The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2176 Burning Clouds

This was the first time Li Zedao saw this purple cloud eagle.

I saw a tall bird with colorful feathers that looked so noble standing there with its head held high, its head tilted slightly, its big black jade-like eyes tilted slightly, and it glanced disdainfully at those shivering people around it. , The goshawk that looks so humble.

No wonder, after all, this Ziyun Eagle has the blood of the ancient phoenix, and it also possesses extremely powerful combat power. It can be said that it is a nobleman among birds, an elite among noblemen, a backbone among elites, and a prince among backbones!

Coupled with the fact that the bird released bursts of terrifying coercion at this time, it is no wonder that the goshawks around were trembling with fear.

Nangong Meili looked away from the Ziyun Eagle, glanced at Concubine Shuiling, thinking that this woman is terrifying, even such a rare Ziyun Eagle has been tamed by her.

"Xiao Zi." The corner of Concubine Shuiling's mouth curled up in such an evil way.

Ziyun Diao heard the voice of Concubine Shuiling, and when his body became alert, his eyes opened suddenly, and there was a hint of flattery in his eyes, which was completely different from the noble and incomparable posture just now. bird.

Immediately, there was a "grunt" sound, and she quickly jumped up and came to Shui Feiling, curling her head, looking flattering?

Li Zedao was speechless secretly, it seemed that this Ziyun Eagle had suffered a great loss from Concubine Shuiling, otherwise it would not have been so flattering.

Concubine Shui stretched out her spiritual hand, gently stroked Ziyun Diao's head a few times, looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Oh, by the way, little brother, sister forgot to tell you, there is another person who will go with us .”

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Is there another person?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Caiman's so respectful voice came from behind: "Master."

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, and then he remembered that there was Su Caiman, and this person lived in the courtyard where he hadn't been back for several days, and that person was even his servant...

"Leave this woman who can tell she has evil intentions at the academy, who knows if she will attack your two lovers? So my sister took the initiative and brought her along. On the other hand, this woman's Although your cultivation is not very good, it’s still okay to pour water to wash your feet for little brother.”

Shui Feiling giggled, and even glanced at Nangong Meili.

Naturally, these words also mean that Nangong Meili's cultivation is too weak.

Nangong Meili remained expressionless,

He just ignored Shui Feiling's eyes.

Su Caiman looked respectful, as if she hadn't heard Shui Feiling's words, but her eyes shrank slightly. Sure enough, no matter whether it was this damn bitch or Li Zedao, they were all suspicious of her.

It seems that you have to be more cautious, and you must not make a move without getting the best chance.

"Little brother, you won't blame sister, will you?" Shui Feiling looked at Li Zedao, her big eyes twinkling and provocative.

He even pouted slightly, as if if you blamed me, I would cry for you.

"This...Of course not." Li Zedao smiled apologetically.

The little heart trembled wildly, this woman is really a monster, once such a pitiful expression is revealed, who can bear it?

However, he had to think that Concubine Shuiling was right. Under such circumstances, it was better to keep her with him than to let her stay in Buzhou Academy.

But he is not Shuifeiling, so he couldn't attack Su Caiman with words so bluntly, but turned his head to look at Su Caiman who was full of respect, and nodded kindly.

But it was discovered that her heavy shackles had been removed, no wonder she seemed so silent when she approached just now.

"Okay, little brother, it's getting late, we should set off." Shui Feiling said, with a flash of her figure, she was the first to grab Ziyun Diao's back.

Li Zedao and Nangong Meili followed closely behind, and Su Caiman followed behind with a humble and respectful look.

This woman really considers herself a servant. At least, on the surface, she is no different from a servant.

If there is a difference, it is that she looks much better than those servants.

But out of caution, Li Zedao felt that this woman would not be willing to be reduced to a servant at all. Maybe someday, at any time, she would stab him with an extremely sharp sword.

"Xiao Zi, let's go." Concubine Shui patted Zi Yundiao's head with her hands.

Ziyun Eagle spread its huge wings, let out a clear whistle, soared up, and galloped forward.

Shui Feiling stretched lazily, looked back at Li Zedao, giggled and said, "Little brother, even if Xiao Zi flies non-stop for twelve hours a day, it will take about three days and three nights to reach the earthquake." On the edge of the tribe, not to mention that Xiao Zi's speed is fast, but her endurance is not enough. She has to stop and rest every time she flies for a while, otherwise she will be exhausted. Therefore, we will spend about a week or so, to arrive."

Li Zedao nodded: "I see, Sister Shui."

"Little brother, in terms of stamina, you are much stronger than Xiao Zi." Shui Feiling giggled, and glanced lewdly at Li Zedao.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched simply. How did this woman know that his stamina was quite strong? Could it be that, as I suspected before, when I was with Nangong Wan'er and Gongshu Linglong, this woman was secretly peeping?

How despicable!

Nangong Meili's face turned slightly weird, she looked at the towering mountains in front of her, and pretended she didn't hear it.

As for Su Caiman, she always stood with her hands down respectfully, as if loyally waiting for her master to command her.

There was no words all the way, and in the following time, the four of them spent almost all of their time in cultivation.

Occasionally Shui Feiling would say some bold and explicit words to stimulate Li Zedao, making Li Zedao blushed but helpless, it was pain and happiness.

Yu Nangong Meili and Su Caiman kept their eyes closed all the time, neither heard nor saw anything.

Fortunately, Concubine Shuiling just had her mouth full and didn't touch Li Zedao, otherwise they would have to jump off the Ziyun Eagle to avoid it.

After two hours of soaring, the Ziyun Eagle had already left the Buzhou Plain, but it did not stop, but continued to drive towards the Zhen tribe. After more than two hours of soaring, the huge bird's beak was slightly opened , panting heavily, spewed out bursts of white mist.

Seeing this, Shui Feiling patted Ziyun Diao on the head, causing it to stop flying and stay in mid-air temporarily.

At this time, a large piece of red clouds appeared in the sky, as if on fire.

"What a beautiful burning cloud." Li Zedao admired in his heart.

Such extreme sunset views are rare.

The eyes of Nangong Meili and Su Caiman were also attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them, and they were full of admiration in their hearts.

Concubine Shui Ling ignored the beautiful scenery in front of her, but her eyes were lowered, her brows were raised slightly, and there seemed to be movement below.

The killer sent by the Baili family came to this place?

The corner of Concubine Shuiling's mouth curled up with a hint of disdain. With her cultivation base and her little brother's various shameless tricks, plus Su Caiman and Nangong Meili who are soy saucers, unless it is Lingxian The strong man in the mirror, that is, the old immortal from Yingzhou College, made the move himself, otherwise he might have no return, right?

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Li Zedao thought of Fanyu, Huaxia, Fenghuang City, and the time when he was bullied severely, and he ran to the seaside quite aggrieved.

He asked the sea, why am I so stupid? why am i so weak Why did they bully me when I didn't do anything?

Naturally, there were no answers.

The sea accommodates hundreds of rivers, but it can only listen, and will not tell you the answer to any question.

It was a long time later that Li Zedao understood the truth that being weak is a sin and the best reason for others to bully you.

That time, although Li Zedao didn't get the answer to the question, he saw the rare Huoshaoyun.

He stared at the extreme beauty in a daze, and his little heart, which seemed extremely wronged and injured, was able to temporarily calm down.

Immediately afterwards, familiar faces appeared in Li Zedao's mind, just like the slideshow that was set to play in a loop, appearing repeatedly.

"I don't know if I can go back?" Li Zedao's heart twitched violently, and then his mind exploded without warning.

In an instant, he felt an extremely fierce aura running wildly around his body, and then that aura began to swell, and Li Zedao felt that his body was going to be supported by that inexplicable aura exploded.

Shui Feiling knew that Zi Yundiao's physical strength was approaching its limit, and if she continued to fly, she might be too tired to vomit blood.

Just as Ziyun Eagle was about to land to rest, he realized that something was wrong with Li Zedao beside him. At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by an extremely powerful aura, his complexion was pale, and he looked so painful.

"Is this... a breakthrough?" The corners of Shui Feiling's mouth twitched, and her eyes were filled with splendor and she repeatedly called monsters.

How long has it been since his cultivation is about to break through again and enter the mid-level cultivation of the Spirit God Realm?

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman naturally also found out about Li Zedao's situation, and their eyes showed astonishment.

"Monster!" Nangong Meili's mouth slightly twitched.

Su Caiman's mood can be described as "horrifying".

Before the battle, Yingzhou College naturally got information about Li Zedao, and Su Caiman learned that Li Zedao was a freshman, and it only took four or five months to enter Buzhou College, but during these four or five months, his cultivation Why did he suddenly break through from the Lingyun Realm to the lower peak of the Spirit God Realm.

But now, he still has to continue to break through and enter the mid-level cultivation base of the Spiritual God Realm.

Such a speed of cultivation is enough to shame the well-known Tianjiao of the major tribes in the God's Domain to death.

Su Caiman is conceited that she is very talented in the process of cultivation, and because of her excellent talent, she has also been cultivated by the academy with no spare effort. It is the peak cultivation base of the lower rank of the Spirit God Realm.

But compared with such a pervert, she was ashamed.

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