The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2052 Door-to-door challenge

For the refining of various elixirs, not only the roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits of various plants and trees are needed, but also the skin, flesh, and blood of many animals are needed, so Li Zedao spent a lot of credits from the collection of books. Geli borrowed the thick "Compendium of Beasts" and a book about the introduction of elixirs, and began to study them carefully.

Counting the 700 credits deducted for Yang Tianchangxiao and the 60 credits deducted for being kissed by Nangong Wan'er, Li Zedao spent all the 800 credits he got with Yang Canghai's help. Some credits are almost spent.

Li Zedao was a little worried. It seemed that he had to find some time to go to the mission pavilion to take a few more missions to earn some credits.

I can't wait to slap myself a few times, which idiot said that the credits are useless?

If you really have millions of credits, you can kiss a beautiful woman without any pressure. If you want to kiss once, you can kiss ten times if you want! There is still need to worry about being caught by the members of the supervision team.

In the past two days, Nangong Wan'er saw Li Zedao studying "Compendium of Beasts", and she didn't come to disturb him. She stayed quietly in her courtyard and worked hard to improve her cultivation.

Boom boom boom...

The knock on the door outside took Li Zedao's attention away from the book in his hand.

"Who will it be at this time?" Li Zedao murmured in his heart. Nangong Wan'er just left, so it shouldn't be her...Of course, Li Zedao wouldn't be too surprised if she thought that she had lost her mind as soon as her front foot left her back foot, and then she couldn't bear it and returned to eat herself.

In the past two days, Nangong Wan'er looked at him more and more *, almost roasting Li Zedao's body, sending sweet kisses from time to time, almost swollen Li Zedao's lips, if it wasn't for him His self-control ability is extremely strong, and he couldn't help but eat the little sister next door.

Li Zedao put down the book in his hand, went out and opened the courtyard door, his eyes widened slightly, a little surprised.

But there was a strange man standing at the door, and he was also a handsome man. Even Li Zedao had to admit that this guy was so fucking handsome, the essence of handsomeness. Of course, he was still a little worse than himself.

"Li Zedao?" Uncle Wuji glanced at Li Zedao with cold eyes, and his voice was extremely cold and arrogant. I wonder why this kid is so handsome? Of course, it's just a little worse than myself.

"You are?" Li Zedao really didn't know where this bird came from. Could it be that there is some handsome guy association in Buzhou Academy? He came here to ask himself to be the president of that association, right?

"Uncle Wuji.

" Taishu Wuji said coldly and arrogantly.

"Oh, I don't know you." Li Zedao glanced proudly at Uncle Wuji, and wanted to close the courtyard door.

As a handsome guy, what Li Zedao dislikes the most is a handsome guy. When he sees a handsome guy, the first thought that comes to his mind is to smash his face in a circle.

This is probably what people often say, peers are enemies.

Not to mention, this handsome guy still stared at him with such haughty eyes, Li Zedao couldn't stand it anymore, so Li Zedao's eyes were also quite haughty.

Aren't you proud? It's like no one has it.

"Wait." Taishu Wuji pressed his hands on the door panel with what Li Zedao said was a pair of hands that are very suitable for playing the piano, preventing Li Zedao from closing the door.

"What do you want to do? According to the regulations of Buzhou College, forcibly breaking into the courtyards of other colleges is a serious crime!" Li Zedao's eyes were full of vigilance. Asshole, you don't think I'm handsome so you plan to force your way into the house to bully yourself?

Uncle Wuji looked as if you were honored: "I want to challenge you!"

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, then cursed angrily, "Are you sick?"

If you are not sick, how could you come here to challenge yourself so courteously? Doesn't he know he's great? Even that eastern star was beaten to the ground by his own sword!

Li Zedao felt that it was necessary for him to let him know how powerful he was.

"I am indeed sick!" To Li Zedao's astonishment, Uncle Wuji nodded and admitted. He was suffering from some kind of hidden disease, he sought all kinds of famous doctors and took all kinds of elixirs, but he was still helpless.

Fortunately, although there is no cure, the disease is finally under control.

"But the fact that I'm sick has nothing to do with my challenge to you. You just need to agree or refuse."

"I'm very good." Li Zedao said.

"Dongfang Xingchen is no different from ants in my eyes." Uncle Wuji's eyes fell on Li Zedao, and his tone was very contemptuous, "You, the same!"

At the same time, an extremely terrifying breath was released from his body.

Uncle Wuji was proud but not arrogant, so he naturally investigated Li Zedao a little bit.

The number one among the freshmen, the student that many excellent teachers wanted to win, even hit Dongfang Xingchen with a single sword.

Of course, Uncle Wuji just did a little research, and those freshmen also had a tacit understanding and didn't tell the public about the heaven-defying results that Li Zedao had obtained in the screening exam of the Pill Pavilion...they really couldn't do it. Doing this kind of thing that slaps yourself in the face to help others.

In addition, the staff of the Shenji Pavilion also wisely did not publicize the terrifying scene of Li Zedao playing with the Rubik's Cube, and Li Zedao himself was quite low-key...

Therefore, Taishu Wuji really didn't know these things, and didn't know that Li Zedao had pieced together two hundred and seventy-two herbs in just one stick of incense.

In fact, Taishu Wuji, who is a fourth-grade alchemist, also conducted such a test, and the result of the test was that the number he pieced together did not reach a hundred plants.

In addition, he naturally didn't know that Li Zedao had restored the Gongshu Rubik's Cube, and even taught the rookie how to restore it within a stick of incense!

Therefore, in Taishu Wuji's eyes, this Li Zedao is just an arrogant rookie who has just entered the academy and can't find Bei with some skills.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, he didn't feel insulted, but felt a little dignified in his heart.

This guy is very strong!

"If you win, I'll give you two thousand credits! If you lose, you don't need to give me credits... You don't have many credits to give! However, you have to confess to the academy that you are the one who secretly made an official blog post The medicine that was given led Shangguan Bowen to do such a thing in public." Uncle Wuji said coldly.

He naturally doesn't blame Gongshu Linglong for kicking Shangguan Bowen out of the supervision team, and even forcing him to drop out of school and leave Buzhou Academy. After all, Shangguan Bowen did take benefits from others to deliberately make things difficult for Li Zedao, which is a serious violation of the supervision team's regulations... Okay , After talking for a long time, he actually had no choice but to blame Gongshu Linglong.

How could he blame her for liking her so late? Even if Gongshu Linglong killed Shangguan Bowen with a sword, he would still clap his hands to say that he should kill if he killed it well!

So, he put all this on Li Zedao!

Li Zedao finally understands, this little boy is here to help Shangguan Bowen find a place, and he doesn't know what their relationship is? Is it a good friend? And with the "short handle" exposed in Shangguan's blog post, this little boy might be on the attacking side...

The more Li Zedao thought about it, the more disgusted he became, and he quickly threw out the unhealthy picture that appeared in his mind.

"Of course I will not accept your challenge." Li Zedao said.

Inwardly cursing some of the regulations of the Buzhou Academy is really fucked up. Although the challenged party has the right to refuse, how can it be possible to refuse? The only thing he could do was to bite the bullet and get in, unless he didn't want to stay in the academy anymore.

"However, the sentiment posted by Shangguan Bowen really has nothing to do with me." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

"You think I'm an idiot?" Uncle Wuji sneered.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded seriously. If you are not an idiot, why do you think I am an idiot? You are not an idiot who is an idiot?

"..." Grand Uncle Wuji almost couldn't resist drawing his sword to kill someone. No one dared to call him an idiot when he grew up so big.

"If I win, you will give me two thousand credits. If I lose, I will only give you twenty credits... That's all I have left." Li Zedao expressed whether he wanted to or not.

"..." Uncle Wuji wanted to draw his sword again, did this guy really think him a fool?

"Damn it, if it wasn't for being tricked by that scumbag from the supervision team, why would I be so down and out?" Li Zedao cursed again in annoyance.


Uncle Wuji's face was gloomy, and he didn't draw his sword to kill the damn bastard after all.

"Then it's settled. I'll report it to the academy. I'll see you at Yanwu Pavilion in a week!" Taishu Wuji said word by word.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, and reached out to close the door.

"This Taishu Wuji is really a good person. Knowing that I have no credits, I hurriedly sent him to my door." Li Zedao was so moved in his heart, he felt that Taishu Wuji could be called the Lei Feng of God's Domain!

Although he knew very well that this great uncle Wuji was extremely powerful, in his eyes, Dongfang Xingchen was indeed no different from an ant.

But Li Zedao didn't mean to be afraid.

He is strong, but he is not weak either!

Yes, during the period of time when I came to God’s Realm, because of the strong breath of heaven and earth here, Li Zedao’s cultivation base has already stepped into the Spiritual God Realm. The real spiritual realm is only one step away.

In addition, what he is practicing is the top-rank spiritual skill Leiqie Sword Jue, the sword in his hand is the top-eighth-rank Dragon Yin, and he is wearing a blood silk kai next to his body... Oh, the academy stipulates that he should go to the martial arts arena No armor of any kind shall be worn.

More importantly, he is more handsome than that idiot... Li Zedao really can't think of any reason why he would lose to that uncle Wuji.

Stretching, Li Zedao picked up the "Compendium of Beasts" and continued to study it.

"That idiot... No, that Lei Feng is here again?" Li Zedao muttered impatiently, and went to open the door.

To his surprise, the one standing at the door was not Taishu Wuji, but Gongshu Linglong.

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