Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Student Wan'er, you are being unreasonable. The reason why I need gold coins is because I want to buy ingredients. The reason why I need to buy ingredients, then It’s because I need to help you cook delicious food, that is to say, you are equivalent to handing some gold coins to the greatest chef in God’s Domain to buy some ingredients and cook delicious food for you..."

Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly, and his eyeballs widened all of a sudden, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Because, Nangong Wan'er suddenly stretched out her arms to hug his neck, and then blocked his lips with her own delicate lips.

"My first kiss..." Li Zedao was filled with grief and indignation.

He ran to God's Domain and was reborn with that Li Zedao's body, so this can indeed be called the first kiss.

Li Zedao felt that this Nangong Wan'er was going too far, why would she kiss herself without even saying hello? Even if this kind of thing spreads out, wouldn't those female students who sent themselves love letters before have to eat and drink, not think about it, and practice kung fu, which would seriously lower the teaching quality of the Buzhou Academy?

The consequences of this are too serious!

Li Zedao felt that he was too sorry for Buzhou Academy. If he had been more cautious and guarded, so that Nangong Wan'er had no chance to take advantage of it, the situation before him would not have happened!

It wasn't until Nangong Wan'er felt that her little heart was about to jump out of her throat, her breathing was almost stagnant, and her body seemed to be smoking with heat, then she let go of Li Zedao's neck, pushed him away, and then quickly Lie down and pulled the quilt to cover his head.

"..." Li Zedao felt that he had met a scumbag. Fortunately, by the pool, he would rather die than submit to protect his innocence, and he was not eaten by her.

"Well, Wan'er...where are the gold coins?" Li Zedao asked helplessly. It's fine if you don't want to be responsible, you have to give some money as compensation anyway.

"The ones in that cabinet, take as much as you want..." A buzzing voice came from under the quilt.

Li Zedao looked through the cabinet in a moody mood, and sure enough, he found a money bag in it. There were not only a lot of gold coins in the money bag, but even several gold ingots.

This Nangong Wan'er really deserves to be a super rich second generation.

After taking some gold coins, Li Zedao looked at Nangong Wan'er who was curled up in the bed with some amusement and said with a smile: "Aren't you hot?"

"Get out!" came the buzzing voice.

Li Zedao laughed and left in a comfortable mood.

After a while, Nangong Wan'er got out of the quilt, her little face was flushed, and she was panting lightly.

"Huh... I'm so hot..." Her little hand quickly fanned her little red face.

He licked his own lips, but smiled very sweetly. It turned out that this was a kiss, so numb, his heart was about to jump out, but he was very happy.


In order to show his respect for the elder brother Yang Canghai, Li Zedao personally brought the eighth-rank Tyrannosaurus Spear made by Laojian to the Yanwu Pavilion and sent it to Yang Canghai.

Yang Canghai couldn't wait to take the gun, looked it up and down, and couldn't be more satisfied. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to think that bastard Lao Jian was indeed the number one weapon foundry in God's Domain.

In this way, the eighth-rank Tyrannical Dragon Spear was perfectly reproduced by him.

Of course, good craftsmanship does not mean good character.

Yang Canghai felt that there were not many people with such a good character like himself who were sincere in this god's domain where life was regarded as trivial.

Well, I am a clean stream in God's Domain!

"Brother Yang, are you satisfied?" Li Zedao asked.

"Very good." Yang Canghai nodded in satisfaction, naturally he would not belittle Lao Jian in front of Li Zedao. A person of good character will not belittle another person in front of another person.

Yang Canghai felt that God was really blind. How could you give such a person with such a bad personality as a sword master, such a transcendent weapon-making skill?

"Brother Yang is as long as he is satisfied." Li Zedao said, "I think with this gun, even if you encounter that damn dragon python, Brother Yang will definitely be able to show his might and pierce that monster through a bloody hole with one shot."

Yang Canghai nodded with a smile, thinking that he should not meet again in the future. The animal didn't seem to be desperate, otherwise, I'm afraid it's not as simple as just spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood. Even if he didn't die, he probably lacked parts.

"However, Brother Li, even if you want to date in the future, don't go to such a remote place. After all, let alone you, even the teachers of our bad college, or even the dean and other old people, probably don't know How dangerous is it to hide around Buzhou Mountain?" Yang Canghai instructed with a serious face.

"Thank you Brother Yang for reminding me, I won't go to those remote places in the future." Li Zedao said gratefully, "This time, thanks to Brother Yang's great display of power, he beat the dragon python away, otherwise my brother would have been killed by now." That dragon python was swallowed alive."

"You and I are brothers, there is no need to be so polite." Yang Canghai smiled, "By the way, you must have received 800 credits, right?"

Li Zedao opened his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "I have indeed received it, but I don't know where the 800 credits come from. I didn't perform any tasks at all."

While helping Nangong Wan'er with cooking, a message appeared in Li Zedao's Yuka. The message showed that the task was completed, adding 800 credits!

Seeing the news, Li Zedao was stunned.

Finally, after thinking about it, the staff at the Mission Pavilion probably made a mistake with the person. I didn't expect that the 800 credits were related to Yang Canghai.

"Little brother thought about it. It should be that the Task Pavilion made a mistake, and I want to go to the Task Pavilion later." Li Zedao's noble appearance of a gentleman who loves money and acquires it in a proper way makes Yang Canghai couldn't help but despise him in his heart, believe you Hell.

"Mission Pavilion is not mistaken." Yang Canghai smiled, "Pillion Pavilion has released a mission in Mission Pavilion, which requires the blood of Dragon Mang, and the reward for completing the mission is exactly 800 credits! I will fight against Dragon Mang. After one battle, Long Mang was also seriously injured, and I collected his blood afterwards."

Li Zedao understood, and was moved in his heart, and said, "Brother Yang is really kind to younger brother."

But he cursed secretly in his heart, Buzhou Academy is simply a vampire, it is simply trying to squeeze the value of students in an open and aboveboard manner.

What is Dragon Python? That is one of the top ten fierce beasts that can compete with superpowers at the level of spirit gods. How difficult is it to get its blood?

But only 800 credits are awarded...

"Brothers, there's no need to be so polite." Yang Canghai said with a wave.

After coughing lightly, Yang Canghai took out two delicate medicine bottles, one red and one green, from his arms.

"Thank you, Brother Yang." Li Zedao was so flattered that his eyes were moistened. Not only did Yang Canghai give him 800 credits, but he also gave him the elixirs, and after shaking the bottles, he knew that each bottle contained at least five elixirs.

It seems that my brother is not so generous!

"I don't know what kind of magical pill is in this medicine bottle?" Li Zedao looked at the two medicine bottles in his hand with extreme emotion in his eyes.

Looking at his empty hand, Yang Canghai twitched violently, and when he heard what Li Zedao said, his twitched even more violently.

The look in Li Zedao's eyes is so weird.

He just took out the bottle and before he had time to say anything, this kid snatched the bottle away, and said such a shameless thing... His shamelessness is compared to that bastard Juggernaut , It seems that there is nothing worse than that!

What hurt Yang Cang even more was that he didn't say he would give it.

He had a head-to-head encounter with that damned dragon python, and suffered serious internal injuries, which hadn't healed yet. The reason why he took out this medicine bottle was because he wanted to take medicine.

But seems impossible not to give it. After all, how can a person with good character embarrass others?

"That... the red bottle contains the sixth-grade elixir, Baijie Pill, which can detoxify most poisons, and the green bottle contains the sixth-grade elixir, Qingshu Pill, which can quickly relieve injuries. "Yang Canghai coughed lightly and said, he felt that his injury had worsened, otherwise why was his voice trembling?

Although he was rich and powerful, giving so many sixth-grade pills in one breath made his heart twitch wildly, and he really wanted to beat up this shameless guy.

"Thank you, Brother Yang." Li Zedao was extremely grateful, and put away the two bottles of medicine solemnly.

"Then I won't bother Big Brother Yang, I'm leaving." If he continued to stay, Li Zedao was really worried that Big Brother Yang would hit someone.

"Go, go!" Yang Canghai waved his hands weakly, he really didn't want to see Li Zedao anymore.

Yang Canghai even made a decision in his heart that he must stay away from this guy in the future. If you really can't avoid it, you must also hide the good things on your body, and you must not expose them!

Walking out of the Martial Arts Pavilion, Li Zedao couldn't wait to open the medicine bottle and pour out the elixir inside, but found that there were always six Baijie elixirs, and as many as eight clearing elixirs. He couldn't help but laugh at the sky , let out a villain's triumphant laughter.

Get rich now!

You know, in exchange for a Baijie Pill in the Pill Pavilion, it will cost a thousand credits! Cleaning Dan is more expensive, and it costs 1,100 credits!

Of course, if you don't have any credits, you can exchange it with a pill formula, and it must be a pill formula that is not currently in the collection of the Pill Pavilion!

Li Zedao had previously exchanged a sixth-grade medicine prescription for a sixth-grade pill, Baijie Pill, and relied on that Baijie Pill to narrowly escape the catastrophe yesterday.

But now, Li Zedao got six Baijie Pills and eight Cleaning Pills, without spending a single credit, and without being squeezed out of any precious prescription by the Pill Pavilion, which is no different from a vampire. If this is exchanged for credits, it will cost 14,800 credits!

This is no less than winning 100 million yuan when buying a lottery ticket, so Li Zedao couldn't help but be unhappy.

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