The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2192 white-eyed wolf

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Immediately, the surface of the water gradually returned to calm, but nothing terrifying emerged from the water... At least with Li Zedao's eyesight, he didn't see anything emerging from the water at all.

Even Shui Feiling didn't see it.

However, the stench in the air was even more intense.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and at the same time gave Shui Feiling and Nangong Meili a look, signaling them not to move, and he will go over.

Although I didn't see anything, I also knew that the moment the water exploded, the monster hiding in the water had already left the water, but its speed was too fast, so they didn't see it clearly At this time, it must be hiding in a nearby tree, and the thick leaves well cover its figure.

Concubine Shui Ling originally wanted to meet Li Zedao immediately, and she was really worried about letting him stay there alone, but after meeting Li Zedao's eyes, she had to give up.

He knew that this damn little brother was thinking about the safety of his friend, and didn't want her to be too far away from him.

Concubine Shuiling suddenly discovered that being too strong is not good. A woman who is too strong cannot seduce a man's desire to protect. What is even more speechless is that a strong woman has to protect a man's good friend... Is this still possible? God?

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and as soon as his figure swept away, he wanted to meet Shui Feiling and the others.

Li Zedao really didn't feel safe in this ghostly place, too far away from Concubine Shui Ling.

At this moment, Li Zedao felt his eyes go black, as if he was sucked into the black hole, and immediately his body fell towards the endless darkness uncontrollably.

"This...what the hell is going on? Master Gui, help me..." Li Zedao almost cried in fright.

Concubine Shui Ling is stupid! Nangong Meili was even more stupid!

The eyeballs of both of them were round, their breathing stagnated, and their minds went blank for a moment.

They clearly saw a snake, a snake that suddenly appeared from nowhere, a very big and very fast snake.

The snake just appeared in front of Li Zedao without warning. To be precise, its head with a bloody mouth appeared in front of Li Zedao without warning. As for its huge body, it was coiled on the tree trunk. Hidden among the leaves.

Then Li Zedao rushed into its big mouth like this,

Immediately, the big snake's mouth closed, and the bag retracted into the thick leaves as fast as lightning, and disappeared without a trace.

"Little brother..."

Shui Feiling was the first to react.

She uttered such a terrible, angry and helpless scream, and with a flash of her figure, she whipped out fiercely.

"Boom!" There was a huge muffled sound, and the huge tree was cut off by her whip, and it crashed into the water. For a moment, the water surface was rippling extremely violently.

But, where is the shadow of the big snake that suddenly appeared? Even the fishy smell in the air disappeared without a trace. Obviously, after enjoying the delicious food, the big snake had already slipped to a rather comfortable place, and then began to sleep and digest.

"Little brother..." Shui Feiling's body trembled extremely violently, and her emotions were almost on the verge of collapse.

Nangong Meili's legs went limp, and she fell limply on the tree trunk, and then her body began to tremble violently, her face was ashen.


Li Zedao originally thought that what he fell into was an endless abyss, but he didn't expect that his body would stop falling and continue to fall, but the surroundings were turbulent, as if he was experiencing a violent earthquake.

At the same time, he found a layer of pale golden light growing around him. Looking carefully, he found that it was actually a transparent mask, and his whole body was wrapped in that mask.

As for the outside of the light shield, it seems to be filled with some kind of rather disgusting liquid. The liquid is rolling outside the aperture, but it can't seep in. After that there seemed to be a blood-red wall, and the wall would still vibrate.

"Where... is this? What's going on here?" Li Zedao curled up there helplessly, his scalp was violently numb, his little heart was about to jump out of his throat, and he was about to cry from fright.

He just wanted to fly over to meet Concubine Shui Ling, who would have thought that his eyes would be darkened, as if he had plunged into that endless black hole, and then came to this ghostly place.

"Master Turtle...Master Turtle..."

Li Zedao thought of the little turtle, and shouted affectionately.

He knew that the little tortoise must be there, and he knew that the little tortoise would definitely find a way to take him out of this ghostly place.

Before this departure, such a sentence inexplicably appeared in Li Zedao's mind.

Look at the two beauties in adversity, Sister Shui in adversity, Master Turtle in adversity... Now, it's time for Master Turtle to show his awesome strength.

"Xiao Daozi, what's your name?" The miniature beetle floated in front of Li Zedao, his face was full of displeasure, and he even had goose bumps all over his body. He was disgusted by Li Zedao's affectionate call.

"Mr. Turtle..." The moment he saw the little turtle, Li Zedao wept with joy, and he almost couldn't hold back holding it in his palm and kissing it affectionately.

"Xiao Daozi, after three breaths, if you dare to continue to stare at Mr. Turtle with such eyes, be careful that Mr. Turtle will slap you to death with a tortoise claw!" The little turtle became even more disgusted.

Li Zedao quickly made his expression look normal. He also felt that his expression was quite problematic. It gave people the impression that he fell in love with a turtle.

"Master Turtle, where is this? What's going on with this aperture?" Li Zedao asked.

"Xiao Daozi, Mr. Turtle has traveled across God's Domain for thousands of years, and he has seen stupid people, but he has never seen anyone stupider than you!" The little turtle is so contemptuous.

Li Zedao didn't want to listen to these words. He thought that his soul had been completely transformed by Shenwan, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the smartest. How could he be the stupidest?

Li Zedao can count hundreds of people who are more stupid than him.

For example, Zhang Xiaoxia, Lu Chen, Chiang Kai-shek...these are all classmates who bullied him. Li Zedao firmly remembered the names of some of them who bullied him the most.

"Mr. Gui has never seen someone who would be so foolish as to put himself in someone's mouth."

Li Zedao was a little confused, what does this mean? What mouth?

"Xiao Daozi, do you know where this is?"

Before Li Zedao could respond, the little turtle gave the answer: "This is the belly of the shadow python."

"What... what?" Li Zedao screamed out, as if he had been struck by lightning, he turned into an idiot.

There are ten fierce beasts in God's Domain, and the shadow python is on the list. It even ranks higher than Kun beast, it is ranked seventh!

This is a huge snake, but it is extremely fast, extremely light, and extremely good at hiding. Usually, people can only catch its shadow, and it is difficult to see its huge body, hence the name.

Therefore, what I plunged into was not a black hole at all, it was the bloody mouth of the shadow python, and here, there is no doubt that it was the stomach of the shadow python!

I am in the stomach of a snake, the blood-red wall is the stomach wall, the liquid is gastric juice, and the messy things in the liquid are the undigested food of the shadow python...

Li Zedao only felt that his face was darkened, the world was spinning, and he was about to pass out, and he was extremely sick, his stomach twisted extremely, and he wanted to vomit.

He never thought that one day he would become someone's food.

"If Lord Turtle hadn't taken out the golden cover in time, your ugly body would have already been digested by the shadow python. In the end, you would turn into those disgusting things, and then you would turn into feces and be excreted by the shadow python. Out of the body... Congratulations Xiaodaozi, you will be able to see the light of day again." The little turtle said with curled lips.

The tortoise eye looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, and he seriously doubted that he was really the person who appeared in the Panlong prophecy?

Li Zedao couldn't bear it anymore, clutching his extremely distorted stomach and began to vomit wildly.

Spit and spit, suddenly thought of something, all of a sudden come to the spirit.

Li Zedao suddenly thought that there was a little turtle here, so he was worried about being digested by this damn shadow python? Do you still have to worry about getting out?

Immediately, his eyes widened and his face was filled with emotion.

Wait... What did the damned little turtle just say? He said the golden hood? The legendary top-grade Horcrux golden cover? "

The golden cover is a rather miraculous horcrux, which belongs to the ninth-rank horcrux, which means that only the highest-level ninth-rank soul craftsman can create such a treasure, and it takes a lot of hard work, and even pays for it. life.

This horcrux can envelop people under the golden light, thereby blocking the brutal wind, frost, snow, rain, lightning and thunder outside.

It is even said that this horcrux can withstand the powerful blow of the peak powerhouse in the late stage of Lingxianjing. It is simply the defensive magic weapon of the supreme in the world, and it is the strongest shield in the domain of God, bar none!

"This... is this the golden cover?" Li Zedao looked at the light circle, swallowed wildly, and couldn't speak fluently.

No wonder, those extremely disgusting gastric juices can't get in here.

"Isn't it just a golden cover?" The little tortoise looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a turtle with such an expression of how much a golden cover the tortoise master wanted.

Besides, who said that this golden shield is the strongest defensive weapon in God's Domain? Mr. Gui's tortoise shell is harder than this golden cover, okay?

The little tortoise sighed lightly, feeling lonely in his heart, only felt that although there was no one in the world who could break his turtle shell, it was so cold and lonely.

"Um... Mr. Gui still has a spare golden cover? Give me one?" Li Zedao swallowed, and said with a shy face.

The turtle's face began to twitch violently.

"Xiao Daozi, my sister! Don't you believe that Mr. Turtle threw you out of this golden cover and let you be digested by this damned stinky snake and turned into poop?" The little turtle cursed.

Damn Xiao Daozi, how much do you want for those ninth-grade pills in front of the golden cover? Guiye only has this one, okay? No, looking at the entire God's Domain, this is the only golden hood! your sister!

Knowing that Mr. Gui just wants to pretend, but you want to slap Mr. Gui in the face, I am your sister!

The little turtle firmly felt that he had saved a white-eyed wolf!

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