Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Sister Shui was joking, my younger brother happened to meet with classmate Meili, and chatted casually, and learned that classmate Meili hadn't eaten yet. In the principle of caring for students, let her drink a bowl of chicken soup before leaving..."

Well, Li Zedao really can't make it up any more, and more importantly, the smile on Concubine Shuiling's face is getting hotter and hotter, so that Li Zedao's heart feels tingly.

Quickly changed the subject: "I don't know what Sister Shui is talking about with my younger brother?"

Li Zedao secretly called evildoers in his heart, such a water concubine spirit made him almost unable to bear it, if it wasn't for his self-control ability and its strength...

Of course, it can also be said that he values ​​his own life quite a lot, otherwise he would have been unable to bear this beauty who lures people to death under his body.

"What? I can't come to you if I don't have something to do?" The smile on Shui Feiling's face restrained and she became a little nervous.

As soon as the words fell, the jade hand waved, and a burst of spiritual power struck the bowl of chicken soup left by Nangong Meili, smashing it to pieces in an instant.

The soup splashed all over for a while, and the smell of chicken soup in the air became even stronger

Li Zedao's heart trembled, he swallowed silently, and shook his head wildly: "Sister Shui misunderstood my younger brother, sister Shui can come to find my younger brother, it's too late for my younger brother to be happy."


These words are not all flattery, after all, there is such a character woman dangling in front of you, although you can only watch but not eat, but it can also make you pleasing to the eye.

Just like when Nangong Meili was here, Li Zedao felt that the scenery was really good.

Concubine Shuiling's eyes became fascinated again. The jade hand stretched out and hooked Li Zedao's shoulder. The whole soft body leaned heavily on Li Zedao's body, and the red lips slapped Li Zedao's ear lightly. With a wine hiccup, he exhaled like blue: "Little brother, having meat without wine is a disgrace, go and bring a few jars over here, and my sister will have a drink with you!"

"Uh...Sister Shui is right, I'm going to bring some jars of wine here." Li Zedao bit the bullet and nodded, with a rather bad feeling in his heart.

It's over!

Li Zedao really didn't expect that this obviously drunk woman would come to drink with him, and he knew with his knees that she was planning to plot against him.

Isn't that the case with all bloody plots? If a man wants to get a woman's body, he will first force that woman to drink. In the same way, when a woman takes the initiative to find a man to drink, she naturally wants to plot something wrong.

But can Li Zedao refuse? cannot!

This woman was already arrogant and unreasonable relying on her own strength, but now that she has had some wine, she must be even more unreasonable? In case Yiyi's refusal angered her and caused her to shoot herself to death, who would she cry with?

Besides, although I resisted in my heart, my body seems to be very honest...

So Li Zedao went up the cliff and went to Laojian's, and brought some jars of good wine.

Lao Jian is very picky about wine, so his wine is all good wine without exception, and all of them are brewed by himself.

Knowing this big brother for so long, Li Zedao found out that this big brother has three specialties, forging swords and brewing wine and narcissism, especially narcissism, which is simply the best in the entire God Realm, unrivaled.

With such a hideous face, he is ashamed to say that he is the most handsome man in God's Domain, which makes Li Zedao want to spit out all the chicken he ate a month ago.

When serving the whole pot of meat earlier, Lao Jian waved his hand, showing no reaction at all, and generously said that if it wasn't enough, the big brother was cooking a pot for you.

This time Li Zedao moved away a few jars of good wine, this old sword felt distressed, and asked Brother Li again and again, don't you don't drink?

Li Zedao said with some embarrassment that Master Shuifei Lingshui came to drink with me.

So Lao Jian's distress instantly turned into envy and jealousy, wishing he could knock Li Zedao out with a slap and take his place to drink with Shui Feiling.

But because the wine was for Concubine Shui Ling to drink, Lao Jian couldn't be stingy anymore, and even threw down the hammer in his hand to help carry the wine like a dog.

Then, don't plan to leave.

"Mr. Shui, Brother Li said that you want to drink? If you don't mind, Lao Jian, I'll drink a few bowls with you..." Lao Jian tried his best to squeeze out a smile that he thought was the most handsome on his face.

"Get out!" Shui Feiling looked at Lao Jian as if she was looking at a dead person.

So Lao Jian left despondently, not daring to linger, this woman really knows how to kill.

It's just that before leaving, the eyes looking at Li Zedao looked so resentful.

I drink better than Brother Li, and I look more mature and tasteful than Brother Li. Why is Teacher Shui unwilling to drink with me?

Is it because I'm not as shameless as Brother Li?

Shameless... Isn't this too embarrassing?

Li Zedao help Shui Concubine pour the wine like a dog, counting this bowl of wine, Shui Concubine has already drank nine bowls, but she didn't say a word, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

During this period, Li Zedao, who didn't know what to do except keep pouring wine, could only keep eating chicken, seeing that the big pot of chicken was about to bottom out.

Li Zedao was stunned. Even a drunkard like Lao Jian would have already died after drinking three or four bowls of this kind of wine. This woman is lucky, she drank nine bowls, and she also drank a little before. To be so lucid.

What made Li Zedao heave a sigh of relief was that Shui Feiling was only drinking by herself, and had no intention of forcing him to drink.

Concubine Shui Ling picked up the bowl of wine, tilted her head, and drank it all in one gulp. This action was full of heroism.

"It's so beautiful." Shui Feiling looked at the crimson crescent moon hanging in the sky with blurred eyes.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful!" Li Zedao nodded in agreement, but the corner of his eyes fell on Shui Feiling's flushed cheeks.

"Little brother, pour wine..." Shui Feiling shouted loudly.


The wine bowl in her hand slipped from her jade finger and shattered into pieces. Immediately afterwards, she fell headfirst on Li Zedao's lap, unconscious as if dead, without any reaction.

Li Zedao looked down at the sleepy Concubine Shuiling, sighed softly in his heart and shook his head, spit out the chicken bone in his mouth, and looked up at the bloody crescent moon.

My heart was actually so peaceful, without the slightest turmoil, without any lustful thoughts.

I thought to myself that I can actually sit still, it's really awesome.

There is even an urge to cry, this woman doesn't see herself as a man too much, does she?

After hiccupping, Li Zedao threw all the messy thoughts in his mind out of his mind, calmed down and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Zedao clearly felt that Concubine Shui, who used his thigh as a pillow, moved a little bit.

Opening his eyes and looking down, his eyes met Shui Feiling's eyes that had turned cold for some time.

Li Zedao quickly apologized with a smile: "Sister Shui, you're awake."

The little heart trembled, why is this woman so changeable, this look is going to scare the children, okay?

"Little brother, sister is really disappointed in you." Concubine Shui Ling said expressionlessly, straightened her figure, and stood up.

"Uh..." Li Zedao didn't know what this fickle woman was looking for again, so he got up quickly, with a hint of grievance in his humble smile, "I don't know what Sister Shui is referring to?"

I didn't do anything while you were asleep.

Besides, do you have no idea whether you fell asleep or not? Even if you really fell asleep, when I touch you, can you not react at all with your cultivation?

"Sister has already given you a chance, hasn't she?" Concubine Shuiling said expressionlessly, "Or is it because I have the blood of despise me?"

Concubine Shuiling really felt humiliated to death. How many men coveted her. When they saw her, their eyeballs were straightened, and what they thought about was dirty things.

This little brat is lucky, he can still practice calmly while throwing himself into his arms.

I practice your sister!

But remembering that she was naked in front of him once, but his eyes were so clear, Shui Feiling was relieved again.

The little brother is indeed very caring, but he is different from other men, he has his own set of principles.

"..." Li Zedao's eyeballs simply stared round, so the reason why Concubine Shuiling drank so much wine was to create that opportunity for herself?

Li Zedao wanted to give himself a big slap in the face, why was such a good opportunity wasted like this?

"Sister Shui, I..." Li Zedao blushed, "I" for a long time, and "I" didn't come out for a reason. In fact, what he wanted to say was that I was afraid of being beaten to death by you!

"Pfft!" Shui Feiling was suddenly happy, with an extremely charming smile on her face.

His eyes turned white with water, and Li Zedao said with a glance, "Little brother, be honest, if you dared to touch my sister just now, or even had any unhealthy thoughts, my sister would have..."

Saying that, those eyes containing Qiushui swept across Li Zedao's crotch unscrupulously, and the jade hand made a cutting movement.

Li Zedao's body trembled, he involuntarily clamped his legs, and smiled extremely awkwardly. He knew that he was played by this woman again.

"Shall I give you a chance?" Shui Feiling winked at her.

Li Zedao could only maintain an awkward but stiff smile, not daring to shake his head, let alone nod.

Concubine Shuiling turned around and looked up at the blood-red waning moon in the sky, but her eyes turned cold again.

"The exchange battle with Yingzhou College is scheduled for two days later, but the rules have changed." After a while of silence, Shui Feiling spoke.

Li Zedao was slightly taken aback: "How to change?"

"Two days later, it will be a battle between alchemists in the morning, and a battle between students in the afternoon. The six students, including your friend, are all at the quasi-spiritual realm, so we will draw lots to decide who to fight against. Object. As for the battle between teachers, it will be arranged in the day after tomorrow, and it is the battle between teachers that changes the rules."

Concubine Shuiling turned around and looked at Li Zedao, "This time, the two sides will no longer go to the stage to fight to the death one by one according to the strength of their cultivation, but enter the Buzhou Mountains in a small group of three to find something. The first to find that thing and bring it back to the Academy alive wins."

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