The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1898 shameless old man

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"Three hundred years later, on the ninth day of September, the four of us and many other masters of returning to nature will go to Wuming Mountain. On the one hand, we hope to witness that spectacle again. On the other hand, we also hope that Daoist Qiankun will appear again. We hope he's not actually dead, he's just found a place to hide."

"It's just that the amazing spectacle is still the same. The gate of the Wuming Cave was opened by mysterious power on time, and the light from the colorful light beam is so dazzling, but the Daoist Qiankun and the evil god did not appear, proving once again that he It is very likely that he died with the evil god. At that time, some people did not believe that the evil tried to get close to the colorful light circle, but was immediately knocked away by the powerful and suffocating force released by it. Severely injured, or even killed."

"Another three hundred years have passed, and the four of us came to the Wuming Cave again. This time we went to pay homage to our good friend Taoist Qiankun. Similarly, other back-to-basics masters also arrived, but compared to the last time Come on, the number of people is naturally much less, after all, the lifespan of masters who return to basics is still limited, and some people die in duels between masters."

"Three hundred years later, that is, on the ninth day of September three hundred years ago, we climbed up again and came to the Wuming Cave. Min Huai worshiped Taoist Quan Kun. That time, only our four brothers were present. , everyone else must be no longer in this world." Sun Lao sighed heavily, giving people a feeling of being a hero.

Immediately, his eyes shone brightly again, looked at Li Zedao and said, "And now, another three hundred years have passed, the Nameless Cave will be opened again, and that unimaginable miracle will reappear in the world again, and , A person with the aura of heaven appeared again, I think, this is God's will, God's will let the four of us brothers go to another plane through the conveyor belt in Wuming Cave."

"..." Li Zedao looked at Sun Lai dumbfounded, thinking that this old man is too shameless, right? When did you say you would take them with you?

"So Li Shao, it's only a few days away from the ninth day of September, and you really can't delay the violence on your body any longer, so my suggestion is, go back to Phoenix City right now and make all the arrangements. , and then set off to the Wuming Cave, what do you think? Of course, you can rest assured that I will continue to explain, at least in Huaxia, no one can do anything unfavorable to your family, and they will live very well Alright." Elder Sun's expression was full of concern.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, because he clearly caught a trace of threat in the old man's words.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun, for your concern. I will return to Phoenix City in the afternoon." Li Zedao nodded and said.

"That's great. After those five days, let's go to Wuming Cave." Boss Sun said happily.

"Everything is according to what Elder Sun said.

"Li Zedao nodded and said.

As soon as these words came out, it was equivalent to agreeing to Sun Lao's obviously obvious but rather cryptic request, so the atmosphere undoubtedly became more harmonious all of a sudden, and Sun Lao became even more enthusiastic about Li Zedao.

At that moment, he got up and went back to the small white building to fetch water and tea, and also brought two boxes of the delicate and delicious osmanthus cakes he made by himself, and planned to let Li Zedao take them away.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun." Li Zedao said nothing politely, and accepted the two boxes of pastries.

Next, after the two chatted casually, Li Zedao said that he had to go back to clean up, then took the pastry, and drove away from the military base under the comment of Mr. Sun's hot eyes.

"This old bastard...his greatness can't cover up his shamelessness!" Li Zedao couldn't help complaining after lighting a cigarette, his heart was full of displeasure.

He thought that if Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword was in his hand, he would have already thrown the table and chopped people down.

But thinking about it carefully, Li Zedao can understand Elder Sun's mood. Although he is a master of returning to the basics, he has lived for more than a thousand years, but he will eventually die if he does not enter the realm of gods. There is not much more, such an opportunity suddenly appeared in front of him at this time, if he didn't hurry up and firmly grasp it, it was fake.

Li Zedao thought of the old thief who obviously had malicious intentions. It seems that he is also trying to get his attention. Maybe even Mrs. Miejue is also trying to get his attention, but they are secretly planning something Conspiracy, they are not like Sun Lao, Xiaozhi uses emotion to reason and asks the outside to make some very subtle threats. If you don't take him in, you will feel very embarrassed...

"It's even possible that some people hiding in the dark are also targeting me? It seems good to let Sixiang deal with them then."

After such thoughts popped up in his heart, Li Zedao's rather unhappy mood became better.

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao stopped the car by the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Sister Bei, it's me..." Li Zedao said after the call was connected.

"Well, I already know that you have taken in another woman." Bei's cold voice came over, "Do you think I should eunuch you?"

"Uh...well, Sister Bei, I know where the real Wuming Cave is." Li Zedao was taken aback, and quickly changed the subject.

Sure enough, Bei's attention was immediately attracted: "Really?"

After the phone call with Bei with a heavy heart, Li Zedao drove back to the Shengli Garden Community. At this time, An Keke and Mia had already returned with Tanmao to apply for a quarantine certificate, and also bought an air box.

After a brief tidying up, the three of them took the greedy cat and left the community and drove to the airport. After more than three hours, the plane landed steadily at the Phoenix International Airport.

Li Zedao didn't let his women come to pick him up, but when he walked out of the airport, he saw a dozen beautiful women standing there, looking at him with inexplicable smiles on their faces.

One of the women was holding a little girl carved in pink and jade in her arms. The little girl watched Li Zedao spread her pink hands with joy and shouted, "Daddy, I miss you, hug... "

Li Zedao froze, and grinned like a fool.

Although these women expressed dissatisfaction with Li Zedao's mistake and provoked another woman, especially Bei.

But for Ankeke, they were naturally very enthusiastic and helped her get the room ready early.

As for Mia, she already had her own room. After all, although Li Zedao regarded her as a servant, other women knew that she would be eaten by Li Zedao sooner or later.

Naturally, Yang Qinglian has already moved into this villa, and she is now picking up Li Zedao at the airport with other women.

Li Zedao asked her to think it over, and she told him with practical actions that she had thought it over a long time ago.

As in the past, Li Zedao was quite busy this night as he ran from room to room.

When quietly entering Bei's room, Bei was standing quietly smoking a cigarette in front of the window.

Li Zedao walked over with a smile, hugged this delicate body from behind, leaned his head on her shoulder, took a deep breath of the fragrance and said, "I miss you."

"Yeah." Bei hummed lightly. In the darkness, his eyes were quite gentle. He flicked the cigarette in his hand, and his soft hands gently held Li Zedao's arm.

In fact, I really wanted to beat him up, but... I couldn't bear it, especially when I was hugged by him like this, my body was going limp, I just wanted to stay quietly in his arms, and I didn't want to do anything.

"Five days later, I will be leaving again. This time... I don't know if I can come back, but I will definitely work hard to come back." Li Zedao said again.

As he said that, Li Zedao felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and there was also a trace of despair.

For him, this is actually a situation similar to a "killing game". If he doesn't go, once the violent energy in his body explodes, he will completely say goodbye to this world.

If you go there, it will be full of unknowns. You don't know whether the mysterious conveyor belt will work or not, and you don't know what kind of plane you will be transported to. Can you come back.

But going, at least there is a glimmer of unknown hope, so I have to go.

Li Zedao had made it clear to Bei on the phone about the unnamed cave, and only Bei knew about it. As for the other women, Li Zedao had no intention of talking about it.

"I'll wait for you." Bei said softly, with no doubts in his tone. She didn't know whether Li Zedao could come back, she only knew that she would wait for him to come back.

Unless... she died.

She has already made up her mind, she will wait in this villa first, help take care of Xiao Qiangwei and Yoko, if Xiao Qiangwei and Yoko don't need her care, she will go to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, and do what he said That bare nameless mountain, she will continue to wait there, it doesn't matter how long she waits.

"I know." Li Zedao said in a low voice, hugging this body even tighter, as if he wanted to completely integrate it into his own body.

For the next three days, Li Zedao simply sent his daughter Shangguan Yangyang to Xiao Qiangwei, but he didn't go anywhere. He even blocked the door to prevent his women from going to work, and then stayed in the villa. Living a very glamorous and comfortable life, I really experienced what is called a life of prostitution.

These women are actually not stupid. Although Li Zedao did not say it clearly, they can actually see the sadness and reluctance hidden in his heart, and they will not ask, because they have inexplicable confidence in him, no matter what the problem is. , he will definitely take care of it in the end, they just need to be a woman who is pampered by him.

So they all cooperated with him to "play around", they were really reluctant to refuse his request, and of course, they didn't want to refuse.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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