The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1895 Three Dogs

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So Erha knew very clearly that what General Skull said was not to the three of them, but to him. After all, among the three dogs, he was the most normal one.

"Oh, dear Erha, you are such a good dog... First, lick my leather shoes clean before talking." General Skull said with a smile. He never let go of any opportunity to humiliate this ox-nosed Taoist priest, and of course he wouldn't be so boring as to purposely create such an opportunity.

He is the evil god, he is the world's number one master evil god! He didn't bother to do such a boring thing.

Erha hurriedly nodded and knelt down, and skillfully licked the pair of leather shoes worn by the skull-headed general...anything, the more you do it a few times, the more proficient you will be.

"Oh, Erha, you are really getting better and better." General Skull said appreciatively, "You look more and more like a dog."

"Thank you master for the compliment. Erha is a dog." Erha nodded and bowed, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

"Okay, I'll give you half an hour to kill everyone on this island, and then come back to see me." General Skull took Erha's expression into full view, He said with a smile.

He is planning to leave the island now, and he will never come back again. Before leaving, he naturally wants to destroy it completely. He has long seen that the United States is quite unhappy. How can he leave something for them at this time?

"Kill them all?" Erha was slightly taken aback, his mind trembling extremely violently. He probably knows now that there are at least three hundred people on this island, men, women and children, including those scientists, those carefully trained warriors, and the women who were taken captive to this island to be used as sex tools. Now the evil god is planning to kill them all.

Sure enough, the evil god is still the evil god from more than a thousand years ago, the evil god who won't blink his eyelids when killing people!

General Skull was still smiling, but he raised his hand, and slapped Erha's face directly, and patted Erha after he was done.

The speed is not fast, and the strength is not great, but it is full of humiliation.

"Oh, damn Erha, do I need to say it again?" General Skull said with a smile, then took out the white handkerchief and wiped his hand, as if it touched something dirty. It's like something.

"I was wrong, master." Erha was full of panic, and quickly knelt and kowtowed to apologize, "Please forgive me, master."


You are the most obedient, hardworking and most pleasing dog I have raised, and of course I will forgive you. General Skull had a hot and weird smile on his face, "Just you have to remember, I don't want to say any sentence a second time, otherwise I will be very angry. "

"I remember, master." Erha said.

"Very well, I originally wanted the three of you to go. Now, go by yourself. I will give you an hour and a half to kill all the people on the island. If you dare to leave a life, oh... you know the consequences."

"I will complete the task, master." Erha lowered his head even lower.

"Oh, very good." General Skull nodded very satisfied, and then his eyes fell on the Tibetan Mastiff, "Oh, damn it, you bastard, you follow Erha, watch him kill, and help yourself Get ready for food... Oh, damn it, what is so bad about eating that you like to eat people's fingers? Damn it, it's really disgusting, you should cook it before eating it..."

"Master, can Erha keep a woman for himself?" Erha asked cautiously.

General Skull was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Oh, of course, I allow you to keep two women."

"Thank you, master." Erha said happily.

"Oh, all right, get out of here quickly." General Skull threw the handkerchief in his hand viciously on the face of the Tibetan mastiff.

How could such a wise and suave person raise such a tasteless and disobedient dog? Oh, I really want to butcher him for stew.

Erha and the Tibetan mastiff flashed and disappeared there instantly.


"I still remember that when Daoist Gande came to the four of us at that time, he had already had a fierce battle with two groups of masters, and he was seriously injured. The four of us quickly helped him heal his injuries." Elder Sun said, "Before the injury was fully recovered, Taoist Quan Kun asked the four of us to escort him to the Nameless Cave."

"Taoist Qiankun said that he knew that he was powerless to escape the search of so many experts, and he was also worried that those experts would attack him when they couldn't find his whereabouts, so he had to turn passive into active and go directly to the nameless cave. , After the Wuming Cave, so many masters gather together, everyone wants to get him, but it is not convenient for anyone to take the lead."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, thinking that Grand Master still has a lot of brains, so that would put those forces in a state of hostility, and in turn, he himself would be safer.

"It's naturally obligatory for friends to trust each other. The four of us immediately escorted Taoist Qiankun on the road. With the four of us here, those who were eyeing tigers naturally didn't dare to take action at will, but there were a few large-scale incidents along the way. Fight." Sun Lao once again had a righteous face, as if he would go through fire and water for his friends.

This made Li Zedao couldn't help complaining again in his heart. This old man is really shameless. It is obviously a profitable thing, but how come his mouth always becomes so great and full of sense of justice?

"At the same time, we will also spread the news that Taoist Gande is going to the Wuming Mountain. Three days later, we finally came to the Wuming Cave on the Wuming Mountain..."

"Old Sun, where exactly is the nameless cave located?" Li Zedao's heartbeat began to speed up, and he couldn't help asking. He was quite curious, whether the nameless hole he encountered was the same nameless hole he encountered.

"The Wuming Cave is located on the mountainside of the Wuming Mountain on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau that stretches thousands of miles. Of course, the entrance of the Wuming Cave is not visible at ordinary times. You can't tell where the cave is located. , Only on the ninth day of September every three hundred years, as if driven by some mysterious force in the dark, the entrance of the nameless cave will be opened automatically." Sun Lao said.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. Although the unnamed cave he discovered is also located in the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau stretches for thousands of miles, and there are more than thousands of peaks. Many of them have not been named, so they are basically It is called an unnamed mountain, so it may not be the mountain that I have arrived at.

"However, that mountain is not difficult to find, because that mountain is even... different." Elder Sun considered his words for a while.


"Yes, it's different. I've never seen such a barren mountain. More or less, there are many plants growing on other surrounding mountains, and there are many wild animals and insects living on that mountain. But that The mountain is quite barren, you can't see any vegetation on that mountain, you can't see any green, and you can't feel the existence of any life, as if there is some mysterious power in that mountain , that power is enough to kill any animal or plant." As Sun Lao said, his face was full of puzzlement.

If the climate is abnormally dry, and the soil quality makes it impossible for any vegetation to survive, it's fine, just like the big desert full of yellow sand.

But the climate is obviously suitable, and there may not be any problem with the soil, otherwise the mountains surrounding this mountain cannot be verdant.

Li Zedao nodded. It seems that the unnamed cave he accidentally discovered is really not the real unnamed cave. After all, the mountain is not bare, and the surrounding scenery is quite beautiful.

"When we arrived at this bare mountain, there were still three full days before the opening of the Wuming Cave. At this time, there were already people waiting here, and after that, many people rushed away immediately after getting the news. Come here, for a while, this usually rarely populated place suddenly flooded with many people, of course, without exception, they are all masters of returning to basics, and those other people are naturally not qualified and dare not get involved in such a battle .”

Old Sun shook his head, picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and put it into his mouth to replenish his strength. He had already forgotten when was the last time he spoke for such a long time. It turns out that talking is such a tiring thing, no less Yu fought a battle with a master.

After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, Elder Sun continued, "At this moment, everyone is staring at each other, but no one dares to attack us..."

"Us?" Li Zedao felt that this old man was really good at talking, and he really made a good plan, so he tied himself firmly with Taoist Qiankun so quickly.

"After all, the five of us are not easy to mess with. Besides, even if we can defeat the five of us in the end, they will have to pay a heavy price, and they will naturally become fish on the sword of other competitors, so No one dares to take the lead, and everyone confronts each other and checks and balances each other."

"It took two full days for this suffocating confrontation to be broken..." Elder Sun glanced at Li Zedao, then took a sip of the tea in front of him.

Li Zedao quickly cooperated and asked aloud: "Someone can't help but attack you?"

Elder Sun smiled wryly and shook his head: "That's not true. After all, they are all masters of returning to basics. They still have this kind of patience. No one will act rashly until the last moment. The one who made the move was Daoist Qiankun. He didn't even say hello." He raised his sword and slashed at a man in gray without fighting us..."

"That man is my Grand Master Uncle Qiande Daoist?" Li Zedao asked with wide-eyed eyes. It must be the one who deceived the master and exterminated the ancestors, so that the Qiankun Taoist can't calm down so much, right?

"It is indeed Taoist Qiande. Although he has disguised himself quite well, he was still seen through by his brother at a glance." Sun Lao smiled wryly and shook his head.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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