The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1915 0 Year Old Demon

As Zhao Duoer reported her phone number, the waiter quickly found Zhao Duoer's reservation information from a device in her hand, and then said with a smile: "So it's Zhao**, Zhao** *The reservation is for Box No. 5, please follow me."

Soon, the waiter took Zhao Duoer and Li Zedao to the exclusive elevator for the sky restaurant, stretched out his hand to help press the elevator button, and respectfully invited Li Zedao and Zhao Duoer to board the transparent sightseeing room where they could enjoy the surrounding scenery in all directions. elevator.

"The scenery is beautiful." Zhao Duo'er looked back at Li Zedao and smiled.

Li Zedao remained expressionless, pretending he didn't hear it. Zhao Duo'er grinned, but didn't care. She watched the scenery with great interest, and even took out her phone to take a selfie with a smile on her face.

Soon, the elevator reached the top floor. After the two got off the elevator, another waiter in the uniform of a stewardess brought Li Zedao and Zhao Duoer to the fifth box, and delivered the electronic menu.

Every dish here has a video specially shot for it. If you are interested in this dish, you can click on the video to learn more about this dish.

"You order, I'm free." Li Zedao scanned the electronic menu that Zhao Duo'er handed over and said, without reaching out to take it.

What if the thousand-year-old demon took the opportunity to eat his own tofu when he reached out to pick it up?

I have to say that Li Zedao always likes to think too much.

Zhao Duo'er smiled, retracted the hand holding the electronic menu, ordered a few dishes skillfully, and ordered a bottle of red wine.

Then Li Zedao started to think too much again, wouldn't she want to get herself drunk and do some **** things to herself? Want to pour yourself down with a bottle of red wine? Isn't this thousand year old demon too whimsical?

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter smiled and left the box.

"Now we can say what is the important thing to me?" Li Zedao looked at Zhao Duo'er expressionlessly and asked.

Zhao Duo'er pursed her lips and smiled, and said very simply: "Impossible."

"..." Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back and flipped the table to fight with this young and beautiful old woman who was hiding a thousand-year-old demon under her breasts.

Come on, you are over a thousand years old, is it really good for you to imitate the cute wink of young girls over there to make you petty? Makes people feel disgusting and creepy, okay?

"If I said it now, you'd either fight me,

Either I rush out immediately, then I won't be able to eat this meal, and I still want to enjoy the delicious food here. " Zhao Duoer blinked.

Depressed, Li Zedao took out his cigarette and lighter.

"That..." Zhao Duo'er pointed her nose cutely at the sign on the wall beside her.

No smoking!

Li Zedao was even more depressed. He casually kicked the cigarette and lighter back into his pocket, feeling as if there was a cat's paw gently scratching it in his heart. He was really curious about what this woman wanted to tell him. what is it.

Of course, if this woman is playing tricks on him afterwards, Li Zedao swears...he can only pretend that nothing happened.

There is no way, two fists are no match for four hands, a tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves, no matter how powerful he is, he can't beat the combined beating of four elephants.

So Li Zedao couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart to the thief who stole the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword. If he had that sword, why would he be afraid of this shameless gang of four? With one sword strike, they can be chopped up like melons and vegetables!

Zhao Duo'er put her hands on her chin, her face was full of smiles, she looked at Li Zedao who was quite depressed over there with great interest, and said with a smile: "I heard that your cooking is delicious, even the chef who has won the prize in the world Sabert Beckham, who is titled God, was moved by the dishes you made, so he willingly came to Huaxia with you to be a chef in that small restaurant hidden in Huaxia. I don’t know if I have a chance to taste the food you cook .”

"That's not a small restaurant." Li Zedao said very depressed.

"Yes yes yes, my fault, that is not a small restaurant." Zhao Duo'er nodded.

"You have no chance." Li Zedao said again.

"It's so sad to be rejected so ruthlessly by you." Zhao Duo'er pretended to be pitiful.

Li Zedao pretended not to see it.

Zhao Duo'er's eyes became brighter, and her long eyelashes fluttered: "I haven't met a boy as interesting as you for a long, long time."

"What do you want?" Li Zedao's eyes became a little wary, "You don't want to pick on me, do you?"

"Is it possible?" Zhao Duo'er asked with a smile.

To be honest, if she didn't know that there was an old monster hidden in her body, such Zhao Duo'er would undoubtedly be extremely playful and cute, but now, Li Zedao only felt creepy.

"I'm not interested in old monsters." Li Zedao said coldly.

The ancients said that thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, fifty is like sitting on the ground, sixty is a wall that sucks mice, seventy cannons are outdated, eighty gods suffer, ninety Yu dare not block, one hundred go to heaven Capture the Buddha...

Calculating casually, this old hag must be fifteen hundred years old, right? In this way, even the fifteen Buddhas are no match for her, let alone her small physique.

For the safety of your life, stay away from this woman.

Zhao Duo'er pursed her lips and laughed, then said old-fashionedly: "You don't have to do this, I'm not interested in a brat like you, but can you do me a favor?"

"No help." Li Zedao said simply.

Zhao Duo'er was not embarrassed, her tone was full of amusement: "But, you are already helping."

"What do you mean?" Li Zedao frowned.

Zhao Duo'er smiled and said nothing, which made Li Zedao want to flip the table again, and he hates people who play tricks and show off.

At this moment, the door of the box was knocked lightly, and after Zhao Duoer shouted "Come in", the door of the box was pushed open, and then a waiter in a stewardess uniform walked in pushing a dining car. The dishes on display are naturally the delicate and delicious dishes that Zhao Duoer ordered, and there is also a bottle of 1988 Lafite.

After refusing the waiter's help, Zhao Duo'er skillfully opened the red wine, poured a glass for Li Zedao, then picked up the glass of red wine in front of her and looked at Li Zedao with a smile: "I concealed something from you before, especially Shaoyang and Li Zedao. The appearance of Taiyin must have been completely unexpected by you, right? I'm sorry."

With that said, Zhao Duo'er drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

Li Zedao glanced at the old monster, stretched out his hand to pick up the red wine, took a sip and said, "So, apart from you, have you noticed that other people are also eyeing me?"

"Not yet... No, I can't say no, you are indeed being targeted, maybe she is planning to give you a fatal blow." Zhao Duo'er frowned and said.

"He? Who is it?" Li Zedao asked. I wondered if it was the old thief who didn't know his origin?

"Woman, a scary old woman." Zhao Duo'er said.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed. The woman the old monster was referring to couldn't be referring to his Tai Shishu, Mr. Miejue, right? Did they know that they had met Mr. Juejue too much? They also knew that Mr. Miejue was too planning to do something to him in secret?

At this moment, the door of the private room was knocked again, this time without waiting for Zhao Duo'er to respond, the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside, and then several people walked in with wine glasses.

The leading man looked at Zhao Duo'er with hot eyes and said with a smile: "Duo'er, I learned that you are in Phoenix City, so I flew over quickly. Why don't you answer my call?"

The smile on Zhao Duo'er's face was slightly restrained, and she didn't speak. She even looked at Li Zedao, blinking her big eyes on purpose.

"Duo'er, who is he?" Sure enough, the man's eyes fell on Li Zedao all of a sudden, and his eyes became vigilant and unkind.

Zhao Duo'er actually winked at him...? This made the anger in his heart burst out all of a sudden.

Li Zedao suddenly understood what Zhao Duoer said just now, "But you are already helping", and appearing with him in such a restaurant, wouldn't it be equal to being her shield indirectly?

Even now, she is deliberately winking at herself... This nasty old woman.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that the man who came in was naturally not a thousand-year-old demon, and he also knew that this man had no idea that the Zhao Duo'er in front of him was no longer the Zhao Duo'er he knew.

At the moment, Li Zedao felt that this old woman was too boring. If he didn't want to be entangled, he could just kill her? Even if you don't kill him, it would be a very easy and pleasant thing for you to use some means to completely destroy him, okay?

"I don't seem to be familiar with you enough to explain all this to you, right?" Zhao Duo'er glanced at the man who walked in and responded lightly.

The man almost vomited blood. If our relationship is not familiar, what kind of relationship can be considered familiar?

"Duo'er, you should remember that I told you that I like you and I want you to be my woman." The man said loudly, looking at Li Zedao even more unkindly.

"I remember." Zhao Duo'er said, "I didn't agree."

"It's up to you whether you promise or not." The man's tone became fierce and aggressive, "But since I said this, are my woman, and any man who gets close to you is my enemy."

Zhao Duoer pretended not to hear, and gracefully cut up the beef with the knife and fork in his hand.

The man's eyes sized up Li Zedao unscrupulously: "What's the name?"

This kid is quite handsome, and his temperament is not bad...Of course he is not as good as himself. So naturally it's not the little people at the bottom, it's better to ask clearly.

He is domineering, but Phoenix City is not his territory after all, so he has to keep a low profile.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Zedao responded lightly. The tone and eyes of this guy who came out of nowhere seemed so domineering, so majestic, as if he was a god above him, and he could do whatever he wanted.

It made Li Zedao very upset, so he didn't mind beating him up hard.


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