Immediately, that question lingered in Nangong Meili's mind again.

Is he really that Li Zedao?

If not, who is he? Is there any ulterior purpose for getting close to Wan'er now? Does he have plans against the Nangong family?

"Oh, as long as the three of us know about this matter, don't talk about it."

Li Zedao commanded with a worried face: "You all know that I am already very attractive now, and I receive love letters from time to time. If this matter gets out, I will not receive more love letters? My courtyard is too small. Not so many love letters”

"Get out!" Nangong Wan'er rolled her eyes and scolded angrily, if the sword hadn't been left in the room, she would have drawn her sword and hacked this shameless guy to death.

Li Zedao shrank his head, his eyes showed grievances, and he was right.

Before, Li Zedao ran to find Lao Jian because the courtyard was too small to hold so many love letters, and planned to ask him to open the back door and change to a larger courtyard.

Lao Jian said with a worried face that he was also seriously troubled by this problem back then, and then he went to apply for a larger courtyard with the dean, but the dean told him to leave, so don't even think about changing the courtyard.

That day, while drinking heavily, Lao Jian said with a worried expression on his face, what should I do if I am too handsome.

That day, Li Zedao ate meat while secretly despising Lao Jian, a stinky and shameless guy, while expressing worry on his face, what should I do if I am too handsome.

Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao suspiciously and said: "It is undeniable that you are indeed excellent, but it seems that you are not so good that you are so good that weeping ghosts and gods, right? The famous swordsmith in the Swordsmithing Department of the Divine Artifact Pavilion is following you. Calling you brothers and brothers, he will give you two swords of the eighth rank; Master Liu of Yanwu Pavilion also calls you brothers and brothers, and will give you a blood silk armor and a large amount of medicine, and give you 800 credits at will; Now, the Pill Pavilion allows you to become the alchemist of the Pill Pavilion for the first time."

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao, and three large and bold characters appeared in her mind: Why?

Why does Buzhou Academy spare no effort to train such a student? Is it really just because he is handsome? Because of his extraordinary talent? He is shameless and narcissistic?

Even though Nangong Meili thought she was quite smart, she couldn't figure out why.

Nangong Wan'er suddenly thought of something, her eyes were rounded, showing a look of extreme shock: "Could it be?"

"Could it be what?" Li Zedao felt inexplicably nervous,

Quite guilty. Could it be that this woman has already realized that she is from the Mortal Realm?

How can this be?

"Could it be that you are actually the illegitimate son of the principal of our Buzhou Academy?" Nangong Wan'er swallowed, and said with difficulty.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by Nangong Wan'er's words.

Nangong Meili raised her brows slightly, it seems that this possibility is not impossible, after all, the attitude of those well-known masters wherever they are is really weird to Li Zedao, and they even take the initiative to put down their posture and call him brothers.

Just because Li Zedao is excellent?

Does God's Domain lack arrogance? No shortage!

Therefore, this is indeed an extremely reasonable explanation. He is the illegitimate son of the mysterious dean of Buzhou Academy. In this way, everything makes sense.

"Yes, you must be the dean's illegitimate son!" Nangong Wan'er said with the final word, her tone was beyond doubt.

Thinking that she actually got the illegitimate son of the principal of Buzhou Academy, Nangong Wan'er was filled with pride. One day in the future, after his identity is recognized, the Nangong family behind her will naturally rise accordingly, and will naturally become the objects that the other three major families need to curry favor with.

"That's what you say." Li Zedao couldn't deny it.

In fact, the attitudes of Lao Jian, Yang Canghai, and the Pill Pavilion towards him really made Li Zedao very puzzled, especially when Lao Jian gave him the eighth-rank sword and the top-rank Leiqie sword art that day. Li Zedao felt that he was completing the task.

So, maybe that Li Zedao is really the illegitimate son of that shitty dean.

"You really are?" Nangong Wan'er's eyeballs widened even further.

"Don't say that. You know that I am very low-key. Most importantly, my courtyard is not big enough to hold so many love letters."

Nangong Meili couldn't take it anymore, she pulled out her long sword expressionlessly.

Li Zedao was startled, and quickly shut up and lowered his head to pick up the rice.

In the quiet courtyard, Gongshu Linglong looked at the latest musket developed by the family in the box in front of her, but what appeared in her mind was the figure that seemed to be her nightmare.

Gongshu Linglong never thought that one day in the future, she would "miss" a man so much, when she opened her eyes, and when she closed her eyes, he would also appear in her dreams after falling asleep!

In the dream, he stomped on him, with an arrogant expression on his face, and shouted: "Gongshu Linglong, surrender to this handsome guy's feet, kneel and lick my handsome guy's boots!"

Gongshu Linglong said, "Don't even think about it! Just kill me!"

Then, with a wave of the long sword in Li Zedao's hand, he killed her without mercy!

"Bastard!" Gongshu Linglong scolded through gritted teeth, why did he kill himself with a single sword strike without hesitation?

It is precisely because of the nightmares these past few days that her delicate face is now a little haggard, and there are many bloodshot eyes in her beautiful eyes.

Thinking of the bastard asking her to go back to sleep for a day, Gongshu Linglong's teeth itched with hatred, and she felt humiliated to death.

That bastard, it's okay to humiliate his IQ, he also humiliated his beauty and charm.

How many men want to get close to him in their dreams, so it's good to get close to him a little bit, but he is fine, he sent himself away with a few words.

Not as good as animals!

Doesn't your face look good? Your body is not good enough? Can't you compare to that Nangong Wan'er? What a joke!

In front of the box is a six-sided Gongshu Rubik's Cube that has been restored to six sides.

In the past few days, no matter how hard Gongshu Linglong tried, she, the inventor of the Gongshu Rubik's Cube, was still unable to restore the Gongshu Rubik's Cube in a very short time, which really made her feel a great sense of humiliation and powerlessness.

"Bastard!" Gongshu Linglong slapped the Gongshu Rubik's Cube on the table, smashing it into powder.

Her full chest trembled violently, and it was conceivable how much her mood fluctuated at this time.

"Bang bang bang" knocked on the door.

Gongshu Linglong glanced at the gate of the courtyard with sullen eyes, and let out a heavy breath to calm down his emotions a little.

She is Gongshu Linglong, the proud Gongshu Linglong, she will not show her frantic side in front of others, of course, except in front of Li Zedao.

"Bastard!" Gongshu Linglong cursed again, and with a wave of her little hand, the pile of powder on the table was blown away by the wind and disappeared.

After closing the lid of the box containing the musket, he got up and walked over, and opened the door of the courtyard, only to see a handsome young boy, Taishu Wuji, in the school uniform of the poor college, standing at the door, holding a gun in his hand. holding a cup.

"Linglong, I saw that you were not in good spirits the day before yesterday, so I specially made you a bowl of medicinal soup that calms your mind and invigorates your qi. It will be of great benefit to your body." Uncle Wuji said affectionately, and handed the cup in his hand to you. past.

"No need, thank you for your kindness, I'm fine." Gongshu Linglong didn't intend to take the cup.

She knew very clearly what was the reason for her lack of energy. It was a heart disease. Let alone a bowl of soup, even ten, one hundred, or even one thousand bowls would not be able to cure her heart disease.

Besides, even if she doesn't have a heart disease, she will not accept any gesture of concern from Taishu Wuji, let alone who knows if Taishu Wuji used this cup? The relationship between Gongshu Linglong and him is far from good enough to share a cup.

From the beginning to the end, it was Taishu Wuji's wishful thinking alone.

Uncle Wuji withdrew his hand calmly, not embarrassed at all. After experiencing a lot of things, he can be calm and calm.

It's just that there are bursts of sadness in my heart. I spent a whole night cooking this. How could she refuse it so simply?

Hey, it's so easy to be liked, what day didn't I receive a love letter? On which day would I be confessed to by that charming girl? But why is it so difficult to love someone?

Uncle Wuji really wanted to tell Gongshu Linglong, what you don't like about me, I can change it.

But she was afraid that Gongshu Linglong would say: I don't like you like me

"Tomorrow is the day when I have an appointment with that Li Zedao, will you be there?" Taishu Wuji asked.

Although he quit the supervision team to trouble Li Zedao in order to help his cousin Shangguan Boyun regain his position, but very few people know the relationship between Taishu Wuji and Shangguan Bowen, so in the eyes of most people, Taishu Wuji This is to help the supervision team regain face, because many members of the supervision team are so moved.

"Naturally." Gongshu Linglong said without thinking.

The reason why she went there was naturally not to cheer for Uncle Wuji, nor to see how Uncle Wuji abused vegetables and Li Zedao vented his anger for the supervision team.

She just wanted to see how Li Zedao would defeat Uncle Wuji.

Although Taishu Wuji ranked third on the cloud list, he is a strong man in the quasi-spiritual state, and he has also practiced a low-level swordsmanship, but Li Zedao is just a very annoying student who just entered school. However, Gongshu Linglong didn't think that Li Zedao would lose.

As for why she has so much confidence in Li Zedao, Gongshu Linglong is not too clear, she just thinks it is impossible for this proud bastard who can abuse her so easily to lose to Uncle Wuji.

Perhaps, among the students of Buzhou Academy, only Mo Tianya, who has defeated even the strongest in the spirit and god realm, can pose a threat to him?

"You must be ready, right?" Gongshu Linglong asked.

A sneer of extreme disdain appeared on the corner of Taishu Wuji's mouth and said: "Victory is not martial."


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