Reverend Xuanming glanced at the message, looked up at Reverend Changsheng, his tone was beyond doubt: "Old thief Changsheng, that kid blew up the entire alchemy room, and it seriously affected other alchemists, causing them to be unable to Make alchemy with peace of mind, so even if that kid is your illegitimate child, he can't let it go like this."

Master Changsheng smiled lightly, pointed down and said: "Then arrange for him to practice alchemy in the Liuli Cave."

The Liuli Cave is located on the mountain wall below the Buzhou Pavilion, and it is a cave dug out by hand.

The owner of the cave was the previous dean. The previous dean saw the beautiful scenery here, so he ordered people to dig out such a cave, and then lived here, practicing and asking.

After Immortal Changsheng took over as the dean, the cave became free.

Master Xuanming glanced at the edge of the cliff, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said angrily: "Letting him practice alchemy in the Liuli Cave is also a way, at least you don't need to worry about whether the pill pavilion will be bombed or not." .It’s just how can I still play flying chess and think about life with you in this Buzhou Pavilion from now on?”

At that time, there will be thick smoke billowing around the Buzhou Pavilion, rumbling and muffled noises, and maybe even the Liuli Cave will be blown up and landslide.

"You can find another place to play chess. As for your life... there is no value in thinking about it." Master Changsheng shook his head and said.

"..." If he hadn't been 10,000% sure that he was not the old man's opponent, Master Xuanming would have wanted to slap him.

What does it mean that Lao Tzu's life has no value of thinking?

Do you know what Lao Tzu was thinking during this time? Say it and scare you to death!

Lao Tzu is thinking about how high the sky is, how thick the earth is, why it rains, why people eat, thinking about the origin of all things, thinking about where the mysterious atmosphere between heaven and earth comes from... Forget it, with you Say you don't understand either.

Master Xuanming felt lonely. He felt that his thinking was too advanced. Looking at the entire God Realm, no one could match him.

These ordinary people don't know how to think, don't know the true meaning of life, and don't know how to enjoy themselves in a timely manner. They know that they are practicing like walking dead, but they don't know that the achievements they have achieved are the same when they are not talented enough. No matter how they practice, they can't escape being cannon fodder. destiny.

Sad and deplorable.

"It seems that my guess is correct, that boy is indeed your illegitimate child." Master Xuanming glanced at Master Changsheng, saying that I already knew it and you should admit it generously.

If he wasn't an illegitimate child, why would he accommodate that kid so much? When he got into such a catastrophe, instead of punishing him, he was arranged to practice alchemy in the glazed cave, as if he was afraid that others would disturb his alchemy.

Master Changsheng smiled and said nothing, he never bothered to answer such boring questions.

"Forget it, I'll go over and tell that kid to go to the Liuli Cave to make alchemy." Master Xuanming stood up and said.

If he continued to face this calm old face, he was afraid that he couldn't help punching him.

It doesn't matter if I punch him, I'm just worried that my chubby face will become more bloated, and it will be bad if it affects my appearance.

The whole old thief is too vicious, he always likes to slap people in the face.

Pointing to the chessboard, with an expression of how much you have taken advantage of: "Although no matter how you look at it, I will finish the game first, but it is not over yet, so let's call it a draw."

Master Changsheng smiled and nodded: "A draw."

Master Xuanming was so excited. After playing chess with this old thief for so long, he finally drew a game. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Even with a draw, is it still far from winning a game with him?


"Brother Yao, you are helping me arrange an alchemy room, oh, I also need ten alchemy furnaces of better quality." Li Zedao came to Yao Lao in a panic,

There was that shy smile that seemed so harmless to humans and animals, as if he was asking too much for it.

In fact, Li Zedao really felt that his request was too much. Anyway, if someone dared to torment him like this, he would have already slapped him, and he would not be so easy to talk about.

Therefore, Li Zedao was very moved. He felt that these alchemists were good people... Although, their faces were so bad at this time.

The muscles on Yao Lao's face simply trembled, and he could clearly feel those murderous eyes.

Rolling his eyes, he quickly covered his stomach: "Brother Li, you said Dan Furnace... Oops, my stomach hurts... the latrine? Where is the latrine? Brother Li, wait a minute, I'll go to the latrine first. ..."

Turn around and run away.

I thought you thought I was stupid, if I was giving you the alchemy furnace, other alchemists wouldn't eat me?

At this moment, Master Xuanming, who had a serious face and looked so majestic, walked over with big strides.

"Pavilion Master..." Yao Lao hurriedly stopped and bowed respectfully.

The other alchemists bowed in the same way, with more respectful expressions on their faces, one can imagine that Master Xuanming holds a high status in their hearts.

It's no wonder, after all, Daoist Xuan Ming is the master of the Pill Pavilion, a strong man who has stepped into the fairy mirror, and a majestic third-rank soul craftsman!

Such people are placed in any corner of the entire God's Domain, and they are the objects that those forces want to win over.

In addition, he usually has a straight face, exudes a strong aura from his body, and is not angry and majestic. Therefore, after seeing him, these alchemists are like a mouse seeing a cat, and dare not show any disrespect.

Master Xuanming nodded slightly, as a response to the alchemists' greetings, and then went straight to Li Zedao.

A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on Li Zedao's face, and he bowed cautiously in greeting: "Pavilion Master."

The little heart was trembling non-stop, could it be because the commotion he made this time was too loud, even blowing up the entire alchemy room, so Master Xuanming came to trouble him?

When the other alchemists saw that the pavilion master had come forward, they seemed to be looking for trouble with Li Zedao, their eyes were red, and they were about to burst into tears.

The master is wise! Long live the Lord! Lord, I love you!

At this moment, Master Xuan Ming's originally serious face simply relaxed, showing such a kind smile, his voice was full of concern: "Mr. Li, how are you doing alchemy?"

"Uh..." The expressions on the faces of the surrounding alchemists froze, and they really couldn't believe what they heard.

Didn't the pavilion master come here to trouble Li Zedao? Why do you seem to care about him?

What kind of virtue and ability is there for this damn kid to be so valued by the academy? Is it just because of his terrifying talent?

Or, he is the illegitimate son of the pavilion master?

"This..." Li Zedao blinked, and said embarrassedly, "It still failed, and the alchemy room was blown down."

"Shenyu has a good saying, failure is still the mother of success, I believe you will be able to refine the alchemy you want to refine in the end." Master Xuan Ming showed encouragement, and the chubby hand gently patted Pat Li Zedao on the shoulder.

Compared with Li Zedao, he was quite short in height, so he looked up at Li Zedao at this moment, which made Master Xuanming very upset.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master, for your encouragement." Li Zedao couldn't help being deeply moved in his heart.

"The pavilion master is so kind to me. If Concubine Shuiling is also so kind to me, instead of always teasing me but not helping me solve problems, then this world will be really wonderful." Li Zedao sighed in his heart.

"As for the alchemy's okay, you don't have to feel guilty, just let someone clean it up later." Master Xuan Ming glanced at the collapsed wall from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but twitch his face a few times.

How terrible is this explosion to blow up this specially built and reinforced alchemy room?

And the strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air is not so much concerned by Xuan Ming, after all, there will be a lot of pungent smoke during alchemy, including this smell of gunpowder smoke.

If Master Xuanming knew that Li Zedao had directly used gunpowder as the raw material for alchemy, he would slap Li Zedao to death now!

Li Zedao was so moved that his eyes showed firmness. He clenched his hands into fists and said, "Thank you for your encouragement, Pavilion Master. I will work hard to refine the kind of elixir I want. I think As long as you put it in the fryer a few times, you will be able to refine it successfully!"

"How many times?" Daoist Xuanming paused, and the muscles on his face twitched again, and he almost couldn't help hitting someone.

Damn it, I just wanted to be polite to you and you turned your nose up?

The other Dan masters felt their scalps go numb, and their hearts trembled violently. The power of this fryer became stronger every time. If he was allowed to fry the furnace a few times, then the long-historical Danyao Pavilion would probably become a mess. Heap of ruins.

If it wasn't for the presence of Master Xuan Ming, they would all want to continue swearing.

"That... Teacher Li, it's like this." Master Xuan Ming coughed lightly and said, "This alchemy room has collapsed, and it will take some time to clean up and rebuild it. Besides, there are no other alchemy rooms in the Pill Pavilion. , but it can’t delay your alchemy, right? So the principal waved his hand and arranged for you to go to the glazed cave to do alchemy.”

Master Xuanming directly shifted the responsibility to Master Changsheng.

To be valued so much by Daoist Changsheng, and this kid himself does have an extremely terrifying talent, he is not the kind of bastard second generation who relies on his family name to do things wrong, his future achievements are limitless, and he heard that this kid has a big heart Hei likes to hurt people very much, so Master Xuanming really didn't want to offend Li Zedao casually.

"Liuli Cave?" Li Zedao blinked his eyes, and he already understood what Master Xuanming meant.

It seems that the academy is still worried that he will eventually blow up the entire pill pavilion, so he arranged another place for alchemy for himself.

Li Zedao was moved, and felt that the dean was too kind to him. You must know that if you were an ordinary alchemist, you would have been severely punished by the academy for causing such a disaster.

"Yes, the Liuli Cave located under the Buzhou Pavilion is a good place to go. The illusion is quiet and the scenery is excellent." Master Xuanming patted Li Zedao on the shoulder again, "Go there and practice alchemy. Don't disappoint that old thief... Oh, what the dean expects from you."

"Thank you Dean, thank you Pavilion Master." Li Zedao bowed.

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