The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2180 Descendants of Nuwa

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"Uh..." Li Zedao felt a huge wave in his heart.

So, how many people from the Mortal Realm actually live in the Divine Realm? Just as there are several old monsters from the God Realm living in the Mortal Realm?

"Because of Panlong's serious injury and loss of strength, and the strength of the remaining eight envoys is also extremely strong, after that, they escaped the pursuit of the strong in the God's Domain, and finally hid in the darkness that cannot see the light of day. "

Concubine Shui Ling said: "In the long years that followed, these eight envoys struggled to reproduce in the darkness while avoiding the pursuit of the powerful in the God Realm..."

Speaking of this, Shui Feiling continued to stare at Li Zedao with inexplicable eyes, as if staring at some monster.

But Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly, showing a look of horror.

Could it be...

Seeing Li Zedao showing such a frightening expression, Concubine Shui knew what he was thinking, and said, "Little brother, what you think in your heart is right. In the seemingly long years to come, they will fight for Strengthening their own strength, they have the ability to disrupt the entire God Realm. They choose to use all means to continue Nuwa's bloodline. They forcibly plunder women and use them as tools for reproduction. Humanoid mating, continuation of the bloodline..."

Concubine Shui Ling narrowed her eyes slightly: "Little brother, the corpses in the big pit you saw just now are the masterpieces of these people."

Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he felt that his breathing had stagnated.

Not only because of hearing such shocking facts, but also because of Shui Feiling's eyes.

Ever since he was in the big pit, Li Zedao noticed that Concubine Shuiling looked at him with strange eyes, as if he was the culprit.

The twelve envoys of Nuwa came from Mortal Realm...

Just like historical reasons, almost all Chinese people now hate the islanders.

So Concubine Shui Ling also knew that she was from the Mortal Realm, so she stared at her with those eyes?

Li Zedao became quite at a loss, his breathing became short of breath, what should I do? Do you want to turn around and run now?

No, be calm! Maybe this woman is just suspicious, or maybe she is worrying too much.

The complexions of Nangong Meili and Su Caiman also became extremely pale.

It was the first time for them to know that such a group of such terrifying Nuwa descendants lived in God's Domain. As beauties, they said that their safety had a great problem.

"But after all, the blood is different, and there are differences between humans and animals, so these eight people did not inherit much blood. Most of the children were stillborn before they were born, or they were weak and sick, and died shortly after birth. Or they survived by luck, but they are infertile. It is said that less than 10% of them are in normal health, and the mission of this 10% is to continue the bloodline."

Li Zedao nodded with difficulty. For a top student like him from the Mortal Realm, he naturally understands why he has no fertility.

To explain it in more technical terms, they are not the same species after all, so when their offspring are fertilized, their chromosomes will be messed up, and they will not be able to form embryos...Damn, is it time to show off your knowledge?

"In fact, little brother, you have already fought against the descendants of Nuwa." Shui Feiling said.

Li Zedao's little heart trembled again, what did Shui Feiling mean by that?

"The dragon python, one of the ten fierce beasts, is actually the descendant of the eight ambassadors, and the blood of Nuwa flows through it."

"..." Nangong Meili and Su Caiman were both dumbfounded. It was the first time they had heard that the dragon python, one of the top ten beasts in the God's Domain, was actually a descendant of Nuwa. This was really unimaginable.

And these words exploded in Li Zedao's ears like a thunderbolt, making him stunned.

Dragon Mang turned out to be a descendant of Nuwa?

Li Zedao clearly recalled the scene when he encountered the dragon python in his mind.

At that time, the dragon python didn't directly swallow him, including the belt and bones, it even seemed to be laughing.

Li Zedao always thought it was a wicked joke, or it was the kind of smile that foodies show when they see delicious food.

But thinking about it now, that seemed like a friendly smile.

So the dragon python rooted in the Mortal Realm somehow knows that it is also from the Mortal Realm, so it shows its kind of friendliness?

Li Zedao's soul was trembling, and he had an urge to turn around and run away. Even Long Mang could tell that he was from the Mortal Realm, but Shuifei's spiritual energy couldn't tell? Even if Concubine Shui Ling couldn't see it, could Master Chang Sheng not see it?

But no matter what, Concubine Shui Ling probably already knew about it, otherwise why would she stare at herself with such weird eyes?

"Little brother, who are you? Are you really the son of that third-rate swordsman Li Xiaoyao?"

The corner of Shui Feiling's mouth curled up inexplicably, as if the little brother and sister know everything, so don't hide it.

After a short swipe, Nangong Meili and Su Caiman's eyes fell on Li Zedao.

Su Caiman's expression was a little dazed, and she didn't understand what Shui Feiling meant.

Nangong Meili frowned slightly, she had known for a long time that the Li Zedao in front of her was not the Li Zedao she used to be. Apart from their appearance, the two were completely different in personality and so on.

It's just that she wasn't too curious about the real origin of Li Zedao.

She is a woman who doesn't think too much, as long as Li Zedao likes her, other things include his real background, or how many women are around him, to be honest, she doesn't care that much.

Looking at the situation now, it seems that Shui Feiling knows his true origin?

Li Zedao's scalp was about to burst, and cold sweat broke out directly.

He secretly took a deep breath, and warned himself to be calm, before the other party really revealed his details, he must not mess up and not scare himself.

The expression on his face was so confused: "Little brother doesn't understand what Sister Shui means. My father is Li Xiaoyao, the third-rate swordsman of the Zhong tribe."

"Really?" The inexplicable wart at the corner of Concubine Shuiling's mouth was even worse.

Li Zedao nodded madly. Now that the matter is up to now, he can only bite the bullet and grit his teeth not to admit it.

"Little brother, do you know why you became a student specially recruited by the dean?" Shui Feiling's big eyes flickered, filled with an inexplicable smile.

"This... because my cultivation talent is so high that no one has ever been seen before? And because I am handsome and can be the face value of Buzhou Academy?" Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

"..." Shui Feiling almost couldn't hold back a whip and whipped this shameless guy to death.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman also had strange expressions, feeling that the originally tense atmosphere was suddenly shattered by his shameless words.

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people. Wouldn't he be a little embarrassed to put gold on his face so crazily?

"It can't be because I'm the dean's illegitimate son?" Li Zedao spread his hands.

"Get lost!" The muscles on Shui Feiling's face twitched.

Damn little brother, don't you think highly of that old man too? How could the old man be so failed to give birth to a handsome young talent like you?

Worried that if this shameless guy continued to talk, she would not be able to help but want to kill, Shui Feiling said: "That's because, when the headmaster went to the Central Tribe, he accidentally met you and discovered a secret about you. "

"Huh?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, as if things were different from what he thought.

"What... what secret?" Li Zedao took a deep breath, his back was chilly and completely soaked.

"You are not Li Xiaoyao's son, you were picked up by Li Xiaoyao in a deep mountain forest by accident." Shui Feiling said.

"Sister Shui, what did you say?" Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of astonishment, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

Enter the drama in seconds! Li Zedao was so moved by his superb acting skills.

"Sister Shui, what you said is true?" Li Zedao asked anxiously, completely at a loss, and simply "unacceptable" all of this.

"That's true. In fact, little brother, you also have Nuwa's blood." Shuifei Lingbei bit her lower lip slightly.

"Ah?" Li Zedao was stunned, this time he wasn't showing off his acting skills, but was really dumbfounded.

Therefore, the reason why Long Mang smiled at him earlier and the way Concubine Shui Ling looked at him so strangely was not because he knew he was from the God Realm, but because that Li Zedao had the blood of Nuwa...

Damn, I should have said it earlier, this handsome guy was scared to death!

Li Zedao felt like he was about to collapse.

As for whether he will be killed if he has the blood of Nuwa, Li Zedao is not worried at all. After all, if he was going to be killed, he would have died long ago.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman's eyes staring at Li Zedao also widened, and they couldn't believe what their ears heard.

This guy turned out to be a descendant of the evil Nuwa who invaded God's Domain in the past?

Nangong Meili understood why Li Zedao said that before.

He told Nangong Wan'er before that his situation is very special, and his future situation may be very bad. If he is not careful, he will stand on the opposite side of the entire God Realm...

I see! As a descendant of Nuwa, isn't it equal to standing on the opposite side of the entire God Realm?

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao, and saw that he was at a loss, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in an inexplicable way. This guy, who clearly knew his origin, was now pretending again.

But... no!

Nangong Meili frowned, you know, this Li Zedao is not the same person as the previous Li Zedao... Nangong Meili was also a little confused, so she simply didn't think about it.

"Sister Shui...Sister Shui, what you said is true?" Li Zedao's voice was trembling, and he took a few steps back, as if he didn't know what to do.

Naturally, he continued to excel in acting.

"It's absolutely true!" Shui Feiling nodded, "It stands to reason that after discovering that you have Nuwa's blood, the dean should have killed you, but he did the opposite. Specially recruited you into Buzhou Academy, and then took good care of you, let Lao Jian teach you the heaven-level top-grade spiritual skill Lei Qijian Jue, allowed you to use any resources in the Pill Pavilion, and even let you almost take the pill The Medicine Pavilion was blown up..."

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