The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2099 Be Sincere

", no." Li Zedao quickly denied, and his stiffened hand quickly let go of Shui Feiling's soft body.

Suddenly remembered that saying no was seriously desecrating the charm of Concubine Shui Ling, and she might be about to be murdered by this woman, so she quickly changed her words: "Well... occasionally."

After finishing speaking, Li Zedao lowered his head habitually, his face full of embarrassment.

She didn't dare to look at Shui Feiling's eyes at all, her heart beat faster, and she was really worried that Shui Feiling would just kick herself down that deep pit and bury her.

I thought to myself that this woman is really terrifying, and I really underestimated her. I didn't expect that she could create such a terrifying explosion, which directly blasted the fire scorpion into scum.

Concubine Shuiling looked at Li Zedao, who was frightened by his acting skills, with a half-smile on her face, secretly amused in her heart, thinking that the little brother was really too cute, and so much fun.

Looking at the deep pit in front of her, looking at the corpses of the fire scorpions scattered in various places, Concubine Shuiling was really terrified. If she hadn't run fast, she might have been sucked in by this terrifying explosion. There is bound to be no bones left.

"Sister Shui is mighty, even this mighty live scorpion was killed by you." Li Zedao hurriedly flattered her and changed the subject.

"Get out!" Concubine Shui's eyes were full of water, and Li Zedao gave Li Zedao a look, as if Li Zedao's body trembled a few times, secretly calling out to this evildoer.

"Do you think a strong person in the spiritual realm has the ability to create such a big hole?"

"Then what's going on with this huge hole? It can't be that the dean, the old man, came over and showed his power and smashed the fire scorpion with a slap?" Li Zedao was yearning for it, and he didn't know when he would be able to break through to the spiritual realm. Enter the Fairy Mirror.

In the realm of the gods, the cultivation of the spiritual realm is enough for you to become the leader of a faction, but after walking in this strange mountain, Li Zedao felt more and more that the strong in the spiritual realm are too weak, if you want your life to be safe , how could it have to be the cultivation base of the fairy mirror?

Concubine Shuiling gave Li Zedao another look, and said, "The fire scorpion knew that it was invincible, and even more so, I knew that my sister must kill it, so I chose to blew myself up."

"Self-explosion?" Li Zedao's pupils shrank slightly, and then he remembered something.

There are some powerful poisonous insects and beasts that have the skill of self-detonation, which will perish with the enemy.

The so-called self-explosion,

To put it bluntly, it is to concentrate all the aura in the body at one point, compress it desperately, compress it desperately, compress it to the extreme, and finally explode and die with the enemy.

It's just that Li Zedao never expected that the fire scorpion's self-destruction would produce such terrifying power.

"Sister Shui is mighty, even if this damn fire scorpion blew itself up, it still can't hurt you, sister." Li Ze said flatteringly.


Before the words finished, Concubine Shui spit out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned red, causing the corners of Li Zedao's mouth to twitch a few times. It hit the horse's leg.

Concubine Shuiling raised her head, gave Li Zedao a half-smiling look, took a deep breath and said, "Little brother, you must be sincere."


"Where are the dozen or so little fire scorpions?" Concubine Shui felt the movement around her, but she couldn't feel any movement of the fire scorpions, so...the dozen or so little fire scorpions were all killed by the younger brother ?

Concubine Shuiling glanced at Li Zedao suspiciously, how could this be possible?

"Sister Shui, the dozen or so fire scorpions have already died under the sword of my younger brother, and my younger brother also took out all the fire pills in their bodies and planned to give them to my older sister." Li Zedao said modestly, but he said that I am so good and so good. It's so powerful that you killed all those fire scorpions with just a few swords. Hurry up and praise my expression.

"Little brother, have you forgotten what sister said just now?" Shui Feiling's expression was a little weird, "Being a person must be sincere."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he almost turned around and left without holding back.

"You really killed all of them and took the pills?" Seeing Li Zedao's expression, Shui Feiling's face was full of emotion.

Although Li Zedao's cultivation has successfully broken through to become a powerhouse at the peak of the lower level of the Spiritual God Realm, and he has also cultivated the top-level spiritual skills of the heavenly level, but with this cultivation base, he can face more than a dozen little fire scorpions at the same time, let alone defeat them. After killing all the Huoyan Pills, it took a lot of energy to contain them.

"It's true that I killed them all and took the pills." Li Zedao nodded heavily, feeling extremely sad.

In other words, can't there be more trust between people?

"Did you use any despicable means?" Shui Feiling asked with a half-smile.

"This..." Li Zedao thought for a while, it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat, isn't it? So that's a dirty trick? no!

However, before he could deny it categorically, Shui Feiling's smiling eyes revealed a look of contempt: "It seems to be used."

As a superpower, Concubine Shui has always looked down on conspiracies and tricks.

"..." If it wasn't for the fact that the fox's butt was so hard to touch, Li Zedao would have slapped him hard.

You bloody fox, do you mean to despise me like this?

For a while, Li Zedao was full of curiosity again. The color of the cyclone created by Shui Feiling was red and blue, so she was really a cross between a human and a fox or a dog?

"But use it well. If you don't use it, my sister will lose a cute little brother." Shui Feiling giggled, very charming, but she didn't bother to ask Li Zedao what despicable method he used.

"Little brother, my sister is going back to the cave to heal her wounds. It can take three days at most, or two days at least. During this time, you can help my sister get a bathtub and fresh water. My sister wants to take a bath after healing her wounds." " Shui Fei Ling's jade finger lifted Li Zedao's chin and explained with a smile.

After a battle with the fire scorpion, the fire scorpion blew itself up afterwards, which really caused Concubine Shuiling to suffer a lot of internal injuries. In addition, she was poisoned again, so it really took two or three days to heal her injuries.

Li Zedao wanted to cry, isn't this difficult for a strong man? Where in the hell is there a bathtub?

Besides, if you encounter any poisonous insects and beasts during this period... Li Zedao's heart trembled, thinking that this was too much, too hypocritical, if you want to take a bath, go back and take a bath!

Of course, thinking this way in my heart, I couldn't say that with my mouth, so I hurriedly bowed and said respectfully: "Sister Shui, don't worry, my little brother will prepare the bathtub and clean water."

"What a cute little brother." Concubine Shui Lingjiao laughed, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Your performance this time is very good, and my sister is very satisfied. When I go back, my sister will reward you well."

"Thank you Sister Shui." Li Zedao said gratefully.

"How about lifting your butt so you can see enough?" Shui Feiling's eyes were watery, and her soft body pressed against Li Zedao's chest, exhaling like blue.

"Uh..." Li Zedao's body simply tensed up, wanting to say that if you lie to others, you are a puppy.

"Hehe..." Shui Feiling smiled charmingly, her figure flashed, her breath had already reached the cave on the cliff, and she bent down to get into the cave.

In the next second, several clothes floated out of the cave, including a red bellyband.

"Little brother, find a place to help my sister wash the clothes." Shui Feiling's charming and explicit voice came over.

"Understood, Sister Shui." Li Zedao responded helplessly with a sad face, feeling that this day is really impossible.

"Don't do bad things with my sister's bellyband, otherwise my sister will never forgive you." A more charming and explicit voice came out, as if to seduce people to do bad things.

Li Zedao didn't twitch his lips, stretched out his hand, caught the floating and falling clothes, stroked the bellyband that was warm and had a strange smell, thinking that this thing is too unsexy, isn't it? Do you want to design that bikini so that it can be promoted in this realm of gods?

In his mind, he fantasized about the scene of Feiling wearing a bikini, and that tail... Li Zedao quickly raised his head, letting the nosebleed that was about to spurt out flow back.

After stopping the nosebleed, Li Zedao looked down at his body. The stench from blood bats was still strong. He thought that he should find a place to wash himself, wash his clothes by the way, and find something to eat .

Although it is already the peak cultivation level of the lower rank of the Spiritual God Realm, it is fine to not eat or drink for a few days, but it is far from the level of bigu, so it is still necessary to eat something.

Glancing around a few times, Li Zedao decided to leave this valley where the sun can't reach, and the smelly smell said, after all, there is no water for bathing and washing clothes in this valley.

As for the tub, it's easy to solve, just chop a thicker tree and hollow out the middle.

And there is no need to worry about the safety of Concubine Shui Ling, not to mention where her cultivation base is, and there is a first-level defensive soul formation at the entrance of the cave, unless it is a strong fairy mirror or a defensive soul formation. An extremely familiar strong man, otherwise you would never even think about entering it.

After making up his mind, Li Zedao simply folded Shui Feiling's clothes and tied them into a small package, and tied it to his body, and then picked up the sword that was taken out of the cave that was placed aside.

The eighth-grade sword Dragon Yin that the old sword gave before did not know where it was lost after a head-on confrontation with the fire scorpion. Now it is even more messy because of the self-destruct of the fire scorpion. The sword has long been buried. The possibility of finding it is extremely low, and I don't have time to look for it, so I can only use this ordinary-looking sword temporarily.

However, since this sword can easily cut the leather-clad fire scorpion into two pieces, and it is also left over by a certain soul craftsman, it is naturally not a piece of junk.

Li Zedao didn't know how to rank swords, but he still had a basic vision. This ordinary sword should be able to reach the upper third rank.

In a blink of an eye, Taoist Li Ze had already come to the cave, so he didn't dare to take a second look into the cave...Of course, even if you look inside, you can't see anything.

The first-level defensive soul array will also block your sight, making it impossible for you to clearly see what's inside, but the people inside can clearly see everything at the entrance of the cave.

"Sister, little brother, leave the valley and help you prepare a bucket of clean water." Li Zedao said.

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