The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2081 - The Buzhou Mountains

"In my heart, sister Shui is as important as Wan'er. One is my lover, the other is my own sister, and they are the closest people to me." Li Zedao was once again disgusted by his own slavishness.

"Really?" The smile on Shui Feiling's face grew even wider. For some reason, she found it very interesting to see Li Zedao's clumsy performance over there.

Li Zedao nodded quickly.

"Go ahead, help my sister prepare the bath water, and after my sister takes a bath and changes clothes, we will set off." Shui Feiling's finger once again raised Li Zedao's chin.

"Sister Shui, please wait a moment." Li Zedao secretly scolded this fox for a lot of things, why take a bath if he can just leave? Do you think you can wash off that foul-smell on your body?

After Shui Feiling took a bath and changed into clothes, it was already more than an hour later, and Li Zedao was almost falling asleep.

At the moment Concubine Shuiling took Li Zedao away from Xiangge, walked out of the gate of the academy to Cangying Pavilion, at this time the servants in Cangying Pavilion had already prepared a goshawk and waited for Concubine Shuiling to arrive.

After the two of them got on the back of the goshawk, the servant patted the goshawk's wings, the goshawk's huge wings spread out suddenly, and there was a clear whistle from its mouth, and then it flapped its wings , Its body with two people sitting on its back already soared into the air as fast as lightning, and then galloped forward.

What surprised Li Zedao was that the direction of the Goshawk's flight was not the Buzhou Plain in front, but the endless Buzhou Mountains behind it.

God's Domain has ten fierce places, and the Buzhou Plain in front of Buzhou Mountain, which is covered with heavy snow all the year round, is one of the ten fierce places. Every night, the weather in this Buzhou Plain will become extremely violent, not to mention the snowstorm. , There are all kinds of ferocious beasts haunting.

Therefore, even the strong ones in the spiritual realm would not dare to easily spend the night on the Buzhou Plain.

At the same time, the Buzhou Mountains bordering the Buzhou Plain are also one of the ten most dangerous places!

Of course, the top of the mountain where Buzhou Academy is located is a safe zone. After all, Buzhou Academy existed tens of thousands of years ago, and there are many strong people sitting there. Those poisonous insects and beasts dare not enter the territory of Buzhou Academy at will. .

But a place farther away from the college is not safe. For example, Li Zedao and Nangong Wan'er encountered the dragon python a little farther away from the college.

Not to mention it is far away from the Buzhou Academy in this sparsely populated mountains, no one knows what kind of powerful poisonous insects and beasts are hidden here.

Therefore, the college does not encourage students to stay away from the college alone. If they want to explore the mountains to find all kinds of precious natural materials and treasures, or practice, it is best to go with them.

Along the way, Shui Feiling was surprisingly quiet, she just sat there with her eyes closed and rested, she didn't tease Li Zedao, nor did she briefly explain to Li Zedao the meaning of the ultimate purpose of the trip.

Naturally, Li Zedao would not ask too many questions, and he was too lazy to appreciate the majestic and majestic mountain scenery in front of him. While maintaining a trace of vigilance in his heart, he also closed his eyes and rested his mind, feeling the abundant spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Even though he has stepped into the Spirit God Realm, he is only a mere low-level cultivation base in the Spirit God Realm. With such a cultivation base, let alone becoming the maker of the rules of God's Domain, you can't even beat this female fox in front of you.

However, Li Zedao also knew that there was no rush to improve one's cultivation base, one had to take it step by step in a down-to-earth manner, and there had to be a huge opportunity.

I thought that according to this speed of cultivation, it would take at least two months to reach the peak state of the lower-level spiritual realm, and it would probably take a year to enter the middle-level spiritual realm, right?

This kind of cultivation speed is undoubtedly extremely fast, but in Li Zedao's view, it is too slow.

I don't know how long it took, my eyes opened, and I looked up at the clear sky, with a look of extreme melancholy in my eyes, I won't really never see my mother again, sister Mengchen and the others, right? ?

I don't know if they are doing well now, or what they are doing at this time.

After sighing, Li Zedao closed his painful eyes.

At this moment, he deeply realized what it means to be a stranger in a foreign land alone.

It didn't take long, Li Zedao only felt that the goshawk was flying down quickly and falling, and it was obvious that it was almost at the destination, but he didn't bother to open his eyes to look around, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Anyway, even if there was any danger around, Shui Feiling would still be there to block it.

If the danger came from Concubine Shuiling... Li Zedao's tongue twitched slightly at the same time as his thoughts moved, and he had already licked the foreign object hidden in his mouth.

Damn, I'll just go all out with you, a coquettish fox! Even if you die, you have to tear off your tail.

After a while, the goshawk landed steadily.

The smell of decay and stench came to his nostrils in an instant. Li Zedao frowned and opened his eyes to look, but saw that the place where the goshawk landed was actually a huge valley. The valley was surrounded by towering cliffs. If there were no goshawks, Even for a strong person in the spiritual realm, it is not an easy task to go down to such a deep abyss.

The lack of sunlight made the valley dark, and the surrounding shrubs, which were as tall as a person, were covered with miasma, making them look desolate and dilapidated. There was a smell of decay in the air, which seemed so depressing.

The surrounding area is even more silent, as if this is the place of death, without any living things.

Looking to the northwest, you can still see an endless dense forest. The leaves on the trees in the dense forest are black, which looks extremely strange.

Li Zedao glanced at the weird dense forest for a few times, his heart couldn't help but tremble a few times, and he instinctively felt the danger.

What the hell is this place? And what about the dense forest with pitch-black leaves? Could this be the blood wood that Lao Jian mentioned unintentionally before, which can be used as a weapon?

The blood tree is as hard as iron, and the leaves are extremely sharp, and even contain powerful poison, so some people also like to use the leaves of the blood tree directly as hidden weapons.

Lao Jian also said that blood trees are extremely rare, and it is not bad to see one occasionally in the deep mountains and old forests, so it is really hard to imagine such a large area growing in such a place.

Shui Feiling opened her eyes that had been closed all along the way, and there was already a trace of hatred and solemnity in those charming eyes. It is conceivable that this trip was not easy.

Such eyes fell into Li Zedao's eyes, which made his little heart tremble all the time. Sure enough, this trip is full of dangers!

Shui Feiling fell to the ground in a flash.

Seeing this, Li Zedao quickly jumped off Goshawk's back, stood behind Shui Feiling, and looked around as if he was facing an enemy, as if he was ready to help Shui Feiling block all kinds of dangers at any time.

Concubine Shui glanced at Li Zedao, who was pretending to be a kid again, with a smile that was not a smile, and she didn't bother to expose his hypocrisy. Jump and call out your innocence to show your loyalty.

Concubine Shui stretched out her spiritual hand and patted Goshawk's back lightly.

The goshawk already possesses spiritual intelligence, so it understands the meaning of Shui Fei Ling. With its huge wings spread out, it soars hugely, and soon turns into a black spot.

"Let's go, little brother." Shui Feiling winked at her.

"Sister Shui, where are we going?" Li Zedao couldn't help asking. He probably knew that the reason Shui Feiling let Goshawk leave just now was because this place was full of danger.

Although the goshawk is not small and is as fast as lightning, its combat power is far inferior to those tyrannical beast poisonous insects. If it continues to stay here, I am afraid that it will be gnawed until there are no bones left, right?

Therefore, Li Zedao's body tensed instinctively, and his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, especially the dark dense forest full of death. God knows if there is some terrifying guy hiding there?

"Help little brother find an excellent feng shui treasure land, and bury you little brother." Shuifeiling winked charmingly at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao smiled apologetically, "Sister Shui, stop making fun of me."

The smile on Concubine Shuiling's face changed, and she gave off a nervous feeling, which made Li Zedao feel terrified, and said, "Little brother, do you know how my sister was injured before? It was caused by that damn fire scorpion." Hurt."

"Fire scorpion?" Li Zedao's face was moved.

In the Book Collection Pavilion, Li Zedao saw an introduction about this fire scorpion from a book. This is an extremely tall scorpion, but its speed is as fast as lightning. In addition, the skin on its body is as hard as iron, and its ability to resist blows is extremely strong, so it is extremely difficult to hurt it.

Not only that, but the poisonous needle on the tail of this fire scorpion is even more poisonous, and that poison is called inflammation poison.

Although the flame poison is not a poison that seals the throat with blood, it is still dreadful. It is said that people who are poisoned by this poison will suffer from the pain of being burned.

Therefore, although the fire scorpion is not included in the ranks of the top ten fierce beasts in the God's Domain, it is powerful enough to make the strong in the spiritual realm directly detour after encountering it.

No wonder Shui Feiling's body was so hot yesterday, she was poisoned by the inflammation.

It's just that Concubine Shuiling's cultivation base is strong, and after being poisoned, she probably took some antidote pills, so her body didn't burn itself into ashes... Li Zedao thinks it's a pity, God really doesn't have eyes, this fox It would be great if it was burned to ashes by a fire.

"That fire scorpion dared to hurt Sister Shui, it really deserves to be killed!" Li Zedao looked extremely angry, really wishing he could immediately raise his sword and chop the fire scorpion into meat paste, so as to avenge Concubine Shuiling.

"Since little brother, you also think that fire scorpion should be killed, then you can go and kill it, and sister will be there to cheer you up." As if changing face, Concubine Shui Ling's face was charming again. The smile, the soft and charming voice.

Looking at Li Zedao's eyes is like looking at a superhero, the eyes are full of bubbles.

"Ah?" Li Zedao was slightly dumbfounded, shouldn't you be the main force and I be the cheerleader?

"Little brother, do you have any questions?" Shui Feiling's face was full of ridicule, and she habitually stretched out her hand, provocatively evoking Li Zedao's chin. It was a very hungry pervert who was molesting. An innocent and handsome little virgin.

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