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Meeting a man is barely considered an old acquaintance in a foreign land, right? He even has the same bloodline as this old acquaintance.

This should be something to be happy about, and he should have had a good drink, but Li Zedao couldn't feel any joy in his heart, and instead felt that he was insulted.

After all, no matter what the reason, such cruelty to an unarmed woman is really heinous.

"Little brother, it's best if you think like this. After you kill a few more mice like this, you won't feel bad." Shui Feiling said.

"..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say.

Shui Feiling blinked her eyes: "Little brother, in fact, you have already killed Nuwa's descendants with your own hands."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "When?"

"When the dean asked you to go fishing, you drew your sword and killed the dragon python caught by the dean." Shui Feiling smiled inexplicably.

Li Zedao's eyeballs grew bigger.

So that day the dean really caught Long Mang, and then he was killed with a sword?

It's just because my spirit was controlled by the dean with some powerful means, so I have no impression of this matter at all?

No wonder, when he left the dean's courtyard, his sword had a strong smell of blood.

They want to completely push themselves to the opposite of those shady people!

Li Zedao suddenly felt very uncomfortable and felt very humiliated.

But he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is that the dragon python that appeared near our college? Just kill it. After all, its existence is a great threat to the teachers and students of our college."

Concubine Shuiling nodded, she knew that her little brother was feeling uncomfortable now, and she was trying to pretend to be calm, but she didn't say anything.

She also knew that the dean not only didn't kill Li Zedao for whatever reason, but even pushed him to make him stronger day by day, but no matter what, let him kill Long Mang, let him fight against those people It is an extremely cruel thing after all.

She just killed the mouse in front of him, which was also extremely cruel.

But Concubine Shui Ling had to do this,

Because, she was really worried that her little brother would return to that group of people, and all she could do was to completely destroy the way back.

She didn't want her little brother to go back to those shady people and live that ridiculous life without any hope.

"Little brother, just drag this corpse away and throw it into the big pit." Shui Feiling said, "Oh, don't forget to cut his stomach open before throwing it down."

Li Zedao understood the intention of Shui Feiling's move.

On the one hand, she wanted to push herself to the opposite of that group of people, on the other hand, she wanted to use her own way to deal with him, and severely stimulate the nerves of those people who couldn't see the light.

"I'll go now, little brother." Li Zedao didn't think there was anything wrong with Shui Feiling's request.

The reason why that group of people came out with such a corpse pit, I am afraid that their real purpose is to stimulate the nerves of the strong in the God Realm, right?

"Will it be unsafe to go alone?" Nangong Meili, who had been silent all along, suddenly asked, with worry in her eyes.

"These ugly guys are ugly, but they are quite united. They will not let this ugly guy be killed by me." Shui Feiling glanced at Nangong Meili and responded lightly, "If you are really worried, You can follow along."

I am so dissatisfied with this woman's words, I feel as if I want to push my little brother into a fire pit.

Nangong Meili nodded lightly, she didn't say much, but she didn't want to go together.

She really didn't have the courage to approach that big pit once, and she knew very well that it was the safest way to stay with this woman.

After all, even if he encounters those ugly Nuwa descendants again, Li Zedao should have enough strength to protect himself, but she doesn't, so she really needs Shuifeiling as a bodyguard.

Because of her concern, she is really afraid of death now.

This is not the behavior of the weak, but an instinctive reaction of people. Only those who are ashamed or carefree are not afraid of death.

Li Zedao looked at Nangong Meili and nodded, indicating that she doesn't need to care about what Shui Feiling said, and remember what she said before, treating her as a capable but bad-tempered bodyguard.

The corners of Nangong Meili's mouth curled up a bit, and she nodded slightly in response.

Naturally, she would not care about what Shui Feiling said.

After getting along for a few days, she probably knew what kind of person she was.

"Damn little brother, you're flirting again!" Shui Feiling cursed angrily, and turned around.

Seeing this, Li Zedao felt helpless in his heart. Isn't this powerful woman too possessive?

Immediately, he felt emotional, feeling that he was too awesome, even such a proud, noble and superb woman was conquered by him, and he had to make a compromise.

Su Caiman on the side was quite aggrieved, and she once again felt that she was quite redundant.

At that moment, Li Zedao resisted the disgusting impulse and grabbed the thin body, swept it, and walked towards the big pit.

After half a stick of incense, Li Zedao came to the horrible pit again, still with the disgusting stench of corpses and those blood-sucking mosquitoes that make one's scalp tingly.

Li Zedao really didn't have the courage to look at the tragic situation in the big hole, and even if he couldn't do it himself, he wanted to fill up the big hole.

Throwing the ugly corpse on the ground casually, Li Zedao drew out his long sword, hesitated a little, and cut it open with the sword.

It is impossible for him to go back to this group of people and do this kind of thing with them, so he should simply stand on the opposite side of them.

Plus, sometimes, tit for tat is the best way to go.

"Have Nuwa's bloodline?" Li Zedao heheed twice and shook his head. This group of insane people really insulted this bloodline.

He kicked the corpse down the pit.


The commotion caused the frightened mosquitoes to scatter densely, making Li Zedao's scalp tingle a few times.

These mosquitoes will not kill people, but the point is that they are quite disgusting.

At the same time, the stench in the air was even worse, and Li Zedao was about to burst into tears.

When Li Zedao was about to turn around and leave quickly, his eyes were attracted by a black scroll on the ground that seemed to be made of some kind of animal fur.

Li Zedao clearly remembered that he didn't have this curl just now, so it fell from that ugly corpse?

After a while of hesitation, Li Zedao bent down and picked it up.

After all, if this is something good, it would be a sin to miss it like this.

Of course, he is a man who likes to be clean, so he felt sick for a while, as if he was holding a piece of shit in his hands.

After opening it and taking a few glances, Li Zedao was slightly taken aback: "This is?"

However, the above depicts some seemingly irregular routes, but following the route, they were all removed from the scroll in the end, but nothing special was marked.

"This isn't an incomplete map, is it?" Li Zedao frowned slightly.

"If you piece together a complete map, will you be able to find a golden mountain? Or will you be able to find some heaven-defying secret medicine pill?" Li Zedao muttered, but he also lost interest.

Whether it is Jinshan or some heaven-defying secret medicine pill, he is not that interested.

It's not that he doesn't like secret medicine pills, the main reason is that this is just one of the fragments, who knows where the remaining fragments are?

At this moment, the extremely surprised voice of the little tortoise who hadn't moved for a few days suddenly sounded next to his ear: "Huh? This residual picture..."

Li Zedao was completely taken aback, and really wanted to stew this damned turtle into bastard soup!

Looking up, I saw a little turtle in golden clothes floating out at some point. Of course, it was a miniature version, about the size of those buzzing mosquitoes and flies.

"Wait, Lord Turtle's eyes are too small to see clearly..." the little turtle muttered to himself.

Then, its tiny body began to grow in size.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, and he was shocked by the little turtle's words. It was really hard to imagine that the little turtle would tell such a cold joke.

Between breaths, the little turtle has returned to its original size.

"Xiao Daozi, hold it well and don't move it around. We'll talk about it after Mr. Gui studies it carefully." The little turtle said, and the small mung bean-sized eyes began to observe carefully on the fragment.

Seeing the little turtle like this, Li Zedao was full of interest in this incomplete map again.

Something that can make this awesome little turtle care so much must have a lot to do with it.

When the little tortoise's eyes fell on a rough ax-like pattern in the corner, its tortoise eyes froze suddenly, and its tortoise face twitched.

Li Zedao's gaze immediately followed and fell on the pattern.

The pattern is very simple and can be said to be rough, just like children's graffiti, but it can barely be seen that the drawing should be an axe.

"This ax can't be some awesome magic weapon blade. It can kill a strong fairy mirror with one axe, right?" Li Zedao muttered to himself, otherwise, how could the tortoise's reaction be so great?

"It turned out to be that map!" Li Zedao clearly heard the sound of the little turtle swallowing.

"Master Turtle, what map? Is this... an axe?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

The little tortoise, who was staring at the pattern, looked up at Li Zedao, and said angrily, "What does your ax look like?"

Li Zedao really wanted to go back, my ax really looks like this, and other people's axes also look like this.

"Then this is?"

"Your ax really looks like this," said the little turtle.

"..." Li Zedao's body paused, and he felt that his heart was being trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima.

The little tortoise's eyes became strange, but his tone was unprecedentedly dignified: "Xiao Daozi, put this map away, and don't let others see it, or you will die on the street soon."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "This... is more precious than the pupil membrane of the golden pupil?"

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