At this moment, Concubine Shui Ling's eyes widened slightly, and she suddenly discovered that there was a cave with a hole as tall as half a person in front of this big tree growing stubbornly on the cliff.

Standing on this big tree, the cave is naturally extremely conspicuous, and there is no obstruction to the line of sight, but I was just eager to escape, so I really didn't notice it for a while.

However, the entrance of the cave was covered with spider webs, and the inside was even darker. With Shui Feiling's eyesight, she couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the cave, but she could feel a burst of cool air being released from the entrance of the cave.

Concubine Shuiling's face was already full of dumbness, because there was a first-level defensive soul formation at the entrance of the cave!

That's why she didn't know what was going on inside the cave, and why this cool aura was so unusual.

And to arrange such a defensive soul array, this is the means only soul craftsmen have! It is conceivable that there used to be a soul craftsman who lived in this cave for some reason, and set up such a defensive soul formation to resist foreign enemies.

Although Shui Feiling is not a soul craftsman, not even an alchemist, but she is well-informed, so she can naturally see some clues.

If the soul craftsman wants to subdivide it, it can actually be subdivided into two branches. One branch is good at using soul to refine medicine, and the other branch is good at using soul refining equipment. Refined by soul craftsmen.

But no matter whether you use soul for alchemy or refining equipment, you have to refine the soul-melting pill before you can integrate the soul into the elixir or the utensil, and the soul-melting pill is a ninth-rank pill, only the ninth-rank Alchemist Fang has the strength to refine it.

Therefore, no matter which part it is, they are all alchemy masters, but they are just better at or more interested in that aspect.

But there is no doubt that using soul refining equipment is more difficult than alchemy.

And this defensive soul array can be regarded as an invisible defensive weapon, the power of defense is extremely great, it is like an invisible spring, if there is no way to completely destroy its elasticity with one blow, it will encounter a strong rebound.

"Hiss..." A terrifying roar hit, causing the entire valley to buzz, and the big tree was even affected by the terrifying breath, shaking violently, and the leaves fell one after another.

With the speed of the fire scorpion, it probably won't take much time before it can climb up to the big tree.

Concubine Shuiling was unmoved, she stared at the cave with unprecedented surprise in her eyes.

She doesn't know how to make formations,

However, under the guidance of an expert, he became familiar with how to pass through the defensive soul array without completely destroying it head-on.

Of course, it was limited to the most basic first-level defensive soul array, and she couldn't pass the defensive soul array above the second level.

In the next second, her skin was already fiery red, and she picked up Li Zedao with her hands. She tiptoed her toes, and with a jump, she reached the entrance of the cave.

Stretching out the jade hand, the red and blue intertwined cyclones flickered, and he already realized that there was an invisible and piercing aura blocking him, but he couldn't move forward at all.

Because her body was going to be on fire, this coldness made Shui Feiling even more comfortable, and she couldn't help moaning.

"Sure enough, the eyes of the array are here!" Shui Feiling's mouth curled up in an inexplicable way, and she clenched her plain hand, as if she was holding something.

Every defensive soul formation has its own formation eye, and the formation eye is also the weakest point of the defensive soul formation. You only need to find the formation eye and control that formation eye, and you can pass through the defense safely.

Of course, this is for the basic first-level defensive soul array. The defensive soul array above the second level will become extremely complicated, and the eyes of the array are also well hidden. It will also become strong, not the weak link.

Without any hesitation, Shui Feiling threw Li Zedao, which was in the other hand, into the cave like a bag of trash, and then she slipped in as well.

Let go of the hand, let go of the invisible but real eyes of the array, and the first-level defensive soul array continues to play its defensive role.


The fire scorpion that had already crawled near the cave made an extremely irritable and angry sound, and with a heavy flick of its tail, it directly swept the big tree into pieces.

That gigantic body climbed on the cliff, its bloody mouth approached the hole that was too small for it, and continued to hiss furiously, but it couldn't get in.

The Fire Scorpion was furious even more, clearly smelling that the damn fox and the beloved Huoyan Pill were in the small hole, but they couldn't get in. blood.

Now it continued to climb up for a short distance, and then the tail wrapped in circles of terrifying red cyclones fiercely swept towards the entrance of the cave!

Since there is no way to get in, then smash the mountain wall and demolish the cave!

"Boom!" A deafening voice sounded.

Looking at the entrance of the cave, it was safe and sound, not to mention that it collapsed suddenly, not even a small stone fell down. Naturally, the first-level defensive soul array worked, and it produced a huge rebound force.

In other words, Fire Scorpion's furious blow was actually a heavy blow to himself!

This is the horror of the defensive soul array!

This is still a first-level defensive soul array, if it is a second-level or higher defensive soul array, the rebound force will be doubled, tripled, several times!


The fire scorpion let out a terrible cry, and its huge body was simply bounced several feet away by this terrifying blow, and then the body began to fall freely.

After a few breaths, only a muffled sound of "bang!" was heard, and the fire scorpion hit the ground heavily, directly smashing a big hole in the ground, and continued to scream in pain, its tail could no longer be raised , but standing there weakly, the naked eye could see cracks appearing on the tail, and the fiery red poisonous needle on the tail was even more broken!

In front of the cave, Concubine Shuiling, who poked her head out and glanced at the fire scorpion below, breathed a sigh of relief, with a gloating face, and an indescribable sense of comfort in her heart.

Damn fire scorpion! deserve it!

It is even more frightening, and the secret passage is lucky, if there is not this cave, there is a first-level defensive soul array at the entrance of the cave, and I have learned from the old man how to find the most basic defensive soul array eyes, I am afraid that I can only use Huoyan Pill It's been returned, and who knows if the Fire Scorpion will continue to chase her and the little brother after returning the Huoyan Pill?

From Concubine Shuiling's point of view, the fire scorpion is naturally a female, and females usually like to care about everything, so it is very likely that they will continue to chase after it!

Immediately afterwards, there was tightness in the chest and a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he quickly sat down cross-legged, trying to use the spiritual energy in his body to force out the inflammation and poison in his body.

For a person like Shui Feiling who suffers from inflammation, the cave with such a cloudy atmosphere is an excellent sanctuary for healing. There is no need to bring a wooden barrel and a lot of ice.

After thinking about it, Shui Feiling got up with difficulty, glanced at Li Zedao who was still unconscious, and then undressed and got up.

If I don't take off my clothes, I'm afraid that the clothes will be burned up again in a while, what should I do then? You can't pick a few leaves to block your beautiful body, right?

Or is it naked in front of the little brother? He thinks beautifully!

Soon, an extremely graceful body was exposed naked in the air, but the skin was not as white and silky as milk in the past. Hot air is continuously released from the gaps in the skin.

"Damn little brother!" Shui Feiling glanced at Li Zedao and cursed secretly.

Sitting cross-legged, Shui Feiling exhaled deeply, without any distracting thoughts in her mind, slowly closed her eyes, and began to heal the poison.


Li Zedao opened his eyes, and what he saw was the gloomy sky, and the sound of birds chirping came from his ears.

"Where is this? Divine Realm or Mortal Realm?" Li Zedao blinked his eyes.

A small bird flew overhead.

"Pfft!" A bubble of bird droppings fell from the sky, like a gun thrown from a fighter jet, and hit Li Zedao's face directly.

"Damn it!" Li Zedao was startled, a carp straightened up, dodging the attack of the soaked bird shit, and then glanced around with doubts in his eyes.

However, he found that the surrounding mountains and rivers were beautiful and quiet.

The trees, the flowers, the grasshoppers in the grass, the bees on the flowers, the chirping birds on the branches... How familiar are these?

This is Mortal Domain!

"Yes, this is Mortal Realm, not Divine Realm!" Li Zedao confirmed again in his heart.

The trees in God's Domain are not so short, the birds in God's Domain are not so small, the sky in God's Domain is not so blue, and the air in God's Domain is not so bad...

"I'm back? I'm back?" Li Zedao was dumbfounded for several minutes, and then his face was full of ecstasy, and then his face was full of tears, and he burst into tears, "Woooo..." Crying and laughing, the whole person looks like a lunatic.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of Nangong Wan'er again, his heart trembled a few times, the pain was severe, and his face was full of melancholy.

I just came back like this, what should Wan'er do? With her temperament, she couldn't be sad to death? Even do something radical?

In the end, she still failed her beauty!

Knowing this for a long time, she tried her best to protect her pure and clean body so that Nangong Waner would not have any chance to take advantage of it.

"Crack!" Li Zedao suddenly slapped himself hard like crazy.

"Beast!" he cursed.

"You kid... are you okay?" An extremely stunned voice came from behind.

Li Zedao was taken aback by the movement, and when he looked back, he saw an old man with dark complexion, messy hair, and a dirty gray coat staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yanhuang?" Li Zedao's teary eyes widened slightly. He really didn't expect that the first person he saw after he successfully returned from God's Domain was this old man who was once known as the patron saint of China.

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