The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1956 delicious fingers

Behind a big rock not far away, a figure huddled there quietly, quietly watching what was happening in front of him, his brows twitched when he saw Li Zedao being kicked like a ball.

When Taoist Qiankun cut off one arm and one foot of Li Zedao neatly, and saw the Tibetan Mastiff pick up the severed hand and gnaw the finger on it, his brows jumped even more.

"Disciple, are you too miserable? It's so miserable that I can't bear to watch it as a teacher." Wang Zi muttered in his heart.

"Oh, well, it's time for us to go." The evil god said with a smile, and his big hands hugged Liuli's waist tightly. He couldn't wait to find a place to do something shameful with Liuli.

Daoist Qiankun picked up Li Zedao, who had fallen into a coma, as if he was carrying a little chicken, followed the evil god and Liuli, and plundered towards the nameless mountain in front of him.

"Boom!" There was a deafening thunderbolt, and the rain became heavier.

Wang Zi came out from behind the big rock, and walked slowly to the place where Li Zedao was lying on his stomach just now. The rainwater accumulated on it was red, naturally because the rainwater mixed with the fresh blood sprayed from Li Zedao's body just now.

Squatting down slightly, Wang Zi reached into the bloody rainwater.

When he retracted his hand, there was already a small white stone shining with an inexplicable light in his hand. He clenched the small stone tightly, and Wang Zi's figure flashed, and he disappeared there, as if he had never been there before. It seems to have appeared.

Ten minutes later, Wang Zi had already returned to the cave where he was before. At this time, Taoist Gande was roasting two rabbits in the cave.

"Brother, are you back? Take a rest first, the rabbit will be roasted soon." Taoist Gande said with a smile on his face.

"En." Wang Zi nodded, then looked at Taoist Qiande seriously and said, "Taoist Qiankun is your senior brother, right?"

"This... used to be, now I am life and death enemies with him!" Daoist Gande didn't know why the eldest brother said that suddenly, so he gave such an answer cautiously.

I thought to myself, did my elder brother meet Daoist Qiankun and the others when he went out for a walk alone? And still do it?

"It used to be enough." Wang Zi nodded in satisfaction, "Although it's not as bad as the whole family, but brother, I'm very upset, so you let me beat you up, okay?"

"..." Taoist Qiande thinks that the eldest brother is really humorous, and it seems that his guess is correct. The boss has encountered Taoist Qiankun and his party.

He even suffered a small loss, so now he plans to beat himself up as a vent.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your default."

"No, no, brother... I don't know what I did wrong..." Daoist Gande was about to cry, although you are my elder brother, although your fist is much harder than mine, but you can't be unreasonable .

"The only thing you did wrong was having a senior brother named Daoist Qiankun." Wang Zi said.

"..." Taoist Gande scolded his mother in his heart.

"Forget it, I won't hit you anymore, you have to find a way, brother, I want to take a bath." Wang Zi waved his hand and said.

"..." Daoist Gande's tears of grievance almost rolled down. It's okay to soak his feet, but he still wants to take a bath? Does he think this is his home or a hotel?

But can he go against his elder brother's wishes? The answer is no! So he could only say with a smile on his face: "Brother, then you should rest first and eat some rabbit meat, and I'll go out and help you find a tub for you to take a bath in."

"Go." Wang Zi waved his hand and said.

At that moment, Taoist Gande smiled with his smiling face, and in a blink of an eye, he left the cave and entered the rain curtain outside.

He raised his head, letting the bean-sized raindrops hit his face hard, and then his nose became sour, and the bean-sized eyeballs rolled out from the corners of his eyes, mixing with the rainwater Together.

He was so wronged, really too wronged, so wronged that he couldn't be wronged anymore.

He really couldn't understand, why did he come to Wuming Mountain? Isn't it good to travel around the world and spend your old age peacefully? This time, not only was his hand cut off, but he also became the slave of this shameless guy...

Most importantly, does the conveyor belt really work? Is there really another plane? Even if you can indeed reach another plane through the conveyor belt in the Nameless Cave, will you be rejected by the people in the other plane or even be regarded as an intruder and then killed with a knife?

For a while, Taoist Gande felt that trying to go to another plane was really a foolish act.

He came back and took a look at the cave, flicked his wet sleeves, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Huh, I'm quitting, what nameless mountains, nameless caves, and conveyor belts, go to hell, I travel around the world Go, play slowly by yourselves."

Then, in a flash, he disappeared into the rain.

In the cave, Wang Zi, who was chewing rabbit meat, took a look outside the cave, and the corners of his mouth curled up inexplicably. He knew that this Taoist Gande would never come back again.

That's good, it's equivalent to getting rid of a burden, otherwise if he is in danger, will he save him or not?

In fact, Wang Zi had no intention of accepting his younger brother at all. The reason why he kept Taoist Gande by his side was mainly because there was someone who served him with tea and water for washing his feet. not bad.


Li Zedao was awakened by the pain from the severed arm, as if his arm had been cut off by a sword.

Of course, his arm was cut off, not only that, but his right leg was also cut off from the calf.

What is gratifying is that Taoist Qiankun's sword is so sharp, and Taoist Qiankun's speed is so fast, he has not even experienced the pain, his hands and feet are separated from his body.

If the sword wasn't that sharp, and Daoist Qiankun's sword wasn't that fast, and his hands and feet were chopped off one after another, how painful would it be?

Of course, Li Zedao knew very well that although he did not lose his breath, he was not saved either, because he clearly felt several terrifying but familiar auras around him.

There is the perfect genetic superman, there is that damned werewolf, there is Daoist Qiankun, there is Master Miejue, and General Skull... Heretic God!

Even after beating Li Zedao to death, he never thought that General Skull would be the legendary evil god who is the number one master in the world!

Although he woke up, Li Zedao didn't open his eyes, but pretended to remain in a coma. He really didn't want to face everything around him.

He just wanted to quietly think about those pretty faces.

At the last moment of his life, he wanted to recall the beautiful and sweet and quiet death.

"Are you awake?" A muffled voice rang beside my ears.

"Who's awake? I'm not awake." Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back his curses, thinking that this damn dog was really annoying.

I didn't open my eyes, I didn't even move, how can you be so sure that I'm awake? I won't wake up, even if you eat my toes, I won't wake up!

"Your eyelashes are moving, and your breathing is also rapid." As if knowing Li Zedao's thoughts, the urging voice sounded again.

Li Zedao had no choice but to open his eyes very depressed.

What catches the eye is the Tibetan Mastiff's thick black-haired flatbread face and those big eyes that reveal bursts of ferocity and greed.

Even, Li Zedao clearly saw a trace of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth, just like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

The scene where he picked up his severed hand, bit off the fingers and chewed them into pieces and swallowed them into his stomach even more, Li Zedao felt his stomach twisted badly, and his throat began to twitch. With sour water, something will be sprayed out of the throat at any time.

"Your fingers are delicious." The Tibetan mastiff said in a low voice.

"...Thank you." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched violently. He actually wanted to yell at me and say that I'm going to fuck you, it's none of your business whether my hands taste good or not.

But I was worried about angering this damn werewolf, what if he ate the finger of his other hand?

Although the matter has come to this point, his remaining fingers seem to be useless, but it is better than nothing, isn't it? At least you can light a lighter and smoke a cigarette.

Even the occasional pistol...

I glanced around a few times with the corner of my eye, and found that I was now on the platform halfway up the mountain.

At this time, the sky was even darker, but it was no longer raining, and the dark sky was full of stars. Obviously, the weather was very good.

The evil god was sitting on a rock not far away, and Liuli was standing on his shoulders, those bare hands were gently massaging his shoulders.

Daoist Qiankun's perfect genetic superman stood on either side of them.

As for the old Sun who had both arms broken, he knelt in front of Taoist Qiankun with a flattering smile on his face.

Looking at Mr. Sun's virtuous behavior, and because he didn't see Zhao Duo'er, Li Zedao probably knew what happened.

Feeling weird and relieved, but at the same time feeling somewhat melancholy, I really feel worthless for Zhao Duo'er.

It seems that I have been in a coma for a while, but I don't know why, the evil god didn't kill me, but just let someone beat me half to death, and then broke my leg and arm.

"You're welcome, I'm just telling the truth." The big eyes of the Tibetan mastiff said with dazzling light, "Your fingers are really, really delicious, the best fingers I've ever eaten, bar none."

"...the one next door to Spicy!" Li Zedao didn't know how to respond, so he could only scold his mother in his heart. I can't say you're welcome, your liking is my honor, if it's delicious, you can eat more... Are you kidding me?

Also, can we talk about something else? Don't talk with fingers when you open and close, it's scary, okay?

"My toes are also delicious." Li Zedao said.

The Tibetan mastiff glanced at Li Zedao's only left foot, with disgust on his face.


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