The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2002 Accept the task

? Li Zedao secretly admired, the business of the college is too fucking wide, right? They even provide security services.

The shoulder was lightly patted, and immediately a depressed voice with a little resentment rang in my ears: "Well, you Li Zedao, you didn't keep your word, you agreed to come to the task pavilion together today, but you yourself It ran over first."

Li Zedao turned his head, looked at Nangong Wan'er who looked angry, and said with some embarrassment: "That... I forgot."

"Forgot?" Nangong Wan'er's almond eyes were filled with anger, she clenched her fists and wanted to hit someone.

"Hey, the academy forbids beating people in private." Li Zedao was startled and backed away.

"Forget it, since you are my future brother-in-law, I won't argue with you." Nangong Wan'er said with a cold snort, pointing to the stone tablet in front of her, "Have you received a suitable mission? "

"After looking at it, raising Tianma or growing vegetables is more suitable for me." Li Zedao said seriously, "It is safe and close to nature."

Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with contempt in her eyes, you are the first among this batch of freshmen after all, and you are also the nominal fiancé of Nangong Meili, the eldest lady of the Nangong family, one of the largest families in the Zhong tribe, How would you even want to take on that kind of mission?

Even if you are not afraid of embarrassment, you should still consider the face of the Nangong family!

"I think washing the toilet is more suitable for you." Nangong Wan'er said angrily.

Li Zedao glanced at the stele, and nodded seriously: "If the credits are higher, it can still be considered."

"Are you serious? Then I'll fix it for you."

"Uh... I'm just joking." Li Zedao sneered, he couldn't clean the toilet no matter what.

"What do you think of the task that requires the cooperation of two people?" Nangong Wan'er glanced at the stele, and then pointed to one of the tasks.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the task.

That is an escort mission. Simply put, it is to help escort a treasure from one place to another. To put it bluntly, it is the so-called escort mission.

Of course, living in the mortal domain like receiving darts has been thoroughly carried forward, and there is no danger of robbing darts.

At most, the car full of couriers accidentally caught fire or something.

But in this god's domain where bandits are rampant, it is obvious that dart walking is full of dangers, and if something goes wrong, the body will be decapitated.

"After completing the task, each person will get one hundred credits..." Nangong Wan'er's eyes began to light up, "I think this task is good, that's all."

"Miss Nangong Wan'er, look at the task of washing the toilets. You can only get ten credits by washing the toilets for a week. It is conceivable that it is not an easy task to obtain credits by completing tasks. And this task After completing it, each person can actually get one hundred credits, which is enough to prove that this task is quite dangerous." Li Zedao decisively shook his head and rejected Nangong Wan'er's proposal, "I think the task of raising Tianma is more suitable for me."

Li Zedao decided to have a good experience of life and get close to nature.

Nangong Wan'er didn't care whether Li Zedao agreed or not, she just dragged Li Zedao and was about to walk over to the staff sitting there.

Li Zedao couldn't die, his expression was on the verge of tears: "Why are you embarrassing me? I really think I'm more suitable for raising Tianma, and I can even consider cleaning the toilet."

"Should I go? If I don't go, I'll yell for help, saying you're a disciple and molesting me." Nangong Wan'er's eyes were full of cunning, "I'm so good-looking, and you're so handsome!" Wretched, those students around me will definitely believe my words."

Li Zedao was almost choked to death by Nangong Wan'er's words, have you ever seen such a handsome Deng Tuzi?

"Why do you have to force me to go? If you like this task, you can find other people to cooperate with, find Dongfang Xiaochu, find those Tianjiao who are from the Central Tribe like you, or even your cousin." Li Ze said. Said angrily.

"Because you're handsome." Nangong Wan'er deliberately looked nympho.

Li Zedao almost spat out a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he deeply realized that being handsome is also a mistake.

"You don't like me, do you?" Li Zedao asked with a straight face, "No, I'm your brother-in-law too."

"Do you think your charm is so great?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao as if she was looking at an idiot, "Besides, if I really like you, what's wrong with my brother-in-law? My second mother is my aunt, she Marry my father with my mother."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, God's Domain is so open? Compared with God's Domain, Mortal Domain's thinking is really too backward.

"I like to be lively, and I don't like to be alone. In Buzhou College, except for Dongfang Xiaochu and the others, I only know you, but I don't like being with Dongfang Xiaochu and the others, so I can only find you. " Nangong Wan'er said, "The most important thing is that when you encounter danger, you will still rush to the front, how good it is."

"You're thinking too much." Li Ze said with black lines on his face.

"No way?" Nangong Wan'er giggled, revealing a mouthful of white millet teeth.

"No." Li Zedao was categorical, "I will run away immediately, and I don't care about your life or death!"

"For the sake of your serious expression, I'll just pretend to believe you." Nangong Wan'er nodded.


Under Nangong Waner's coercion and lure, Li Zedao obediently took out the jade card and handed it to Nangong Waner, and then registered with the staff, received the escort mission, and learned about this mission.

The client of the task was a middle-aged man named Li Yuanbao. This Li Yuanbao was a medicine merchant who opened a large-scale medicine shop in a city called Panlong City in the north.

The mission this time is to help Li Baoyuan safely deliver a box in his hand to a town called Heifeng City, which is also located in Beiluo.

As for what was inside the box, and who was the person who took over the box after it was delivered to Black Wind City, they would naturally know after meeting Li Yuanbao.

"Go back and get ready. Go back to Cangying Pavilion and ask Cangying to take you down the mountain. Try to cross the Buzhou Plain before dark, and then you must arrive at Li Yuanbao's Yuanbao Pharmacy at noon tomorrow." After the staff registered the information, Return the jade card to Li Zedao and talk to Nangong Wan'er.

Afterwards, he handed some things to Nangong Wan'er, and said, "This is the map, and the gold coins are for your travel expenses, don't make up for more or less... The academy still believes in your character."

"..." Both Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er had the urge to beat up the staff member.

"Remember, if you encounter an unsolvable danger, you must crush this jade card as soon as possible, and someone will come to rescue you." The staff explained with a serious expression.

It seems that this task is indeed full of danger! The muscles on Li Zedao's face trembled, and he looked at the staff member eagerly: "That...can I go back on my word?"

"Yes, but you have to pay one hundred credits." The staff looked at Li Zedao and said.


Li Zedao was simply dragged away by Nangong Wan'er who felt quite ashamed.

After walking out of the mission pavilion, Li Zedao was exhausted, followed Nangong Wan'er back to the freshmen's dormitory area with a look of lovelessness, and simply cleaned up.

No need to think about it, this dart receiving mission must be full of certain dangers, otherwise the academy that is so stingy in terms of credits would not be so generous and give two hundred credits all at once.

You know, cleaning the latrines for a week only earns mere ten credits!

In fact, there is nothing to tidy up, just bring gold coins and a panacea that can save life after being injured in danger.

Li Zedao took some of the gold coins from the robber. As for the life-saving panacea, there is no such thing, but Nangong Wan'er should have it. Of course, it is best not to use this so-called panacea.

The only thing that made Li Zedao more comfortable was that Nangong Wan'er gave him a sword.

"Seeing that you don't have any weapons for self-defense, I brought this cold light sword from home, so I gave it to you." Nangong Wan'er said generously.

"Give it to me?"

Li Zedao was surprised, then pulled out the sword, and immediately felt the cold air released from the silver-white sword blade, so even if he was ignorant, he knew that it was definitely a good sword, not the one he had seen before. The kind of broken copper and iron that the robbers handed over.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Li Zedao was a real person, although he was tricked by Nangong Wan'er, he felt so embarrassed at this moment.

"Don't be embarrassed, just remember to rush in front of me when you encounter danger." Nangong Wan'er said with a smile.

"..." The embarrassment in Li Zedao's heart was fed to the dog in an instant, and the reason why she gave him the sword was to die for her better.

After the two walked out of the gate of the academy, a servant who had been notified earlier stepped forward and led them to Goshawk Pavilion not far from the gate of the academy.

Goshawk Pavilion is the place where goshawks are raised and trained.

The goshawk is a huge eagle that can sit on people, and its speed is even faster than that of the Pegasus.

However, compared with Pegasus, goshawks are expensive, eat meat instead of grass, and have a bad temper that is extremely difficult to tame. More importantly, goshawks don't live long.

A goshawk can be used for about ten years, while a flying horse can be used for twenty years.

Therefore, only those families with a strong family background have the ability to raise this kind of goshawk as a means of travel.

There are a total of more than one hundred goshawks raised in the Goshawk Pavilion of this Buzhou Academy. It is conceivable that this Buzhou Academy has become so wealthy that many forces can't match it.

Soon, the servant brought Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er to the Goshawk that perched there.

Looking at the so-called goshawk that was taller than him and looked so majestic, Li Zedao was naturally quite curious. He had ridden a horse, a cart, and a man, but he had never ridden a bird.

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