, he felt that he had completely influenced a demon.

"In the future, you don't have to do laundry, cooking, and cleaning the room. You, together with Keke and Susan, will take care of the Tiandao Gene Association." Li Zedao said looking at Mia.

"Oh, you've already put me to sleep, and I'm the proprietress now, so naturally I won't be cooking and washing clothes." Mia blinked, with a smug smile on her face.



The woman hugged her son tightly as if she was afraid of losing the child again, and soon she came down from the eleventh floor, glanced at the bustling small garden and did not stop, but walked quickly with the child in her arms leave.

"Taiyin, you can put me down, I'm about to be strangled to death by you." When the two walked out of the community and came to a corner with few people, the little boy in his arms suddenly said.

The voice seemed old and hoarse, and the tone was full of disgust. How could this sound like something a four or five-year-old boy with a mental retardation could say?

An inexplicable smile also appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and her whole demeanor changed drastically. It was no longer the nervous and cowardly person who had never seen the market before, but gave off an extremely cold and dangerous look. Feel.

At that moment, she casually threw the little boy out like she was throwing garbage, but the little boy didn't fall heavily on the ground as expected, but stood there firmly.

Looking at his dirty little face, why is there still a smirk on his face? On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of unimaginable vicissitudes.

"Shaoyang, your acting skills are not bad. I don't know your details, but I really think you are a mentally handicapped brat. Come on, call me mom." The woman teased with an inexplicable smile on her face.

The little boy glanced up at the woman, and responded lightly: "You are not bad, you managed to make such vigilant people really think that you are a distraught mother from the countryside who has lost her child and has never seen anything in the world."

The woman giggled, and she gave out a charming laugh like a young woman, but because of her appearance, it naturally gave people a feeling that this woman was possessed by a ghost, which really made people's scalp tingle.

"Didn't it be nice to rub your face on my old lady's chest just now?" The woman's voice has become delicate and full of provocative taste, "Is it hard? Oh, I forgot that you are looking for such a fleshy little penis It’s so small, it’s not yet fully developed, so it’s definitely not going to be hard.”

"The body you're looking for isn't much better. It's an airport at all, what a fart." The little boy retorted with a black line on his face, and then there was a rather obscene expression on that little face, "Shaoyin is looking for you!" That body is not bad, if you want a figure with a figure, you want a face with a face, it is really attractive."

"Whether she's attractive or not doesn't matter to you, but your penis is like a toothpick, and it won't be hard." The woman sneered.

"Taiyin, I'm warning you, if you're talking about my body, I'll be anxious for you." The little boy put his hands on his hips, and his dirty little face was full of evil spirits.

"I am still afraid of you as a little kid?" The woman sneered, her face full of disdain, and she even rolled up her sleeves, "Why don't you find a place to fight now? For more than a thousand years, how can I Isn't beating you up for fun?"

"Only a shameless old woman like you has the face to say such words that make people laugh out loud." The little boy looked up at the woman, his dirty little face was full of sarcasm, Pointing to an office building with more than 20 floors not far away, "I kind of follow me to the roof of that building, and I will teach you the principles of life."

"Who is afraid of whom?" The woman sneered all over her face, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

The little boy also flashed and disappeared.

In less than two minutes, these two people had already appeared on the roof of the twenty-six-story building a hundred meters away. The two stood facing each other, facing each other like a decisive battle between top experts.

Of course, one looks like a rural woman who has suffered vicissitudes, and the other is a four or five-year-old kid, so the confrontation between the two really gives people a rather funny feeling.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The atmosphere at the scene froze, and the already chilly air seemed to be frozen.

They are all waiting quietly, waiting to give each other a fatal blow.

Although they both look down on each other, they actually recognize each other's strength from the bottom of their hearts, so no one dares to be careless.

Suddenly, a scrap of paper scraped from nowhere flew towards the middle where they were standing, and at the moment when the scrap of paper was about to hit the ground, an extremely majestic and old voice suddenly sounded: "Stop!" !"

In an instant, it was as if the glass was smashed by a hammer, and the frozen atmosphere at the scene was also shattered by this unquestionable sound.

"Taiyin, you are lucky." The little boy pouted. With that guy coming, this fight will naturally be impossible, otherwise, if you don't give that guy face, the end will be quite tragic. That guy's methods are very perverted, and he doesn't dare to provoke him easily.

"You are lucky, otherwise you would have been thrown down here by now." The woman sneered, respectful and fearful of the owner of the voice, naturally she had to listen to his words.

After a few words of tit-for-tat, the two looked up at the old man who had appeared there at some point as if they had made an appointment.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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