The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2454 My curiosity is not serious

"Besides, no matter what you hear, don't get close to the dense forest in that direction." Li Zedao pointed to the direction of the lake, specifically explaining.

I also know that there must be something tricky hidden in the lake. To be specific, I have to dig it out of the mouth of the wooden tripod.

After wandering behind Mu Ding for so long, Li Zedao had to satisfy his curiosity no matter what he said.

Seeing that Li Zedao's expression became serious, Nangong Meili glanced in that direction, and nodded without saying a word.

To be honest, being in danger again really made Nangong Meili a little...depressed. She originally thought that her current strength was already on par with Concubine Shuiling, and she could already protect least she wouldn't hold him back.

But I didn't expect that now I was rescued by him repeatedly. Without him, I would have been humiliated to death long ago. How is this different from before?

"Why am I so weak?" Nangong Meili was so depressed that she secretly made up her mind.

Well, after going back, I must practice harder, and besides training, I must also start to learn various Gu poisons. In short, I must shorten the gap with him, at least in the future, when I encounter trouble, I have the means to protect myself.

"You also pay attention to safety." Nangong Meili said.

She knew that Li Zedao might want to go to the dangerous jungle he mentioned, but she didn't ask too much. She was not a woman who was too curious.

Besides, with his strength and means, naturally there is no need to worry about him, at least in this area, there is no need to worry.

"By the way, you have already shown a colorless wall in front of the teachers of Buzhou College. If you encounter them again, you should stay away from them." Li Zedao said again.

Nangong Meili nodded again, feeling warm in her heart.

"Beauty, can I get to know you?" Li Zedao chuckled.

Nangong Meili glanced at Li Zedao expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Li Zedao smiled and watched Nangong Meili leave. After her figure disappeared in front of him, Li Zedao lifted the wooden tripod and left in the opposite direction.

When he came to a secluded place, Li Zedao threw the wooden tripod that passed out on the ground, and stuffed another pill into his mouth.

After a while, Mu Ding Youyou woke up,

I just felt like I was thrown into the stove to be scorched, and there were indescribable pains all over my body.

He tried hard to open his eyes, but he couldn't see anything, and the severe pain surged even more, so painful that he couldn't help but let out a shrill moan.

Mu Ding remembered, he remembered that his pupils had been shattered by those two terrifying cold lights, and he remembered that his dantian had also been shattered.

He is already a useless person now... No, I am afraid that even the qualification to become a useless person will be deprived soon, and his life will soon come to an end!

It was only then that Mu Ding discovered that he was so afraid of death, that even if his pupils were destroyed, his cultivation was completely lost and he became a cripple, he still wanted to live.

The fear brought about by death made his body twitch involuntarily, and let out a hoarse but helpless groan.

"You're too noisy, be careful to attract those powerful poisonous insects and beasts to eat you." Li Zedao sneered.

Sensing someone beside him, nine times out of ten it was the person who had severely injured him, and Mu Ding's extremely painful moaning sound had already turned into an extremely ferocious curse sound.

"I... I don't care... who you are, I promise my master, I will never let you go! I definitely won't! You will end up miserable, and everyone around you will have to be buried with you!"

The voice was shrill and ferocious, like a ghost seeking life.

Li Zedao looked at this person expressionlessly, without the slightest pity, let alone resentment.

From Li Zedao's point of view, there is not much difference between this person and him, even those weeds and broken stones underneath.

Li Zedao sat down on a stone beside him, and said lightly: "I'm a little curious, you caught...I, count how many people are there, is it twenty-three or twenty-four? You caught so many Throwing people into the big pit next to the lake deep in the dense forest, what exactly are they going to do?"

Mu Ding's expression froze when he heard the words, obviously he didn't expect to say that this person knew about this matter, and even, he actually knew how many people he had arrested before and after.

You know, Mu Ding had forgotten how many people he had caught and thrown into that pit. The main reason is that every time I get close to that lake, my little heart trembles badly, and I just want to throw that person into the pit and leave quickly.

A rather terrifying truth emerged in Mu Ding's heart, so he has been following his ass all this time, paying attention to his every move?

Mu Ding's scalp hair began to tingle.

"Don't tell me, let me guess." Li Zedao muttered to himself, "So, there is a terrifying monster living in that strangely dark lake? The people who were sent to those big pits , is the food prepared for that monster?"

This is the only truth that Li Zedao can think of. It can't be the winter food that those people prepared for themselves with wooden tripods, right?

The muscles on Mu Ding's face twitched.

Li Zedao knew that his guess was right, his harmless eyes fell on Mu Ding's face, and said: "It seems that my guess is right. Can you tell me what kind of monster it is? Besides, you... ...or your master, what is the relationship between the eagle-eyed old ghost who is strong in the fairy mirror and that monster?"

The muscles on Mu Ding's face twitched again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I... don't know what you're talking about."

"Actually, I'm not a person who is too curious."

Li Zedao emphasized it, and said lightly: "What kind of monster is in the black lake, and what does that monster have to do with you or your master, the eagle-eyed old monster? To be honest, none of this has anything to do with me."

Mu Ding wanted to start swearing, can you stop being so hypocritical? Why would someone who isn't interested torture me so viciously and try to gouge things out of my mouth?

"The reason why I want to know is nothing more than to know whether the monster will endanger my safety."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mu Ding gritted his teeth.

"Seeing that you look quite honest, if you say you don't know, even if you really don't know."

Li Zedao said empathetically, but his words were extremely gloomy, and his voice became lower and lower, as if he was talking to himself: "I accidentally found a place that seems very interesting, it is a lake. You know The water in the lake was black. There was a big pit beside the lake. Some twenty people had their limbs cut off and their tongues cut off, and then they were thrown into that pit. I’m afraid you all know those people... ... At least you look familiar, right? I'll take you to that big pit right now, and be with them, so that you won't be bored by yourself."

"Oh, do you want to cut off your limbs first? Oh, and you have to cut off your tongue."

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