The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2079 Where did you buy it


The ice water in the wood boiled quickly, a lot of smoke came out, bubbles popped out, and the ice water boiled like that.

Soon, the hot water in the tub was evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Shui Feiling was not burnt to pieces.

With the cultivation base of a strong person in the spiritual realm, the heat of boiling water would naturally not be able to harm her.

"What kind of injury did she suffer? How could her body be so hot?" Li Zedao's little heart trembled so much that it almost jumped out of his throat.

Knowing that going on like this, he was afraid that the bathtub would catch fire, so he rushed out of the house and left the courtyard. Soon, he came back with a large piece of ice and threw it into the wooden bucket.

Soon, the ice melted into water, the water began to boil, and then quickly evaporated and dissipated.

Seeing this, Li Zedao hurriedly left the courtyard again, and brought back a large piece of ice.

In this way, Li Zedao moved around a dozen large ice cubes, and the water temperature basically stabilized. Gradually, the skin on Shui Feiling's body basically returned to its original state, no longer like cooked shrimps before. like.

Only then did Li Zedao exhale lightly, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but he didn't dare to leave, so he could only stay there, thinking about various countermeasures with a worried face.

If Concubine Shui Ling wants to kill people to silence her, what should she do?

What if Concubine Shui Ling asked himself to be responsible for her? So what?

If she is a big beauty with a hot figure, then that's fine, but by the way, she is not a human being in this posture, she can't be some kind of beast transformed into a human, right? I heard that in God's Domain, a place full of aura, some powerful beasts can transform into human forms through cultivation.

Look at the tail, it should be a fox or a dog, right?

And the relationship between Concubine Shuiling and the dean is so close, so the dean is not human?

Just when Li Zedao's little heart was trembling and almost jumped out of his throat, Shui Feiling slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on Li Zedao.

At this time, her delicate body was still hidden in the wooden barrel, but her face was no longer the sexy charm of the past, her frowns and frowns were enough to seduce people's souls, and it was not the kind of viciousness that made the scalp tingle.

She just looked at Li Zedao standing there expressionlessly, Li Zedao's body trembled, his scalp was numb, and he was about to cry.

"Sister Shui, are you feeling better?" Li Zedao asked cautiously. He felt that he should say something, otherwise he would be driven mad by such a strange silence.

Shui Feiling suddenly smiled, an extremely charming and sexy smile that captivated the soul.

At the same time, her flawless hand stretched out from the wood, hooked her fingers at Li Zedao, and said delicately, "Little brother, come here."

"This...Sister Shui, if there's nothing else, I'll leave now and don't disturb Sister Shui and your rest." Li Zedao's heart trembled, he knew that this woman was going to settle accounts with Qiuhou.

"Little brother, if you don't come here again, sister will be angry." Concubine Shui smiled delicately, the amorous look between her eyebrows is really captivating!

"Damn, this is very likely to be a fox! Look at the coquettishness... Also, the smell you smelled earlier is not body odor at all... No, it is the most authentic body odor! Concubine Shui The reason why Ling uses such a strong fragrance is to cover up the coquettish smell..."

Li Zedao murmured in his heart, but he could only bite the bullet and stepped forward, his nerves tensed, and he was ready to flee at any time.

You have to resist for a while, you can't just let her kill you first and then rape yourself, right?

"Closer." Shui Feiling continued to hook her fingers.

Li Zedao had no choice but to bend slightly, and tried his best to lean his old face that was slightly twitching towards Shui Feiling's face with such a charming smile.

Concubine Shuiling's slippery fingers with water drops flirted across Li Zedao's face, and Li Zedao's nerves became more tense, as if the fingers that crossed his face were not fingers that could drive a hand fetishist crazy, but It's a poisonous snake, a centipede, a disgusting caterpillar...

Concubine Shui Ling's big eyes flickered, and she said with a smile, "Little brother, tell sister, what did you see?"

"This..." Li Zedao didn't know how to answer this question.

Why are women always so boring? They always like to ask questions that they know the answer to.

But I have to say, this woman's figure is really hot and unusual, plus the furry tail on her buttocks that greatly satisfies a man's dirty mind...

"Sister hates being rejected very much, and even more hates being cheated." Concubine Shui Lingjiao smiled.

"...The tail behind my sister is so delicate, where did you buy it?" Li Zedao swallowed, and said cautiously. He knew that this woman didn't care about her body being seen at all, what she really cared about was that fluffy tail.

"Oh, you saw the tail." Shui Feiling was laughing, but her voice became vicious, "Little brother, what should I do if my sister really wants to kill you?"

As soon as the words fell, the nails on her flawless hands suddenly grew a few inches, looking so sharp, and shone with a strange cold light under the sunlight shining into the room!

Then, her hand grabbed Li Zedao's face extremely sharply!

Li Zedao was so horrified in his heart that he didn't dare to confront him head-on, his figure flickered, and he retreated a few meters abruptly, panting heavily, his face full of shock and vigilance.

He secretly scolded this woman for being so vicious that she wanted to ruin her handsome face.

Concubine Shuiling didn't get up to chase after her, her big bright eyes looked at her hand with satisfaction, she admired that it was really a flawless hand, to die in this hand, it was cultivated in her previous life lucky?

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that this woman probably didn't want to kill him, otherwise she would have jumped out of the barrel long ago... Even though she was naked and had a tail behind her buttocks.

After concubine Shui Ling's eyes fell on Li Zedao for a while, she burst out laughing suddenly. The sexy eyebrows, charming lips, and the slender pink neck exposed to the air, and the charming collarbone are so provocative.

Faced with such a smile, Li Zedao's scalp felt numb, as if he saw a ghost.

"Little brother, is sister's tail sexy?" Concubine Shui asked with a smile.

Li Zedao nodded with some difficulty: "Sexy..."

"Then do you like it?"

"...I like it." Li Zedao wanted to cry, but he didn't really like it. It’s okay to be fake, and it’s acceptable to add a little more fun, but it’s the real thing... Just thinking about it makes people creepy.

"I like it, then turn around and let my sister raise her ass to let you see enough, do you think it's okay?" Shui Feiling winked at her, and her voice was full of charm.

"This..." This question really stumped Li Zedao. Think about it, will you be killed by this woman? Said he didn't want to... Li Zedao felt that he was too hypocritical.

"Okay..." Li Zedao lowered his head in embarrassment, ashamed like a little virgin in love.

"Be honest." The smile on Shui Feiling's face was even brighter, her beautiful big eyes seemed to be filled with water, and there were two attractive dimples on her cheeks when she smiled.

Hearing a splash of water, she stood up from the tub, raised her plump but slender legs, and stepped out of the tub, exposing her flawless body in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao quickly lowered his head, his little face was a little flushed, he didn't dare to take a second look, and secretly cursed this evildoer in his heart, he really tempted the dead for not paying for his life.

Concubine Shui glanced at Li Zedao, who had begun to pretend to be pure again, pursed her lips and chuckled, and walked towards the cabinet in front of her. Behind her, a tail as white as snow swayed gently with her steps, looking So weird and alluring.

Opening the cabinet, Shui Feiling took out a bath towel and wiped off the water droplets hanging on her body.

Then she took out a long robe to wrap her beautiful body and that weird tail, but the unfathomable depth on her chest and the looming plump long legs still hooked people's soul, which really made her People can't help themselves.

Walking to the wide and soft reclining chair, lying on his side slightly, he hooked his fingers at Li Zedao, smiled charmingly, and said, "Little brother, come here."

Li Zedao felt that he had been clocked by a rich woman, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk up to Concubine Shuiling because of the humiliation in his heart, and naturally he didn't dare to aim casually.

I thought to myself that this woman is really too much, how can she lie down in such a ecstatic position? How could she be half-revealed? Isn't this to torture the dead?

"Little brother, even though you saw something you shouldn't have seen, you have done my sister a great favor." Shui Feiling had a half-smile expression on her face, with lingering fear in her heart.

After all, he still underestimated the fire and poison of the fire scorpion.

She thought it would be all right to force most of the Yandu out, and then soak it in ice water, but she didn't expect that Yandu was so overbearing, soaking more than a dozen pokes of ice water, and then basically expelled it clean.

If Li Zedao hadn't strayed in and kept bringing ice cubes here, it would have been an extremely troublesome thing, and he couldn't have gone outside naked, right?

"Besides, you are so cute, sister really can't bear to kill, then... I won't kill you." Concubine Shui Ling said with a giggle. Her smile, like a rose in full bloom, has an indescribable charm.

I thought to myself that if you were not the person that the damn old man liked, you were a descendant of Nuwa, and it would be very useful to keep it, I would have dug out your eyeballs a long time ago.

"Thank you Sister Shui." Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief again, and hurriedly bowed, thinking that his life was truly saved.

Thanks to Li Zedao's parents, thank you for giving birth to such a handsome son!

"However, from now on, little brother, you are my sister's man. You are a smart person, so you must understand what my sister means?" Shui Feiling asked.

"Little brother understands." Li Zedao nodded quickly, "Little brother is willing to go through fire and water for my sister."

Li Zedao couldn't help feeling guilty when he said such words that he didn't even believe.

"Really?" Concubine Shui Lingjiao smiled. It's really cute that the little brother lied in a serious manner. If he didn't know what he was like, he would really believe it.

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