The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2153 vicious woman

Li Zedao nodded, now he understood completely.

Yingzhou College wanted to use the opportunity of this exchange to search for the skeleton openly, and even indirectly asked Buzhou College to help in the search, and they were quite confident in their own strength, believing that they would be able to kill Buzhou College after finding the skeleton Those three strong men in the spiritual realm.

As for Buzhou Academy, they hope to get the pupil film evolved from the golden pupil, so that they can slap Yingzhou Academy severely.

The two sides are considered to have their own ghosts, and each has its own ideas.

"Sister Shui, is there no time limit?" Li Zedao asked. If he couldn't leave the Buzhou Mountains without finding the skeleton, wouldn't he want to settle in that horrible place?

Li Zedao said with certainty that, except for himself and Gongshu Linglong, no one would be able to find the skeleton that he buried long ago, but he didn't want to dig out the skeleton...

Li Zedao had a terrible headache and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Of course there is a time limit." Shui Feiling said, "After three days, if neither side finds the skeleton, it will be a direct battle to the death."

Li Zedao wanted to cry, but he couldn't find each other to go back to wash and sleep, so why did he have to fight to the death?

Concubine Shui Ling didn't speak, she looked up at the crimson crescent moon in the sky, and fell into a long silence.

Gradually, bloodshot eyes began to gather in her eyes, which became extremely scarlet, and an extremely terrifying aura emerged from her eyes.

It was the breath of hatred, and that hatred was like blood, which had spread to every part of her body.

For a moment, the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees, which made Li Zedao's little heart tremble a few times, and he had an urge to turn around and run away.

After a while, Concubine Shuiling said, "Little brother, do you know why sister must kill that bitch?"

Li Zedao remained silent, because the answer was too obvious, and there were only two reasons for wanting to kill someone so much.

The first reason is hate!

The second reason is that there is no reason, and one has to find a reason, which is nothing more than to satisfy the desire to kill in one's heart. This kind of person can also be said to be a pervert.

Shui Feiling's reasons for wanting to kill people are ready to come out, and more importantly, Shui Feiling doesn't need his answer either.

"Because I hate her." Shui Feiling said flatly.

At this moment, Concubine Shuiling had already calmed down, her voice was not loud, and her eyes did not reveal any aura of terror and hatred, as if she was saying something that was ordinary.

Tofu costs one yuan and two yuan, and a handful of vegetables costs one yuan. It's as simple as that.

But unfortunately, when it stops in the ears, it makes people feel palpitations, and makes people feel an extremely strong sense of death oppression.

Li Zedao felt that his whole back was chilling, and he really had a creepy feeling.

"More than two hundred years ago, Baili Wuchang, the current patriarch of the Baili family, met a woman in that brothel. Oh, she is the mother who gave me life. She is a very beautiful woman..." Water Concubine Ling Speak softly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt her extremely suppressed heart suddenly loosen.

Sure enough, I have been suppressed for too long, and I desperately need a listener. Ironically, that listener did not appear until the end of my life.

"Uh..." Li Zedao's eyeballs widened again. So, Shui Feiling also has the blood of the Baili family flowing through her body? So, Concubine Shuiling's mother was actually conjured by the mysterious fox Chengjing?

"When my mother encountered impermanence,

Then she fell completely and fell in love. She thought that she had met the right person after confirming her eyes, but she didn't know that men's eyes are the most deceiving. "

Li Zedao was very helpless, thinking that a girl's big innocent eyes would be more deceiving, okay? Of course, if it weren't for the man's lustful intentions, the female liar would not be able to get her hands on it.

Concubine Shui Ling's pupils shining with an inexplicable light met Li Zedao's eyes, as if she wanted to see through the lie hidden in his pupils.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, but he couldn't refute that my eyes were honest and not deceiving at all, right?

Li Zedao has never bothered to do this kind of self-promotion...

Li Zedao never boasted. What he said was the truth. For example, he was handsome and outstanding. These were hard facts, not boasting at all.

"Afterwards, Baili Wuchang helped her redeem her body, and took her as a concubine, brought her to the Baili family, and doted on her." Shui Feiling looked away and looked at the crimson crescent moon hanging in the sky .

"At that time, that woman only thought that she was the luckiest and happiest woman in the world, but she didn't know that a catastrophe was coming!"

"That bitch, she was jealous of Baili Wuchang's doting on that woman, she often got tired of that woman and neglected her, and even sent someone to forcibly take my mother away from the Baili family, from the tribe, and even brought her here From the Kan tribe, which is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers."

"The terrible reality is that that bitch has a lot of background, and that woman is just a woman from a brothel, a woman who is as humble as an ant, and to Baili Wuchang, that woman is just one of his many women, that's all. Therefore, the man who said that he wanted that woman to be the happiest and noblest woman in God's Domain acquiesced in this kind of thing happening without any hindrance."

Shui Feiling's voice was a bit ethereal, as if she was telling a tragic story that had nothing to do with her.

Li Zedao felt sour, this kind of thing seems to be very common in God's Domain, right? Especially in those huge forces and big families, beautiful women are really just decorations.

Of course, the strong in God's Domain are respected, and there is no difference between male and female, or even human and beast.

In other words, if a woman is strong enough, handsome men will also become her decorations.

Li Zedao heard that the terrifying beautiful poisonous snake entrenched in the deepest part of the Gen tribe, which is known as one of the ten most ominous places in the God's Domain, is said to have favored several male favorites, and these male favorites were all without exception. He is a first-class handsome man.

Therefore, Li Zedao reminded himself that it is best to stay away from the scary desert, otherwise he would definitely be taken away by that snake and become a male favorite.

"Little brother, would you be such a man?" Shui Feiling asked.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and remained silent, he knew that Concubine Shuiling didn't need his answer at all. What kind of person she is, this enchanting woman can't help but know.

"It's probably about the same." Shui Feiling said.

"..." Li Zedao was helpless, this woman seemed to have misunderstood him a little bit, she was not that kind of person at all, okay?

Shui Feiling shook her head lightly and said: "Then along the way, that bitch tried every means to torture that woman, they beat her, scolded her, raped her, made her eat shit and drink urine but valued her so much My little life won't let her die."

Shui Feiling's voice seemed so calm, as if she was talking about a trivial matter that had nothing to do with her.

But Li Zedao felt chills from the bottom of his heart.

Would it be too much to torture a woman like this?

But, isn't that woman a mystery fox? It should have some strength, why not resist?

"Afterwards, they took that woman to the edge of the Zhouzhou Plain! Even after that, they drugged that woman, forcing her to mate with that mysterious fox, with a snow wolf, with a civet, and with a ghost. Dog mating, mating with various beasts, non-stop mating..."

Shui Feiling turned her face, looked at Li Ze with a blank expression and said, "In the end, Mysterious Fox won. It succeeded in impregnating that woman."


Li Zedao's eyes widened, his mind roared violently, and there was an unprecedented huge wave in his heart. He really never expected the truth of the matter to be like this.

No wonder, she would work so hard to get rid of the tail behind her and the foxy smell on her body.

In addition to being shocked, Li Zedao felt even more sour in his heart. He wanted to vent his violence but didn't know how to vent it.

Li Zedao suddenly wanted to hug this woman tightly in his arms, but he was worried that she would kill her first, then rape her and finally kick him off the cliff.

"After that woman was pregnant with the Puzzle Fox, that woman came over with a victorious gesture. She called my mother a bitch, who was only fit to stay with animals and to be pregnant with animals! At that time, my mother was already Complete numbness, ashamed heart, any vicious words, any torture that seems to come from hell will not have any effect on her, even if she didn't have a life in her belly, she would have committed suicide a long time ago."

Shui Feiling shook her head mockingly: "I was wrong, how could that woman have the ability to commit suicide? If she had, she would have died long ago."

"The reality is often so cruel. A person can be so weak that even the right to commit suicide is deprived, let alone the so-called dignity."

Li Zedao was silent.

After the weak come to this world, they are actually endowed with dignity and various rights, such as the right to survive, the right to procreate, and even the right to commit suicide.

It's just that most or all rights are forcibly deprived by the strong.

"And when she learned that she was pregnant with a child, the woman's mentality changed dramatically overnight. The greatness of maternal love may be that although she suffered inhuman torture, her heart was still so kind. Although she What she carries in her stomach is the species of Mystery Fox, but she is reluctant to hurt this newly formed life, she wants this life to be born on this land." Shui Feiling sighed softly.

Li Zedao felt even more bitter in his heart. He thought of his mother.

Probably, mothers in the world are reluctant to hurt their children, right?

"Afterwards, that bitch told her subordinates to 'take good care' of my mother, and make sure she gave birth to that bitch in her womb safely!"

Li Zedao was so cold that he couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

He naturally understood that that bitch didn't feel compassion for her because she was pregnant. On the contrary, she was worried that she would not be able to give birth, so that she would not be able to read the joke, and she would not be able to continue torturing her .

What a vicious woman!

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