The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2120 want to cry but no tears

I don't know when it started, but Buzhou College and Yingzhou College will exchange as scheduled every twenty years.

The so-called communication, to put it bluntly, is to test each other's depth, and at the same time place a lot of bets, and at the same time, place a heavy bet on the honor of the academy.

Twenty years ago, Buzhou Academy sent a group of teachers and students to Li tribe to arrive at Nayingzhou Academy for exchanges. That time, Buzhou Academy won by a small margin.

This time, the place of exchange was changed to Buzhou College, and Yingzhou College was aggressive, and it was bound to avenge the humiliation of twenty years ago.

It is precisely because this kind of exchange is only held once every twenty years, so even if they know the reason, few people mention it, let alone those freshmen, who don't even know that there is such a thing.

At present, the teachers and students of Yingzhou College have set off from Yingzhou College and will arrive in seven days. After ten days, the contest between the two sides will be held at the altar. The specific matters will be announced at that time.

"According to past practice, both sides of this exchange will send three students, three teachers, and three alchemists to compete." Shui Feiling said again.

"The teacher and the students have to fight to the death on the altar. As for alchemists, what they are competing for is alchemy."

Fight to the death? The muscles on Li Zedao's face trembled, and he felt a little uncomfortable, and asked with some uncertainty: "So, I am one of the teachers representing the college?"

"Yes, little brother, the dean and elder sister are very optimistic about you." Shui Feiling's big eyes showed that this candidate must be you, "If you can win, you will get an extremely generous reward."

Li Zedao couldn't help but wanted to scold his mother, you liar! This is the so-called great benefit? This is obviously to send me to die, okay?

This evildoer is taking revenge! Dean, you can't foolishly believe her words just because she is good-looking, and make trouble with her.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Well, Dean, Sister Shui, a person who is not a member of the Academy for a day, and a member of the Academy for the rest of her life, even if she dies, she is not a member of the Academy." Ghost, the honor of the college is the life of the students, even if the students sacrifice their lives, they will work hard to fight for it..."

Concubine Shui could not help but interrupt Li Zedao, who was a little emotional, with a half-smile, "Little brother, you can talk about the key points."

Li Zedao wants to scold someone, isn't what I said the point?

"Sister Shui, what my younger brother means is, how can my younger brother, who is only at the peak of the Spiritual God Realm, be able to represent the academy? Isn't this a waste of the academy's quota? So I still invite the dean,

Sister Shui withdrew this decision, I really don't want to hold back the academy and become a sinner of the academy. "

Li Zedao looked sad and indignant that he hated himself for being incompetent and weak so that he couldn't fight the enemy. The painful expression of self-blame was really touching.

"Old man, my little brother is not good at anything. The only good thing about him is his modesty, and he's too modest." Concubine Shui Ling said with a giggle.

The dean nodded slightly in agreement with a loving expression, and immediately looked at the fishing rod with deep eyes, as if a fish would be hooked at any moment.

Li Zedao was so angry that he almost vomited blood. What does it mean that nothing is good? The only advantage is that he is too modest? This woman is just too much.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no so-called law in God's Domain, everything is so primitive and barbaric, killing someone is like playing for fun, Li Zedao would have wanted to go to court to sue her for slandering his reputation.

"Sister Shui, my younger brother is not modest. I am really afraid of dragging down the academy." Li Zedao explained sincerely, "Mr. Wolongshuang, Mr. Zhuge Zhuyun, which one is not a strong person in our Buzhou Academy? Even Liu Qingfeng Master Liu, he is also stronger than me... If you insist on letting me fight, I'm afraid those teachers will be dissatisfied."

Concubine Shui Ling said with a smile that was not a smile: "The three teachers sent by the academy, one is a high-level cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm, one is a middle-level cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm, and the other is a lower-level cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm..."

"Ah?" Li Zedao was simply dumbfounded, there is such a thing?

Concubine Shui Ling blinked her big eyes: "It seems that among all the teachers in our Buzhou Academy who are cultivated at the lower level of the Spiritual God Realm, the strength of the little brother can be ranked first? Pill scorpions with the peak cultivation level can be killed, and when the time comes to fight against the low-level cultivation base of the Spiritual God Realm of Yingzhou Academy, isn't it easy to handle?"

"This little brother is cheating, using dishonorable and despicable methods..." Li Zedao was about to cry, feeling extremely regretful in his heart?

"Why do I have to be so good, so cool, so coquettish? Can't I be low-key?"

Li Zedao felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness in his heart. He was like the only lighthouse in the vast sea, and the only firefly in the dark night. How could he keep a low profile?

"Little brother, it is because you are a master of deceit and shameless enough that the dean and sister think you are competent for this exchange. Little brother, you must know that the bastards of Shangyingzhou College are not If you are shameless, you will really suffer." Concubine Shui Ling said with a giggle.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face were so twitched that he couldn't feel it, and his chest heaved even more. There was a mouthful of stuffy blood in his chest, which was really uncomfortable.

You evildoer, wait until the day when this handsome guy surpasses you in strength, then you will feel better!

Knowing that he couldn't refuse no matter what, he could only lower his head and say with a bitter face: "Since this is the case, the students are naturally duty-bound, and the students will definitely not let down the dean's trust!"

Immortal Changsheng smiled kindly at Li Zedao, and nodded: "I believe you will not let me down. Go, girl, you stay."

"Students leave." Li Zedao bowed, turned and left.

"Little brother, in the next few days you don't need to go to sister's Xiangge to drink sister's footwashing water, prepare well." Shui Feiling's voice came from behind.

Li Zedao's center of gravity was unsteady, and he almost threw himself on the ground.

After walking out of the fairy pavilion, Li Zedao looked up at the sky, only to feel that the whole sky was gray, just like his heart, without sunlight and temperature.

This worry in my heart gave me a headache.

At present, he only wants to be a handsome man quietly, and it is also possible to be a eunuch beside Concubine Shuiling quietly, to improve his cultivation quietly... these days, making a fortune quietly is the only way benevolent.

Why do you want to represent the academy to fight to the death with that strong man from Yingzhou Academy?

Since he has come all the way to your territory, and wants to shame him, he is naturally prepared, so even if the person he wants to fight is also at the peak of the low-level spiritual realm, he is naturally not easy to provoke , I'm afraid it's going to be a hard fight, maybe even lose, and then I will completely fall from the altar, which will become a big joke.

Li Zedao wanted to cry but had no tears, he wished he could rush into the fairy pavilion again to pump Shui Feiling's ass hard, and then threw himself into Gongshu Linglong's soft embrace to seek comfort.

Sighing is useless, it seems that we can only hurry up and make more preparations, and help ourselves find a few escape routes!

"You don't need to fight in an open and aboveboard manner? The more despicable the better...Your sister, isn't this embarrassing? Am I that kind of person?" Li Zedao's eyes were full of grief and indignation, and then his figure flashed, towards that Located in the Artifact Pavilion, rush away.

He wanted to hurry to Lao Jian's sword casting department and completely remodel the musket. Maybe then, he could only show his hole card.

Of course, it would be best not to show it. After all, once the hole card is revealed, it is no longer a hole card.

A weapon with such arrogance is undoubtedly more attractive to those strong than the weapons of the third rank. Who knows if it will provoke some moths?

Li Zedao didn't want to cause any trouble for himself and Gongshu Linglong.

When the afterglow of the sun fell into the sky and the sky began to darken, Li Zedao walked out of the Artifact Pavilion with a pensive expression on his face.

The modification of the musket was not very smooth, at least if it could not be completed within ten days, it would be equivalent to facing the strong man from Yingzhou Academy at that time, and this hole card would not be used for the time being.

Within ten days, it is simply impossible to cultivate to a higher level, or practice the third sword of Leiqie Sword Art.

Not to mention that you can't improve your cultivation now, if you break through to the peak of the lower-level spirit realm and enter the spirit-god realm, and Shui Feiling tells you to fight against the mid-level Spiritual God Realm expert from Yingzhou College, then you won't be able to Fuck more?

Li Zedao looked up at the sky, feeling so worried, what should I do? I'm really bad at playing tricks.

At this time, a female teacher wearing an ill-fitting college teacher's uniform walked out of the Shenqi Pavilion. She blushed, bit her lip, and ran to Li Zedao as if she had made a lot of determination, which really scared Li Zedao for a while. Jump.

"You... what's the matter?" Li Zedao really didn't know the name of the other party. He only knew that this female teacher worked in the Divine Artifact Pavilion. He had met him several times when he entered and exited the Divine Artifact Pavilion, and he nodded symbolically to say hello.

It's not ugly, but there is a gap compared with Gongshu Linglong and the others.

The female teacher lowered her head, her face was flushed, she quickly put a letter in Li Zedao's hand, and then stepped back quickly.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, and he glanced at the love letter with love on it in his hand, quite helpless, my courtyard is too small, I really can't fit so many love letters.

Raising his head, his eyes met the female teacher's eyes full of desire.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled, and he quickly looked away.

Wait... Eyes...

Li Zedao frowned slightly, his eyes revealing a thoughtful expression.

"Mr. Li, if you have time, can you sit in my little sister's courtyard at midnight tonight? My little sister has some good wine brought from my hometown..." The female teacher blushed pretty, her eyes were full of shyness meaning.

"Shouzi... go to Linglong and ask for clarification." While thinking about it, Li Zedao didn't hear what the female teacher said, and showed a clean and handsome smile to the female teacher, then turned and left.

For these girls who sent him love letters, Li Zedao has always been quite kind.

"Ah, I'm going to be stunned, who will help me?" The female teacher's face was peachy, her eyes were shining brightly as she looked at Li Zedao's back, her body was trembling slightly.

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