The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2184 Anger 1 Scene

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After all, Li Zedao couldn't stand Shui Feiling's teasing anymore, and immediately became angry, and his nose began to bleed wildly, which couldn't be stopped.

It made Concubine Shui Lingjiao laugh again and again, and her eyes were full of gloating.

A day later, Ziyun Diao returned to its original majesty, and the four of them grabbed Ziyun Diao's back again and continued on their way in the direction of the Zhen tribe.

Li Zedao lay on Ziyundiao's back and couldn't get up. His face was pale and extremely lethargic... He had lost too much blood, and he was seriously angry.

What made Li Zedao almost collapse was that Concubine Shuiling actually used his back as a pillow and started admiring the sky. This made Li Zedao even more angry, but he couldn't vent it, so he could only feel extremely uncomfortable .

With the lesson from last time, Shui Feiling didn't want Ziyun Eagle to fly until he was out of breath, so he stopped to rest.

Instead, every three hours of flying, she would stop to let Ziyun Eagle rest, and continue to set off after resting enough.

Apart from encountering the Nuwa and the descendants along the way, there was no danger. Occasionally, some poisonous insects and beasts appeared, which basically became the food of the four of them.

Li Zedao thought that they would be chased and stopped by the killers sent by the Baili family along the way, and they would inevitably have to fight a few times, but it turned out to be calm and there was not a single ghost.

Li Zedao became even more vigilant. In his view, the Baili family is a cunning but powerful poisonous snake. Now he is hiding in the dark looking for the best opportunity, planning to give himself the most fatal blow.

One day later, after flying for more than two hours, it was vaguely visible that there was a rather large city ahead.

"Little brother, that's Pingyang City. After passing Pingyang City, it's the last city of the Kan tribe. Going forward, you will be the Gen tribe. After passing through the huge Gen tribe, it will be the destination of our trip, the Zhen tribe. "

Shui Feiling pointed to the city and looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Let's take a rest in that city from now on."

Li Zedao nodded: "Everything depends on Sister Shui."

"Really everything depends on my sister? Then why does my sister want to experience your persistence, but you don't follow her?" Shuifei Lingbei bit her lips lightly, her face became miserable, as if Li Zedao had made It seems that something that is not as good as a beast came out.

Such a water concubine spirit is undoubtedly extremely attractive,

Hook people into crime.

"This evildoer..." Li Zedao's breathing became short again, his mouth was extremely parched, and his emotions were almost on the verge of collapse.

"Do you know that my sister is empty? How lonely?"

"..." Li Zedao's body paused, and there were two more blood columns in his nostrils again. He quickly raised his head and looked up at the blue sky, his eyes were full of grief and anger.

God, hurry up and take this monster away.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman looked at Li Zedao with nothing but sympathy. They felt that Li Zedao was really pitiful.

At the same time, he expressed considerable contempt for Shui Feiling's behavior of knowing the temptation but not giving it.

"Hehe..." Shui Feiling let out a charming and smug laugh.

"Students who know how to bully the weak and fear the tough if they have lust but no courage!" She smiled and cursed.

Li Zedao is not only spraying nosebleeds, he also wants to vomit blood!

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman both nodded, feeling that Shui Feiling's words were too true.

So Li Zedao spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"What? Sister is wrong?" Shui Feiling giggled, and took a step forward. Their bodies were almost touching each other, and she breathed in Li Zedao's ear, "Little brother, sister really Very empty and lonely..."

"Sister Shui, I can't help it anymore." Li Zedao was about to cry.

In essence, men are quite easy to seduce, especially the woman who seduces is a witch who charms all living beings in the world.

But Li Zedao's mentality is far stronger than that of ordinary people, and there are two women watching over there, so Li Zedao temporarily resisted the temptation.

But now, it's clear he's put up with it to that point.

"Little brother, my sister didn't let you bear it." Shui Feiling continued to blow the fragrance beside Li Zedao.

When Li Zedao exploded, he felt a surge of hot blood rushing directly to his forehead, as if the flood that opened the floodgates could not be resisted at all.

At that moment, he forgot that the other party was Shui Feiling, a rather terrifying woman, and he also forgot that there were two other women staring at her with wide eyes.

Li Zedao hugged Shui Feiling's waist fiercely, and then blocked her moist red lips fiercely.

In an instant, everything seemed to stand still.

Nangong Meili and Su Caiman were dumbfounded, they didn't expect Li Zedao to be so... crazy after beating them to death.

Immediately, the two of them seemed to have discussed it, and turned around with flushed faces, not daring to take another look.

Shui Feiling was also dumbfounded, her mind went blank.

She had kissed Li Zedao before, but that time she kissed Li Zedao forcefully, and this time she was forced to kiss him, so she was also stupid.

Li Zedao was also stupid, when did he stop filming so much?

After all, she is a powerful woman, Shui Feiling quickly realized that her eyes were full of inexplicable smiles.

Feeling her smile, Li Zedao's little heart trembled violently, he was familiar with such a smile.

When Concubine Shuiling wanted to kill someone, she would basically show such a smile...

As if being poured with a large bucket of ice water, Li Zedao's anger disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, her mouth quickly left Shui Feiling's mouth, her hands loosened her waist, and the whole person took two steps back, pointing forward: "Sister Shui, there is a city over there..."

"..." Shui Feiling was suddenly happy.

His eyes were watery and he gave Li Zedao a look, but he didn't say anything, but turned around and patted Zi Yundiao's head.

Li Zedao secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he almost lost his life.

Ziyun Diao let out a clear whistle, and his figure began to fall, before half a stick of incense could be reached, he landed steadily.

At that moment, the four people swooped down from Ziyun Eagle's back, and Ziyun Eagle rose into the sky again, looking for a place to live. After all, letting such a rare bird enter Pingyang City will undoubtedly attract many people. Gaze, some people will feel greedy.

Although not afraid, but there is no need to provoke those right and wrong.

"Pingyang City is notoriously a place of right and wrong, there are quite a lot of disciples like my little brother, so I think you should cover your face before entering the city." Shui Feiling swept Nangong Meili With one glance, he opened his mouth lightly.

She didn't like Li Zedao's nominal fiancee, but she couldn't help but marvel at her face.

From Concubine Shuiling's point of view, her appearance was a little bit inferior to her own.

And that Nangong Wan'er and Gongshu Linglong, although they are not as good as her, they are both first-class beauties.

Damn little brother, isn't it enough to have a woman like my sister treat you wholeheartedly? Concubine Shuiling felt quite resentful. But he suddenly remembered that if his little brother didn't bother, he might not have a chance, so he felt a lot better.

As he spoke, he took out a silk scarf to cover up his peerless face, only revealing those extremely charming eyes.

Li Zedao almost vomited blood, and felt insulted to death. What is an apprentice like me? Obviously you are the female satyr, okay?

Nangong Meili nodded slightly, and also took out a silk scarf to cover her face, revealing only her eyes.

"You don't need to cover your face." Shui Feiling's charming eyes fell on Su Caiman, who had a very low sense of presence.

The attitude towards Nangong Meili is indifferent, while the attitude towards Su Caiman can be said to be superior. Obviously, in her heart, Su Caiman is indeed regarded as a servant who comes and goes when he is called.

So, Su Caiman also wanted to vomit blood, what do you mean I don't need to be covered? Could it be that I am not good-looking enough to attract the attention of the gangsters in the city?

This damn bitch is really a bully!

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't beat her, she wanted to chop her up and bring her back to the Li tribe and throw her into the sea to feed the fish.

But she is a servant after all, and this bitch is the master's best friend, that is, the wife, so she can only respond with a very aggrieved expression but a respectful nod.

"Let's go." Shui Feiling said, and took the lead in walking towards the huge city gate ahead.

God's Domain is like the most primitive nature, without any legal constraints, and only follows one rule, that is, the strong prey on the weak.

And in Pingyang City, it can be said to be a perverted version of the jungle.

After walking into this noisy and noisy city, apart from clearly feeling the unfriendly eyes, Li Zedao also saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

A few men went so far as to rape a woman under their bodies in the street, and the passers-by, except for appreciating and applauding with greedy eyes, didn't stand up... Even if they stepped forward, it was probably to participate in the rape- fuck that woman.

Their bodies may not get much pleasure, but their hearts get a great sense of satisfaction, a morbid sense of satisfaction.

Seeing this, Li Zedao's eyes were shattered, and an extremely strong murderous aura filled his body. He wanted to stand up and draw his sword to kill and save the woman, but was stopped by Shui Feiling's eyes.

"Little brother, you can't help her." Shui Feiling glanced coldly at the woman whose eyes had long since become numb and empty.

That is a corpse whose soul has died long ago and is riddled with scars. There is no grief or despair, but complete numbness.

Concubine Shuiling's heart was calm, she had no emotion, let alone sympathy.

It's not because that woman is unworthy of sympathy, but that there are too many people who have experienced the same experience as her.

If you see this kind of thing too much, you will naturally become numb.

"Those bastards are all strong?" Li Zedao gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

This is really inconceivable, in Li Zedao's view, they are only at the Lingyun Realm, and a single sword strike is enough to kill them all.

The faces of Nangong Meili and Su Caiman also became ugly, and they really couldn't bear to take another look. If Li Zedao decided to make a move, they would draw their swords and follow immediately.

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