Gongshu Linglong saw all the expressions on Nangong Wan'er's face, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up in a sarcasm.

It really is rare and strange, let you witness the power of this musket in a while, and you will know how ignorant you are

"Show me."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand to remember the musket that Nangong Wan'er handed over, looked it over a few times, and found that it was a two-shot musket. The musket is made of steel, and it has rifles and quasi-plates. It is quite strong, and it should not explode.

Of course, this is a relatively primitive kind of musket, not the various types of advanced guns that Li Zedao is familiar with.

This musket is troublesome to use and has a short range, but there is no doubt that it is extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated. Even a strong man in the spirit realm, being shot at close range is enough to make him drink a pot .

Li Zedao never imagined that such a thing as a gun would be manufactured in God's Domain.

Divided by era, God's Domain is now naturally in the agricultural era, and everything is so primitive. However, if the Gongshu family behind Gongshu Linglong grows further, and even rules the entire God's Domain, then the God's Domain may be entering the industrial age.

"It seems that if I want to dominate the entire God Realm, this Gongshu family should be a great help!" Li Zedao muttered in his heart. Of course, this kind of thing is just a matter of thinking.

It would be a good way to start a war in God's Domain and let the many forces in God's Domain kill each other, but Li Zedao is unwilling to see the outbreak of war.

Subconsciously, Li Zedao pointed the muzzle of the gun at the door and made a standard aiming action.

Gongshu Linglong's pupils shrank, her mind trembled violently, her mind roared violently, and there was a huge wave in her heart, she couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes.

In fact, when Li Zedao took the musket from Nangong Wan'er, Gongshu Linglong felt something was wrong.

You know, this musket was only recently jointly cast by the three elders of the family, and it was sent to me. In other words, there is no musket in God's Domain except for the musket in the Gongshu family and the musket in my hand. , which means that no one except the family has seen what a musket looks like.

But this Li Zedao's reaction was obviously saying that he had seen muskets, and not only had he seen them but also used them! How else could he know which part of the musket to hold?

And now he is still making this kind of aiming action...

Suddenly felt a strange gaze staring at him,

Li Zedao's heart skipped a beat.

This is a little troublesome, seeing the musket, he forgot to load it and instinctively made an aiming action.

"How does this thing work? Just grabbing and hitting people like this?" Li Zedao then threw the musket back into the box, looked up at Gongshu Linglong with a puzzled expression, "You really don't want to fool us with just something, do you?" ?”

Nangong Wan'er glanced at Gongshu Linglong quite depressedly, thinking that this woman is too much, just such a piece of weirdly shaped broken copper and iron that she is too lazy to look at can be compared to the third-grade weapon?

If you want to renege on your debts, you can say it clearly, why do you want to play us for idiots? Do you really think that the leader of the supervision team can bully people at will?

Gongshu Linglong stared fixedly at Li Zedao, with an expression like you don't pretend that I know you are familiar with muskets.

Li Zedao's eyes did not meet Gongshu Linglong's, and he had an expression that I didn't know anything.

"Since you're not satisfied, just change it." Gongshu Linglong said after taking a deep breath. Coincidentally, she didn't want to give the musket to Nangong Wan'er either.

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't intend to send out the musket, and she didn't even think about it.

This musket contained some of the family's institutional secrets. If the gun fell into the hands of others, it would naturally bring many disadvantages to the family.

But in the end, Gongshu Linglong decided to send out the musket, the main purpose is to win a sigh of relief! She was angry with Li Zedao!

Do you look down on Gongshu Rubik's Cube? Alright, then let you have a good look at the core things of our Gongshu family! Scare your next!

But now, the person who was almost scared off was herself. She really didn't expect that this Li Zedao was so familiar with muskets!

Who is he? Where did you come into contact with the musket?

Could it be that besides the Gongshu family, other forces have already produced such things as muskets?

What are you kidding? Looking at the entire Divine Realm, apart from the Gongshu family who are proficient in mechanics, who could design and manufacture such a miraculous musket?

"Change it." Li Zedao nodded. This thing is not very useful to Nangong Wan'er.

After all, this kind of thing can only play a role of surprise, and it is actually very difficult to hit those masters head-on.

In Mortal Realm, Li Zedao could easily dodge the bullets fired by the sniper, not to mention the musket which is far inferior in range and profit.

Besides, this musket is troublesome to use, and it was inserted into the pistol beforehand. Li Zedao was worried that Nangong Wan'er would accidentally injure herself.

Just don't do it.

Gongshu Linglong nodded and closed the box, picked it up and turned back to the house.

Soon, she came out again, with an extra delicate box in her hand, and she opened the box in front of Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er.

"Blood silk armor." Seeing the contents of the box clearly, Nangong Wan'er's eyes widened slightly.

"Since you know that this is a blood silk armor, you naturally understand its value, so I won't say much. Giving you something like this is not prevarication, right?" Gongshu Linglong handed the box to Nangong Wan'er.

"It's not too bad." Nangong Wan'er took the box over without any hesitation. The value of this thing is indeed not lower than that of a third-rank weapon.

She looked at Li Zedao softly and ambiguously, and passed the box over: "Here is for you, put it on next to your body when you go back. Put it on, even if you are facing a full-strength blow from a top-ranking powerhouse in the spiritual realm , this armor can also help you withstand at least half of the opponent's lethal force!"

Li Zedao felt warm in his heart, and said with a smile: "You keep it for yourself, I don't need it."

"Get out, I'm so powerful, I don't need this thing." Nangong Wan'er tilted her face, her face full of arrogance.

I'm really annoyed in my heart, it's rare for this lady to give someone something, but you don't want it? It's too embarrassing!

"I mean... I already have one." Li Zedao took out the blood silk armor that he had taken off from his body before with some embarrassment, and said, "I also want to say that I will give it to you sometime. .”


"Oh, I also prepared for you an eighth-grade sword named Fengwu, and I will give it to you when I go back." Li Zedao said with a smile.

After being kissed by Nangong Wan'er forcibly, Li Zedao took off the blood silk armor on his body, planning to find a time to give it to Nangong Wan'er along with the phoenix dance.

He wanted to be a good undercover agent, he wanted to be the rule maker of God's Domain, he wanted to repair the wall that was about to collapse, and he wanted to... protect this girl!

The reason for protecting her... Such a juicy Chinese cabbage was delivered to you, if you don't eat it, are you pretending or stupid?

Nangong Wan'er was so moved, she wrapped her arms around Li Zedao's neck with ease, and was about to move her fragrant lips towards him!

However, unlike the previous two times, she couldn't get close, because Li Zedao didn't cooperate, and he blocked her lips with his hand!

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao asked with wide-eyed eyes, and it was more appropriate to tilt his head back hard, with a pitiful appearance of desperately resisting under the lustful power of the female satyr.

"What do you think?" Nangong Wan'er's eyes were also wide open, both ashamed and angry. She thought that this bastard was more enthusiastic about this kind of thing than herself, but she didn't expect that she was rejecting herself.

He was refusing! Nangong Wan'er felt that she was insulted.

"One kiss costs 60 credits. It's very expensive. I want to kiss again when I go back." Li Zedao felt that it was too uneconomical.

"That's right." Nangong Wan'er finally realized that the leader of the supervision team was waiting for them to "make a mistake". After the kiss, the sixty credits were lost again.

Looking back, I saw the muscles on Gongshu Linglong's face twitching.

"I didn't kiss him." Nangong Wan'er said hurriedly, "If I didn't kiss him, it means that we didn't violate the rules of the college, so you can't deduct our credits!"

"Yes, you can't deduct our credits if you don't come in person!" Li Zedao said the same.

"..." The muscles on Gongshu Linglong's face twitched even more. She wondered if she was going to be punished by the gods, otherwise why would she feel like she was struck by lightning?

She rubbed her little face, tried to calm herself down, looked at Li Zedao and said, "Okay, you can teach her to recover the Gongshu Rubik's Cube for half an hour..."

"No need." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"What? You want to admit defeat directly?" Gongshu Linglong was taken aback, Li Zedao's answer really exceeded his expectations.

Li Zedao shook his head again, and said with a smile: "What I mean is, just now you got into the kung fu of picking up that musket, and I have already taught Wan'er how to restore the six sides of the Gongshu Rubik's Cube."

This was unexpected for Li Zedao. He didn't expect that Nangong Wan'er memorized the formula much faster than he predicted, and she quickly recovered the Rubik's Cube according to the formula.

It seems that this girl is not as stupid as I imagined, she is quite savvy.

Gongshu Wan'er on the side nodded cooperatively and said, "I have indeed learned...it's not very difficult."

Nangong Wan'er looked at Gongshu Lingling provocatively, her face full of arrogance. He felt that he was a genius, how could he learn it so quickly if he wasn't a genius?

Of course, Li Zedao is a monster. If he wasn't a monster, how could he come up with such a messy formula?

According to the formula he said, he really recovered all the Gongshu Rubik's Cubes.

Of course, Nangong Wan'er naturally didn't understand why Gongshu Rubik's Cube could obediently and actively recover by following the formula.

"..." Gongshu Linglong not only felt that she was struck by lightning, she also felt that her butt hurt.

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