The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1905 Knife in the chest

husband? Zhou Yan was stabbed severely in the chest, and explained very weakly: "I...I am doing this for your own good. This is a duplicity guy. I just heard him say that he is behind your back and talking to other people. The woman in the house is messing around, and he also said that you are stupid, that you are a muscle..."

"Men are good-looking outside, bragging is nothing." Sun Ying responded coldly.

When she was outside the box, she met Li Zedao, and she simply learned from him what was going on inside.

Of course she believed Hou Xiaopeng's words, because since they fell in love, they have been getting tired of being together every day, going to work together, coming off work together, eating together, and sleeping together... How could Hou Xiaopeng have the opportunity to find other women outside? And the hickey he mentioned was indeed left when she played a prank.

She was originally going to come with her today, to get together with Hou Xiaopeng's friends and get to know each other well, but she had something to do, so she was a little late.

Zhou Yan only felt that he was stabbed in the chest again. Why did she make excuses for him like this?

He remembered that in the past, Sun Ying often found many excuses for his stupid behavior... Zhou Yan's heart hurts so much, he regrets so much, he really wants to slap himself hard, it's so good A girl who belonged to him originally belonged to him, but he pushed her away with his own hands, and then took advantage of this bastard.

Hou Xiaopeng was so moved that he took Sun Ying's little hand and said, "My wife, you are so kind."

Sun Ying smiled softly: "I will protect you and not let anyone hurt you."

"Well, my wife, I am so happy to have you."

"..." Zhou Yan felt that his chest was full of knives. Are you blatantly spreading dog food like this? Have you considered my feelings? And this bitch, aren't you ashamed that you are hiding behind a woman so shamelessly?

"Let's go." Sun Ying said, hugging Hou Xiaopeng's hand and wanted to leave.

Zhou Yan was not reconciled, and was struggling to die: "Wait, Yingying, I'm really doing it for your own good. Don't believe this bastard's words, he really..."

"If you are really good for me, please stay away from me in the future, I really don't want to see you again, thank you." Sun Ying said lightly.

Another knife!

Now Zhou Yan couldn't say anything, he could only watch Sun Ying walk out of the box with Hou Xiaopeng's arm in his eyes, and then he fell heavily as if all his strength was drained all at once. Sit on that couch.

After getting out of the box,

Sun Ying looked at Hou Xiaopeng and said, "Come with me and say thank you to him."

"Him?" Hou Xiaopeng was taken aback, followed Sun Ying's gaze, and saw Li Zedao standing there with his back leaning against the wall of the corridor.

"Who is he? Your suitor again?" Hou Xiaopeng whispered, feeling a little nervous. He naturally doesn't pay attention to a competitor like Zhou Yan. That guy is not as handsome as he is, and his brain is still bubbly. How could he possibly compete with him? However, the calm and handsome man in front of him brought him great pressure.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'll tell you later." Sun Ying couldn't laugh or cry and gave the nervous Hou Xiaopeng a look. She didn't explain much, but led him to Li Zedao, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

The reason why she thanked him was that thanks to his help before, she had the opportunity to enter the Tiandao Foundation, live a better life, know Hou Xiaopeng and enter the palace of marriage soon.

She is very satisfied with everything now, and all of this is given to her by the man in front of her.

On the other hand, today's matter, he did not participate in it because of Zhou Yan's domineering and unreasonable, if he insisted on participating, then what happened to her and Hou Xiaopeng would be quite tragic, at least she would be kicked out of the Tiandao Foundation, Even if he was willing, they would not be able to survive in Phoenix City at all.

Li Zedao smiled: "Congratulations on your marriage, and wishing you an early baby."

Sun Ying blushed slightly, and said with a sweet smile, "Well, thank you. Then he..."

"Don't worry about it, it'll be fine if you finish your nerves." Li Zedao smiled.

"Yeah." Sun Ying smiled and nodded, and left with Hou Xiaopeng who was a little dazed.

After walking a few steps forward, Hou Xiaopeng couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Yingying, who is he?"

"He is Zhou Yan's eldest brother."

"..." Hou Xiaopeng almost choked to death at Sun Ying's words.

"It's all because of him that I can enter the Tiandao Foundation and be taken care of by Mr. Su and the others."


"He founded the Tiandao Foundation, oh, he is also President Su's boyfriend."


Hou Xiaopeng was completely dumbfounded, so, he is his...boss? So, that psycho is the boss' So I successfully snatched the girlfriend of the boss' brother's brother, and then I can still get the boss' blessing?

Hou Xiaopeng, oh Hou Xiaopeng, it's wrong for you to be so awesome, do you know that?

When Li Zedao walked into the box, Zhou Yan was blowing a bottle of beer, and there was still a little bit of beer in the bottle.

After pouring the little bit of beer down his throat, Zhou Yan hiccupped, looked up at Li Zedao, and said with a slightly blurred and gloomy look: "Boss, don't stop me, don't stop me, I just want to be big now." Get drunk."

As he said that, Zhou Yan picked up another bottle of beer on the table whose cap had not been opened, and simply bit off the cap with his teeth.

After thinking about it, he gave up, and honestly picked up the bottle opener on the table to open the beer, and continued to blow the bottle with his head raised.

His eyes rolled, he put down the beer and looked at Li Zedao couldn't help asking: "Boss, according to the development of the plot, shouldn't you stop me?"

"Get out! Don't think that I don't know that you just took an empty wine bottle and gesticulated over there." Li Zedao said angrily when he saw Zhou Yan started to play tricks over there again.

"Uh..." Zhou Yan was so embarrassed that he was dying, thinking that the boss was too insidious, even secretly watching the movement inside, otherwise how could he know that he picked up an empty bottle and pretended to be blowing it?

Li Zedao reached out to pick up a bottle of beer on the table, and flicked his index finger on the bottle cap, only to hear a soft "click!", and the bottle cap bounced off.

Zhou Yan was dumbfounded: "Boss, your hands are so handsome, you must teach me."

"You can't learn it." Li Zedao said.

"Boss, you are seriously insulting my learning ability." Zhou Yan said very weakly.

Li Zedao ignored him, raised his head and drank the beer three or two times, then looked up at Zhou Yan and said: "From now on, you can just pretend to be in front of me. Kick a few feet, if you pretend to be aggressive in front of others, you might get stabbed... Your self-protection ability is far from enough. Also, don’t dream all day long, study hard and make progress every day.”

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Yan was slightly taken aback, he clearly felt that the boss's mood was wrong. He didn't know what words to describe that feeling for a while.

If I have to describe it, it feels like the boss is explaining... the funeral?

Zhou Yan was taken aback by his own thoughts.

"It's okay, I will take a long trip in two days, and it may take a long time to come back." Li Zedao said with a smile.

There is one thing he didn’t say: maybe when I come back your son will be able to make soy sauce, or maybe even your grave will grow grass after a hundred years and I won’t come back.

I probably know that the boss has a special identity. He is a legendary agent who always goes out to carry out various dangerous missions for this country.

This time, he must also go out to perform a mission, and it is a long and dangerous mission, a mission that may never come back.

Inexplicably, Zhou Yan's heart twitched a few times, as if he was infected by something, and an inexplicable emotion emerged.

He suddenly felt that he was so childish, so irresponsible, and he wasted little by little even though he had better conditions than others.

His expression became serious and gloomy, this time it was not an act, but an instinctive emotion.

He raised the wine bottle in his hand, looked at Li Zedao, and said very seriously: "Boss, I have written down everything you said, and when you come back, you will definitely see a completely different me! You have won the flag, and I respect you!"

Zhou Yan actually wanted to say, don't worry, I will take care of your woman for you, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he didn't dare to say it.

At that moment, his head was raised up, and he was blowing the bottle boldly.

In less than five seconds, Zhou Yan's face changed suddenly.

"Pfft..." He squirted out a mouthful of beer, and then coughed violently.

I want to cry in my heart, can't I make myself handsome once?

"Cough yourself slowly, I'll go first." Li Zedao was speechless, feeling extremely ashamed, got up, walked out of the box and left the ktv.

After getting into the car parked there, Li Zedao thought about it, why don't he go to Ganlu Temple? He wanted to take a look at Antarctica before leaving, and of course he also wanted to see if Teacher Miejue was too out of samadhi. If so, maybe what Elder Sun said could be verified from her.


Ganluan is far away in the northwest suburb of Fenghuang City. There is only one dilapidated temple standing here alone. The surrounding area is quite desolate, so naturally there is no phone call, no running water, and basically no mobile phone signal here.

When Li Zedao came here again, he naturally didn't dare to climb over the wall like last time. Instead, he obediently brought him to the gate of the Stone Temple, and knocked lightly a few times. The door that didn't work was shot off.

After knocking for a long time, no one responded, as if this was a deserted temple with no one in it.

Li Zedao was not in a hurry, and continued to knock on the door calmly.

The Buddha said that sincerity leads to spirit, Li Zedao felt that if he knocked on the door with such sincerity, the nuns inside would eventually open the door.

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