The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2156 Instant Kill

"Shut up!" She became murderous and growled in a low voice.

"Ms. Su, this is Buzhou College. I am the most handsome teacher in Buzhou College. Why do you, a teacher from Yingzhou College, tell me to shut up?" Li Zedao sneered.

"Miss Ben is here to remind you that you must wash your body tonight, so as not to dirty Miss Ben's sword when I kill you later!" Su Caiman said through gritted teeth.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't do it, this damn guy would have turned into a corpse long ago.

So Su Caiman was quite aggrieved, and there was a mouthful of old blood in her throat that was about to spurt out at any time.

Li Zedao smiled, and said with some embarrassment: "I just took a shower in the morning, why don't you find a place for Mr. Su to check it carefully?"

"Shameless! Just show off your tongue! At that time, Miss Ben will goug out your eyes and cut off your tongue!" Su Caiman said angrily. Then she turned around and left quickly. If she didn't leave, she was worried that if she couldn't hold back, she would pull out her sword and kill someone.

"This woman must have a bun face, otherwise why would she be covered with a black veil?" Li Zedao looked at her back and nodded approvingly.

Su Caiman's body froze.

"Damn it!" She cursed angrily, and left at a faster speed.

Li Zedao withdrew his gaze, thinking of the imminent danger, his little heart would inevitably tremble a few times, he was really worried.


These savages, don't they know that peace is what this world needs most?

Just when Li Zedao's heart was twitching wildly, the teachers and students of the poor students looked around the huge battle platform early on.

As for the front of the battle platform, there are stone tables and chairs for the dean and the teacher, and there are also stone tables and chairs for the students of Yingzhou College.

Soon, the dean Changsheng Zhenren and other teachers of the college led the teachers and students of Yingzhou College over and sat down there.

Seeing that the battle was about to start, Li Zedao hurried over and sat down on the last empty chair.

Anyway, he is also a teacher of Buzhou Academy, and he is about to represent the academy in the battle, so there is a place for him.

Feeling that such a murderous look locked on him instantly, Li Zedao looked up, but saw that Su Caiman was desperately planning to compare his eyes with his.

Li Zedao stared back quite sharply, his heart was full of disdain, I was never afraid of anyone other than my eyes!

The murderous look in Su Caiman's eyes was even stronger, and he really wanted to draw his sword to face each other immediately.

She really couldn't understand why a person who was so calm became so impetuous after seeing this guy? Is it because his mouth is too vicious and his eyes are so annoying?

Thinking of how many times he said that his face looked like a steamed stuffed bun just now, she had the urge to cut off the meat from his face and make steamed stuffed buns to feed the dogs.

Yo huh? Dare to continue to provoke?

Li Zedao sneered in his heart, and decided to use a unique trick.

He lifted his eyelids with both hands, and withdrew his thumbs from the corners of his mouth. The next second, he stuck out his tongue long and made a face at Su Caiman.

Damn, dare to stare at me? scare you to death!

Su Caiman's eyes were rounded, her body stopped abruptly, her head roared violently, and there was a huge wave in her heart. She really couldn't believe that the other party was making faces at her so naively.

This damn guy, is he sick? Did water get in his head?

Immediately, she quickly retracted her eyes, and if she continued to look at him, she felt that she was going to go crazy.

Li Zedao shook his head, feeling lonely.

"Hey, you really can't be too good at being a person. Too good people will be very lonely. Just like me, I repelled the strong people of Yingzhou College with just a look." Li Zedao was extremely emotional.

At the same time, Master Xuanming's eyes fell on the Master Changsheng at the side. Seeing the latter smiled and nodded, he glanced at the Baili Poisonous Wolf who was sitting next to the Master Changsheng. He stood up immediately, his eyes were like The electricity swept across the students around, pressed his hands together, and said suddenly: "Everyone be quiet."

The students around who were talking in low voices immediately silenced their voices, but their hearts were turbulent.

The wonderful duel is finally about to begin!

For a moment, Nuo Da's altar fell into an inexplicable silence, and a needle could be heard.

"The second exchange between the two colleges begins now! According to the order of the lottery drawn by the six students, for the first round, please invite Sun Sheng from Buzhou College and Blood Sword from Yingzhou College to the stage." Xuan Master Ming didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

There is no need to say such nonsense as the so-called friendship first, match second, after all, this duel is by default a battle of life and death, and there will be no end to death!

Therefore, the life of the losing party is actually in the hands of the opponent, so there is no need for a so-called referee.

It is said that in the previous exchange after exchange, more than 90% of the teachers and students who were defeated died, and the remaining 10% were abolished and became crippled, which is no different from death.

Therefore, if you want to survive, you must unleash your greatest potential and use all the cards you can, even if the means are quite ugly.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. No one cares whether the means you use are bright or not.

However, even if there is a threat to their lives, most people are still eager to fight for the academy, not to mention the honor of the academy, but also because after the victory, they will be able to get quite generous rewards.

There are too few people like Li Zedao who treat the honor of the academy and those so-called generous rewards as shit.

As soon as Master Xuan Ming finished speaking, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and saw that there were already two more people on the battle platform, one left and one right looking at each other.

"Yingzhou, Xuejian." Xuejian, who was wearing a black robe, smiled shyly and spoke softly.

This person's name is full of evil spirits, but when he speaks, he is so shy that he doesn't even dare to glance randomly. He looks extremely nervous and looks extremely harmless to humans and animals.

"No week, Sun Sheng."

Sun Sheng, who was wearing a white robe, spoke proudly with an extremely cold and arrogant expression. The whole person is like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, making the surrounding atmosphere chill.

Sun Shengxin felt a little secretly happy, secretly thinking that he was lucky to meet such a weak-looking guy. It seems that Yingzhou College is not as terrible as the rumors, it is just some third-rate characters.

Sun Sheng felt that he could defeat him within half a stick of incense.

No, there is no need for half a stick of incense at all, and in just two or three rounds, I can let him blood stain this great altar.

Li Zedao didn't know this Sun Sheng, and it was the first time I saw him today, but he also knew that he was also one of the top three powerhouses on the cloud list, especially the two top three powerhouses in the previous cloud list successfully broke through the quasi-spiritual state and entered the spiritual realm In addition, Mo Tianya, who was at the top of the list, became a defector, so Sun Sheng's ranking naturally rose.

As soon as Sun Sheng finished speaking, fierce cheers erupted from both sides of the stage, naturally cheering for Sun Sheng.

"Come on, Sun Sheng, come on, Sun Sheng!"

"Brother Sheng is mighty, kill that trash from Yingzhou Academy!"

"It's clear at a glance that we will definitely win this game..."

Almost everyone was full of confidence, and no one thought that Sun Sheng, who completely suppressed the opponent in terms of momentum, would lose to that shy guy.

As for the teachers and students of Yingzhou College, the expressions on their faces were all so calm, and they didn't have the slightest intention to cheer for Xuejian.

"Let's begin." Master Xuanming said.

As soon as the words fell, Sun Sheng drew his long sword out of its sheath immediately, intending to strike first, and use the most violent means to kill this guy at the fastest speed, so as to win a good start for Buzhou Academy and win great honor for himself.

At that time, I can be like that Master Li, whose name will resound throughout Buzhou Academy, and girls will cheer for me wherever I go, and they will stuff love letters into my arms affectionately.

But at this moment, Xue Jian's body, which was still rather shy, disappeared there without a trace.

Sun Sheng's pupils simply shrank, and a rather bad feeling filled his heart.

The pupils of Li Zedao in front of the platform also contracted violently, and three large and bold characters instantly appeared in his mind.

Mo Tianya!

Yes, the speed of this blood sword is weirdly fast, almost comparable to Mo Tianya, so he has practiced some kind of spiritual skill that can increase the speed, and it has already achieved great success.

However, in terms of momentum, he was still slightly inferior to Mo Tianya.

So the outcome of this battle is quite obvious.

The faces of the other teachers from the Buzhou Academy also changed slightly, with moving expressions in their eyes.

The mere cultivation of the Lingyun Realm has such a terrifying speed, which is enough to make these strong people in the Spiritual God Realm feel tricky.

In between breaths, the blood sword reappeared in everyone's line of sight, standing behind Sun Sheng, with a shy smile still on his face.

At the same time, a sharp sword gleaming with cold light suddenly appeared in his hand, and the sharp blade suddenly touched Sun Sheng's throat.

Sun Sheng's hand that pulled out half of the sword stiffened there, his pupils widened suddenly, and he felt like he was dreaming, and he couldn't believe it was real.

He thought that defeating the opponent was only a matter of half a stick of incense, but he didn't expect that before he even had time to draw his sword, his life would be firmly grasped by the opponent.

Moreover, how familiar this scene is.

Once, his throat was firmly pinched by Mo Tianya's cold hand during that breath.

There are already many perverts like Mo Tianya in this world. Unexpectedly, there is such a pervert in Yingzhou College.

The students on the side who were trying their best to cheer for Sun Sheng were all like ducks being choked, their mouths were wide open, they could no longer make any sound, and they even seemed to have stopped breathing.

Their minds were roaring violently, and they couldn't believe what their eyes saw.

Sun Sheng actually lost? And is it that his life is being held by the other party while he is breathing?

"You lost." Xue Jian smiled, it was quite a shy smile. It's like the shy smile that a primary school student shows after he has done a good deed and is praised by the teacher.

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