The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2158 I admit defeat

Master Xuan Ming glanced at the Master Chang Sheng who looked like an old monk in meditation, and secretly cursed this old thief for being too calm, right? It's already like this, the expression on his face has not changed.

To put it in a good way, you are calm and calm in dealing with things, but to say it in a bad way, you don't care about the safety of students at all.

How can such an attitude be qualified to be the dean? Doesn't that make students feel cold? Quickly abdicate and let Xian get it.

Master Xuanming felt that he had done a good job in caring for the students. Look at my expression, I was so saddened by the death of Sun Sheng and Lu Meng, and I wished to avenge them.

Li Zedao's heart tightened, he was so nervous that his palms were sweating, he was worried about Nangong Meili's safety.

He had already imagined that the teachers and students of Yingzhou College were quite powerful, but he didn't expect that they were even more perverted than he imagined.

Whether it's the blood sword or Xiaosan, the general spiritual powers will suffer a lot if they face them, let alone those who are in the quasi-spiritual state.

The opponent Nangong Meili is about to face is at least as strong as Xue Jian and Xiaosan, right? And the surname is Baili, is it from the Baili family? Even the golden pupil has awakened?

"I hope she can seize the best time to throw the idiot out." The only thing Li Zedao could do was to pray silently in his heart.

Among the crowd, Nangong Wan'er and Gongshu Linglong's eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry, your sister's strength is not bad, she will definitely be able to kill the opponent." Gongshu Linglong said after taking a deep breath, but her heart was extremely weak, and her palms were covered with cold sweat.

Judging from the current situation, she really doesn't think that Nangong Meili can beat the opponent, and even she, a strong person in the spiritual realm, doesn't have the confidence to win against the opponent.

Why are the students of Yingzhou College so perverted?

She thought of Mo Tianya again, maybe that pervert in the future could barely suppress those perverts in Yingzhou College?

It's a pity that he has become a traitor of the academy, otherwise the academy would not have lost all three battles.

"En." Nangong Wan'er nodded lightly, but the worry on her small face was even more intense. Similarly, she really didn't have any confidence in Nangong Meili.

Under the gaze of everyone with extremely worried eyes, Nangong Meili swept her body and stepped onto the battle platform.

Although he witnessed Sun Sheng and Lu Meng being instantly killed,

But her heart is still calm and unaffected in the slightest.

She is not confident in her own strength, on the contrary, she is absolutely sure that she is not the opponent's opponent at all, so there is no need to continue this duel at all.

She just had confidence in Li Zedao, and the big fool he gave him.

No matter who the opponent is, no matter how fast he is, or how fast his hidden weapon is, she only needs to do one thing, and that is to throw the big fool at the opponent.

Of course, you have to find the best time.

Only, it's hard.

I'm afraid you were killed by the opponent before you could throw the big fool.

"What should I do?" Nangong Meili narrowed her eyes.

At the same time, a figure who looked so suave and suave stepped onto the battle stage and appeared in front of Nangong Meili.

Completely different from Xue Jian's shyness and Xiaosan's sickness, this Baili rogue is obviously a playboy.

At this time, he was playing with a folding fan in his hand gracefully, his movements were so frivolous and exaggerated, and there was an undisguised desire in those smiling eyes.

"Tsk tsk, you are really a beauty, how can I be so cruel to you? Beauty, how about you go back with me? I promise to take good care of you and make you want to linger." Baili Ronin smiled. Said.

He let you know so unscrupulously, beauty, I can't wait to get your body now.

Nangong Meili stared at him blankly, not affected by his eyes or words at all.

Someone can disturb her Gujing Wuwen's heart, but that person is definitely not the playboy in front of her.

I thought to myself that Li Zedao is also very fickle, and always teases himself with words, why can't I feel any resentment in my heart?

Soon, Nangong Meili found the answer.

Because his eyes are so clear, there is no desire at all.

His eyes narrowed slightly, thinking that he seemed to be able to create the best time to come out.

Many boys in the audience were filled with righteous indignation, their eyes seemed to spew fire, and they really wanted to go on stage and kill this arrogant and shameless person who dared to speak out and tease their goddess.

"Start." Master Xuanming said, his heart twitching violently.

He even closed his eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to see the scene of Nangong Meili's corpse on the battle stage.

Although her apprentice's talent is not top-notch, and more importantly, her vision is not good, and she is usually extremely indifferent to him as a master, but who makes him a responsible master?

Baili Rangren didn't make a move immediately, he still waved the folding fan in his hand gracefully, stared at Nangong Meili lewdly, and even couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

What an iceberg beauty, it really makes my young master move his index finger.

"Beauty, if you don't open your mouth to respond, I will take it as your acquiescence." Baili Ronin said with a smile.

"I didn't acquiesce." When Nangong Meili spoke lightly, she already had the idiot Li Zedao gave her in her hands.

Do you think things will develop as you predicted?

Baili Ronin had an exaggerated expression of being seriously injured, held his chest, and said miserablely: "Beauty, you reject me so much, it really makes my heart ache."

Baili Ronin already had a nervous smile on his face: "In that case, I can only kill..."

"Here is something for you." Nangong Meili interrupted Baili Ronin.

Then he casually threw the big fool in his hand towards Baili Ronin.

"Huh?" Baili Ronin was taken aback, wondering what the beauty was going to give him, it couldn't be some token of love, right?

Or, is the thing floating towards him poisonous?

The corner of Baili Ronin's mouth curled up slightly in mockery.

The teachers and students watching the battle around the platform also looked confused, not understanding what Nangong Meili was doing.

It is said that she was the first to throw a hidden weapon at the opponent, but is the speed of this hidden weapon too slow? This kind of speed can be easily caught by even a three-year-old child, not to mention a strong person in the Spirit Cloud Realm, right?

Not to mention, she reminded him when she threw it.

Or, what mystery is hidden in that thing? For example, if you smear it on the surface, you can see the poisonous poison that seals the throat with blood?

The pupils of Li Zedao's eyes shrank, his heart jumped into his throat, and he almost couldn't hold back his words.

So, Nangong Meili thinks now is the best time?

This stupid woman! What the hell is she doing?

Even if now is the best time, you should use all your breastfeeding strength, how can you throw it lightly?

In this way, how to beat the opponent?

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the other party reaches out to pick up that idiot unprepared, that kind of force is far from enough to make the idiot explode, okay?

For a moment, Li Zedao was so anxious that he almost couldn't hold back and pulled out a big fool, and then ruthlessly threw it towards the Baili Ronin on the battle stage.

It's just that he absolutely can't do this, because there is such an unwritten rule.

When the two sides are in a decisive battle on the battle stage, no one can intervene, otherwise the side that benefits will be punished as a loser, and the person who intervenes will be punished as death!

In other words, if Li Zedao shot at will, regardless of whether he hurt the Baili rogue or not, the Baili rogue would be the victor, and Li Zedao would die a miserable death!

"Wait, this woman doesn't seem so brainless..." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, Baili Lang stretched out his hand and caught the idiot thrown by Nangong Meili. He only felt that this thing was quite heavy, as if it was made of iron, but it was not iron, and it had a pungent smell. smell.

Baili Ronin wrinkled his nose slightly, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth was even worse.

He clearly smelled the highly poisonous heartbroken vine.

So I knew with my ass that this was a rather unqualified poison pill.

You must know that the real poisonous pills are not different in appearance from those top-grade pills that save people's lives, but not so big, and the taste is not too different. It is impossible for ordinary people to know that it is poisonous pills through the taste.

But now that there is such a poisonous pill, it is obvious that I am a poisonous pill.

What does it mean for the beauty to give herself such a poison pill?

To test your sincerity? Take this poison pill and I will go with you? If so, wouldn't she be too naive?

Baili Ronin likes beautiful women, but he hates naive women very much.

Even if that woman is beautiful, she should be killed in the end.

"As you can see, this is a poisonous pill, which I refined unintentionally." Nangong Meili said.

"Haha, is that right? It seems that beauty, your level of alchemy is really not good. If you are interested in alchemy, I can teach you personally. I am a ninth-rank alchemist." Baili Ronin said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, many people's faces were moved. This guy who behaved so frivolously and could be known to be a disciple at a glance, was actually a ninth-rank alchemist?

Why are the students of Yingzhou College so perverted? Is it related to their teaching level?

Many students were excited, and they didn't know if Yingzhou College would recruit students. If they were recruited, they might as well drop out of school and fall into the embrace of Yingzhou College?

"If your strength is similar to the previous two, then I am far from your opponent." Nangong Meili said lightly.

All the teachers and students watching the battle showed doubts in their eyes, they really didn't understand what Nangong Meili was going to do.

"The two of them? Not as good as this young master!" Baili Ronin's face was full of arrogance.

As a result, the faces of many teachers and students of Buzhou Academy have become extremely ugly. In this way, Buzhou Academy has lost all three battles. In this exchange, they are completely at a disadvantage, and they have no power to fight back at all. .

The bitterness of loss in my heart is truly indescribable.

"In that case, I admit defeat." Nangong Meili said without delay.

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