The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2000 Challenge the Rules

This discovery really puzzled Li Zedao. After all, according to what he knew, people in God's Domain should have a long lifespan, and even live the same life as the world, right?

As for the so-called spiritual skills and skills, they were similar to what Li Zedao had in mind.

To put it simply, Lingjue is a mental method for cultivating inner strength, such as the famous "Washing Marrow Sutra" and "Nine Suns Divine Art", which are top-level mental methods for cultivating inner strength.

To put it bluntly, Lingjue is a method to guide the breath of heaven and earth into one's body, and finally store it in one's dantian.

There are four grades of spiritual arts, heaven, earth and fantasy. The higher the grade, the more difficult it is to cultivate, but the more majestic the breath of heaven and earth obtained afterward.

As for spiritual skills, they are naturally moves, including boxing, or palm, leg, sword, knife and so on.

The function of spiritual skills is to guide the breath of heaven and earth from the dantian to attack.

Like Ling Jue, there are four grades of Spirit Skills: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang.

For example, A and B have the same amount of breath of heaven and earth stored in their dantians, that is to say, these two are strong at the same level.

But A is practicing yellow-rank spiritual skills, while B is practicing black-rank spiritual skills.

If it is said that the Huang-level spiritual skills can instantly guide 50% of the heaven and earth energy in the dantian to attack, then the Xuan-level spiritual skills can instantly guide 60% of the world energy in the dantian, and the result is naturally A is going to suffer.

Therefore, if one wants to become a real master, high-level spiritual arts and spiritual skills are least in the domain of God.

As for being in the Mortal Realm, there is no need for that, after all, there are not many people who can cultivate internal strength.

Besides, unless you are a back-to-basics master who can move instantly, no matter how fast you are, you will not be as fast as a bullet.

Of course, one level of cultivation and one level of heaven, the spiritual skills mastered by the masters of the Lingshan realm are powerful, and they cannot withstand the punch of the strong of the Lingyun realm. This is the difference.

"Li Zedao, it's time to go, let's go eat."

Just when Li Zedao was thinking, Nangong Wan'er's voice sounded behind him.

Li Zedao looked back at Nangong Wan'er,

Nodding his head, he put the book in his hand back on the shelf.

"There is nothing to see. Although there are many spiritual skills and skills here, most of them are yellow ranks, a few are mysterious ranks, and there are no earth ranks or sky ranks at all. All of them are useless." Nangong Wan'er shrugged. He shrugged his shoulders very discouraged.

It seems that if you want to get the spiritual skills and skills above the ground level, you can also go to the second floor, right? Even the third, fourth and fifth floors.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything. He has gained a lot, at least not so "amnesia".

As for the spirit arts of the earth level or even the sky level, Li Zedao didn't really need it that much. After all, the method of cultivating internal strength taught by his master was enough to make him almost break through the realm of returning to the original state, let alone in the mortal realm. The domain of the gods, so if it is divided according to the level, it must be a heavenly spirit art, right?

As for the spiritual skills, you really have to find some awesome ones to practice, otherwise you will suffer a big loss when you meet an opponent with strong spiritual skills.

The place to eat was in the dining hall, not too far from the new student residence where Li Zedao and the others lived.

At this time, there were already many students eating in the dining hall.

Buzhou College admits a batch of new students every three years. When your strength breaks through the top-rank of the Lingyun Realm and enters the Spiritual God Realm, congratulations, you have graduated and can leave the college.

But how difficult is it to break through to the top peak of the Lingyun Realm and become a strong person in the Spiritual God Realm?

The academy also knows this, so it doesn't force you to graduate before you can leave. You can leave at any time, and the academy won't stop you.

Of course, most people choose to stay and continue to practice. After all, here, as long as you have enough credits, you will be able to get excellent resources.

Therefore, although Buzhou College only admits fifty new students every three years, the total number of students in the entire college now is around five hundred.

In other words, some students have been studying here for decades, and even look older than their teachers.

This kind of perseverance, this persistence, no one else.

The food here is naturally extremely fresh and hearty for Li Zedao.

For example, the rice grains are the size of peanuts! If the taste was not similar to the rice he had eaten, Li Zedao couldn't believe that the rice grains could be so big!

But for a young lady like Nangong Wan'er from the Nangong family, it is naturally very ordinary. In the family, the handyman eats better than this.

So after taking a few mouthfuls casually, she put down her chopsticks.

"Go to the mission attic tomorrow?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with sparkling eyes and asked what he meant.

I have to say, this guy has a good skin, if he sells it, he should be able to sell it for a good price, right?

Inexplicably, Nangong Wan'er remembered the scene when he was naked in Buzhou Plain, and her pretty face burned slightly.

Li Zedao nodded. He had no objection. He was also quite curious about what kind of task the college issued to earn credits, and how many credits he could get after completing it.

In addition, Li Zedao is also very interested in the Pill Pavilion. According to Liu Qingfeng, you can use your credits there to exchange for the pills you need. Even, it is not impossible for you to stay in the Pill Pavilion and learn alchemy , but need to pay a certain amount of credits!

And the Artifact Pavilion, Li Zedao was also very interested.

Most of the students here carry swords and knives with them, which looks very cool.

Li Zedao also wanted to go to the Artifact Pavilion to find a suitable sword for him, not to kill the enemy, but only to improve his strength.

But if you want to get a weapon that suits you, you will naturally have to pay credits. It is said that any sword requires more than a hundred credits.

In other words, although Li Zedao was the first among this group of freshmen, the most common and cheapest sword could not be exchanged for the reward given by the academy.

However, remembering that Nangong Meili only had five credits, and the other students didn't even have a single credit, Li Zedao felt a lot more balanced.

Immediately afterwards, thinking of Nangong Meili's family background, she didn't need to go to the Artifact Pavilion to exchange for weapons, and Li Zedao was very depressed again.

At this moment, three men came to Li Zedao and stared at Li Zedao with sneering faces.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao asked. Handsome guys don't like men staring at them with such wretched eyes, of course, except gay.

Looking at them like that, it is natural that they are old students of this bad college, and they are also old fritters.

"Li Zedao?" The tall man in the lead, who was wearing the Xiangyun robe of the Imperfect Academy, glanced at Li Zedao with squinted eyes, and there was a hint of arrogant coldness at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao nodded quickly, as if a good student meets a senior.

"I heard that you are ranked first among this batch of freshmen?" the man asked again.

"Uh...a fluke, a fluke." Li Zedao responded very modestly. Unexpectedly, in just half a day, his name has already been known to these old students, which is quite surprising.

Sure enough, even though God's Domain had so many masters, the sharpness of those masters still couldn't conceal his coquettishness.

"Just you, who can kill two people with one slap, can become the first among the freshmen? There is no shady scene, right?" The man sneered.

"This...No, there is absolutely no shady scene. I believe that Buzhou College is a fair and good college. Don't you believe it, senior?" Li Zedao said seriously.

Anyway, the rules of Buzhou College are there, and students are strictly prohibited from fighting in private, so Li Zedao is not worried that this guy who doesn't know where he came from dares to do something to him here.

The man had a feeling of being choked.

If you believe it, then there is no shady scene, and it is slapping yourself in the face.

If you don't believe it, you are questioning the academy, which is tantamount to slapping the academy in the face. What should you do if the academy finds yourself in trouble?

After all, Buzhou Academy does not allow others to slander at will.

"Let's stop talking nonsense. In short, I, Dongfang Xingchen, are very upset to see you. Let's go to Yanwu Pavilion to compete!" When Dongfang Xingchen said this, he seemed so domineering, and the taste of threat was quite obvious.

"Dongfang Xingchen? From the Dongfang family behind Dongfang Lingqi and Dongfang Xiaochu?" Li Zedao probably understood.

Dongfang Xingchen looked at Li Zedao provocatively and said, "Of course, our Buzhou Academy is a free place, so you can choose not to accept it. However, if you don't accept it, there is no need to accept it in Buzhou Academy." If you stay in the academy, you should get out of the academy early and go down the mountain."

Nangong Wan'er's eyes were full of surprise, she really didn't expect that this guy came to challenge Li Zedao, she thought Dongfang Xingchen came to say hello because she saw her eating here.

Li Zedao frowned slightly.

Although it has only been less than a day since he came to Buzhou College, Li Zedao has a general understanding of some ways to survive in this place.

In the place of Buzhou College, because the admitted students are all the pride of the tribes, basically all of them have a label on their bodies, that is pride, a pride that cannot be provoked by others!

A tree has a skin, a person has a face, this sentence is vividly displayed in Buzhou Academy!

Students here challenge others and are challenged every day.

I challenge you when I see you are unhappy; I challenge you when you hinder me from picking up girls; I challenge you because you have too many credits; I challenge you because you are more handsome than me; The weather is good today and I want to challenge you; I was too full just now so I want to challenge you; today I was woken up by myself so I want to challenge you...

In short, there are reasons for the strange challenges, and they can all be approved by the academy.

In other words, the academy doesn't care what reason you find to challenge others, as long as you don't fight in private.

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