The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2144 Hell's Honor

This is a girl who is extremely not easy to be emotional, even if she is emotional, she will hide her emotions very well.

I thought that after not seeing him for a short period of time, his cultivation had risen to another level, and he was already at the peak of the lower rank of the Spiritual God Realm. This speed of cultivation was really hopeless.

In addition, his temperament seems to have changed, especially those eyes, which seem to be different compared to before.

What is the specific difference, Nangong Meili can't tell.

In short, Li Zedao at this time is undoubtedly more eye-catching.

"It's classmate Meili." Li Zedao laughed a little embarrassed when he saw his stunningly beautiful fiancée, and of course his mood improved a lot for no reason.

"Master Li." Nangong Meili nodded slightly.

The expression, tone and attitude were the same as when facing Liu Qingfeng, which made Li Zedao very helpless and felt insulted.

And there's no one else around, so you can't call me by my name? It's okay to call it "dear" if you can't, I won't say much.

"Student Meili, I've said it all, we are so familiar, you can just call me by my name." Li Zedao said.

"The rules of the academy must be followed." Nangong Meili said.

"..." People have moved out the rules, what else can you say?

"Wan'er went to the canteen to buy ingredients, and I'll be back later." Nangong Meili said again, and then stepped aside to let Li Zedao in.

Li Zedao nodded and entered the courtyard.

Looking back at Nangong Meili's eyes that looked like the most precious gemstone in the world, she asked, "How is the refining of the Spiritual God Pill going?"

A strange look appeared in Nangong Meili's eyes: "It will be refined soon, and it can be taken after the communication with Yingzhou College is over."

"After you break through, let's set out to find the Gu God." Li Zedao said.

"Thank you." Nangong Meili said.

Li Zedao waved his hand, blinked his eyes and joked: "I've said it all, don't be moved, let alone thank me, she is my future mother-in-law after all, so naturally I can't just sit and watch her suffer from the curse."

Nangong Meili nodded slightly, not affected by Li Zedao's teasing at all, she got used to it.

If someone else teased her like this, she wouldn't have any reaction... It's not because of habit, but because of direct ignorance.

"I heard from Wan'er that you are about to fight against the strong men of Yingzhou Academy?" She was originally a girl who didn't talk much, but when she faced Li Zedao, she talked a lot more, and she also took the initiative to provoke the topic.

"Maybe it's because I don't want him to continue teasing me?" Nangong Meili thought.

Li Zedao smiled wryly and nodded.

With a sad face on his face, he began to pour out bitter water: "Student Meili, I'm not afraid that you will know, because of this matter, I have been so worried that I haven't eaten or slept well for several days, and you can see that I have lost several pounds. "

"..." Nangong Meili thought to herself, but I didn't see it.

"Student Meili, you know, teacher, I just want to be a handsome boy in peace, and get teased by those girls from time to time, and accept love letters from them. I really don't want to go Fighting to the death with that teacher from Yingzhou College, as for the honor of the college, it's none of my business?" Li Zedao said angrily, with deep resentment in his voice.

"..." Nangong Meili's eyes widened slightly, she never expected that Li Zedao would say such words so brazenly.

You must know that if such words are spread, it will cause an uproar.

Immediately there were ripples in his heart, he believed in himself.

"It's strange that I would say such a thing?" Li Zedao asked a little funny. The expression on this woman's face is really cute.

Nangong Meili nodded with some difficulty,

It's not surprising to have this kind of thought, but to say it so's weird no matter how you think about it.

But thinking about it carefully, I don't seem to want to fight to the death with the students of Yingzhou College. After all, she has more important things to do in the future. If she encounters any danger on the competition stage, what will her mother do? Who will protect her?

"Actually, I am the same too." After a moment of hesitation, Nangong Meili said.


"I don't want to fight to the death with the students of Yingzhou College." Nangong Meili looked at Li Zedao seriously with big eyes.

As for words like "I just want to be a beautiful girl in peace", she can't say it anyway, she is not so narcissistic.

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he had the urge to turn around and go to the dean.

Acting like a baby, rolling around or threatening and intimidating all kinds of means, let him speak and change students to play.

It's fine for me to risk my life to fight others, but why does my fiancée have to fight to the death with others?


As for the honor of the hell with it! I'm not a student of Buzhou Academy, and I'm not even from God's Realm, I'm from Mortal Realm, and I'm here to work as an undercover agent to sabotage!

"Fake!" Li Zedao couldn't help but swear!

Seeing Li Zedao's distraught look, Nangong Meili knew that he was worried about her own safety, and there was a warm current flowing gently in her heart.

The concern shown by other men is so obvious, but she directly ignores it.

And this man's concern is also obvious, why can't he ignore it? Just because he is his fiancé in name?

"What does Fake mean?" Nangong Meili asked. But he also probably knew that this should be a curse word.

"It means... oh, this is the dialect of a small village, which means you look good." Li Zedao pointed to the face of Meili of Guidance Palace, and said solemnly.

"...It turns out that you are also Fake." Nangong Meili blinked her big eyes lightly.


Li Zedao ran past millions of grass mud horses in his heart, really wanted to hug this obviously intentional woman fiercely and kiss her fiercely.

"Student Meili, you have failed in your studies." Li Zedao sighed.

The corners of Nangong Meili's mouth curled up slightly attractively, why did she feel so relaxed after talking to him a few words?

"You should smile often, you really look good when you smile." Li Zedao pointed to the corner of her mouth and said.

"I know." Nangong Meili continued to have a seductive upturned mark at the corner of her mouth. It's not that she can't laugh, it's just that she hasn't smiled for too long, and she has forgotten how to smile.

But when she faced this man now, she probably remembered it.

"What the hell does Falk mean?"


Immediately, Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, frowned slightly, and soon, an inexplicable light appeared in his eyes, and he said quickly: "Tell Wan'er, I have to leave first."

Without waiting for Nangong Meili to respond, Li Zedao left the courtyard in a hurry, swept his body, and rushed out towards the artifact pavilion.

Two hours later, Li Zedao left the Artifact Pavilion, and arrived at the Liuli Cave in a short while.

Throughout the next night, there were constant "booming" explosions in Liuli Cave.

Fortunately, the Liuli Cave is located in a relatively remote location, apart from disturbing the alchemists in the nearby pill pavilion, it did not affect other people.

When those alchemists heard this terrifying explosion sound after another, all the muscles on their faces twitched wildly, and tears welled up in their eyes, they were really moved.

I feel that the pavilion master really has the foresight to invite this damn bastard out of the pill pavilion in advance, otherwise the pill pavilion may have become a pile of ruins now.

Although the explosions continued, the Liuli Cave was extremely strong, so there was no collapse.

Presumably, Master Changsheng also knew that the glazed cave was quite solid in structure and would not easily collapse, so that's why he arranged for Li Zedao to practice alchemy in the glazed cave, right?

As for whether he disturbed the little tortoise, Li Zedao couldn't care so much anymore. Anyway, during this night, the little tortoise didn't show any cockroaches to curse people.

I don't know if it is forcing itself to be civilized and not to swear, or because it really can't slap Li Zedao to death, so it ran to hide in other places.

It was not until the next morning that Li Zedao walked out of the glazed cave. At this time, he looked so embarrassed.

His hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was tired, his originally fair face was covered with black soot, the robe he was wearing was also dirty, and his whole body was filled with an extremely pungent gunpowder smoke taste.

However, there was a look of extreme joy in his eyes, and he worked hard all night, and finally finished the things that he had been trying to toss for a while.

Opening up the palm of my hand, I saw two small balls the size of ping-pong balls with a dark appearance.

"Let's call you an idiot." Li Zedao grinned, and put the two small balls away in a good mood.

Since I know how messed up I am at this time, it has seriously affected my handsome appearance, so I returned to my courtyard with the fastest comfort and simply cleaned up and changed into clean clothes before I came to the school. the door.

At this time, there are already several teachers from Buzhou College who have come here to wait. Of course, most of them are new faces, and Li Zedao is only familiar with a few.

It's just that Li Zedao's name is too big, so these teachers all know him, so when they saw Li Zedao coming, they all greeted him friendly.

But there is one exception.

After seeing Li Zedao, Wo Longshuang immediately turned cold, and snorted quite disdainfully.

The incident of being forced to apologize before really made him feel ashamed, and Li Zedao's ignorance made him almost spit out a few mouthfuls of old blood. When he went back, he smashed all the things that could be smashed in the house. He was still not relieved, so he left The academy, came to the edge of the remote mountain, and ravaged those thin and poisonous beasts.

At this time, seeing Li Zedao's attitude towards other teachers was so friendly, instead of directly ignoring his existence as before, he was naturally furious, and there was a mouthful of old blood in his throat that was about to spurt out, and he wanted to treat this damn bastard immediately Draw your swords and face each other.

I've seen nasty ones, but I've never seen anything this nasty.

Naturally, Li Zedao didn't know that his previous unintentional actions had completely offended Wo Longshuang to death. He only thought that he hated him because his student Mo Tianya was expelled from the academy, and he didn't care.

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