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Buzhou College has never issued such a recruitment notice. All the teachers and staff of Buzhou College are basically employed by students after they have entered the spiritual realm.

But Yingzhou College is different. They always take the initiative to take the power of the Nine Regions into their pockets.

This has also led to the gap between the two super academies gradually widening.

Everyone knows that in terms of overall strength, Buzhou Academy may not be as good as Yingzhou Academy, but everyone also knows that the strength of Changsheng Daoist is above Baili Kuanglang.

It can be said that Yingzhou College has long lost its original flavor. It is no longer a place for teaching and educating people. It is a superpower affiliated to the Baili family.

But Buzhou Academy remained unchanged, silently cultivating talents.

Moreover, they never force the talents they have cultivated to feed back to the college or something. You can leave as you want, and you can join whichever force you want to join, and no one will keep you.

Of course, even if you are very good, the academy will not be proud of you.

During the two days waiting for the boat to sail, Li Zedao didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the not too big room honestly.

Zhou Yan also meant the same thing, if he got off the ship and gave the watchdog a pill of grade 6 or above when he got off the ship, then he would be fucked.

The room was already small, especially since this roommate was a fat man, it seemed even more crowded.

If this fat man is still a chatterbox, he will basically collapse.

Zhou Yan is a chatterbox. In the past two days, he talked about his various experiences from childhood to adulthood, and even such trivial things as how many buns he ate for breakfast in a month.

Li Zedao was about to collapse, and he wanted to throw this fat man out of the narrow window.

Two days later, the huge hull swayed, and the ship started to head for Nameiyu Island.

"Next, the ship will sail on the vast sea for five days and five nights before arriving at Meiyu Island." Zhou Yan said excitedly.

For this assessment, he is quite confident.

The cultivation base is not weak, and the spiritual skills he cultivated are not bad, enough to fight against the average peak cultivation base of the middle-level spirit god realm.

That's right, it's that awesome.

After learning that there was no requirement for appearance in this assessment, his confidence skyrocketed even more.

"Five days and five nights?" Li Zedao's heart trembled, and he felt that he was on the verge of collapse.

"I'll go out and have a look." Li Zedao felt that he could stay outside, otherwise homicide would definitely happen in such a small room.

"Wait, Brother Li, I'm going too."

Li Zedao really wanted to say that I suddenly didn't want to go anymore.

The two of them walked out of the room and went to the deck outside, but there were dozens of people densely gathered here, and they were all those who had heard the news and came here.

There are men and women, old and young.

Although there were quite a few people, it was quiet, almost no one spoke, only the sound of the waves and various seabirds could be heard.

Each of these strong men has an unruly aura on their faces, like a bag of guns, and they are afraid that they will be caught at one point.

Unless they are familiar with each other before, basically no one pays attention to anyone, let alone sharing the same room with others, so most of them come outside and choose a place to sit cross-legged and practice quietly.

Li Zedao and Zhou Yan have such a "good" relationship when they first met, so it can be said that they are different here.

Li Zedao glanced at Zhou Yan's busy and festive face from the corner of his eye, wondering why this guy fell in love with him at first sight.

Logically speaking, in a place like God's Domain, where there is basically no humanity at all, it should be that there is no such thing as hitting friends at first sight.

But this guy was overly enthusiastic, and even took out a sixth-grade elixir.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, what's wrong with him now? Why do you always like to think of others so badly? Maybe just hit it off?

At the same time, there were several uniformed people standing around. These people were from Yingzhou College, and the reason why they appeared here was to serve as a deterrent.

Otherwise, it would be a headache if these strong men who basically refused to accept anyone fought.

It doesn't matter if a few people die, what if the boat is leaked?

Li Zedao decisively felt that the deck was a great place, hundreds of times better than the room.

So he quickly found a corner and sat down cross-legged, saying Brother Zhou, I'm going to start practicing, you can do it yourself.

Zhou Yan originally wanted to ask Li Zedao to chat about family affairs, but he still had a lot of interesting things that he didn't share with Li Zedao.

But seeing that the people around him were practicing, it was not easy to disturb them, so he sat down in front of Li Zedao and began to practice.

This practice takes most of the day.

The time came to night.

The originally azure blue sea surface was already as black as ink, and the sea surface seemed to be much calmer, and the sound of the waves was much quieter. Born full of stars, the blood-red moonlight looks strange and mysterious.

The wind was very light and gentle. At this time, it was obviously impossible to rely on the wind to drive the ship forward and continue to sail forward, so at this time it was mainly by manpower.

In the cabin at the bottom, dozens of crew members moved the oars in unison over there in an orderly manner, making the big ship continue to sail forward at a not slow speed.

Zhou Yan had already returned to the room, and Li Zedao was still sitting there quietly, looking up at the crescent moon slightly, thinking about things quietly.

Is it night in Phoenix too?

Li Zedao shook his head, the ugly face under the mask was already full of bitterness and a helpless smile.

Li Zedao didn't know how long he had to wait before he could return to Mortal Realm and Phoenix City.

In fact, Li Zedao was also afraid of going back. What if that day would be a long, long time away? When he goes back, maybe their graves will already be covered with weeds.

"Creating a crime!" Li Zedao almost couldn't hold back and slapped himself.

If he hadn't offended one woman after another, then the guilt in his heart would have been reduced a lot.

At this moment, a strange hissing sound suddenly came from the originally calm screen.

Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly, and his body tensed up suddenly. What the hell is that sound?


The voice was high and low, far and near, in this dark night, it was like the cry of a ghost.

"What movement?"

"I'm afraid it's some kind of monster living in the sea?"

"You won't break the boat?"


When the people on the deck heard the sound, their faces changed, and they stood up and stared at the pitch-black sea, but they couldn't see anything.

The sea surface was still calm, and the air became abnormally hot. It seemed that the only trace of the sea breeze had disappeared without a trace.

"This kind of tranquility seems a little strange." Li Zedao's one-eyed wrinkled, and there was a hint of bad emotion in his heart.

If this is on land, there is no need to worry. Even if some terrible beasts appear, even if they are lost, the worst thing is to escape.

But now it is on the endless sea, once it falls into the water, and there are sea beasts attacking, it may be close to death.

At this moment, a figure as fast as lightning appeared on the bow of the ship, it was Liu Xu who was in charge of registration, and she was also the person in charge of the ship.

Along with her are several strong men from Yingzhou Academy.

There was something strange on the sea surface, so she, the person in charge, had to show up to find out.

"What made the noise?"

Liu Xu stared fixedly at the eerily calm sea, her nerves tensed.

Rao she is a strong person with a top-rank peak cultivation in the Spiritual God Realm, and at this time, she is also a little annoyed by the continuous "woooo..." horrible hissing sound and the extremely depressing atmosphere.

Mainly, she had never encountered such a situation when she was traveling back and forth by boat.

There are many sea beasts living in the sea, but these sea beasts are not stupid, they will basically not attack those big ships, but choose to attack those small fishing boats.

Moreover, in this sea area, no trace of powerful sea beasts has ever been found.

If those who come are unkind, if they don't come, I'm afraid that there are terrible monsters who have come to this sea area, otherwise it will definitely not bring such a great sense of oppression.

"Let everyone pay attention." Liu Xu said in a low voice.

It doesn't take catkins to remind them that these powerful men from all the gods had tensed their nerves and were ready to fight when the terrifying hissing sound came.

Even the strong man who was staying in the room ran to the deck one after another after hearing the movement.

"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

Zhou Yan came to Li Zedao and asked in a low voice.

That big pie face was full of dignity, and there was horror in the eyes, obviously extremely restless.

"I don't know." Li Zedao shook his head slightly.

Looking ahead, Li Zedao narrowed his one eye slightly.

He suddenly felt that the surroundings seemed to become a little hazy.

It seems that it is foggy!

It also seemed that the ship was gradually entering a sea area shrouded in thick fog.

For the next half an hour, the shrill neighing sound continued to linger in the ears of these people on the boat, making them dare not relax their nerves at all.

But unfortunately, not as expected, some terrible monsters suddenly jumped out of the dark sea.

At the same time, more and more people find that their vision is gradually becoming hazy.

Surrounded by fog and mist, even the scene several feet away could not be seen clearly.

The situation where the line of sight is blocked by thick fog is undoubtedly more terrifying than the night. After all, these people are all strong men with cultivation bases above the lower level of the Spiritual God Realm. Even in the dark night when they can't see their fingers, they can basically see everything around them clearly .

But at this time, the line of sight is blocked by dense fog. Unless you have the ability to see through, you are basically highly myopic.

At the same time, the terrifying hissing sound continued, as if the enemy was blowing the attack horn, and was attacking from any direction at any time.

As a result, even more uneasy emotions also enveloped the hearts of these strong men.

Many people had already revealed their weapons, and the hand that was holding the sword tightly was dripping with cold sweat.

"Attention everyone!"

Liu Xu's solemn voice reached everyone's ears.

She is not afraid of provocations from other forces at all, but she has no way to deal with this kind of monster that lives in the sea.

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