Gongshu Linglong naturally knew what happened and why Li Zedao didn't run away, but she couldn't do anything.

Before Gongshu Linglong could say anything, Mo Tianya's hand was about to grab Li Zedao's face fiercely, and Li Zedao could clearly feel the sting of his face.

"Crack!" The terrifying sound of bone breaking sounded, and blood was splashed everywhere.

At the same time, Mo Tianya's ugly figure flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

While breathing, his hump slammed heavily on a big rock, crushing the rock in an instant, his body fell to the ground in embarrassment, his mouth opened, a mouthful of stuffy blood spurted out, his face was as white as paper.

Mo Tianya looked down at his hand, his scarlet eyes did not show the slightest pain, but an expression of extreme surprise, he couldn't believe it was true.

This hand should have been inserted into Li Zedao's face like tofu, and then crushed his entire head, but now, the entire wrist of this hand is a bloody mess, and all five fingers are shattered. The crushed bones looked terrifying.

He looked at his chest again, but saw that his chest had collapsed, apparently several bones were broken.

Mo Tianya raised his head, glanced thoughtfully at Li Zedao who was still standing there, immediately stood up, turned and left without delay, and disappeared in front of Li Zedao and Gongshu Linglong within a breath.

The muscles on Li Zedao's blood-stained face twitched violently, his eyes showed extreme surprise, his mind roared violently, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Just now he felt that he was dead, and even he clearly felt that his nails were about to pierce his handsome face.

But for some reason, Mo Tianya's hand simply exploded, and the blood splashed all over his face.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Tianya's chest seemed to have been hit hard, and his body simply flew out, and now he turned around and left, not continuing to attack himself, obviously scared away.

So, someone is secretly protecting himself?

Did he attack Mo Tianya at that critical moment? I don't think it could be the domineering aura in my body that shocked Mo Tianya away, right?

Could it be Shui Feiling?

Li Zedao quickly denied his guess,

If it was really Shuifei Ling, she would definitely not let Mo Tianya go. She would probably dig out Mo Tianya's heart like the inner alchemy in the brain of the Ice Spirit Ape King.

Now he will not hide his aura, so as not to let himself be aware of it.

Not to mention, Concubine Shuiling didn't seem to possess such a heaven-defying strength.

But, who is it if it’s not Shui Feiling? It can't be the dean and his old man, right?

Li Zedao feels more and more that this possibility is not small. After all, the dean attaches great importance to him. He allows himself to use any resources of the bad college at will, and let a strong man like Shui Feiling protect his safety. .

Gongshu Linglong flashed his figure, came to Li Zedao, hugged him, and cried in his voice, "Bastard, are you okay? You almost scared me to death."

At that moment just now, her heart hurts so much that she can hardly breathe, and she hates herself even more, why is she so weak and unable to help Li Zedao.

Fortunately, the horrible scene didn't happen. That pervert Mo Tianya didn't dig out Li Zedao's heart, but was blown away instead, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

Gongshu Linglong didn't know exactly what happened. In her opinion, Li Zedao must have used some trump card to repel Mo Tianya.

Immediately, he quickly took out the fragrant handkerchief from his bosom, and hurriedly helped Li Zedao wipe the blood off his face, his heart ached so badly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Zedao patted Gongshu Linglong's violently heaving shoulder and comforted him softly.

At this time, the sequelae of Onimaru basically disappeared, and Li Zedao's strength gradually recovered.

I really have lingering fears, just a little bit, my handsome face will be destroyed.

Damn, isn't the heart of that man with a handicapped body too dark? I can't even see beautiful things, otherwise why do I have to destroy my face?

"They were almost killed by that damn bastard Mo Tianya, are you okay?" Gongshu Linglong gave Li Zedao a tearful look.

After wiping off the blood on his face and seeing that Li Zedao didn't have any wounds on his face, Gongshu Linglong was completely relieved, and said angrily, "But why did you let him go?"

Dare to try to violate him, and even almost killed his beloved man, Gongshu Linglong, who is not very good-tempered, now wants to chop up Mo Tianya and feed it to the dogs.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Just now, the ghost pill's effect has failed, and I can't move at all. How can I kill him?"

Gongshu Linglong was stunned: "That's just..."

Li Zedao shook his head: "A certain powerful senior made a move in secret."

"What?" Gongshu Linglong was stunned.

He could easily and seriously injure a pervert like Mo Tianya, and he didn't see any figure or capture any aura at all. It is conceivable that the senior should be a strong person with the cultivation of the fairy mirror, otherwise it would be impossible not to leave leave no trace.

"I don't know who this senior is." Li Zedao shook his head and said, his eyes scanned the surroundings, but he didn't find anyone.

Gongshu Linglong breathed a sigh of relief: "No matter who that senior is, he has no ill intentions towards us anyway."

Li Zedao nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior." Li Zedao looked around, bowed his body, and said loudly with a grateful expression on his face.

"Thank you, senior." Gongshu Linglong immediately expressed his thanks. I also know that the expert should still be around here, and has not left.

After waiting for a while, I didn't get any response, so I must have left.

"What did you find after you entered the pool? If not, let's leave quickly." Gongshu Linglong said in a low voice.

Gongshu Linglong didn't hold out much hope. Thinking about it now, Li Zedao's dive into the pool only lasted for three sticks of incense. In such a short time, it is basically impossible to find anything.

She just wanted to leave this dangerous place with Li Zedao and return to Buzhou Academy, and then expose Mo Tianya's crimes to the academy.

According to the rules of the bad academy, students maliciously attacking the teacher is a serious violation of discipline and will be severely punished by the academy.

Of course, in Gongshu Linglong's opinion, Mo Tianya should not dare to go back to the academy, since then, there will be no such person in Buzhou Academy.

"I found the pupil membrane." Li Zedao did not deliberately lower his voice.

He wasn't worried about being overheard by the senior who was helping him repel Mo Tianya in the dark. After all, the senior was so elusive that he must have known that he got the golden pupil, even when he entered the pool before, The other party may follow behind.

If the other party wanted to seize it, the golden pupil would never have fallen into his hands, and would have been snatched away long ago.

"Oh, I found it... What?" Gongshu Linglong's graceful body paused.

Looking at Li Zedao's eyes widened, his mind roared violently, and there was an unprecedented wave of waves in his heart. He really couldn't believe what his ears heard.

"Really... really found it?" Gongshu Linglong spoke with great difficulty, and couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

How lucky is this bastard? It was so easy to find the pupil membrane of the golden pupil that was enough to cause many strong people to go crazy.

Li Zedao shrugged: "I really found it, but I don't know if I can choose the master through blood."

I also feel that my luck is really good. According to that weird little turtle, the pupil membrane was in that cave at least a hundred years ago, but I didn't expect that it was obtained by myself, a person from Mortal Realm.

As for the oath made in the cave, Li Zedao had long forgotten about it. Anyway, the person who swore the poisonous oath was not himself, but that Li Zedao.

Immediately, Li Zedao took out the brocade bag with pupil membranes and handed it over.

Gongshu Linglong swallowed with difficulty, quickly took it, and carefully opened the brocade bag to take a look, the already big eyes opened even wider, the eyes shone brightly, and his expression became excited.

Sure enough, this is the pupil membrane!

Its surface also emits a pale golden mysterious light, which is undoubtedly the golden pupil.

In fact, the shape of the pupil membranes evolved by each pupil technique is naturally the same, but there are differences in color. For example, the colorful pupil pupil membranes owned by the Gongshu family have colorful mysterious light on the surface.

"Hurry up and find a safe place to try the bloodline master selection. Your luck is so against the sky, you will definitely be able to succeed in the bloodline master selection." Inexplicably, Gongshu Linglong has considerable confidence in Li Zedao.

"I do know there is a safe place." Li Zedao nodded.

Ye Changmeng has many dreams, if the selection of the master of the bloodline can be successful, he will be the master of the golden pupil, and then others will not be able to take it even if they want to, only envy, jealousy and hatred.

Of course, one still has to beware of the Baili family, they would not allow the golden pupil to fall into the hands of others.

"Where?" Gongshu Linglong asked quickly, she was more anxious than Li Zedao.

Li Zedao pointed to the pool: "The bottom of the pool."


At the moment, Li Zedao briefly explained the situation in the pool.

Gongshu Linglong's expression was slightly moved. She really didn't expect that there was a hole in the pool, and she admired Li Zedao's ability to deduce. Most people dive into the pool, and naturally go to the bottom, thinking that even if there is a hole, they should be at the bottom of the pool.

In addition, ordinary people really don't have the guts to get into the tunnel that doesn't know where it leads, and doesn't know what danger is hidden.

It seems that there is still a reason why this bastard's luck is against the sky.

"What about the talking turtle?" Gongshu Linglong asked with great interest.

"I don't know, have you become a genius?" Li Zedao shook his head. In his opinion, the little turtle who called himself Master Turtle is a wonderful thing.

What made Li Zedao speechless was that it actually emphasized that it was the mother's.

Li Zedao was very depressed. In the eyes of the little tortoise, he seemed to be a tortoise too.

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