Daoist Qiankun was full of excitement, as if he had found a treasure, he quickly picked up the fragrant tea, took a sip, and then closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Wang Zi and sighed: "I never thought that tea can have such a taste. I think the Qiongyao syrup that the real gods drink is nothing more than this? Brother Wang really It's the Tea Fairy who is alive."

"Where, where..."

"Drinking a cup of tea, you will have no regrets in this life, no regrets."

"Fuck!" Li Zedao really had the urge to vomit, thinking that it would be a waste of talent to let this Taoist Qiankun not take the civil servant exam. Best chance to climb?

"Brother Dao praised me so much, I just messed around, and I still can't get into the hall of elegance." Wang Zi said modestly.

"Brother Wang has such a taste for tossing around casually? I admire you so much." Daoist Qiankun's face was full of exaggerated and shocked expressions.

Li Zedao on the side had to interrupt the two people's words. If he didn't interrupt, he would probably vomit: "Well, Daoist, my master is actually not humble at all, and his tea ceremony is indeed not on the list of elegance. Hall."

Therefore, Li Zedao received Wang Zi's murderous eyes. This kid really doesn't know how to respect his teacher.

Taoist Qiankun smiled slightly, put down his teacup and continued: "Afterwards, a shocking secret was revealed, and as a result, an unprecedented battle broke out among Qi refiners."

"The shocking secret that the Taoist priest is referring to should be the discovery of the conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave, right?" Wang Zi asked, pointing to the seven-colored beam of light.

"That's right." Taoist Qiankun nodded and said, "The massive consumption of the heavenly energy from the God's Realm has made it impossible for those Qi practitioners after the Sanqing Dynasty to cultivate into real gods, and then go to the God's Realm. So As soon as the news of the conveyor belt in the Wuming Cave spread, it naturally aroused the madness of those Qi practitioners."

"However, if you want to reach another plane through this nameless hole, you still need two things. One is the "Tianji Atlas", and the other is the weapons held by those who broke into this plane in the past. The weather energy generated by the "Tianji Picture Scroll" can make the conveyor belt not repel you, as for the weapon, as Brother Wang said, it is used to fly with the sword, that is, a means of transportation."

Wang Zi frowned and asked: "I don't know who first leaked the secret of this nameless cave? And who can say that in order to comprehend the "Tianji Picture Scroll" to have the Qi of Tianji, you must also have the weapon from the God Realm? This is the only way to reach another tattoo surface through the conveyor belt? Also, who left the "Tianji Picture Scroll"?"

"It is said that at the beginning, there was a colorful phenomenon in Kunlun Mountain that could not disappear for a long time, and it immediately attracted a large number of Qi practitioners to go."

Taoist Qiankun said, "Afterwards, the colorful light dissipated, and an ancient relic appeared in front of these Qi practitioners."

"Remains?" Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly, and this became more and more unreal and unimaginable.

"What kind of relic is that?" Wang Zi asked, and then poured tea soup into Taoist Qiankun's empty cup.

"It is said that this is a relic left by a Nuwa.

"The Taoist Qiankun said.

"Nuwa left?" Li Zedao's eyes widened.

"Yes, Nuwa." Taoist Qiankun nodded and said, "It is said that there is a stone tablet in the ruins, and there are records related to the Wuming Cave on the stone tablet."

"What the Taoist priest means is that Nuwa engraved the information about the Wuming Cave on the stele, and even the "Tianji Picture Volume" and the various weapons from the God's Domain were found on the ruins?" Wang Zi thoughtfully. nodded.

"Basically that's the case." Daoist Qiankun nodded, "In fact, like Sanqing, the top Qi training master who broke through the last layer of shackles through Qi training, will be overwhelmed by the mysterious power of heaven and earth the moment he becomes a god." Lead to this teleportation belt, and then go directly to another plane through this teleportation belt. Only people like us who plan to take a shortcut need such trouble. We need this weapon from the domain of the gods, and we need to cultivate the aura of heaven. "

"What about after that?" Li Zedao asked, swallowing his saliva, he was thirsty again.

He could probably imagine that the appearance of such a relic is equivalent to the opportunity to become a god again in front of those Qi practitioners. Without even thinking about it, violent conflicts will definitely erupt.

Greed is enough to make humans do anything crazy.

Li Zedao thought about it, he was also greedy, he wanted to continue to live, he wanted to have more time with Sister Bei and the others, otherwise he would not have come to this nameless mountain.

Of course, at the beginning, because Li Zedao was with Sixiang, he thought that he had the initiative. Even if he met a formidable master, with the strength of him and Sixiang, he could definitely handle it.

But what Li Zedao never expected was that General Skull was the evil god, let alone that the final boss would be Daoist Qiankun.

What he didn't even expect was that the master would appear, and even more that the master was making tea with Daoist Qiankun so friendly at this time.

In addition, he didn't expect that he had heard another version about Wuming Cave. Perhaps, this should be the version closest to the facts.

So now Li Zedao couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment, and he really felt like he was dreaming.

Daoist Qiankun glanced at Li Zedao and said, "At that time, a fierce conflict erupted in the ruins immediately, and almost all the masters of Qi training fought for the "Tianji Picture Scroll" and the weapons from the God Realm, life and death conflicts continued , whoever snatches the "Tianji Scroll" and the various weapons, he will become the target of other people's attacks, and for a while, the ruins are full of corpses, and there are countless casualties."

Although Li Zedao didn't witness such a big battle, as soon as he imagined that it was at least a battle between evil gods and even masters, he felt his blood boil and his body trembled.

"Boy, if you are agitated, the wound will open." Wang Zi on the side glanced at this apprentice who didn't know what it means to be calm, and said angrily.

Even though you have taken the Shenwan, and even though the master sprinkled extremely precious wound medicine on your wound, you still can't stand your convulsions.

And isn't it just a bunch of greedy people snatching treasures over there? What's so exciting?

Wang Zi felt that if he kicked his apprentice to the ruins where the battle was breaking out, his apprentice would die in less than three seconds.

It wasn't that his head was chopped off by a sword, but because of too much excitement, blood pressure soared rapidly, causing a blood vessel to burst and die.

Li Zedao laughed and took a few deep breaths to calm down his emotions. He also felt that he was really over excited.

"Taoist, please continue." Wang Zi poured tea into Taoist Qiankun's cup.

Taoist Qiankun picked up the teacup, took a sip of enjoyment, and then continued: "At that time, the most powerful ones were naturally the disciples of Sanqing, so this battle is actually a battle between the disciples of Sanqing. The others were quickly kicked out of that battle."

"Although the disciples of the Sanqing were divided into three factions during the Sanqing period, they can still be regarded as brothers of the same sect after all. If they continue to fight and kill, it will be a joke to outsiders, and it will not solve the real problem. Therefore, they agreed In the final decisive battle, whoever wins will be the owner of this conveyor belt, this "Tianji Atlas" and these weapons from God's Domain."

"Afterwards, Lao Tzu's disciples, represented by Master Xuan Huang, won the final victory. Although it was a victory, it was naturally a disastrous victory. The result of that battle was the complete decline of Qi trainers. The consumption of the spirit of heaven and earth in God's Domain has never recovered, and there is no glory in the past. Even in the past few thousand years, even a master like you and me has never appeared." Taoist Qiankun looked at Wang Zi and said, "You know , It is an exaggeration for a master like you and me to walk everywhere, but even if there is not 10,000, 8,000 is still there."

"Although Lao Tzu's disciple won the final victory, the conflict is far from over, right?" Wang Zi nodded to express his opinion.

"That's true." Daoist Qiankun said.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao understood that if the war ended here, there would probably be no so-called secret door.

Daoist Qiankun said: "I have many disciples, not only Daoist Xuanhuang alone, but also Laozi has become a fairy, so no one can restrain this group of people, so a fierce battle broke out inside again, and finally Xuanhuang The real person won, and brought his supporter, his apprentice, to break away from Lao Tzu's faction, and even came to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau to set up the Tianjimen, and became the so-called guardian of this unknown cave... Of course, that At that time, this place was not called the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau, it was called a barren land, a place where all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts live."

"A barren land..." Li Zedao nodded. The Sichuan-Tibet Plateau is so desolate now that most places are not suitable for human habitation at all, let alone thousands of years ago.

"So, somewhere on the Sichuan-Tibet plateau that stretches for thousands of miles, there should still be relics of the cave where Master Xuanhuang and his disciples lived." Daoist Qiankun said again, "Of course it may not be possible, after all Thousands of years have passed, I am afraid it has turned to dust long ago."

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened slightly, and his mouth opened.

"What do you want to say?" Wang Zi sensed Li Zedao's strangeness and asked.

Li Zedao looked at Wang Zi and nodded, and said: "Master, it's like this. I came to the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau once before. At the bottom of a certain pool, I found a passage. Through that passage, I came to a cave. In the dark cave, I saw the words left by you, Master."

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