The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2102 Belly Bandit

"Mr. Gongshu... Oh, Linglong, I'm not talking about you. Since you know how powerful that Dan scorpion is, you should run away from it. How could you try to sneak attack the other party? Although the power of your musket is not It's small, but it's far from enough to threaten a mid-level peak powerhouse in the spiritual realm, isn't it? If this shot misses a key part, you'll be in trouble, do you know that?" Li Zedao said angrily, feeling that this woman really It's too risky.

If Dan Scorpion is not the one who is going to take a bath with bare buttocks here, then this woman must not be killed by Dan Scorpion first, then raped, then killed, raped and repeated ninety-nine and eighty-one times?

How terrible!

When Gongshu Linglong heard the words, her little heart went numb for no reason, her eyes sparkled, and her voice was a little more joyful: "Li Zedao, are you caring about me?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao rolled his eyes, why is this woman so narcissistic? Why are you so ungrateful?

When I turned around and continued to wash the clothes, I felt so helpless. It’s not my fault that girls like me too much.

Gongshu Linglong pursed her lips and said with a light smile, "You can deny it, but I still insist on my feeling. You are just worried about me!"

"Whatever you think." Li Zedao said without turning his head.

"You're just worried about me." Gongshu Linglong said.

"...My mother...oh, my mother told me that friends should care for each other, help each other and love each other...should you come and help me with my laundry?" Li Zedao turned his head and glanced at Gongshu Linglong.

Gongshu Linglong was a little embarrassed: "I don't know how to do laundry."

"Then who usually washes your clothes for you?" Li Zedao asked.

"There is a clothes washing department in the college. You can send your dirty clothes there and let the servants wash them for you."

"Are the servants in the laundry department male or female?"

"What do you mean?" Gongshu Linglong was a little confused.

"Oh, it's okay... I know where there are blood trees, and you can get as many as you want. I will take you to collect them later."

"Really?" Gongshu Linglong's eyes lit up. She had been wandering in this deep mountain for a long time, but she couldn't find any trace of blood tree.

There are some blood tree leaves in the Artifact Pavilion of the Academy,

It's just that the number is not too much, and even though she is now a teacher of Buzhou Academy, she has not managed to get too many resources, and the credits she originally had are directly invalidated.

After all, the college is to serve the students, and the resources are all oriented toward the students. As for the teachers, they basically have to go out to find whatever resources they want, or they can trade with each other.

Besides, those who are strong in the spiritual realm are basically quite proud, and most of them don't use the resources of the college. There are too few teachers like Li Zedao who want to take all the resources of the college for themselves.

Li Zedao rolled his eyes: "I am so handsome, such a good boy, how can I lie to you? But after collecting the leaves of the blood tree, go back to the academy quickly, and don't wander around in this deep mountain and old forest. This place is far more than you imagined." It's even more dangerous, not to mention the pill scorpion, any poisonous insect or beast is enough to give you a headache."

"Aren't you going back?" Being so cared for, Gongshu Linglong felt a little sweeter in her heart.

"I still have something to do." Li Zedao said, got up and hung the starched clothes to dry on the bamboo pole, and then fetched the torch and lit the dry firewood.

"What's up?"

"This is a secret." Li Zedao looked mysterious.

"..." Gongshu Linglong puffed up her cheeks and was very depressed. I told you everything, but you are fine. It's too much to hide everything.

With a mysterious face, Li Zedao spread out Shui Feiling's clothes, took out the apron with a faint smell, and planned to wash it. Li Zedao knew that this was the real smell of Shui Feiling's body.

It's not a scent, of course, but it's not that annoying either.

Li Zedao knew that Concubine Shuiling was very sensitive to this smell, and cared quite a lot, or she was very sensitive and cared about her bloodline, which is why she used such a strong fragrance to suppress this smell.

Of course, he really regarded himself as one of his own, otherwise he would not let him wash her bellyband and expose more of her privacy to him.

Seeing the apron, Gongshu Linglong's eyes widened, and he jumped up from the rock, pointing at Li Zedao with a look of astonishment on his face: "You, you, you... Deng Tuzi... "

This bastard doesn't have any bad habits, does he? Where did you steal this bellyband but you still carry it with you? It's really disgusting, it's too perverted.

I heard that the apron was stolen in the clothing department some time ago. Could it be this bastard who did it?

For a while, Gongshu Linglong felt unspeakably disappointed with Li Zedao, how could he do such a disgusting thing?

"What are you? What kind of apprentice?" Li Zedao glanced at the woman who made a fuss angrily, "Will the reaction be so big after washing a girl's bellyband?"

Li Zedao thought to himself that I have washed the girl's body.

"Wash the girls? Who is it? Nangong Wan'er?" Gongshu Linglong was disappointed, and she didn't believe Li Zedao's words.

Washing Nangong Wan'er's bellyband... Naturally, it's nothing, but the key is that she ran into Nangong Wan'er before leaving the academy, so she knew that Nangong Wan'er did not come to the mountain range of Buzhou Academy with Li Zedao.

You can't be idle and have nothing to do, so you specially brought Nangong Wan'er's apron to this place to wash it, right?

Gongshu Linglong resolutely put a label on Li Zedao's body as "Bug Bandit" in his heart.

"It's none of your business." It seemed interesting to bicker with this woman.

"You... I think you stole it! Disgusting!" Gongshu Linglong puffed her cheeks, wishing she could beat up the damned disciple.

Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth, didn't bother to respond, wrung out the bellyband and hung it on the bamboo pole, then continued to wash Shuifei Ling's robe.

Gongshu Linglong's eyes widened slightly, and only then did she realize that the robe that Li Zedao was washing now was not the robe she was wearing that represented the teacher of Buzhou Academy?

Men and women are different, so the clothing styles of male and female teachers in Buzhou College are naturally different, so this is a female teacher's clothing!

So, Li Zedao is helping that female teacher wash her bellyband? The relationship between them has become so close? Where is the other female teacher now?

"Who is she?" Gongshu Linglong gritted her teeth and asked, feeling sore in her heart.

Why is this damn bastard so playful? He obviously already has Nangong Wan'er, and it is said that Nangong Meili is still his fiancée, but now he is having an affair with a certain female teacher in the deep mountains, and he even regards the sky as his bed and the earth as his bed... It's too much. Too much!

For a while, Gongshu Linglong really felt wronged for Gongshu Linglong and Gongshu Wan'er.

"What her?" Li Zedao turned to look at Gongshu Linglong.

Gongshu Linglong pointed to the apron and the robe in Li Zedao's hand, without even realizing it, her voice seemed to have a trace of jealousy: "Who is the owner of the clothes? Is it a female teacher in our college?"

"It has nothing to do with you, right?" Li Zedao felt helpless.

"After washing the clothes, I will take you to collect the leaves of the blood tree, and then you hurry back to the academy."

"You...why do I feel a little didn't smell anything strange?" Gongshu Linglong suddenly noticed a sweet smell in the air, her head was suddenly dizzy, and her body was limp and weak .

Strange smell?

Li Zedao's face changed suddenly, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed out, lazily hugging Gongshu Linglong whose face had turned pale, and then quickly retreated to the side.

But when Li Zedao rushed out holding Gongshu Linglong, a black shadow suddenly rushed out, and the hand that was originally grabbing Gongshu Linglong's body simply grabbed empty, and there was a surprised sound from his mouth, obviously Didn't expect to miss it at all.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who hurriedly retreated to the side with Gongshu Linglong in his arms, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and his pupils shrank slightly.

But he saw a tall and thin figure standing on the rock where Cai Gongshu Linglong was sitting.

The man was wearing a robe representing the identity of the teacher of the Imperfect Academy, but the robe was already tattered, and there were bloodstains on it. It was visible to the naked eye that he still had some scars on his body. It was conceivable that this person had experienced fierce battles before.

Looking at his face, a typical pork loin face, in those long and narrow eyes, there is a glint of cunning and cunning.

Deep in the Buzhou Mountains, wearing the teacher's uniform of the Buzhou Academy, he looked so embarrassed, and he was trying to attack Gongshu Linglong, who was also a teacher of the Buzhou Academy, so his identity was ready to be revealed.

It was the seventh-rank alchemy pill scorpion who killed his colleague and stole it and fled into the Buzhou mountain range unilaterally!

Li Zedao felt that he was really unlucky. It was fine to be peeped by Gongshu Linglong after taking a shower, but now he even met this Dan Xiezi who had defected from the academy. Naturally, there will be a hard fight next, and even my little life will have to be explained here, right?

"Hey, the most talented person in the history of Buzhou Academy, Li Zedao, who has become a teacher of Buzhou Academy in less than three months after entering school? Sure enough, he can move freely after being hit by my cartilage powder." Dan Xiezi looked at Li Zedao and smiled sadly.

As a seventh-rank alchemist of the Danyao Pavilion, Dan Xiezi naturally knew that there was such a student who had worked hard to extract the sky-defying amount in the assessment, and later became a first-rank alchemist of the Pill Pavilion with the student's style of study, allowing him to use For any resources in the Pill Pavilion, this kind of thing can be said to be unheard of or seen.

Immediately, his gaze fell on Gongshu Linglong who was being hugged by Li Zedao, looking at her soft and slender figure, her plump breasts, and her tightly grasped waist really made Dan Xiezi swallow her saliva.

In the past two days, he was almost cornered by the spiritual powerhouse sent by Buzhou Academy. If he could hold Gongshu Linglong and Li Zedao as hostages, he would be able to deter those damned guys. It can even let yourself vent your anger fiercely.

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