"Then there is only one reason left, that is, he couldn't dodge it at all, and why he couldn't dodge it, there is only one answer, that is, he might have been attacked by surprise at that time, which hindered his actions, so he was unable to dodge It was your senior brother, Taoist Qiankun, who attacked him with that sword attack!" Wang Zi looked at Taoist Qiankun and expressed his opinion.

Taoist Gande's eyeballs were rounded all of a sudden, and the flesh on his face was twitching slightly, he really couldn't believe what he heard.

"This...it's impossible." Taoist Gande said subconsciously.

Yeah, how is this possible? The senior brother has always respected the master the most. Among the three disciples, the master loves the senior brother the most. Why did he kill the master? He had no reason to do such a thing at all.

Couldn't it be that she simply wanted to frame herself?

But even if you want to frame yourself, you can't do it by killing Master.

Taoist Gande was simply messed up.


Wang Zi smiled, and continued to talk about his deduction: "Think about it carefully, after you pierced your master's chest with a sword, your senior brother appeared, and he didn't listen to your explanation at all, and just said nothing. Convict your charges and draw your swords to face each other... Could it be too coincidental? As soon as you stabbed your master, he appeared?"

Taoist Gande's heart is even more messy, yes, could it be too coincidental?

"And if he is really the sensible person you said, why didn't he listen to your defense? The more important thing is, in that case, the more important thing should be to save your master? But he is Choose to attack you...why?"

Taoist Gande opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. His face became pale and ugly, his mind was roaring violently, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

It took him a while to react and said with great difficulty: "It's still hard for me to accept your view. He has no motive to kill Master."

"I've already said, this is just my speculation." Wang Zi waved his hand and said, "As for the truth, I'm not too sure."

"If it's really him...why would he do this? What good will it do him?" Daoist Gande said with great difficulty. He desperately tried to find out the reasons why various senior brothers killed the master, but he found that either there was no reason for him to kill the master. , then the reason is so far-fetched.

And for more than a thousand years, every time I think of my master being killed by mistake, an invisible hand will appear to pinch his heart fiercely,

It made him restless and sleepless all night, and his soul was tortured and destroyed.

It is also because of guilt, so in the days when he was hunted down by Taoist Qiankun more than a thousand years ago, every time he was found by Taoist Qiankun, he did not dare to fight with his senior brother, and ran away first.

Then, he felt more and more that what this person with unknown origin but extremely terrifying strength said seemed to make sense. Otherwise, why did the former senior brother not give him any chance to explain and directly drew his sword at each other?

"Perhaps...he is carrying out some kind of plan? Even becoming a dog of the evil god now is just a part of his plan." Wang Zi clicked his tongue, but his expression was a little dignified.

If this is the case, then this Daoist Qiankun is really too scary, right?

He knew that Tianjimen was proficient in the technique of spying on the secrets of heaven, and through this technique, he could spy on some fragments of what will happen in the future. Could it be that this Daoist of Qiankun has spied something?

"What kind of plan do you think that is?" Wang Zi looked at Taoist Qiande and asked.

Daoist Gande didn't answer, how could he know such a thing?

"The last thing, are you interested in becoming my younger brother?" Wang Zi looked at Taoist Qiande and smiled.

Daoist Gande was stunned for a moment, then quickly said, "Brother."

The thighs are brought to you for you to hold them. If you don't hurry up and hug them tightly, you will be really stupid.


"Goodbye, all beauties." Li Zedao, who was carrying a backpack, looked at the dozen or so women standing in front of him with a relaxed expression and smiled.

"Prostitute, come back early." Li Mengchen said with a slight smile, then walked over and stamped his face.

Li Mengchen's expression was relaxed, full of gentle and passionate smiles, as if his wife was sending her husband off to work, and the husband would be able to go home in the evening.

Then He Xiaoyu, Baili Bing, Nintendo... and Enkeke who finally lived in this villa, these women stepped forward one by one, gave him a sweet kiss, and said something similar to farewell.

"I'll be back soon."

Li Zedao looked at these women with a sore nose, grinned, waved his hands, turned around and walked out of the villa with ease. At this time, there was already a black off-road vehicle waiting at the door.

He didn't dare to look back at the villa, he really couldn't bear to see their little faces that were probably already full of tears.

Then, Li Mengchen's voice was heard.

"Sisters, I want to go shopping in a while, who wants to go?"

"I'm with you, I want to get my hair done." He Xiaoyu agreed.

"Hehe, I'm going too... I'm going to a spa, my body is about to fall apart these days." Nintendo said with a giggle.

"You guys go...it can't be done, I have to catch up on sleep first, I'm so sleepy..." Susan said.

"That's right, the big idiot is too much, he is not allowed to sleep, he has to play some kind of sex game, and he can play as soon as he plays, and let the talented girl beat him with a whip, it's too much..." Shadow was very depressed.

"Oh, that's right, it's too much..."


Li Zedao almost fell to the ground with his legs limp, tears streaming down his face, he suddenly felt that it was right for him to leave, um, right!

Didn't I just plow the land a few more times? Is this wrong? Have it?

He didn't look back, so he didn't see that they said this with tears.

There was nothing they could do to help him, so the only thing they could do was to reassure him that they were fine, really fine.

Li Zedao opened the back seat door and got in, sat down beside Zhao Duo'er, then looked at Tai Yin in the driving seat and said, "You can go."

Taiyin turned around and gave Li Zedao a hard look, apparently still resenting Li Zedao for venting about her when he was in Ganlu Temple.

Although it turned out that no one took advantage, both of them vomited blood, but for a woman, if she didn't take advantage, she would suffer.

Not to mention that she was forced to fight back, and with this kid's body's excellent self-healing ability, the injury he suffered would naturally heal long ago, but his chest was still aching, so he was naturally in a bad mood.

After snorting coldly, he also started the car.

The three-year-old boy Shaoyang who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat glanced at Li Zedao backwards, snorted coldly and didn't make a sound. Because of Zhao Duo'er, he was also quite unhappy seeing Li Zedao, and really wanted to work with Taiyin. Let's give this kid a painful lesson together.

"We will go to Rong City first, and then drive to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau. We have found a route that can be passed by a car, and we can drive directly to Wuming Mountain." Said Old Sun who was sitting on the other side of Zhao Duo'er.

"I see." Li Zedao said. After all, Mr. Sun is at the helm of fx, holding the power in his hands and controlling this extremely huge resource. In addition, the other three people of Sixiang are all masters of returning to basics, so to find such a car that can go directly to the unknown mountain. That's quite an easy thing to do.

"Also Director Yang has called you, right?" Elder Sun asked again.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Sun." Li Zedao said.

Last night, Li Zedao received a call from Director Yang. Director Yang had already investigated the matters related to Qian Yugang on the phone. Qian Yugang was indeed framed back then, and the person who framed Qian Yugang has been brought under control. Next They will also immediately go to the small island of the island country to bring Qian Yugang back to China.

This is why Li Zedao expressed his gratitude to Sun Lao. It is precisely because of his intervention that Qian Yugang's grievances were successfully washed away.

Early this morning, Li Zedao also received a call.

After Li Zedao picked up the phone, the person on the other end of the phone did not speak for a long time, but Li Zedao clearly felt that his breathing was extremely heavy. It is conceivable that his mood fluctuated greatly.

After a while, Qian Yu just said, "Thank you, kid."

Li Zedao responded wretchedly with a smile: "When you go back to China, don't forget to bring back those discs you treasured. Director Yang is very interested in that stuff, and you can communicate well then."

"Get lost!" Qian Yugang scolded with a smile.

"Don't be polite to me, this is what I should do." Sun Lao said with a smile.

"Here." Zhao Duo'er handed a tissue to Li Zedao, pointed at his face and pursed his lips and smiled, "Wipe your face, it's full of lipstick marks."

"...It's okay, this is the mark of love." Li Zedao said stiffly, but he also took the tissue and wiped his face. Of course it was the mark of love, but he didn't expect to be treated as a sign of love at the airport. Neuropathy.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Phoenix International Airport.

Sun Lao had already prepared air tickets and the like, Li Ze said, Zhao Duoer and Sun Lao were in the VIP cabin, and as for the mother and daughter Shaoyang and Taiyin in the ordinary cabin, not all of them were together.

Of course, it's not because the images of Shaoyang and Taiyin are really bad, and they don't deserve the luxury of the VIP cabin, but because of absolute safety considerations.

After all, no one knows whether someone is still eyeing Li Zedao, and Shaoyang and Taiyin stayed in the ordinary cabin to keep a good eye on whether there is a thousand-year-old demon on board the plane.

After sitting down, Li Zedao plugged in his earphones and closed his eyes. He didn't intend to communicate with Mr. Sun and Zhao Duo'er. He began to comprehend the "Tianji Tujuan", and soon fell asleep.


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