The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2022 Recruiting Apprentices

When Li Zedao had just had breakfast in the dining hall, a message appeared on the jade card that Mr. Liu Qingfeng asked those students who did not go out to perform tasks to earn credits to go to the Tuxuan at that time. Things to notify.

When he came to Tuxuan, Li Zedao saw that half of his so-called classmates had come, but there was no communication with each other.

What Liu Qingfeng said about a family that loves each other is indeed a piece of bullshit.

Nangong Meili had already arrived. At this moment, she was watching her heart, without any emotional fluctuations on her face...even though Yan Nanfei and Young Master Amorous were staring at her with such fiery eyes.

Nangong Wan'er arrived a few minutes later than Li Zedao. She sat down in the empty seat in front of Li Zedao, turned around, and stared at Li Zedao with bright eyes.

"Although I'm handsome, I won't be embarrassed if you look at me like this..." Li Zedao shyly.

"Go to hell!" Nangong Wan'er was very contemptuous, "You are so thick-skinned that you have the nerve to call yourself handsome?"

Li Zedao pointed to his own face, and retorted, "Aren't I handsome?"

"Not handsome." Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao's face and commented very seriously.

"Wan'er, your eyes... are so beautiful." Seeing Nangong Wan'er's small hand clenched on the hilt of the sword, Li Zedao changed his words without moral integrity.

"For you have vision." Nangong Wan'er raised her head proudly, quite proudly.

Then he lowered his voice and said, "Li Zedao, you told me before that your cooking is delicious?"

"Uh, this, I'm bragging. Men like bragging in front of beautiful girls." Li Zedao said with a sneer. He didn't have the time to cook for this woman.

Of course, if this woman gives him some benefits, such as giving him 10,000 gold coins, that can still be considered.

"Then come to my courtyard at noon and let me taste your cooking skills." Nangong Wan'er said.

"My cooking is really bad and poisonous." Li Zedao had a bitter face.

Nangong Wan'er patted Li Zedao's shoulder with her little hand, and said very seriously: "Well, seeing how serious your expression is, I will reluctantly trust you.


"...I have something to do at noon, I have to go... It would be nice to cook for you... Oh, by the way, what ingredients have you prepared? Go to the cafeteria to buy some later?" Seeing Nangong Wan'er With his little hand on the hilt of the sword, Li Zedao changed his words without morality again.

He also had a tough mouth, but no matter how tough his mouth was, he couldn't win against the sword in Nangong Wan'er's hand.

Nangong Wan'er said with a smile: "It's not too bad, follow me to the cafeteria to buy ingredients later."

Sishi ago, Liu Qingfeng, who was almost taller than him with several thick books in his arms, came to the Tuxuan on time, but only seven students who were supposed to arrive, Duanmu Lei, Zhui Fengjian and Dong Fang Xiao Chu didn't arrive, apparently he went out to perform tasks to earn credits.

The seven or eight books that Liu Qingfeng brought were very thick. Li Zedao checked them visually, and the thickness was at least about ten centimeters.

After putting down those few books, Liu Qingfeng sized up the students in front of him like treasures, especially Li Zedao and Nangong Meili. He specially took a few more glances, and when his gaze met Li Zedao, he even showed encouragement color.

"The reason why everyone is notified to come here is because there is a very important matter that needs to be notified to everyone." Liu Qingfeng pointed to the exaggeratedly thick books in front of him and said, "This is "Compendium of Plants and Plants". I believe everyone has heard of this book, right?"

A big question mark appeared above Li Zedao's head.

"Compendium of Plants and Trees"? What book is this? Wouldn't it be "Compendium of Materia Medica"?

Of course, for the sake of other people's indifferent expressions, Li Zedao's expression is naturally extremely natural, as if I am very familiar with this book and have even memorized it by heart.

"The ancients said that ten thousand feet tall buildings rise on the ground; the old people return to the cloud, if you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach thousands of miles, and if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't form rivers and seas! These words mean that the basic things are very important. Only by laying down the foundation in a down-to-earth manner Only when you are in prison, can you build that ten thousand-foot tall building, and you can only reach thousands of miles away if you go forward step by step." Liu Qingfeng showed off his knowledge enthusiastically.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, the ancients of God's Realm actually said such a famous saying?

"If you want to become a doctor, or an alchemist, or even a soul craftsman, you have to start from the most basic things. This "Compendium of Plants and Plants" is the foundation. Everyone knows that it introduces the ten thousand things in detail. The property of planting vegetation." Liu Qingfeng said lightly, patting the thick book in front of him.

"Master Liu, Buzhou Academy doesn't seem to require students to become physicians or alchemists, right? As for soul seems that only those with soul bodies can become soul craftsmen?" The pair of peach blossom eyes are full of smiles.

Nangong Wan'er glanced behind her from the corner of her eye, thinking that the other students might not know that Li Zedao has the qualifications to become a soul craftsman, right?

"Of course, Buzhou Academy will not require students to say that they must become doctors and alchemists. What you want to learn depends entirely on your personal preferences. Even if you sleep in the courtyard every day, that's up to you. The Academy will not There is no compulsion." Liu Qingfeng nodded and said.

Young Master Amorous pointed to the book and said, "Then what is the meaning of "Compendium of Grass and Trees"?"

"It's like this. A notice was issued by the Pill Pavilion. The master of the Pill Pavilion, Master Xuanming, intends to recruit an apprentice. Anyone who has just entered the school and is interested in alchemy can sign up. Oh, yes, Master Xuanming is a third-grade soul craftsman." Liu Qingfeng glanced at everyone with a smile, her voice full of temptation.

Except for Li Zedao, who "has lost his memory", and Nangong Meili, who has no interest in the surroundings, no one is moved and their eyes are bright.

What a third-grade soul craftsman means, they can't understand it!

Once you are lucky enough to become a disciple of a third-grade soul craftsman, although it does not guarantee that you will become an outstanding alchemist in the future, after all, becoming an alchemist requires your own interest and even more talent.

Just because you can break through the top-rank peak of the Lingyun Realm and enter the Spiritual God Realm in terms of cultivation does not mean that you can become a most ordinary first-rank alchemist.

But it can be guaranteed that there is basically no problem for you to walk sideways in the domain of gods in the name of master. After all, even a power like the Nangong family would not dare to offend a rank three soul craftsman casually.

Most importantly, when the master-student relationship is quite harmonious, would your master be so stingy not to give you all kinds of precious pills?

"So, students who want to sign up, please raise your hand." Liu Qingfeng smiled.


Except for Li Zedao, even Nangong Meili raised their little hands immediately.

Li Zedao thought about it, and raised his hand.

He is quite curious about the profession of soul craftsman.

According to Li Zedao's understanding, alchemist and soul craftsman are actually two completely different fields.

To put it bluntly, the biggest difference between an alchemist and a soul craftsman lies in the materials used to refine the elixir.

The materials used by alchemists to refine elixir are nothing more than various plants, animals' inner alchemy, flesh and blood.

But the materials used by the soul craftsman to refine the elixir are not only various plants and trees, the inner alchemy flesh and blood of various animals, but also the soul!

In other words, the elixir refined by the alchemist acts on the body, but the elixir refined by the soul craftsman acts on the soul. The effect is undoubtedly more obvious, and it can even be said to be against the sky!

Furthermore, soul craftsmen can not only refine elixir, they can also produce various things that use soul as raw material, such as the soul nail that made Li Zedao's life worse than death.

There is also a jade card for every student of Buzhou Academy, which is also made by a soul craftsman.

A soul craftsman with a soul body can feel the existence of the soul, which is why, the prerequisite for becoming a soul craftsman is that you must first have a soul body.

Li Zedao himself has a soul physique, which is equivalent to having the capital to become a soul craftsman. More importantly, once he is lucky enough to become a soul craftsman, he will be one step closer to his goal of becoming the rule maker of God's Domain.

"Very good, I will report your names later." Liu Qingfeng glanced at everyone, and smiled very satisfied. He likes students who are studious and motivated.

Then he patted the thick books in front of him: "After half a month, I will go to the Pill Pavilion to take the first round of screening exams. The content of the exam will naturally be this "Compendium of Plants and Plants". Learn from this book."


Holding two thick copies of "Compendium of Plants and Trees" in his arms, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er walked side by side.

"That is to say, I have to memorize all the contents of this book within half a month? How is this possible? It seems that I will not be able to pass the first round of screening exams after half a month." Nangong Wan'er bitterly A small face.

Li Zedao nodded approvingly: "I think so too."

But my heart was full of joy, quite proud. With his memory, is it a matter of minutes to memorize the contents of this book? In addition, according to Liu Qingfeng, the whole set of "Compendium of Plants and Trees" has four volumes in total, and what he is holding in his hand is only the first volume.

So Li Zedao planned to go to Zangshu Pavilion again in the future, and spent some credits to borrow the other three volumes and study them together. There is no way, the memory is so good that it can be so willful.

"What did you say?" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a dissatisfied look.

"I mean, I can't remember either." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"You don't need to emphasize this kind of obvious thing." Apparently, Nangong Wan'er didn't believe that Li Zedao could memorize the vegetation knowledge in this book within fifteen days.

Nangong Wan'er thought about it, the cousin should be able to easily pass the first round of screening exams, right? After all, despite her aloofness, she is actually a second-rank alchemist!

As a second-grade alchemist, he is naturally familiar with the knowledge of plants and trees in this book.

To be able to become a second-rank alchemist at a young age is enough to show how talented he is in elixir.

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