"Little brother...Little brother, are you okay...don't scare my sister..." Shui Feiling cried.

This powerful woman simply lost her senses at this time, not knowing what to do.

Li Zedao tried his best to open his eyes, looked at Concubine Shuiling, grinned his mouth, and said in a weak voice: "Sister Shui, put... don't worry, die... can't..."

At the same time, the thick fog cleared, and two bloody corpses fell there.

Yiyaochi and Jing Wuwei stared very wide, especially Yiyaochi's scarlet eyes were full of fear that had not dissipated, extreme anger and reluctance, and nostalgia for this world.

On Kun Beast, whether it was the teachers from Buzhou College or the teachers and students from Yingzhou College, including Su Caiman who was kneeling not far away, they were all in a serious trance, gasping for breath , can't believe it's real.

To think that a mere low-level peak cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm actually killed a strong man with a middle-level peak cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm and a strong man with a top-level peak spiritual spirit realm at the same time...

It is more accurate to say that there are two strong men with a middle-level peak cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm, and one strong man with a top-level peak in the Spiritual God Realm. After all, to be precise, Wo Longshuang also died in his hands.

Although the means used are rather dishonest, but no matter what, such a record is enough to disdain the entire God Realm.


Poisonous Wolf's expression was as gloomy as water, and his chest was full of suffocation, which really made him want to vomit blood.

This exchange ended with such a result, which was completely beyond his expectation.

What made him almost collapse was that the clan mother died, and she died at the hands of a kid whose cultivation was no more than the peak of the low-rank spirit god realm!

If this is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the entire Baili family and Yingzhou College will be completely reduced to a laughing stock.

"However, the patriarch should be very happy, right?" Baili Poisonous Wolf thought to himself.

Concubine Shuiling's attention was not on the corpse on the ground at all. It seemed that at this moment, whether she could avenge that poor woman was not so important. What was more important was that the little brother must not something.

"Don't talk, my sister will take you to heal soon..." Shui Feiling cried, and quickly took out the healing elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, then swept away and quickly walked away.

Li Zedao didn't speak, he had already fallen asleep enjoying himself... so soft!

In order to completely hold back Yiyaochi, and prevent this top-ranked spiritual powerhouse from escaping from the explosion range of the big fool after feeling something strange, Li Zedao used the golden pupils.

The power of the golden pupils not only hindered Yiyaochi's actions, but more importantly, Li Zedao's use of the golden pupils made her quite surprised, as if she had seen a ghost, she couldn't believe it was real for a while.

Li Zedao naturally spent a lot of spiritual energy for this.

After that, he was hit by Yiyaochi's anger just before he died. If the little turtle hadn't helped him block most of the attacks in secret, he would have been beaten into a pile of flesh by now.

So I can't bear it now,

In addition, Shui Feiling's embrace was too soft, so she slept for a while before talking.

Shui Feiling, who was rushing, heard the even breathing in her arms, and then she let go of her hanging heart, and then felt some dampness on her chest. When she looked down, she saw that Li Zedao was drooling.

Shui Feiling's mouth twitched, but her eyes became tender.

She, who is obsessed with cleanliness, doesn't even feel that the saliva is quite dirty at this time.

"Damn little brother!" she cursed, but her smile was like a flower, like a lily.


Li Zedao had a dream.

In the dream, he had to give up his integrity in order to survive, took off his clothes with tears in his eyes, and was defiled by Concubine Shuiling...

Forget about the defilement, and then Shui Feiling used her whip to whip herself fiercely.

It's okay to smoke, it's not that she hasn't been smoked before, but the key point is that her taste is too strong, and she smokes too hard, Li Zedao feels that his bones are about to be broken.

So Li Zedao woke up in such a fright.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was lying on the bed.

The sun poured in through the window and shone on the body, but it gave people a chilly feeling.

The sunshine on the top of this mountain is just like this, dazzling but not warm, just like the goddess of the iceberg, nourishing the beauty but giving people the coldness that resists people for thousands of miles.

Li Zedao was quite familiar with the surrounding environment, it was Shuifeiling's courtyard, and he was lying on Shuifeiling's soft and fragrant bed right now.

Presumably Shui Feiling brought her here after she passed out, and judging by the time, she had already slept all night, and it was already the next day.

Or is it now the third day after two full nights of sleep?

Raising his hands, he saw that his hands were covered with bandages, his feet were the same, his body was the same, even his head was wrapped and stretched, only a pair of eyes and mouth were exposed.

Although he didn't look in the mirror, Li Zedao could imagine that he was no different from the mummy at this time.

Thinking of something, the little heart trembled violently.

Now it seems that there is no clothes on the whole body except the bandage, so I am not dreaming? That woman really took off her clothes and stained her?

Li Zedao wanted to cry, this woman is too much, what is it to do such an excessive thing to him while he is unconscious?

If you have the ability, you defile me when I am awake...

Although the bones of his hands were crushed, his legs were blasted to a bloody mess, and two large pieces of flesh were cut off from his thigh, Li Zedao was not worried. Anyway, his recovery ability was extremely strong. It will get better in a few days.

"Where is that excessive woman?"

Li Zedao sat up and glanced around a few times, but he didn't see Shui Feiling.

But I also know that Concubine Shuiling didn't tell Nangong Wan'er and the others about her injury, otherwise they would be standing by now.

That's good, so they won't worry.

"Where are the teachers and students of Yingzhou College? Have you left Buzhou College and returned to their Yingzhou College?"

Li Zedao lay down again, staring at the ceiling without focus, secretly worried.

For his own life, and even for the sake of killing that damned Yiyaochi, Li Zedao had to say that the golden pupil was in his hands.

After that, must there be many eyes staring at him and trying to get the golden pupil from himself? After all, no one would have thought that they had succeeded in choosing the master of the bloodline, they would only think that they had hidden the golden pupil somewhere.

What's worse, no matter it's because of the pupil membrane or because he killed Yiyaochi, the terrifyingly powerful Baili family has no reason to let him go, right?

"what to do?"

Li Zedao wants to cry but has no tears, he can't stay in Buzhou Academy for the rest of his life, can he?

Besides, judging from the current situation, Buzhou Academy doesn't seem to be very safe, right?

First Danxie, and then Wolongshuang, who knows if there is any hidden nail of Yingzhou Academy? Who knew if that nail would jump out and kill him all of a sudden?

Would they even choose to attack Nangong Wan'er and the others when they couldn't deal with themselves, so as to blackmail themselves?

Just when Li Zedao was extremely worried, a fragrant wind blew in.

"Little brother, are you awake?" Shui Feiling's joyful voice came over.

Before Li Zedao could sit up, Shui Feiling came to the bed in a blink of an eye, looking down at Li Zedao, her extremely charming eyes were full of inexplicable smiles and a hint of tenderness.

"Sister Shui." Li Zedao wanted to sit up.

To be honest, such a gentle concubine Shui Ling really gave him a feeling of being flattered, but he also felt quite enjoyable, and his heart was full of pride. He felt that he was so awesome that he had a way to make this kind of woman become so tender.

"Lie down, don't move around, you are seriously injured." Concubine Shui lightly pressed Li Zedao's shoulder with her hand, preventing him from getting up, and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

He took out another healing elixir and handed it to Li Zedao's mouth: "Eat it."

Li Zedao obediently opened his mouth and swallowed the pill, and asked, "Sister Shui, have the teachers and students of Yingzhou College gone back?"

"Do you think they still have the face to stay in our Buzhou Academy?" Concubine Shui Ling gave Li Zedao a white look with a smile.

The enemy was dead, her wish was fulfilled, and her heart that had suppressed killing became relaxed.

Li Zedao thought about it too, if it were him, he would definitely leave in despair first, and staying still would only make him more embarrassing.

"Not to mention that the old lady was killed by you. After all, she is also the matriarch of the Baili family, so I must hurry back with her corpse."

Concubine Shuiling's voice was full of gloating, and her big charming eyes blinked: "Little brother, you actually killed the mother of the Baili family, and you even have the Baili family in your hand." Your golden pupils... little brother, guess how many killers the Baili family will send to kill you?"

Li Zedao wanted to cry but had no tears, and he felt that he had nothing to love.

How could this woman be so heartless?

Why should I kill that woman? On a big scale, I am doing this for the honor of the academy; on a small scale, I am avenging your revenge; on a low scale, I am doing it for my own life...

Seeing Li Zedao's unlovable look, Shui Feiling pursed her lips and chuckled, then met Li Zedao's eyes very seriously, and said, "Thank you, little brother, thank you for killing her!"

Shui Feiling knew that with her own strength alone, even if she managed to kill Yiyaochi in the end, she would have to pay a very heavy price, even her own life.

Although he failed to kill her himself, but the little brother let her die in such a useless way, which made Shui Feiling feel quite comfortable.

In the Buzhou Mountains, if she hadn't been worried about Li Zedao's safety, she would have laughed a few times looking at the corpse, or even whipped the corpse.

"Sister Shui, don't be polite to my little brother." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Concubine Shuiling's big eyes, and instinctively wanted to avoid her looking so hot.

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