"It's over..." Li Zedao's heart was ashamed, and his body was trembling.

He was even more remorseful in his heart. If he had known that he would become a meal in the stomach of this monster, it would be better for Nangong Wan'er to be eaten by her.

Even if she pulls up her pants and refuses to recognize anyone afterwards, it's better than being swallowed alive by this horrible thing.

However, a few seconds later, the terrifying scene imagined in Li Zedao's mind did not take place... The monster did not stick out its terrifying long tongue, and then rolled up his and Nangong Wan'er's bodies and swallowed them. in his stomach.

It just stared at Li Zedao with its mouth wide open, and Li Zedao felt that his tense nerves were about to rupture, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse. He yelled and said that if you want to eat, you can eat it, what a fart...

Seeing it, Li Zedao felt inexplicably... This monster is laughing!

Of course Li Zedao didn't know what this unknown monster looked like when it laughed, but he somehow felt that it was smiling, just like a human being, grinning with its mouth open.

If it weren't for the fear that his brain would short-circuit, Li Zedao would be pissed off by this beast. What does it mean? Is it laughing at itself for being so weak and timid that it's almost scared to pee?

At this moment, a startled voice came from behind: "What's going on?...Brother Li, why is it you? That's... hiss... Long Mang?"

The visitor gasped, and was obviously taken aback by the monster.

Immediately, Li Zedao felt that a figure with a long spear and a tall and straight back appeared in front of him.

"Brother Yang..." Li Zedao was simply moved to tears when he saw the familiar and friendly back.

It was the elder brother Yang Canghai that Li Zedao had only recently recognized who came, and he also got the extremely precious blood silk armor from Yang Canghai.

In order to show how much he valued the gift from Brother Yang, Li Zedao wore the blood silk armor next to his body, and didn't even take it off when he was sleeping.

But, why did Yang Canghai appear in this place? Too full to eat, have nothing to do, come out for a walk, and then come over to take a look when you hear something?

Of course, why he appeared in this place is actually not important to Li Zedao at all. The important thing is that he and Nangong Wan'er are saved!

With Yang Canghai here,

Does this disgusting monster emerging from the pool still have the time to laugh at his rookie and Nangong Wan'er, a rookie who is worse than himself?

Li Zedao suddenly felt that sometimes being a rookie seems to be quite good.

Yang Canghai didn't pay attention to Li Zedao, who was so moved. He clenched the spear tightly in his hand and stared at the ugly and disgusting big head in front of him with a solemn expression, not daring to be careless at all.

He never expected that there was such a vicious dragon python living on the top of Buzhou Mountain, and it was even more unexpected that he was so unlucky to meet him.

Even, at a certain moment just now, he had the idea of ​​turning around and running far away, and it was a fool to provoke this monster.

However, he still bit the bullet and stepped forward after all... Yang Canghai was so moved by his teacher's morality.


As if Yang Canghai's appearance disturbed its evil taste of laughing at the weak, Long Mang's blood-red eyes showed bursts of ferocity, and even opened his mouth and let out a roar.

The sound was so terrifying that Li Zedao's ears were buzzing and he had a splitting headache!

"Stay away!" Yang Canghai's face became even more solemn, and he slapped his palm back casually.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt an extremely terrifying gust of wind rushing in, causing him to fly upside down while hugging Nangong Wan'er tightly. In a blink of an eye, he was already a hundred meters away, and he staggered to the ground, but he felt angry and bloody. He was churning, and his chest was extremely dull, but he didn't suffer any serious injuries...

If he really wanted to say that he was hurt in some way... Then his hair was messed up by Nangong Wan'er who had carefully combed it before he came out.

"This is the strong man in the spirit realm?" Li Zedao looked at Yang Canghai who was confronting the monster in front of him, his eyes were full of horror.

Until now, he was just realizing how different he was from a strong man in the spiritual realm. If Yang Canghai wanted to kill him, it would be no different from slaughtering a chicken, so he just waved his hand.

Those who have been cultivated below the spiritual realm, through their mouths, noses, and breathing through their skin, first introduce the mysterious cultivation atmosphere between heaven and earth into their bodies, and then release it for their own use.

However, a strong person in the spiritual realm can use the aura between heaven and earth for his own use with just a wave of his hand.

In layman's terms, a strong person in the spiritual realm can create a terrifying storm, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more terrifying the storm will naturally be.

Flying sand and rolling stones are naturally no problem, and can even easily destroy an entire mountain forest!

"Beast! Hugh is rude!"

Yang Canghai roared angrily, jumped up high, and clenched the spear in his hand.

"A shocking shot!" Yang Canghai moaned, and the long spear stabbed out suddenly.

In an instant, with the spear as the center, the aura between heaven and earth simply showed a blue circle of light visible to the naked eye, then the second circle of light, and the third circle of light. .

Li Zedao stared at this seemingly unreal scene with dumbfounded eyes, and the surrounding air seemed to become thinner all of a sudden, making his breathing difficult.

I saw the dragon python suddenly let out an extremely deep roar, at the same time, the water pool splashed again, its whole body had already left the water pool, leaped high, and floated in mid-air.

When Li Zedao saw the true face of the so-called Dragon Mang, his bladder tightened again, and he was full of urination.

What kind of monster is this?

When he saw the snow python before, Li Zedao felt that the snow python was too big and looked too cruel. Now that he saw the dragon python, he realized that the snow python was so cute.

I saw that its twenty-meter-long body had strangely shining scales, and it had four legs, each of which had sharp claws shining with cold light.

With its ugly big head, it shouldn't be too ugly.

Li Zedao suddenly thought of the dragon.

This thing in front of me seems to have a bit of a dragon flavor.

At the same time, blood-red storm circles appeared on its sharp claws, one after another, one ring after another.

"Go!" Yang Canghai yelled angrily, stabbing forward with a long spear in his hand, and at the same time his body flew forward with lightning speed, the rings of blue light surrounded by rings were like that extremely terrifying storm, ruthlessly Pressing towards Long Mang's big head.

"Roar!" Looking at the sweeping circle of light, the dragon python roared angrily. Its huge body was also as fast as lightning, and its sharp claws carried the blood-red circle of light, fiercely slamming into the blue circle of light.

In the next second, these two halos of light that contained an extremely terrifying aura collided heavily!

In an instant, the whole space fell into an extremely strange dead silence!

Li Zedao felt that there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise why couldn't he hear any sound?

But when this idea just popped up in my mind, there was a deafening air explosion, and the wind was even stronger, flying sand and rocks.

In an instant, Li Zedao only felt his head buzzing, his eyes darkened, his body was on the verge of falling, and he almost passed out like this, and even his hands softened, and he threw Nangong Wan'er in his arms on the ground.

Fortunately, Nangong Wan'er was hit by some kind of powerful gun, she was knocked out by Li Zedao, and then Li Zedao inserted many silver needles into her body, and she has fallen into a complete coma, even if you check her now Now, she wouldn't have any reaction, otherwise she would be thrown away by Li Zedao like this, I'm afraid she would draw her sword and kill someone.

Li Zedao only felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe, and his chest was extremely heavy, as if he was being pressed hard by a big stone.

Then, he couldn't bear it any longer, opened his mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Not only that, his eyes, nostrils, and both ears were bleeding, obviously he was injured by the bursting breath.

For a while, there was no other movement around, and fell into a death-like silence.

"What a terrifying power!" Li Zedao gasped, holding his mouth shut, his face pale as paper, he was really terrified, and he was clearly aware of how weak he was. Just being affected already caused him a lot of damage. If he was hit head-on, there might not even be any scum left, right?

The mouth opened again, and Li Zedao felt a little more comfortable when he spewed out in one gulp.

He looked at Yang Xueer who was thrown on the ground by him, heaved a sigh of relief, and then he had time to look up, where are the shadows of Yang Canghai and the dragon python?

The surrounding area was even more messy, with gravel all over the ground, those unknown flowers and plants were almost all destroyed, and even cracks appeared on the ground.

"Where's Brother Yang? Dead? What about the monster? He escaped with his wounds?"

To be honest, Li Zedao didn't really have that much confidence in Yang Canghai, he didn't think Yang Canghai could beat that ugly monster.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes fell on a foreign object on the fallen leaves.

That's the gun head, a completely deformed gun head! As for the barrel of the gun, I don't know where it went.

"So...Brother Yang is just like this gun, it has been cut into several pieces?" Li Zedao was in a trance, but he was not too sad.

Although they are called brothers, they are just taking advantage of each other, they are doing transactions, and there is no so-called brotherhood between brothers.

However, Li Zedao was still very grateful to Yang Canghai. If he hadn't come, he and Yang Xueer would have become the monster's lunch.

"Brother Yang, I will miss you." Li Zedao said softly, sucking his sour nose, bent over and hugged Yang Xue'er horizontally, planning to leave quickly first.

As for collecting Yang Canghai's body... Li Zedao felt that such an important matter should be done by those awesome teachers in the college.

I am a student myself, just study hard and make progress every day.

"Kuang Kuang..." Behind him came a strange sound.

Li Zedao was so shocked that he almost had a heart attack.

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