The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1893 Go through the back door

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"Although experts who return to basics have a long lifespan without disease or disaster, their lifespan will eventually come to an end! But becoming a god is different. Gods will live the same life as the heaven and the earth, so for a time, many The masters who usually hide and seldom see each other have heard the news, and everyone is looking for the whereabouts of Daoist Qiankun."

As he spoke, an inexplicable emotion was already revealed in Elder Sun's eyes.

Li Zedao frowned and couldn't understand, and asked: "Since that Taoist Qiande leaked the news about Wuming Cave, shouldn't those masters gather in Wuming Cave? Why are they looking for Daoist Qiankun?" whereabouts?"

"That's because the key to unlocking the Unnamed Cave is in the hands of Daoist Qiankun." Elder Sun glanced at Li Zedao and gave the answer.

"Key?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. Let me just say, how can it be so simple to enter the Wuming Cave? It seemed that the nameless cave that he had inadvertently broken into was not the legendary nameless cave at all.

It seems that just as I thought in my heart, my Grand Master Uncle really wants to reap the suspicion of being a fisherman. He knows that there is no way to get the key of the Wuming Cave from Grand Master, and even if he dares to appear in Tai Master at will In front of him, maybe he will be killed. After all, his strength as a master known as "the second in the world" is not as strong as his elder brother who is called "the number one in the world".

So he spread the secret directly, and his senior brother would naturally become the target of public criticism for a while, and he would fish in troubled waters.

"Do you know what the key to the Unnamed Cave is?" Elder Sun asked again, looking at Li Zedao with quite... special eyes.

It gives the impression that this is an old man greedily looking at a... peerless handsome boy, like a vulture with extreme hunger looking at a pile of fresh corpses.

Being stared at by the old man with such eyes, Li Zedao felt his body tense, goosebumps appeared on his skin, and he almost threw the tea tray on the table at his face without holding back!

"Mr. Sun's it too much?" Li Zedao restrained all his expressions, and said in a displeased tone.

It's okay to be stared at by a beautiful woman with such eyes, but this is an old man, an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years...

"The one next door to Spicy!" Li Zedao cursed inwardly.

"Uh...oh, Young Master Li, I'm really sorry, I was rude." Elder Sun said with a slightly embarrassed and apologetic smile,

He has also realized that his eyes are indeed a little too much, it is too easy to make people fantasize.

Li Zedao snorted coldly, his expression still gloomy, he picked up the tea and drank it.

Elder Sun smiled awkwardly again, and stopped showing off, and quickly gave the answer. After all, he had to let Li Zedao, who had obviously misunderstood, know that the reason why he looked at him like that was not what he thought at all. It's so... creepy.

This kid is good at everything, but he likes to think of others as wretched like him.

"In fact, the key is the scroll of heavenly secrets."

"..." Li Zedao simply spit out a big mouthful of tea from his mouth, widened his eyes and opened his mouth wide, really couldn't believe what he heard.

The scroll of heavenly secrets? The so-called key to open the nameless cave turned out to be the scroll of secrets?

For a while, Li Zedao thought through a lot of things.

He probably understood what the old thief was trying to do to him, understood why Sun Lao came to him, and even more understood why he had stared at him like that just now.

"I still don't quite understand." Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath. So, that tattered "Tianji Tujuan" is the key? This is really unbelievable, how could the book be the key? Or is it that the content in the book that makes people's heads turn muddy when they see it is actually a spell like "open sesame"?

Facing the door of the Nameless Cave, reciting these spells silently, will the door of the Nameless Cave be opened?

"To be more precise, the key is actually the aura of heavenly secrets produced after practicing the "Tianji Tuanjuan." After all, it is an old monster that has lived for more than a thousand years, so Old Sun naturally understands where Li Zedao's doubts lie.

"Still don't understand." Li Zedao was even more at a loss.

"To put it simply, after the conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave is opened on the Double Ninth Festival, the powerful aura it releases will seriously repel those who try to approach it. Even if you are a master of returning to basics, once you get close , and will be blown away by that unimaginably powerful aura at once, causing severe injuries or even death, there is no room for luck at all.”

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he understood it all at once, and asked with great difficulty: "So, what Mr. Sun means is that that mysterious power... won't reject the aura of heaven?"

"That's true." Sun Lao nodded, and said in an unastonishing tone, "In fact, that powerful aura is exactly the aura of heaven!"

Li Zedao was dumbfounded: "Aura of secrets?"

"Yes, the aura of secrets. Of course, it is an extremely majestic aura of secrets, but Li Shao, the aura of secrets in your body is quite weak. For example, if you compare that aura of secrets to Wang Yang, And the secret aura in Li Shao's body is a small tributary of that vast ocean."

Hearing such an explanation, Li Zedao was suddenly enlightened, and at the same time, he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen, and it was completely different from what he had just thought. , This is the so-called like attracts like and dislike repels, right?

"The "Tianji Picture Scroll" is the treasure of the Tianji Sect, and the nameless cave is said to be rebuilt by Daoist Xuanhuang who came back on a crane one day after he became a fairy, and the secrets of the Wuming Cave are passed down from generation to generation by the Tianji Sect... So in my opinion, the rumor should be true. The conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave should be left by Xuanhuan Daoist. The volume of "Tianji Picture Volume" is convenient for his disciples and grandchildren to enter another world through that back door and become a god-like existence."

"..." Li Zedao felt that the old man's explanation was really wonderful. It seems that "going through the back door" is an instinct of human beings. The road has flourished.

"It's just..." Li Zedao frowned and asked his own question, "My Grand Master Uncle Qiande Daochang also became the head of the Tianji Sect after all, so it's impossible that he hasn't practiced the "Tianji Picture Scroll"?"

"This principle is like everyone can sit under the bodhi tree and realize the Tao, but only Shakya Buddha can become a Buddha."

Sun Lao said: "Of course, Taoist Qiande has seen the "Tianji Picture Scroll", but he has not cultivated the Qi of Tianji. As far as I know, if you want to cultivate the breath of Tianji, you must have the roots of wisdom and great wisdom. , and also received the favor and blessing of a certain mysterious force in the dark... So, Li Shao, you are a person with great wisdom and great wisdom just like your great master Qiankun Daoist, so you are studying "" After reading "Tianji Diagram Scroll", the Qi of Tianji was generated in the body, but in the eyes of others, it was just a book from heaven that was messed up and couldn't be understood at all."

"..." Li Zedao didn't expect that since this old man has such profound attainments in the art of flattering, he will almost catch up with his tea art.

This flattering, obviously knew that he was flattering, but he couldn't help but think that he was seriously stating a fact.

Li Zedao laughed in his heart, he really is a genius.

In this rather long period of more than a thousand years, the only person in front of him who has cultivated the Qi of Heavenly Secrets is Tai Shifu, and he does not know if there will be someone who will come later... But now, Tai Shifu has no idea where to go He may have died, so he is the only one left with the aura of heavenly secrets.

How coquettish is this? How lonely, can you feel it?

Li Zedao even misses a poem: The ancients are not seen before, and the comers are not seen in the future. Thinking of the long distance between the world and the earth, I am sad and tearful alone.

Li Zedao felt how he could understand Dugu Qiubai's loneliness and loneliness at this moment.

"Young Master Li...Young Master Li..." Seeing the silly expression on this kid's face, it was obvious that he was intoxicated with himself, and Elder Sun was inexplicably amused. Although he is a strong back-to-basics man, although he has cultivated the aura of heavenly secrets, he is still a young man.

Isn't the favorite thing for young people to do is self-indulgence? The tail of the two casual praises will rise to the sky.

Li Zedao reacted quickly and took a sip of tea from his cup to clear his throat, intending to let the old man continue to praise himself... No, he was telling the truth, but he was embarrassed.

"So, what Elder Sun means is that the conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave not only does not reject the person with the aura of heaven, but also absorbs it, and other people only need to follow the person with the aura of heaven, and they can enter the place with him. Conveyor belt?"

"That's true. It is said that a person with the aura of heaven can lead four people into the conveyor belt." Sun Lao looked at Li Zedao and couldn't help but change again.

Just like before, like an old man greedily looking at a peerless young man, like a very hungry vulture facing a pile of fresh corpses.

This time Li Zedao's reaction was not so big, after all, he already fully understood what the old man wanted to do.

"So, back then, there must have been many people trying to find my grand master to give gifts to the old man? Elder Sun also went there at that time? And with the relationship between you Sixiang and my grand master, you can't get close first?" Li Ze said. Naturally, I will not take the initiative to say that I am willing to take you to the Wuming Cave, but continue to ask about the past.

I also probably understand what the cause of the big battle that broke out in the Wuming Cave that Miejue Shitai said was, presumably everyone is fighting for the spot?

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