The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1890 time is far from enough

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Li Zedao thinks about it too. After all, there are no phones, mobile phones, or QQ or WeChat for more than a thousand years. It is not easy to chat for a long time. It is not like taking a photo and sending a message to let your relatives far away know your current situation. situation?

"Actually, Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctors, is the eldest disciple of Daoist Qiankun." Li Zedao said.

"What?" A trace of astonishment appeared on Mrs. Sun's calm old face, and it is conceivable that Li Zedao's words seriously irritated him.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and roughly talked about what he learned from Qingxuzi and what happened to him.

"Unexpectedly, the truth is so. No wonder you have an extremely cold and violent aura. If you hadn't been slightly suppressed by the five-colored stone, I'm afraid it would have attacked your soul a long time ago. By then, your soul will be scattered, and the gods will not be able to save you." Old Sun shook his head and said, but his heart couldn't help twitching a few times.

He said nothing and never thought that this would be a conspiracy planned by Duanmu Weizhuang, the eldest disciple of Daoist Qiankun, which lasted for more than a thousand years. What is even more unacceptable is that he is actually an accomplice!

If he didn't nod his head, Huang Wen and Huang Longfeng wouldn't have any chance to study Onimaru at all.

The reason why he agreed to study ghost pills is that he was also curious about what kind of anti-natural effect this pill has. Even if its side effects can be completely eliminated, then China's army will become the most powerful army in the world by then, and it will be quite easy. things.

Fortunately, his plot was destroyed by Li Zedao, otherwise such a murderer would really come out, and his danger would be compared to the old days when he used the technique of gathering yin and nourishing yang to improve his own cultivation, so he did not know how many girls from good families he had killed If the evil gods come, I'm afraid there is nothing worse than living, right?

As for Shenwan, this kind of magic medicine that can completely cleanse a person's marrow and cut bones, and completely strengthen his soul, Mr. Sun is even more interested. Unfortunately, this kind of magic medicine is more difficult to refine than Guiwan. Nothing less than that, fc spent a lot of hard work, after all, it only produced one.

In addition, the requirements for users are even more stringent. Babies who are not full-term in the mother's body are forced to come out of the mother's womb, and then have to take drugs for more than ten years. Unexamined, IQ is far lower than ordinary people.

This is not counted, after taking it in the end, whether it can succeed or not depends on the arrangement of fate.

Old Sun looked at Li Zedao peacefully, thinking that although this child looks so powerful now, possessing unimaginable resources and wealth, he probably resents taking Shenwan and completely transforming this thing. thing?

Li Zedao smiled wryly,

Too many people have said similar things, from Qing Xuzi at the beginning, to the old thief, and then Mrs. Miejue, and now, Mr. Sun said similar things again.

"Old Sun, is there a way to eliminate this violent spirit in me?" Li Zedao asked.

"Of course there are." After Sun Lao gave a positive answer, he sighed and shook his head, "It's just..."

The word "just" really made Li Zedao want to spit out blood. He felt that these two words were too much. Thanks to my confidence in you, you really let me down.

"Time is far from enough." Sun Lao gave his thoughts.

"I also ask Mr. Sun to express it clearly." Li Zedao was a little dazed, but because of his extremely fast reaction ability, he couldn't understand what it meant that the time was far from enough.

"Through comprehension of the "Tianji Picture Scroll", the aura of heavenly secrets generated by then can indeed completely suppress such violent aura, but if you want to comprehend it thoroughly, with your talent and intelligence, it may take about a hundred years to comprehend it. Can be great..."

Mr. Sun said that he has given Li Zedao enough face for about a hundred years, and of course he has considerable confidence in him. After all, he is a person who has been completely reformed by Shenwan, and has an understanding that is unmatched by others.

In fact, he once heard Taoist Qiankun say that from ancient times to the present, there are only two people who really understand the scrolls of heavenly secrets. One is Lao Tzu who is one of the Three Purities, and the other is Master Xuanhuang, the founder of the Tianji Sect.

"Hundred years?" Although he knew for a long time that he would never succeed in enlightenment in this life, Li Zedao's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys still hurt a little after hearing what Sun Lao said.

"It's just..." Old Sun shook his head and sighed heavily, "Let's say it's been a hundred years, if I'm not mistaken, within a month, the violent energy in your body will completely erupt. , Immortals cannot be saved."

Li Zedao's hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, his pupils suddenly became round, and he couldn't believe his ears.

No matter how strong your heart is, you probably have some psychological preparations, but if someone tells you that you will definitely die in a month when you don't want to die at all, your reaction will naturally not be calm.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao thought of saying that what Sun Lao said was similar to that of the old thief. They basically gave you a roughly accurate time and told you how long it would take for the violent energy in your body to erupt.

As for Qing Xuzi and the Miejue Shitai in Ganluan, they don't know when the violence will erupt, it may be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even you in the next second Just die, and there is a possibility that the violent air will not erupt at all.

Who is right? Or, all right? It's just that Mr. Sun still has the cultivation base of the old thief or his medical skills are more advanced, so they can see it more thoroughly?

"It seems that someone has already reminded you." Sun Lao poured tea into the empty cup in front of Li Zedao and said. After all, he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, and the change of expression on Li Zedao's face cannot escape his eyes.

Although his eyes were shocked and then darkened, but the reaction was not too big, it is conceivable that he had already prepared in his heart.

"Yes, my master Qingxuzi said similar things that day, so he taught me the "Tianji Tujuan"." Li Zedao nodded and smiled bitterly, "He also said that as long as he thoroughly comprehends, he will definitely be able to understand all the things in his body. The violent air is eliminated."

"Your master is right, but he should also know that you don't have that much time to comprehend the "Tianji Picture Scroll", so he should have mentioned to you another method that might be able to eliminate the hostility. Right?" Elder Sun pointed out something.

At the same time Li Zedao thought about it, he said with a wry smile on his face: "Yes, Master, the old man mentioned to me about the unknown cave, saying that if you pass the test of the unknown cave, you can be reborn and reborn. Naturally, it can be solved... Before he had time to say more details, he passed away."

Li Zedao thought about it, probably Qing Xuzi didn't know much about the Wuming Cave, even though Taoist Qiankun left him the head of the cave before he left and asked him to prepare to clean up the sect, but he didn't seem to say much to him .

Or maybe Qing Xuzi was clear about it, and was about to be irritated to death by his own words at that time, so it was too late to say more?

Li Zedao also felt that Qing Xuzi was very lucky, he died in time, otherwise he would be beaten to death by Sister Bei.

"Mr. Sun, you are well-informed. You should have heard of the Wuming Cave, right? Does the Wuming Cave really exist?" Li Zedao pretended that he didn't understand that well, and looked at Mr. Sun expectantly.

Old Sun picked up the cup of fragrant tea, took a sip, and said after a while of silence: "The Wuming Cave does exist, and more than a thousand years ago, I entered it once."

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly, and there was a huge wave in his heart. He was thinking that this is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, so he wanted to see if he could dig out some information about the unknown cave. Unexpectedly, he was the same as the Juejue teacher, saying that he had also been to the Wuming Cave.

It seems that Mr. Sun and Miejue Shitai, who is likely to be the old lover of Daoist Qiankun, are old acquaintances most of the time. Could it even be... Elder Sun, Daoist Qiankun and Miejue Shitai only saw that there was a relationship once. A vigorous love triangle?

For a while, Li Zedao's gossip heart was burning fiercely. If he was not worried about the other party's turning his face, he would have wanted to ask this question.

"Elder Sun has been there? What kind of place is that?" Li Zedao quickly drank a cup of tea to calm his restless heart. Of course, he would not be foolish enough to say that he accidentally met an old nun who was called extinct, and learned about the Wuming Cave in detail from her.

He wanted to be verified. Of course, he might get a completely different answer in the end.

He would not be foolish enough to fully believe Miejue Shitai's words, and naturally he would not fully believe everything this old Sun said.

Throwing out the tea dregs and replacing them with new ones, Mr. Sun continued to perform the flowing tea art and said, "Although it's hard to believe, the Wuming Cave does exist. It is rumored that the Wuming Cave is the Tianji Gate The patriarch Xuanhuang, the founder of the sect, transformed into the cave where Xianqian lived, and was later transformed by Xuanhuang into an extremely powerful formation eye. Through this formation eye, you will be transported to an unknown and brand-new space. In that space, as long as you pass the trial, you will break through the shackles that ordinary people can reach when practicing Qi, and then you will be qualified to become a fairy."

"Realist Xuanhuang's cave?" Li Zedao naturally perfectly expressed his surprise on his face, thinking that what Mr. Sun said was no different from what Mr. Miejue said and what he had learned.

"As for whether this is really the case, I don't know, but it is true that the eyes can teleport you to another dimension." After a while of silence, Elder Sun continued.

"Another space? What kind of space is that? Is there really another space?"

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