? Lao Jian is still very useful to Li Zedao's flattery. He hiccupped, his face was full of pride, but his tone was modest and said: "Where is it? The ancients said that it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, if it is not only we in Buzhou Mountain. This five-color chicken is different from chickens from other places, the meat itself is tender, delicious and chewy, and I can't make such a delicious stewed chicken."

Li Zedao disagreed with Lao Jian's words, and said: "Brother Lao Jian is modest. If he didn't have such superb cooking skills, even with these five-color chickens, he would not be able to make such an unforgettable delicacy... just like me The chicken I roasted myself before, because my cooking skills are completely bad, so I ruined the chicken."

As a result, Lao Jian's heart was even more useful, and he really wanted to show his heart and soul to Li Zedao.

Look at how sincere this student is. He really deserves to be the dean's illegitimate son. He has perfectly inherited the dean's demeanor. He is not like those sinister and cunning people. It is simply disgusting!

"Do you use a sword?" Lao Jian asked with a smile as his eyes fell on the Hanguang Sword that Li Zedao put aside.

"That's right." Li Zedao said. He doesn't actually have a fixed weapon, he's used to using fists. The main reason why I carry this sword is not for defense, but to improve my strength.

With this sword, Li Zedao inexplicably felt that he was three points more handsome.

However, at this time, Lao Jian actually raised the sword, which undoubtedly made Li Zedao's heart skip a beat, and his thoughts arose. Could it be that because of his handsome appearance, this elder brother Jian wanted to give him a sword?

So Li Zedao hurriedly continued to brew flattery in his heart. If there is flattery, will there be no sword?

"Can you show me this sword?" Lao Jian smiled.

Li Zedao quickly picked up the cold light and handed it over, saying: "This sword is called cold light, and it was given by a friend."

Lao Jian nodded and took it, pulled out the sword, glanced at it a few times, and smiled obscenely: "Gift from a female friend? And you don't have a long time to give it to you, right?"

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously: "It is indeed a female friend. It was given as a gift three or four days ago. Brother Lao Jian, how did you know?"

"It's very simple. Look at the emerald bead inlaid on the hilt of the sword. It was inlaid in the later stage. Only girls like to do this kind of thing." Old Jian said, "Besides, there is a strand of jade on this sword. Although the fragrance is very faint, it cannot escape my nose, which is more sensitive than that ghost dog."

Li Zedao was full of admiration,

He said sincerely: "Brother Lao Jian is really a god."

If such a person becomes a great and glorious people's policeman in Mortal Realm, he must be a master at solving crimes. His nose is better than that of a police dog.

The long sword was out of its sheath, and the old sword glanced at the sword body, flicked the sword body a few times with his fingers, nodded and said: "Not bad, it's a good grade."

"How many grades can I enter?" Li Zedao asked.

Li Zedao learned from the books that God's Domain used to divide all kinds of weapons into nine ranks, namely the upper three ranks, the middle three ranks, and the lower three ranks.

Of course, most of the weapons are not high-grade, just some broken copper and rotten iron.

"The third grade." Lao Jian said.

"That's not bad." Li Zedao took the cold light that Lao Jian handed over. Nangong Wan'er said that this sword was randomly picked out from their treasure storehouse before she left home, and it was used as a spare sword.

Any sword you choose can be imported. It is conceivable that there are still many treasures in the treasure chest of the Nangong family.

Moreover, any lower-rank sword in the Artifact Pavilion would have to pay at least 200 credits, middle-rank swords would cost more than 500 credits, and upper-rank swords would start at 1,000 credits.

Therefore, with this cold light, Li Zedao is already very satisfied, but if this old sword brother insists on giving him a sword, Li Zedao will naturally not refuse... If someone wants to give you something, but you don't want it, this is not giving you face. It is to offend others, Li Zedao dare not offend the head of the sword casting department!

Lao Jian pointed to the sword that was thrown on the table like broken copper and iron and said with a smile: "Those swords that I forged casually, any of them can be entered."

"..." Li Zedao's eyeballs that fell on the broken copper and iron simply stared round, and he really couldn't believe what he heard.

There was even an urge to kneel down and worship Lao Jian on the spot.

Listen, listen, how pretentious and awesome this sounds.

For a long time, Li Zedao felt that in the field of pretense, if the old master said that he was the first in pretense skills, no one would dare to say that he was second. But now, Li Zedao's deep-rooted thinking has been completely broken.

Li Zedao now firmly believes that there is still a certain gap between the master's pretentious state and this old sword brother.

Li Zedao stood up, looked at Lao Jian with an expression of admiration, bowed deeply and said, "Brother Lao Jian, my admiration for you is like the surging river, which is endless. It's really hard to imagine, you All the swords you forge can be imported, I think it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the number one swordsmith in God's Domain."

So Lao Jian couldn't be more satisfied with Li Zedao. He quickly stood up and saluted and said, "Don't dare, dare not be the number one in this God's Domain where capable people come forth in large numbers? My sword-making skills It can only be ranked second at most.”

"You said you were the second, but does anyone dare to say that he is the first?" Li Zedao despised this hypocritical guy in his heart, but he flattered him, and was once again conquered by Lao Jian's pretense.

It doesn't sound too comfortable to hear this! But what is comfortable is comfortable, but Lao Jian can't hide his conscience. He thinks that he is a very honest person like this classmate Li.

"There are still." Lao Jian waved his hand and said, "When there is such a person who says he is number one, I dare not refute him."

"Brother Lao Jian, don't be too modest. The one who dares to call himself the number one must be a shameless person who has earned his reputation." Li Zedao said with certainty.

"That..." Lao Jian looked at Li Zedao with a strange expression and said, "The one who claims to be number one is my father..."

"Uh..." The expression on Li Zedao's face froze, and now he was embarrassed and slapped the horse's leg.

Just as he was about to explain something with a face full of embarrassment, Lao Jian said proudly: "But you are right. Although my father thinks he is the best swordsmith in the world, he is indeed not as good as me in swordsmithing. , because he is my father, so I dare not refute."


"Since you call me big brother, I'll call you brother...Brother Li, you and I hit it off right away, and you let me see such a miraculous scene. Water and fire are incompatible, but ice formed from water can be condensed." Light the fire."

Lao Jian looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "So, brother Li, I will give you a third-grade sword and a heaven-rank sword formula. You must practice hard, and don't disappoint my elder brother. expectations."

"..." The words went too fast, and what he said was so shocking that Li Zedao couldn't react for a while.

The third-grade sword? Heavenly Sword Art?

So, the sky of God's Domain will not only drop pie, but also smash it? Li Zedao was stunned!

He thought that the head of the sword casting department would give him a lower-rank sword at most, but he didn't expect that he planned to give him a sword of the upper-rank. What Li Zedao didn't expect was that he also planned to give him a heavenly sword Trick...

Could it be that Li Zedao is his illegitimate son?

"Brother Lao Jian, don't be joking. I just entered school and haven't performed any tasks. The credits I have now are not enough to exchange for a third-rank sword." Li Zedao said cautiously, swallowing his saliva.

"Hey, what credits are not credits? Credits are for those students who have nothing to do with it. You are my younger brother, and you are the courtyard... oh, the number one among the new batch of students recruited by the courtyard is really worth it. Brother, I have a long face. So if you want anything, you can just ask me, what credits do you need?" Lao Jian patted his chest and said.

After Li Zedao was stunned for a while, his eyes were filled with tears of emotion: "Brother Lao Jian, you are my real brother."

"Uh... dare not dare." Lao Jian said quickly, his forehead was sweating, thinking that he was not the dean's illegitimate son.

But I really envy this kid, he really knows how to reincarnate!

"Brother Li, wait a moment, I'll go get you the sword that I intend to give you."

Li Zedao quickly expressed that he was not busy at all: "Brother Lao Jian, don't worry, I'm fine... I'm fine staying here tonight."


Soon, Lao Jian sent two swords, one black and one white, for Li Zedao. They were as black as ink, exuding a masculine aura full of urgency.

The white one is like snow, but it reveals a feminine aura full of oppression.

"This is my proudest work in the past, Dragon Chanting Sword and Phoenix Dance Sword, both of these two swords can enter the eighth rank, so I will give it to you, Brother Li." Lao Jian said.

"Give me both?" Li Zedao swallowed and asked uncertainly. In other words, a sword of the eighth rank is worth a lot of gold coins, right?

"This Fengwu sword is a female sword. It is a pair with this Dragon Yin sword. It is useless for me to keep it. Besides, Brother Li is a talented person. He will definitely meet a girl he likes in the future. At that time, he can use this sword as a set. I will send you a token of love." Lao Jian already had a wretched smile on his face.

Seeing his face, Li Zedao seemed to understand why he couldn't send the sword out.

"This is the Leiqie Sword Art, you must practice it hard." Lao Jian took out another thin booklet and stuffed it into Li Zedao's arms, and said seriously, "Brother Li, you must remember, this is a top-grade heaven-rank booklet." Spiritual skills are incomparably precious, enough to cause others to go crazy, so you must keep them well, and if you don't have enough strength, try not to let others know, so as not to cause a murderous disaster."

"Tian-rank top grade..." Li Zedao's buzzing head was only left with these four words.

After returning to the No. 50 courtyard that belonged to him, Li Zedao frowned and looked at the two swords, one black and one white, and the thin booklet Leiqie Jianjue, really feeling like he was dreaming.

Lao Jian's attitude towards him was quite polite yesterday, but today it's not just as simple as being polite, it even has a flattering taste in it!

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