The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1924 do something

There was a return bowl in front of the boy, and a large piece of paper was pressed under the bowl. On the paper, there were these big characters written: Help, urgently need money to treat my sick father.

The writing is crooked, one can imagine that this young man has probably not written that pen for a long time.

Looking at this young man, Li Zedao felt something in his heart. He seemed to see himself who seemed so helpless back then.

At that time, I couldn't do anything. Should I do something now?

He walked up to him, knelt down and looked at the young man and said, "What's wrong with your father?"

The young man raised his head and glanced at Li Zedao with numbness in his eyes: "I don't know."

So Li Zedao understood that the boy only knew that his father was seriously ill, but he didn't have the money to go to the hospital for a check-up. I'm afraid he can only wait for death at home now?

"If you believe me, take me to your father." Li Zedao said again.

The boy hesitated for a while: "Are you... a doctor?"

"Well, very clever doctor." Li Zedao said. Anyway, boasting and not needing money, so Li Zedao shamelessly put gold on his face...Of course, what he said is basically the truth.

Maybe it was because the young man was innocent, or maybe he was about to drown, so he clung tightly to Li Zedao, the life-saving straw that floated in front of him.

He nodded and agreed to take himself to help his father take a look.

Because his legs were numb after kneeling for a long time, when he stood up, if Li Zedao hadn't grabbed him, he would have sat down on the ground.

With his head down, he followed Li Zedao off the overpass and came to Li Zedao's car parked there.

Li Zedao first helped him open the rear door and got into the driving seat.

"Come up quickly...or is your home very close?" Li Zedao asked when he saw the young man with his head down and not getting into the car.

"I... I'm afraid I'll get the car dirty." The young man whispered.

Li Zedao froze for a moment, then grinned and said, "It's okay, if it gets dirty, it's not mine anyway."


Heding Village, this is an urban village in Fenghuang City,

The high-rise buildings used for commercial buildings surrounding the village in the city originally belonged to the village's cultivated land, and were later requisitioned. After receiving the compensation, most of the villagers who originally lived in the village had already left the dirty and messy place. In the village, I went to buy a house outside, and the original house was rented out.

So the people who live here are mostly those who are called "snail dwellings" or "ants" who take the subway and take the bus with tired faces and overtime dark circles. Back in the rented hut, they would smile unscrupulously when they were humbled outside. In this small and warm room, they are heaven.

The boy and his father rented in this village in the city. Of course, Li Zedao still knows his name now, his name is Ergou.

Ergou's family is not from the local area. He dropped out of junior high school and followed his father to Fenghuang City to work, where he worked with steel and concrete on the construction site every day.

The more he got to know, the more Li Zedao felt how similar he used to be to this Ergou... At most, his name is not so old-fashioned.

Two days ago, his father suddenly fell ill. At first he thought it was a common cold, but after taking common cold medicine, it got worse and worse, and now he can't even wake up.

Ergou really wanted to send him to the hospital, but... he had no money.

Three days ago, he went to the bank with his father and mailed the hard-earned 5,000 yuan back to his hometown. His mother, his sister, and elderly grandpa were all in the hometown, and the 5,000 yuan was their living expenses. My sister's school expenses, and my grandfather's medical expenses.

If you are sick now, you can't let the people in your hometown know, otherwise they should be worried.

Besides, I heard that when you go to the hospital for medical treatment, even if you have a common cold, you have to test this blood to check that organ, and you can spend hundreds of dollars at random. For migrant workers like them, these hundreds of dollars are expensive. It is sky-high.

Li Zedao sighed heavily in his heart and asked, "Have you thought about going back to school?"

For children from poor families, going to college is the greatest shortcut to get out of poverty and change their destiny. Li Zedao intends to help him create this condition.

There are not many people he can help, but since the matter happened right under his nose, he can't do nothing about it.

"I can't help it, who made me such a person who can't see others' bad?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart.

As soon as Ergou got into the car, he raised his head low and looked at Li Zedao in front of him, and said, "I don't want to."

Li Zedao didn't speak, but glanced at Ergou through the rearview mirror, and he saw the longing and longing in his eyes.

This is a sensible child. The reason why he said he didn't want to was just because he didn't want to bring any burden and trouble to his family.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of the village. Although there is a village road, the road is too narrow, and it is difficult to enter and exit. It can be faster by walking.

Following Ergou, Li Zedao finally came to a five-story building.

There are almost densely packed small buildings with only a little cement on the outside. The distance between each building is less than two meters, which is quite dense, so the lighting is naturally poor.

Each floor has four to five rooms of about 20 square meters, and each room is a tenant, with a separate kitchenette and sanitary towels inside.

People who work around will choose to rent in this kind of place. After all, compared with other places, the rent here is relatively cheap.

The room that Ergou rented with his father was on the first floor. The lighting on the first floor was the worst, and it was also in the tide. Of course, the rent was also the cheapest, three hundred a month was enough.

The room was dark and small, and there were a lot of things piled up. As for the air, it was not much better, with this extremely strong musty smell.

The weather has not been very good these days, and it rains occasionally, which makes this smell even stronger.

"That's my dad...he can't get up." Er Gou pointed to a middle-aged man lying on the bed, his voice suddenly stopped.

The man was motionless, as if he had fallen asleep, but Li Zedao knew that he was not asleep, but that he had completely fallen into a coma.

Li Zedao walked up to him, stretched out his hand to take his pulse, checked his face, eyes and mouth, then looked back at Ergou and said, "Don't worry, I won't die... The premise is that I send it now." The hospital may not be able to wake up later."

He didn't say a word, because it was more cruel to Ergou.

Even if he wakes up, he will be paralyzed in the future, not to mention continuing to go to the construction site, even if he can't take care of himself, even if he can recover later, he will have to go through a long period of treatment and recuperation, and he will have to rely on his own exercise.

Ergou's father suffered from cerebral infarction, also known as apoplexy. If Li Zedao hadn't appeared here, he wouldn't even be able to take care of himself.

Ergou's little face was already full of helplessness and panic: "I...I..."

I've been wondering for a long time, but I can't figure out why.

This young man was completely in panic and helplessness.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements." Li Zedao said again, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

Er Gou looked at Li Zedao in a daze, knelt down, and kowtowed three times to Li Zedao who was on the phone.

Seeing him like this, Li Zedao, who was on the phone, stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

After making the phone call, Li Zedao looked at Ergou and said, "You don't need to thank me. Try to give back to the society when you have the ability."

Ergou nodded without hesitation.

Li Zedao took out the silver needles he was used to carrying with him, and gave the middle-aged man a few needles first, otherwise the man might die before the ambulance arrives.

In less than twenty minutes, a few men in white coats appeared in the rental. They first carried him onto a stretcher, then quickly put him on a drip, then carried him outside, and finally carried him to the waiting room. Ambulance there.

"Go with them and take good care of your father. As for the medical expenses, you don't need to think about it. The Tiandao Foundation will pay for all the medical expenses." Li Zedao looked at Ergou and said.

As for the row after the second dog, Li Zedao had already mentioned it on the phone, and someone would naturally arrange for him to enroll.

Ergou looked at Li Zedao with complicated eyes, bowed deeply, and then got into the ambulance and followed.

With quite complicated emotions, Li Zedao left the village in the city and returned to the car, and continued to wander on the main road.

After a whole day, the car stopped and went, and Li Zedao almost walked every corner of the entire Phoenix.

He didn't know why he was so bored, he just wanted to take a closer look at this place where he had lived for more than 20 years, of course the first 18 years could be said to have been wasted.

Maybe it's... Subconsciously, I also feel that I will never come back? Otherwise, why do you want to look around?

During this period, Li Zedao saw Lin Susu and Miffy who were shopping together hand in hand from a distance. He looked at them from a distance, and saw the comfortable smiles on their faces. Li Zedao felt relieved that these two girls had a good time. very good.

Yes, no one in this world is really inseparable from someone.

People in love always like to say, I can't live without you, I really can't live without you, and I will die of heartache after leaving you.

But the truth is, I also thought that I couldn't live without you, I thought you were a part of my life, so when you left, I would feel heart-piercing pain, but when you really left, I couldn't live without you. It turns out that what I really can't let go of is just my own memories.

It's just like he can't let go of Antarctica? Hearing that she was killed by Juejue, Li Zedao became angry, and then...then there was nothing else, what else could he do besides avenge her?

He didn't expect it, he couldn't breathe because of the heartache, and then took a knife and wiped himself to die for love.


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