The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2415 defeat in the north

Li Zedao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, you really can't be too thick-skinned, just like me, I'm already kind enough to be flattered or humiliated.

Above the beast hall, Haizhu looked at Xugou with a smile and said, "Master Dog, it's almost time to start."

Xugou nodded with a smile: "Master Pig, please."

Hai Zhu was not polite, he got up and stood on the chair, his eyes that suddenly became majestic fell below.

In an instant, Nuoda's square was shrouded in a terrible dead silence.

Many fiery eyes fell on Hai Zhu in unison, they were extremely eager for the moment of the duel to come sooner.

Especially the people in the north of Xuhai Peak, how much they hoped that the ghost face would come on stage quickly and be chopped up and fed to the dogs.

"In this duel, the four people from the north will face the four people from the south, and their opponents will be determined by drawing lots. The four winners in the first round will determine their opponents by drawing lots again. Based on this, I, Xuhai, will be finally selected. Feng's most outstanding bloodline will participate in the duel with the other five peaks!"

"Remember, you can hurt people, but you can't kill people, and after one side admits defeat, the other side can't make a move." Hai Zhu added.

In the previous internal selection, killing was allowed, but this time, it was not allowed. Naturally, I took into account the faces of both the north and the south, and was afraid of hurting the harmony.

Li Zedao, who was directly forgotten, heard the words, the muscles on his face twitched, and he couldn't help cursing his mother in his heart.

Damn it, you said you can't kill people? I still want to kill people.

It seems that the opponent in the first round must be one of the four evil spirits. As for the second round, it may not necessarily be the four evil spirits in the south, but it may also be one in the north.

However, this possibility is relatively low.

After all, according to Goupi, Sisha's strength in the entire Xuhai Peak can be ranked in the top ten, and he has the strength to wrestle with Xuesha.

Therefore, I am afraid that after one round, the entire army in the north will be wiped out.

"Then now, let's start the cultivation duel."

As soon as Haizhu finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from both sides of the square. These two terrifying auras collided crazily, but no one would let the other go.

"In the first round, the Black Shark in the north will face the Disha in the south." Haizhu's voice sounded again.

While the voice echoed, Disha swept his figure and stepped onto the battle platform in front of him.

The speed of the black shark did not give way too much, and it appeared on the battle platform almost at the same time.

"North, Hei Sha." Hei Sha said coldly.

"South, Di Sha." Di Sha's eyes were abnormally cold, and his tall and thin body was like a sharp sword. As soon as these cold words came out, it was as if the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

"You are not my opponent, just admit defeat." Di Sha said immediately. The voice was a bit bleak, with the lonely appearance of a master who couldn't find an opponent.

Black Shark's face turned cold, but his body tensed up instinctively.

Although he had never dealt with Earth Fiend, he had already heard about the names of the Four Fiends in the south, and knew that they were almost at the same level as Xue Fiend, so he dared not take any chances.

It is impossible to defeat the opponent. I just hope that I can last a little longer.

Hei Sha took a deep breath, clenched the steel thorn in his hand, and was about to attack.

At this moment, Di Sha stepped out seemingly at random, and his body disappeared in place strangely.

When his figure reappeared, he was already standing behind Hei Shark. At the same time, there was a sharp blade gleaming with coldness in his hand, which directly touched Hei Shark's neck. .

That terrifying cold light cut through the skin of Hei Shark's neck, and blood kept gushing out.

Hei Sha's pupils were rounded, his body tensed up suddenly, the hairs on his body stood on end, and his expression was so ugly that he couldn't believe it was real.

The people in the north below were all stunned.

Although it was not that hopeful, losing so quickly was far beyond what they could accept.

It turned out that the strength of the four evil spirits was really terrifying, and it was not advertised by the people in the south.

As for the people in the south, they all looked very high-spirited.

"Haha, I knew it would be such a result."

"Hey, this kind of duel is not worth watching, it's not exciting at all."

"Master Gui Sha is really going too far, at least let the north side go, so as not to affect the relationship between the north and the south."

"Didn't you know the result a long time ago? After the first round of duels is over, there will be nothing to do with the north. The north will just join in the fun."

"How long has it been? The north side is all about joining in the fun. Looking at the whole north side, apart from Lord Pig and Lord Blood, you really can't find a third strong man."


"This not bad." Li Zedao's one-eyed eyes shrank slightly.

Although this guy is not a quasi-spiritual mirror, his speed is comparable to that of a quasi-spiritual mirror. No wonder the not-weak Hei Shark was subdued in an instant.

Hei Sha looked up at Di Sha with difficulty, his eyes full of horror and disbelief.

He knew that he was invincible at all, but he never expected that he would lose so quickly.

"I lost." Black Shark's voice was extremely bitter.

"Losing to me is a matter of course." Disha withdrew his sharp blade, turned around and stepped down without delay.

Hei Sha stepped down sadly and disappeared into the crowd.

"In the second battle, the white maggots in the north will face the ghosts in the south."

Amidst the cheers of the people in the south and the shock of the people in the north, Haizhu's voice sounded again.

For Haizhu, such a result had long been expected, so he was not upset or anything.

For a long time, the north side was weaker than the south side in terms of cultivation, but the north side crushed the south side in terms of alchemy, and even surpassed the other five peaks. No, the only default candidate for the battle of pills is from the north.

Therefore, this cultivation battle is really just going through the motions.

That's why it didn't matter to Hai Zhu that Ghost Face had advanced to this round in such a humiliating way, anyway, whoever came would lose, it didn't make any difference.

Besides, Xuesha can see that Li Zedao is hiding his clumsiness, how can Haizhu not see it?

Therefore, for some reason, he actually had a little expectation for Li Zedao.

As soon as Haizhu finished speaking, two figures swept up the high platform.

Immediately, an unexpected scene appeared.

Bai Maggot's face was ugly, and he bowed to Guisha: "I was not your opponent before, and I am still not, I, admit defeat!"

So, everyone understood that the two had faced each other before, and Gui Sha had scared Bai Maggot so much that now Bai Maggot didn't have the courage to fight again.

So the duel ended before it even started.

People in the south continued to cheer, while those in the north were dejected, almost unable to lift their heads.

"The third battle, the scorching sun in the north will face the Rensha in the south." Haizhu's voice sounded again.

As soon as the words fell, two figures rushed to the battle platform.

Everyone in the north was shocked.

Because, Yan Ri is the strongest among these three... Oh, Ghost Mian, this shameless and rootless trash, has been completely thrown aside, he is not qualified to be compared with Yan Ri and the three of them.

As for the human evil spirit, it is said that it is the weakest of the four evil spirits.

The strongest against the weakest might save some face.

The situation is also as everyone predicted, so it can be said that the evenly matched duel lasted for two incense sticks.

In the end, Yan Ri was defeated by one move, and finally lost to Enemy Sha.

At this moment, the people in the north, without exception, were downcast. They felt that the south was too incapable of being a human being. You should pretend to let us win a game anyway.

"Hey, in terms of cultivation, Nanmian is indeed much stronger than us."

"It's okay, we are on the way to alchemy, let's crush them in the north."

"In terms of the most important bloodline, the north is far from our opponent in the south."


"In the fourth duel, the northern ghost will face the southern Tiansha!" Haizhu said loudly. There was a glimmer of expectation in my heart.

Haizhu was quite puzzled, why did I expect him? Could it be because he once had a height that was difficult for others to reach?

Not everyone is worthy of such prestigious titles as "fertility expert" and "friend of bitches".

Or is it because he became the final four for the first time? Now maybe a bigger miracle can be created?

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

The complexions of these people in the north became quite ugly, their old faces were hot, as if they had eaten hundreds of flies in one bite, and then chewed them all to paste them in their mouths, how disgusting it was.

"God, hurry up and kill this rootless waste, so as not to be ashamed!"

"I really can't stand it anymore, I'm leaving first."

"Damn it, how can I hope that Tiansha will win quickly? Hurry up and kill this shameless and rootless waste, so as not to be ashamed."

As for those people in the south, everyone is interested.

They have heard a little about the ghost face rumors, and many people even regarded the ghost face as their idol.

But then an accident happened to the ghost face, and the life root was abolished, becoming a rootless waste.

And now, this rootless trash used a rather embarrassing method to appear on such an occasion that shouldn't belong to him.

Of course, he could only stop there.

His opponent, Tiansha, is the strongest among the four evil spirits!

However, they couldn't find the ghost face. Could it be that he didn't even have the courage to come to this place?

In a flash, Tiansha appeared on the pair of platforms.

At the same time, Li Zedao had no choice but to shout pitifully: "I'm sorry to give way, let me pass..."

If it wasn't for not wanting to continue to spread hatred, Li Zedao would have wanted to step on the heads of these people to the high platform.

Everyone covered their faces and gave way one after another, as if they were avoiding a pile of poop.

So a road appeared directly in front of him.

Li Zedao walked down the avenue to the battle arena pitifully with smiling faces under the eyes of everyone who were either contemptuous or murderous, and then jumped up to the high platform.

"Master Tiansha, the little North Ghost Face." After taking the stage, Li Zedao bowed with a smile on his face.

So, the people in the north covered their faces one after another, wishing they could go up and chop this guy up and feed them to the dogs.

If you admit defeat like a white maggot, we won't say anything, after all, you have already lost the enemy by fighting before, and now you are just asking yourself to humiliate yourself!

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