"Oh, of course, he is the key for us to enter the conveyor belt in the Nameless Cave and reach another plane. How could I be willing to kill him?" General Skull said with a smile, "However, I have completely let him go. He has become an obedient dog, and I even gave him a name, Erha, oh, I think you will like this name very much, right?"

"Erha?" Liuli was stunned for a moment, she naturally knew what kind of dog Erha was, because he was quite Erha, and he was quite cheap, hence the name.

Immediately, he frowned: "I don't think he is the kind of person who would compromise and be willing to be a dog obediently."

"Oh, my goddess, you can rest assured about this, because his soul has been imprinted with a 'soul seal' by me. If he has any disrespectful thoughts, I can immediately know and make him fly away!" Skull The general said with a smile.

Liuli's eyes widened slightly, and her voice was full of disbelief: "You actually have a way to imprint a 'soul seal' on his soul?"

The so-called "soul seal" is an ancient spell that directly acts on the soul handed down from ancient times. The life of the person who is cast with this spell seal is completely in the hands of the caster.

Not only that, but the caster can also know what the caster is thinking at any time.

It's just that if you want to cast this kind of spell on a person, it's not a simple matter. The other party has to relax completely and be willing to allow you to cast a spell on him, so that you can successfully cast the spell. In other words, the other party As long as there is any slightest struggle in your consciousness, you will not be able to successfully cast the spell.

Therefore, the spell of "soul imprint" can be said to be rather weak, or this spell is not suitable for use on the enemy at all. It is most suitable for the people under the hand to show their loyalty to their master.

Who is Taoist Qiankun? He is number one in the world! Back then, if he thought he was the second best expert in the world, only the evil god would dare to say that he was the number one expert in the world.

How could such a person let the evil god imprint a soul seal on his soul?

"It was he who asked me to cast the soul seal on him." The evil god said with a smile, and then briefly explained what he did.

After Liuli heard what General Skull said, she stared wide-eyed for a while, and then laughed, laughing heartily, as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world, laughing so hard that she could hold her stomach I couldn't straighten up, my eyes were flushed, and tears were about to flow out.

She was so happy, she was so excited, she was so excited.

Only such an exaggerated laugh can express her mood at this time.

More than a thousand years ago, the damned ruthless Daoist Qiankun kicked away the woman who silently liked him, and more than a thousand years later, he couldn't wait to let the evil god treat him because of a few sluts. After using the soul seal, he willingly became a dog of the evil god.

This is too funny and ironic, what is it if it is not retribution?

"You tell him to get out, I can't wait to see what he looks like when he is a dog." After Liu Li stopped laughing, there was an uncontrollable resentment in his tone.

Now she only feels that she has been seriously insulted. A thousand years ago, the Qiankun Taoist didn't want her, and a thousand years later, the Qiankun Taoist would willingly be a dog for other women... So she is far from being a bitch? Isn't that an insult?

"Oh, okay, I'll let Erha come out now, let him kneel in front of you and help you lick your shoes clean." The evil spirit said with a smile.

Since Erha, the evil god doesn’t have to worry about the leather shoes being hurt anymore. He found that Erha is a natural expert at licking leather shoes. Even if the soles of the shoes are accidentally stepped on by dog ​​feces, he can lick them clean. .

"No, he doesn't even have the right to lick my shoes." Liu Li said with an angry face.

The evil god looked at Liuli's little face that had become quite cold, and said with emotion in his heart, that sentence was indeed a wise saying.

When walking in the rivers and lakes, the three kinds of people who should not be provoked are monks, Taoists and women.

She is a woman, and what is even more frightening is that she is still a Taoist priest, and what is even more frightening is that she is still a monk... a nun!

Oh God, she is the scariest person in the world, bar none! Compared with him, the vicious reputation he had back then is simply nothing.

"Oh, yes, dear Miss Liuli, I'll let Erha get out of here in front of you, and then you will kill, beat and humiliate him... Oh, of course you can't kill him." The evil god was really worried about Liuli One couldn't hold back and killed Erha.

"It's okay to kill him, because he is not the only one who can produce the aura of heavenly secrets after comprehending the scroll of heavenly secrets." Liuli looked at the evil god and said, "I have already found another person who has the aura of heavenly secrets."

The evil god froze for a moment, and then his face was full of surprise: "Oh, my goddess, have you seen that kid named Li Zedao?"

"You know him?" Liuli was also taken aback.

"Oh, how could I not know? That damned kid ruined a lot of good things for me." The evil god smiled ferociously.

"So, you revealed your identity to that kid?" The evil god asked.

"I revealed a little bit." Liuli nodded, and briefly explained how she met Li Zedao.

The reason why she occupied Antarctica's body was that when she came to this nunnery in Antarctica to express her desire to become a monk, she had already missed her young, beautiful and healthy body. After all, her original body was too old. Yes, it should have been replaced long ago.

As for meeting Li Zedao, who possesses a mysterious aura, it was completely beyond her expectations, but she also had some plans in mind.

In fact, if the evil god doesn't show up today, Liuli will start to implement her plan, which is to have people find Li Zedao, and then find the right opportunity to sneak attack.

Occupying the body of Antarctica, making that kid believe that he is Antarctica is simply impossible. After all, although the appearance is the same, the breath in his eyes is completely different. With the strength of that kid, he must be able to see through it all at once. .

She just wanted to confuse her a little bit, and won the opportunity and time to sneak attack him. Once the sneak attack succeeds, she can easily control him and tie him to the nameless mountain.

"Oh, my baby, your idea is good, but I don't think you can sneak attack successfully. I have dealt with that kid many times. He is a cunning old fox. When he does things, he always likes Keep one hand, and his body is a bit weird, no matter how you hit him, he won't die." The evil spirit shook his head and said.

When he thought of that damned kid secretly leaving a bullet in the body of the vampire queen Elena, he was quite depressed.

When he thought that he had blown up the entire laboratory and that kid was still alive and kicking, without any damage, he became even more depressed.

That is a perversion, and his perversion has gone beyond the scope of human beings.

"Oh, and, we're not sure if there are still those old immortals who have already been eyeing him, such as... that damn Sixiang, oh, and your junior brother Gande Taoist who doesn't know if he's dead or not." The evil spirit shrugged Shrugged and said again.

Liuli frowned and nodded. She could meet that kid, and so could other immortals, especially the hypocritical Sixiang. She knew that Sixiang would appear on time every three hundred years on the Double Ninth Festival. Unknown Mountain, of course, cannot be absent this time.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, what I mean is, in this case, you don't need to worry about whether the kid knows the exact location of the Wuming Cave, or whether the kid is being targeted by other old monsters, we just need to go one step ahead Just go to Wuming Mountain and wait. If they show up... oh, great, just kill them. If they don't show up, it's okay. We're about to become gods anyway, so we don't need to be as knowledgeable as those guys. Even if I don't do anything to him, the damn kid is probably not far from death, right?" The evil god said with a smile.

He now has the perfect genetic superman Cerberus, the terrifying werewolf Tibetan mastiff, Erha, the second best player in the world in the past, and himself, the number one expert in the world, and Liuli, the former number one Taoist nun, such a lineup. Against the four elephants, there is no pressure at all to crush them to death.

Liuli nodded. She understood the meaning of the evil god. On the one hand, he had confidence in his own strength. On the other hand, he was unwilling to make troubles under such circumstances. After all, this was the boy's territory. Let him escape, and if he sabotages secretly, it will be quite a headache. After all, the most important thing now is to reach the Nameless Cave and pass the conveyor belt to another plane smoothly.

"I see, you let Taoist Qiankun... Oh, no, Erha, come out, I can't wait to see him, of course, I won't kill him." Liuli said.

"Oh, then I'm relieved." The evil god smiled, then put his index finger next to his lips, and then he blew out an extremely sharp sound.

In the next second, as if appearing out of nowhere, a figure appeared there. He nodded and said respectfully, "Master."

Naturally, Daoist Qiankun was already around.

As for the hell dogs and Tibetan mastiffs, they are guarding around Ganlu Temple.

This is a good opportunity to humiliate Taoist Qiankun, and the evil god will naturally not let it go.

I had crazy sex with his former lover here, but let him stay on the sidelines. The evil god knew that if he was indifferent, his heart would definitely break down.

Liuli looked at this faint face with only five shocking scars, her eyes became even colder, and her body began to tremble slightly. It is conceivable how restless her mood was at this time .

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