It wasn't until the afterglow of the sun disappeared into the sky that Concubine Shui said with satisfaction that she could leave. Before leaving, she said that she would report to her courtyard on time every morning and would not leave until noon.

Can't come because of something... Sorry, come here first to ask for a leave of absence and get approval before you can leave.

Of course, you don't have to come, you can resist, but if you cause any consequences, you are at your own risk!

This is a threat! Naked threats, but Li Zedao was really threatened.

Concubine Shuiling also said that she wouldn't have to come over for the next three days, because she had to leave Buzhou Academy for something.

"Little brother, I got three days' vacation just after becoming my sister's assistant. Did my sister treat you very well?" Concubine Shui said with a giggle.

Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back his curses.

"Oh, by the way, if you still dare to spit in my sister's tea in the future, be careful that my sister will cut your tongue." Concubine Shui Lingjiao smiled.

As soon as the words fell, the coquettish aura on her body suddenly changed.

gloomy! cunning! vicious! fear! It gave people the feeling that this was not a coquettish and peerless beauty at all, but a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake that had become fine.

Li Zedao's body froze suddenly, and cold sweat appeared on his back. He thought his spitting was so subtle, but he didn't expect that it all fell into Shui Feiling's eyes.

Too careless, so be more careful in the future.

Between breaths, Shui Feiling's face was full of charm again, her red lips parted slightly: "Get out!"

Li Zedao bowed respectfully, then turned and left.

After walking out of this charmingly scented courtyard, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the hand hidden in the sleeve was already clenched into a fist.

After walking a certain distance away from the courtyard, Li Zedao pulled out the Dragon Chanting Sword.

Looking at the pitch-black blade of the sword, and smelling the extremely faint smell of blood emanating from the blade, Li Zedao's eyes revealed a look of thought.


After returning to her own courtyard, Nangong Wan'er had been waiting in that courtyard for most of the day.

"What's the result?" Nangong Wan'er asked impatiently. She thought that Li Zedao was being assessed at the assessment office, and the assessment was not over until now.

"Don't worry, I can stay, but because of lack of experience, I temporarily act as a teacher's assistant." Li Zedao laughed.

I thought to myself that being Shui Feiling's slave should not be discussed in detail with Nangong Wan'er, after all, it is not a glorious thing at all.

Nangong Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile like a flower: "That's good, I'm worried to death."

She was worried that Li Zedao was the dean's illegitimate son, so the dean made other arrangements for him, so that he couldn't stay in this bad college, or even if he stayed in the college, it would be difficult to see him again in the future.

"Come on, classmate Wan'er, I'll be your teacher from now on, come on, call Master Li to listen." Li Zedao laughed and hugged Nangong Wan'er's slender waist.

"Get out!" Nangong Wan'er gave Li Zedao a white look with a smile, and buried her small head in Li Zedao's arms, "Then are you going to move out of the new student residence area?"

Thinking of going to the area where the teacher lives to look for him every day in the future? Will you be pointed at? How embarrassing?

"Still living here.

"Li Zedao said.

Nangong Wan'er was completely relieved: "That's good."

His body froze suddenly, he raised his head, looked at Li Zedao shyly in his eyes, and said coquettishly, "Okay, you disciple, where do you put your hands... ah... you're still sticking into it... I hate it, don't move around... ..."

The courtyard door knocked.

Like a frightened rabbit, Nangong Wan'er pushed Li Zedao away, glared at Li Zedao with spring in her eyes, and scolded softly: "Teacher Deng, why don't you open the door?"

Li Zedao chuckled, he really hated the person who was knocking on the door, and he just wanted to feel the touch.

Reluctantly, he went to open the door, only to see a servant in a long gray coat standing there.

"Brother Muchai..." Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly, and his face showed joy. Isn't this the servant firewood that led me to report to duty after I passed the college test that day?

At that time, Muchai said that if you have any questions, you can go to the servant area to find him.

But in the days that followed, Li Zedao didn't suffer any trouble because he was too good-natured, so he naturally didn't look for firewood.

Being called big brother by Li Zedao, who has become a teacher of Buzhou College, really made Mochai feel flattered, and said repeatedly: "Don't dare to be, Master Li can just call you by the younger name."

He really never expected that the bottom one among the former freshmen would enter the Spiritual God Realm and become the teacher of Buzhou Academy after just over two months. If the facts were not right in front of him, he would have felt I'm dreaming.

"A big brother for a day, a big brother for life." Li Zedao laughed.

"Don't dare, I'm really too small." Mochai said with a frightened expression, "I'm here to help Mr. Li with a teacher's uniform."

With that said, Firewood handed over a bag in his hand.

"Brother Muchai is here." Li Zedao nodded gratefully, and reached out to accept the bag.

According to the regulations of the college, the servants have the clothes of the servants, the students have the clothes of the students, the teachers have the clothes of the teachers, and those staff who are higher than the servants and lower than the teachers also have their own clothes.

Li Zedao has now become a teacher of Buzhou College, so he naturally has to wear teacher clothes that reflect his identity.

"Mr. Li, you will have to wear this costume from tomorrow, and I would like to trouble you to change the student uniform and let the little one take it away." Mochai cupped his hands and said.

Are the old clothes still taken away? Li Zedao thought to himself that the academy attached great importance to identity, probably because he was worried that he would wear the wrong clothes in a hurry, right? He nodded and smiled, "Brother Mu Chai, please come in and wait for a while, I'll go and change my clothes."

"The little one can just wait here for Master Li."

No matter what Li Zedao said, Muchai was always obedient and did not dare to enter Li Zedao's courtyard.

Li Zedao knew that servants had the lowest status in Buzhou Academy, and the distinction of superiority and inferiority had flowed into their blood and permeated into their bones. They were so cautious when facing students, let alone teachers.

At the moment, he is not trying to force him, let him wait outside for a while, and ask Wan'er to bring him some tea, but the firewood obediently said no, so Li Zedao didn't say anything more, his politeness will only be given to this servant after all. Bring more anxiety.

After a while, Li Zedao let Firewood take away the changed clothes and the other school uniform that had been washed before.

Looking at Muchai's slightly crouched back who dared not walk straight, Li Zedao sighed softly.

Everywhere, people have distinctions of superiority and inferiority. It's just that in most places in God's Domain, that distinction is covered with a cloak of civilization. When this cloak is stripped off and exposed to the sun, His ugliness is only more disgusting than the dignity of God's Domain.

"What are you thinking about?" Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with ambiguous eyes and asked.

"I am worried that I seem to be more handsome after wearing the teacher's uniform, and I will definitely receive more in the future... Wan'er, the habit of drawing a sword at every turn is too bad." Li Zedao hurriedly forced his familiar The words swallowed back.

"Although you're wearing a teacher's uniform, you don't look like a teacher at all." Nangong Wan'er looked Li Zedao up and down.

What a bastard, why is he so handsome? It doesn't matter if he is handsome, whether it is cultivation or alchemy, he has such a high talent, how sought-after is this?

"What does that look like?" Li Zedao asked with a smile. After looking at it, I am quite satisfied with this teacher's uniform. Whether it is fabric, style or workmanship, it is several grades higher than student clothing.

Even Li Zedao felt that he was unreasonably handsome, but he still felt that he was three points more handsome for no reason.

"A beast in clothes." Nangong Wan'er pursed her lips and smiled.

"...Student Wan'er, stay here with the teacher tonight, the teacher will let you see what is called a beast in clothes." Li Zedao had an evil smile on his face.

"Deng Tu Zi..." Nangong Wan'er's pretty face was flushed, her heart was in turmoil, and her voice was like a mosquito.

"Oh, I have to write a note and stick it on the door first, just write 'Mr. Li is resting, please do not knock on the door to disturb me', what do you think, Wan'er?" Li Zedao felt that he was too fucking witty. You don't have to worry about being disturbed.

"... Dengtuzi." Nangong Wan'er was extremely shy.


As usual, Li Zedao opened his eyes early.

In her arms, Nangong Wan'er curled up like a kitten and slept soundly, there was even a trace of liquid dripping from the corner of her mouth, her little red face was full of satisfied smiles.

For Li Zedao, last night was definitely a memorable day.

Just last night, he was thrown down by Nangong Wan'er, and he took off his "virgin" hat... In God's Domain, Li Zedao is indeed a little virgin.

Li Zedao gently kissed Nangong Wan'er's small face, got up quietly, put on the teacher's attire that showed his identity, and took the Dragon Chanting Sword to the courtyard.

At this time, the surroundings were quiet and dark, and there was still some time before dawn.

Li Zedao first meditated and felt the mysterious atmosphere between heaven and earth, trying to improve his cultivation.

For Li Zedao, the lower level of the Spiritual God Realm is just the starting point, and the Fairy Mirror is just the process, and his ultimate goal is the Spiritual Universe Realm!

The Lingyu Realm is a realm above the Fairy Mirror, but it only exists in legends. It seems that from ancient times to the present, no one has successfully broken through the Fairy Mirror and entered the Lingyu Realm in the vast God Realm.

"What kind of state is that? What kind of power does it have? You can destroy the world with a single gesture? You can freely travel through various spaces?" Li Zedao looked up at the blood-red waning moon in the sky, feeling extremely excited yearning.

And once you really become a strong person in the Spiritual Realm, you can basically become the maker of the rules of God's Domain.

After finishing the meditation, Li Zedao began to practice the Leiqie Sword Art again.

When the day began to get dark, he pushed open the door of the courtyard, walked forward, and came to the cliff where he had seen the sun many times before.

Just as Li Zedao expected, the familiar and beautiful figure had already arrived here one step earlier.

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