The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2027 Love Letter

"Student Li Zedao looks down on marksmanship?" Yang Canghai's face darkened, and he became a little unhappy.

"No, no." Li Zedao quickly denied, "I'm just used to using swords, and I don't mean to belittle marksmanship. I heard that Master Yang, you are a master of spears in Buzhou Academy, and my respect for you is like a torrent of rivers Continuously."

A smile appeared on Yang Canghai's face and he said: "That's not bad, I'm indeed the best at using spears in Buzhou Academy, and even looking at the entire Divine Realm, that's also the top... that top ten existence! The Leiqie Sword Art is powerful, But the Natyrannosaurus marksmanship I learned is not bad, even better! I have fought dozens of times with the Juggernaut, and overall, I have won him one more time."

As he said that, Yang Changhai already had a proud look on his face.

"So powerful?" Li Zedao widened his eyes and expressed his admiration from the bottom of his heart. He probably knew Lao Jian's strength, this Yang Canghai actually overwhelmed Lao Jian, one could imagine how terrifying his strength was.

Yang Canghai smiled proudly, saying that it is enough for you kid to understand.

Li Zedao was troubled: "It's not my wish to lie to old brother Jian. If I told old brother Jian that I want to learn marksmanship, he probably wouldn't believe it... Well, let me say that I want a gun and give it to me. A respected elder brother is regarded as a birthday gift, and in this way, elder brother Lao Jian should not say much."

"Brother Li, I like this reason. It just so happens that my birthday is only a few days away." Yang Canghai immediately changed his words, and was quite satisfied with Li Zedao. You are my younger brother, big brother, I will protect you, even if Lao Jian wants to bully you, he must first ask me if I agree!"

"Thank you, Brother Yang." Li Zedao also changed his words. Anyway, the competition now is who is more shameless.

"However, Brother Lao Jian will not bully me. He is really kind to me. He not only gave me an eighth-rank Dragon Yin Sword, but also taught me the Leiqie Sword Art." Li Zedao said with a full face. .

"That old sword is too stingy, to send it directly to the eighth-rank sword?" While speaking, Yang Canghai's hand had already reached into his lapel, and soon he took out a delicate brocade bag. , handed it to Li Zedao, "Brother Li, you and I hit it off right away, this is a gift for you, don't shirk it, don't be polite to me, you are polite to me, just don't give me face..."

The flesh on Yang Canghai's face twitched, because Li Zedao had unceremoniously taken the brocade bag in his hand.

"Little brother, I hit you off right away with Brother Yang, like a brother. How could you be polite to him? Isn't that insulting brother?" Li Zedao really didn't know what being polite was.

Besides, there is no need to be polite with these people in God's Domain.

As long as it is beneficial to him, even if he loses face, Li Zedao will do it.

What is your greatest fear? is unknown!

In this God's Domain that I am completely unfamiliar with, I am worried that my identity will be found out, I don't know that I will be slaughtered one day, and I don't know how to complete the heavy responsibility on my body, and I don't know how to go back...

Li Zedao was undoubtedly quite panicked and quite insecure. It is no exaggeration to say that any disturbance would be enough to make the flesh on his body start to twitch.

The only thing he can do now is to flatter the powerhouses of God's Domain before they discover his identity, so as to get more benefits from them.

Yang Canghai cursed inwardly, this kid is really shameless, but he said: "It should be like this... the brocade bag here is filled with blood silk armor, this armor is as thin as a cicada's wing, light as nothing, but it is Water and fire are impenetrable, swords cannot hurt it, and even if you are faced with a full-strength blow from a top-ranking powerhouse in the Spiritual God Realm, this armor can help you withstand at least half of the opponent's power!"

With Yang Canghai's current cultivation level, people who can hurt him can naturally tear up the blood silk armor easily, so this thing is really not very useful to him, so he simply took it out and gave it away, which is considered to be a friend of Li Zedao. Brother... Although, calling a student a brother seems to lower one's status all of a sudden.

But what that old bastard Lao Jian can do, why can't he do it?

Yang Canghai firmly believed that there must be something special about this kid, otherwise why would Lao Jian, who always had eyes above his head, treat him differently? Even the Leiqie Sword Art was taught to this kid!

Most importantly, how old is he? He has already made such an achievement in terms of cultivation, and he is a real potential stock. Who knows what height he will reach in the future? There is no harm in having a good relationship with such a person.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he said with some panic, "Brother Yang, this thing is really too are my real brother."

With this kind of blood silk armor, is it equivalent to a little more protection for one's life?

"..." Yang Canghai couldn't complain in his heart anymore, he thought Li Zedao was saying that my younger brother would never dare to accept it.


Li Zedao walked out of Yanwu Pavilion in a pretty good mood, the sun outside was just right, just like Li Zedao's mood.

"Why so long? I thought it had nothing to do with Master Yang being from the Dongfang family. You insulted Dongfang Xingchen and he wanted to settle accounts with you." Nangong Wan'er's voice rang beside her ears.

"You've been waiting here?" Li Zedao looked at Nangong Wan'er who breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart warmed up. The feeling of being cared about is really good.

"What do you think? You haven't helped me make lunch yet. If you run away, where can I find you?" Nangong Wan'er rolled her eyes at Li Zedao, but there was an ambiguous smile in her eyes. inside.

"I won't run away." Li Zedao said embarrassingly, "I'm tired of the food in the dining hall, and I want to start a small stove by myself but I don't have the money to buy ingredients, so... Wan'er, please help me."

"Get out, you're too ugly, don't let me!" Nangong Wan'er said proudly, but her smile was like a flower.

Just at this moment, a girl wearing a school uniform trotted over quickly. The girl had a pretty face, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes showed a charming shyness.

She trotted to Li Zedao like a gust of fragrant wind. Under Li Zedao's extremely surprised eyes, she glanced shyly at Li Zedao, and quickly stuffed a letter folded into a heart shape into Li Zedao's arms. , Then turned and fled covering his face.

"This is..." Li Zedao widened his eyes, "A love letter?"

The eyes of Nangong Wan'er on the side also widened. She knew very well that on the competition stage, Li Zedao defeated Dongfang Xingchen in a destructive manner. After that, no one would dare to underestimate Li Zedao, and Li Zedao The shamelessness released must have captured the hearts of some girls.

But she really didn't expect that in less than half an hour, a girl would send him a love letter?

What made Nangong Wan'er even more depressed was that this bastard was still so excited, his breathing became thicker, just like that beast in heat!

"Is there something wrong with that person's vision? He actually sent you a love letter to show his love to you?" Nangong Wan'er curled her lips, quite upset in her heart.

I haven't shown my love yet, so where is it their turn? Besides, if she showed her love, what would happen to them?

"Ahem... Wan'er, you can't slander my admirer like this." Li Zedao said happily, "Oh, I'm so troubled, Wan'er, what should you do if you say I'm so good? What do you say? Should I apply to the academy and change to a bigger courtyard? Otherwise, there will be no place to receive the tens of millions of love letters I will receive in the future."

Nangong Wan'er couldn't stand Li Zedao pretending to be a calf, so she drew her sword and went over there.

"Hey, why are you drawing your sword again? Are you jealous of me because you have never received a love letter... Help..."

In the end, the first love letter that Li Zedao received after coming to God's Domain was taken away by Nangong Wan'er in an extremely domineering manner, and even afterwards, the love letter was cut into a pile of pieces by her with a sword and even ignited with a fire. It became a heap of ashes.

"My love letter..." Li Zedao followed Nangong Wan'er with a mournful face while silently paying homage to the love that was completely over before it even started.


Li Zedao's job in the sword casting department was still to clean up the already blackened water in the pool, and then brought fresh water to fill up the big pool.

This is the last day of his work in the Sword Forging Department. Afterwards, this mission will end, and then he can go to the Mission Pavilion to collect thirty credits.

The iron furnace still had the sword stuck in it.

Li Zedao still understands that this is a sword that Lao Jian is currently spending a lot of time and painstaking efforts on forging. He named this sword... Qiushui!

This name naturally reminded Li Zedao of Master Xuanhuang and his soft sword Qiushui that can be used as a belt!

Lao Jian said, this is a magic weapon that ranks in the top three in the Hundred Swords Manual, it has been lost long ago, and he plans to recast it now.

Li Zedao thought about it, the Qiushui that was lost a long time ago should be the one in Xuanhuang's hand, right?

The sword had to go through a whole day of calcination, and then a whole night of beating to knock out all the impurities in the god iron. That's why, after a night, the water in the pool turned black.

According to Lao Jian, it will take at least half a year for this sword to be cast, but Lao Jian doesn't know whether it will succeed in the end.

Lao Jian only knew one thing, that is, if even he couldn't successfully forge the second Qiushui, then looking at the entire God Realm, no one could forge it.

It took more than an hour for Li Zedao to fill up the large pool with buckets after buckets.

Same as before, Li Zedao sat down in front of Lao Jian and had a drink with him...Of course, most of the time, Lao Jian drank alone, while Li Zedao devoured the pot of meat.

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