Wang Zi looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, and looked very disdainful to answer his question, but he still said, "Why do we continue to fight? We just found out after we fought each other that he I can't beat him and I can't beat him, no matter how we fight, there is only one result, that is, both losers, do you think we two such smart people would do such a stupid thing?"

"It's only a fool like you who will fight with others and lose both." Wang Zi said again.

"..." Li Zedao made up his mind again, this master, I don't want it, I really don't want it, anyone who wants it should take it away.

"Instead of that, why not sit down and drink tea in a friendly manner, and chat about life and ideals together, wouldn't it be great?"

Li Zedao was powerless to refute, thinking that you can say whatever you want, who made you the master? Who made your fist hard?

"By the way, master, you and Taoist Qiankun are already... gods?" Li Zedao swallowed his saliva and asked, if they weren't gods, how could they kill the joint attack of the three masters of evil gods with one shot.

Wang Zi glanced at Li Zedao, shook his head and said, "Our realm is far from being a real god, so we can be regarded as a 'quasi-god'."


"This statement is not necessarily correct, but it probably means that."

Wang Zi briefly explained: "A master who returns to the basics is called a demigod. As the name suggests, a master of this level has some terrifying powers of a god, such as being able to live for thousands of years. Taoist Qiankun and I can be called quasi-gods, In other words, we basically possess most of the power of the gods, so Taoist Qiankun can kill the four demigods on the ground with one shot, as easily as slaughtering four chickens."

"But, you were clearly not even a master of returning to basics?" Li Zedao raised his doubts.

If the master becomes a back-to-basics master, Li Zedao can still accept some of his strength, but he has the strength of "quasi-god" all of a sudden... It's not so fast to ride a rocket, is it?

"So Master is a real genius. He casually broke through the realm of returning to nature, and then easily reached the level of quasi-god." Wang Ziyi's master is so awesome and so outstanding. Don't worship my looks.

"..." Li Zedao was really too lazy to say anything more to this shameless master.

Seeing Taoist Qiankun coming in with a pile of dry firewood in his arms, Wang Zi quickly stood up and greeted him, and said with a smile, "Come, come, Brother Daoist, I'll help."

"Thank you." Taoist Qiankun said politely.

"The Taoist priest is polite." Wang Zi said.

A few minutes later, the fire was lit, and the copper pot, already filled with water, was placed on top of the fire and the water boiled.

At the same time, Taoist Qiankun brought in a large stone, which he regarded as a table, and three butt-sized stones, which were naturally chairs.

Then the set of expensive purple clay teapots and the few boxes of precious "hard work and sweetness" were placed on the table.

"Please." Taoist Qiankun looked at Wang Zi and smiled.

"Please, Daoist." Wang Zi was polite and sat down on the rock.

Taoist Qiankun sat down opposite him.

Daoist Qiankun didn't even look at Li Zedao, nor did Wang Zi, which made Li Zedao feel chilled, feeling that he was superfluous, that he was abandoned by this world.

If he could, he would want to cry on Nintendo's soft chest.

Immediately stood up with difficulty, hopped on one foot and came to the stone table, and sat down on the stone chair.

Ma Dan, you don't need to invite me, this handsome guy will come by himself.

"I don't know what to call your Excellency?" Taoist Qiankun looked at Wang Zi and cupped his hands.

"Oh, my surname is Wang, and my single name is Zi, Mu Xinzi, Dao brother, you can also call me the super handsome guy who is invincible in the universe." Wang Zi cupped his hands and responded politely.

Li Zedao decisively felt that the injury he suffered was much more serious than he imagined, otherwise why did he feel like he was about to die?

He really couldn't understand how Master had the courage to give himself such a nickname.

Wang Zi glanced at this apprentice with dissatisfaction and shook his head. This apprentice is good at everything, but he always thinks that others are crooked and he is the invincible super handsome guy in the universe. This is really not good.

"Dare to ask Brother Wang, where is my junior brother?" Daoist Qiankun asked with a slight smile. As for the name of the invincible super handsome guy in the universe, he would never be able to say it.

"Brother Qiankun cares about him?" Wang Zi smiled as if pointing.

"It's not about caring, but I owe him a favor, so I don't want to see him get involved in this incident and die in this unnamed mountain. So I let him go a few days ago, otherwise he would have died in the My sword is down, and I will definitely not be able to last, Brother Wang, you come and rescue him." Taoist Qiankun nodded.

Wang Zi nodded and said, "He must have already left this area at this time, and I'm afraid he won't step into the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau in this life."

"That's very good." Taoist Qiankun nodded.

"Dare to ask, did you know I would appear?" Wang Zi asked.

"No, I just guessed that someone would bring the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword to the Wuming Cave, but I can't predict who that person is." Daoist Qiankun said, "Of course, it doesn't really matter who that person is." , the most important thing is that Xuanyuan Xia Yujian must have, otherwise there is no way to reach another plane through that conveyor belt."

Daoist Qiankun pointed to the dazzling seven-color circular beam of light not far away.

Li Zedao opened his eyes slightly, and there was a huge wave in his heart. How could such a thing happen?

"I don't know what role this Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword plays?" Wang Zi glanced at the thick and simple ancient sword that he put aside.

"In layman's terms, this sword is actually a means of transportation," Taoist Qiankun said.

"What the Taoist priest is referring to is... Yujian flying?" Wang Zi looked at the sword with surprise on his face.

"It can indeed be understood in this way." Taoist Qiankun nodded.

At the same time, the copper pot began to emit white gas, and the water inside had already boiled.

Daoist Qiankun stretched out his hand and picked up the copper pot to make tea.

His act of making tea is simple and direct, without any sense of beauty, and there is no complicated process. He randomly throws a few pieces of tea leaves into the teapot, pours the boiling water, pours the tea soup into the teacup, and then the tea is ready. up.

Li Zedao looked at it, and felt very sorry for the tea, it was a waste.

Glancing at the master, he found that the master also had a look of distress, wishing to reach out and snatch the teapot from Taoist Qiankun's hand.

"Please." Taoist Qiankun brought a cup of tea to Wang Zi, and this time he did not forget to offer Li Zedao a cup as well.

Li Zedao looked at the tea, and then looked up at Taoist Qiankun. His eyes were full of resentment. He felt that this damn Taoist did it on purpose. He knew that his left hand was cut off, and the fingers of his right hand were cut off one by one. How can you pick up the teacup if you bite off the root and swallow it in your stomach?

"Don't worry, apprentice, I will help you, Master." Wang Zi brought the tea to Li Zedao's mouth.

Li Zedao had a sore nose and almost cried, not because he was moved, but because he had an inexplicable feeling of being bullied to death.

But he was really thirsty, so he didn't care about the humiliation and burning, he bit the teacup and drank the tea in it.

"Master, I want it too." Li Zedao said.

"Be normal in your voice and expression, and don't be coquettish and cute in front of the Taoist priest," Wang Zi reprimanded.

"..." Li Zedao's inner world was crazily trampled by a large group of Cao Nima, and he wanted to hiss and roar, who is acting cute? Who acted like a baby? I'm just thirsty and want to drink another cup of tea, can't I?

You wait, when you get old, be careful that I don't help you with old age...

After feeding Li Zedao and drinking a cup of tea, Wang Zi looked at Taoist Qiankun and said, "Brother Dao, I have many questions, such as why you waited an extra thousand or two hundred years? Could it be that you didn't have the strength to kill evil gods back then? Also, why did you kill your master? And why did you reveal the secret of the Wuming Cave?"

"What?" Li Zedao saw that Daoist Qiankun's eyeballs were already rounded, and he almost spit out the tea in his mouth that he hadn't had time to swallow. He really couldn't believe what he heard.

Shouldn't it be Taoist Gande who killed the master and leaked the secrets of the sect? How could it be Taoist Qiankun?

Wang Zi glanced at Li Zedao with some dissatisfaction. His apprentice's mental capacity is still too low, and it's not some explosive news. As for the expression so exaggerated?

Wang Zi pointed to the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword: "Other Taoists can take this sword by themselves, can't they? As far as I know, the Demon Cave Forest... Oh, it should be said that the disciple Duanmu who trapped the Taoist priest in the Misty Land The tomb of Wei Zhuang's soul was made by the Taoist priest, and even the Taoist priest divided the five-colored stone that was left when Nuwa mended the sky into five parts, and polished it into five safety buckles of different colors, right?"

"Indeed." Taoist Qiankun nodded.

"So, why is this? Why did the Daoist make things so troublesome?" Wang Zi asked incomprehensibly.

Daoist Qiankun glanced at the colorful beam of light not far away and said, "You must have heard a legend."

"What legend?" Wang Zi asked.

"A legend about Daoist Xuanhuang."

Daoist Qiankun said: "Rumors say that after Daoist Xuanhuang ascended to heaven, he came back one day and transformed the nameless hole into an extremely powerful formation eye. Through this formation eye, you will be transported to an unknown place for a trial. Lian, in that unknown place, no one will know what kind of danger you will encounter, but as long as you pass the trial, you will break through the shackles that ordinary people can reach when practicing Qi..."

"There are also rumors that the seven-color beam of light was actually left by Daoist Xuanhuang. In addition, he also left a volume of "Tianji Picture Scroll" so that his disciples and grandchildren can enter another world through the back door and become god-like existences."

"Isn't that so?" Wang Zi asked back.

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